Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Abii There's nothing wrong with having a gut feeling, most of the time they can be right. My hubby is convinced we are having a girl and he kinda got me round to the idea but after seeing my scan pic i'm kinda changing my mind and think it's a boy. We shall see in January! x
Hahah idk were kind of stuck now xP
last night just for fun i looked up symptoms for girls and boys and i have some of both lol.
Df is now leaning towards a boy after i did the ring on a string test 3 times and they all said boy lol.
My mum is here now until probably Monday so I won't be able to get back on till next week now to update! So very quickly....

We're very pleased to announce the safe arrival of Elyjah V Westwood November 17th at 14:09 weighing a very healthy 8lbs exactly! (Birth story to come when I have a spare moment) Thanx to everyone for your support


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Congrats Natasha! Cant wait for your birth story when you have time to write it
Congratulations Natasha!! :happydance: He is just gorgeous! So pleased he's finally entered the world and you are both well :flower: x
My mum is here now until probably Monday so I won't be able to get back on till next week now to update! So very quickly....

We're very pleased to announce the safe arrival of Elyjah V Westwood November 17th at 14:09 weighing a very healthy 8lbs exactly! (Birth story to come when I have a spare moment) Thanx to everyone for your support

hes adorable.
good job:]
Congrats Natasha he's beautiful. Look forward to reading your birth story when you get a chance to write it.
Morning ladies,

Natasha- Oh wow, Elyjah is adorable!! Our first little baby!! I hope that you and Elyjah are doing very well and take advantage of your mum being about lol!

Wendypops- Thanks hun, work is a nightmare at the minute!! I got called in at 6 yesterday due to someone elses incompetance, I was not happy :growlmad: I am just concentrating on leaving now and it wont be my problem. I am leaving on the 30th now so 1 week on Wednesday :happydance: I will definately getting pictures up after this weekend, the last thing to do though is get the cot bedding but the rest will be sorted! I am determined to get it sorted lol!! I dont blame you for npt doing the ironing, I still havent done mine :haha: Rest as much as you can Mrs and as you said dont argue with Scott about it lol!! Hope you have a fab weekend :hugs: As for names, Gavin is pretty stuck on a name at the minute and has not liked any other name at all so we may have a definate with Daisy Lorraine (Lorraine after the mother in law) nothing is going to be fully decided until she is here though x

Rachael- It has been the same for us since the start with the nursery. We have had to move the furnitureall throughout it lol. I have been so impatient that I got all the furniture before anything else :haha: Make sure you put up some pictures!!

How is everyone else doing. Hope anyone feeling sick is feeling better soon :hugs: When is the next 12 weeks scan???

Well ladies I am still not sleeping more than 4 hours at night which is driving me bonkers now!! I had a horrible day at work and had to shut myself in a room for a short while yesterday as I got really angry (which I dont usually at work) and made my breathing and palpatations worse then it is due to the iron levels :(

Anyway, its the weekend now and I have been awake since 3am. I am currently trying to keep my noisy male cat quiet so he doesnt wake Gavin up!! Not sure how long its going to last as I have had to get him from outside the bedoom door 3 times already :haha: I cant wait for him to get up so we can start doing Pips wallpaper, I would start doing it now if the furniture was out of the way!! Oh well, have to be patient he he
Wendy..Do you not just feel like ironing is the worst of the household duties :dohh: Its drives me mad, saying that I got a little done last night. My ex gave me the twilight books to read before the films and I loved them, so I have to see the films to compare, nothing to do with the half naked men with great bodies... :rofl:

Emma :happydance: for your finishing up date! Not having to find the energy to drag yourself to work everyday will hopefully help you feel a bit better :)

Rachael how fun is it decorating the nursery! We won't be doing that this time around. Unless we see a house we like anytime soon. I'm quite keen on having the kids share for the first few years, maybe its because I always wished I had someone to share a room with.

Natasha congrats, he is absolutely beautiful, looking forwards to hearing your birth story :) well done!

Abii, just noticed your from california, this may be a bit odd but i've always wondered, are the walkways always full of people on rollerblades like you see in the films? :lol: Oh and another thing, what is the disneyland like there? I've always thought about going

Sorry its not a proper catch up, I start work in less than half an hour though :dohh: I had my consultant appointment on wednesday, and the midwife decided she leave the room for 10 mins before coming back and apologising that she cant seem to find my bloodwork results.. that may be because she never got any from me before! :haha: So she took bloods, all the usual checks then I seen my consultant, and she agreed theres no reason for this to be a high risk pregnancy :happydance: on the condition I agreed to one extra scan around 30 weeks, which I dont mind at all. Then at 32 weeks we'll make a provisional plan for home birth :D Anyway I best be off, hope all the other ladies are keeping well xx
Fabulous news that they agree there's no reason for you to be considered high risk Arlene! :dance::dance:
Arlene that's great news! :happydance:

Hope you got the wallpaper done Emma :D

Yesterday Ian painted the nudgers room. We've settled on a lemon yellow colour and last night we put the changing table and cot together :happydance: Still need to get the carpet in there and buy some curtains, then we're done! Going to get the wall decals tomorrow :happydance: And we're picking up the pram tomorrow too :yipee: Had an email and text message yesterday saying it's ready for collection, so we'll pick it up in the morning :yipee:
Hey all!
Congratulations Natasha, what a gorgeous lo!!! You must be so proud!
Yay arlene, thats wonderful news, I wouldn't turn down the extra scan either!!
How exciting Rachael, what a lovely colour for a nursery! You must be getting so excited seeing everything coming together! :happydance:
Ah Emma, hope little pip lets you get more sleep soon, getting you ready for when she is here!! Glad your maternity starts soon, I'm so excited about reaching that stage!
Hope everyone else is well!
AFM - 11 weeks today and I'm really starting to enjoy being pregnant. Still being sick but not nearly as often and generally afterwards feel much better for the rest of the day. Had the booking appointment this morning, mostly form filling but still good fun! 12 weeks scan is on Friday!!! Can't wait!!
Abii, just noticed your from california, this may be a bit odd but i've always wondered, are the walkways always full of people on rollerblades like you see in the films? :lol: Oh and another thing, what is the disneyland like there? I've always thought about going

Haha sorry to disappoint but no, california is nothing like the movies, well depending on where you go, the only people who wear roller skates are the people at the beaches who are working out and people who work at sonic[fast food restaurant]. And disneyland is pretty awesome, ive only been there a handful of times because even though i live in california i live alonggg ways away from it haha.
Evening ladies :hugs:

Arlene- I am so glad to hear you are no longer classed as high risk!! Finding the energy to work at the minute is a struggle. Work seems worse than anything else I have to do and I am only working from 9.30 to 3pm!!

Naomi- So glad to hear you are starting to relax and enjy the pregnancy. :happydance: for the scan on Friday! Bet you cant wait to see the change in little noodle :hugs:

Abii- I would love to go to California but it is so expensive to fly to the US from here! I will get there one day lol.

Natalie- Hows things going with the oh and work? Hope you have managed to get some more things in preparation for MP.

Rachael- Dont forget to post some pictures up hun, cant wait to see what you have done.

Well as for me- This weekend didnt go quite to plan but I still managed to get most things done I wanted to! After moving all the stuff out of Pips room and starting decorating I noticed part way through the day that one of my cats had urinated on the moses basket (luckily it was cover with bin bags!!) This is very rare for my cats to do something like this and on closer inspection we found that there was blood in his urine! We had to take the cat out to the vets and they think he has either a blockage in his urinary tract or an infection. Well £80 later he is on 2 different tablets twice a day, we have been given special litter for him and have to try and get a urine sample from him (so far unsuccesful). We seperated him and his sister last night so we know its only him using this other litter and his sister sat yelling all night for him which kept on waking us up :growlmad: Anyway, we still have no conclusion but if we dont hear him go to the toilet soon he will have to be taken in and have him unblocked and xrays etc :cry: Hopefully he will cooperate soon!

Well I have a few pictures of Pip's room all walpapered and nearly ready to go. I have had to take a few pictures as I couldn't get stuff in lol! The cot bedding wont go on until when she is here as I dont want it getting messed up when she wont use it at first. Let me know what you think. The first one is showing the wallpapered wall to the painted wall and Pips current collection of books and teddies. The second one is the other end of the room, the cupboard door still needs painting white and is having a new handle on it and that is my current chair for Pip. The third one is the cot and her little wardrobe. The fourth isher moses basket and carry cot out of the way, and the fifth is her cot. I have just realised that I have missed out her cute little border in all the pics lol!!


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Here are two more pictures of the car seat and the frame for the pram. For the frame of the pram we have the car seat, carry cott and pushchair that all attach to it so we can have various different settings.


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Pip's room is gorgeous Emma :)

Rachael yay for getting the nursery painted!

DH didn't work at all last week and this week it's forecasted to rain the whole week too... so looking like it could be a second week with no work :s
Hello ladies,

Rachel, congrats on getting the wallpaper done.

Naomi, Happy 11 weeks.

Emma, love the walls for pip's room.

AFM, I had a very quiet and relaxing weekend. Here in the States we are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving so I work today and off until next Tuesday. :happydance:
Morning ladies! Hope everyone is well :flower:

Emma Aww I love the name Daisy! It's a cute girl's name. And I love love love pip's wallpaper! The room looks beautiful hun, you's have done a great job. Sorry to hear about your wee cat :( £80 is ridiculous tho! Day light roberry. Still, I would pay the same to make my wee cat better x

Arlene Oh don't tell me you like that Robert Pattinson dude?? My sis loves him but I don't think there is anything remotely nice about him lol. Saying that, the other dude is quite good looking! Cannae mind his name, the werewolf dude. Yey for not being classed as High Risk any more! :happydance: That's fab news hunnie. Fingers crossed you can get that home birth you've always wanted x

Rachael Good colour choice! Our room is lemon yellow too lol. Can't wait to see your pics when you're done! Yey for picking up the pram too, how exciting x

Naomi Happy 11 weeks hun! Hopefully that's your sickness on the way out as your approaching 12 weeks. Can't wait to see your scan pics on Friday, that's came round so quick! x

Nat Aww that sucks about hubby's work :( Just when it looked like things were going well for you both. Fingers crossed it picks up again soon x

Karen Glad to hear you had a nice relaxing weekend, and hope you have a fab thanksgiving when it comes around x

Natasha Hope your little one has settled in at home and you are both well :flower: x

As for me I had a pretty quiet weekend. We went for dinner at OH's grans house on Saturday which was nice, she always spoils us. We showed her the scan pics and straight away she went "aww that's a braw looking wee fella" I was like wee fella?? and she said oh yes, that's definitely a boy, I would put money on it. Hmm, interesting! Granny's always seem to know things but then a lot of other people have guessed girl so I can't wait to see who is right. Yesterday I finally did a wee drop ironing but nowhere near enough! So think it will be my mission to tackle more tonight. What fun! Anyway back to work for me, speak to you all soon x
Wendy- I do like Daisy but I dont want to say for definate lol! It makes me smile everytime I go into little Pips room as it looks so cute now!! Cant wait to have her in it!! Well I am hoping he is ok as we havent manage to get a urine sample off him, its pretty difficult when you have 2 cats!! How strange what Scotss Gran said!! I have a feeling its a girl but you never know we these things lol! I managed a small amount of ironing yesterday too but my back was killing me so gave up :( Hope you have more luck tonight!

I hope everyone else is doing ok x

Well today has been a bit of an emotional day! I was in with the midwife this morning for 45 minutes and was in tears for most of it. Once out of there I was late to work for a meeting I had which my assistant started about some issues on Friday which had made me angry and have then had to deal with a disciplinary of one of my caretakers. I am pretty wiped out by it all and just want to go home but cant get hold of the vets about more medication for my cat! Hopefully things will look better later on x

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