Wendy..Do you not just feel like ironing is the worst of the household duties

Its drives me mad, saying that I got a little done last night. My ex gave me the twilight books to read before the films and I loved them, so I have to see the films to compare, nothing to do with the half naked men with great bodies...

for your finishing up date! Not having to find the energy to drag yourself to work everyday will hopefully help you feel a bit better
Rachael how fun is it decorating the nursery! We won't be doing that this time around. Unless we see a house we like anytime soon. I'm quite keen on having the kids share for the first few years, maybe its because I always wished I had someone to share a room with.
Natasha congrats, he is absolutely beautiful, looking forwards to hearing your birth story

well done!
Abii, just noticed your from california, this may be a bit odd but i've always wondered, are the walkways always full of people on rollerblades like you see in the films?

Oh and another thing, what is the disneyland like there? I've always thought about going
Sorry its not a proper catch up, I start work in less than half an hour though

I had my consultant appointment on wednesday, and the midwife decided she leave the room for 10 mins before coming back and apologising that she cant seem to find my bloodwork results.. that may be because she never got any from me before!

So she took bloods, all the usual checks then I seen my consultant, and she agreed theres no reason for this to be a high risk pregnancy

on the condition I agreed to one extra scan around 30 weeks, which I dont mind at all. Then at 32 weeks we'll make a provisional plan for home birth

Anyway I best be off, hope all the other ladies are keeping well xx