Natalie, Only 2more week's for full term, How exciting!!
Hopefully work will pick up for your hubby before LO arrives

Your nappy bag sound's very interesting, can't wait to see the finished product
Arlene, Did you enjoy Twilight?
Yay, Im so pleased that your looking good for having a home birth like you want!

Hurray for starting on the nursery! Can't wait to see pix of the finished room! Sound's like your getting everything in order ready for your arrival, though I'm amazed at how quickly you've managed to do it all, still got a little while to go, what will you do with yourself to pass the time?!
Emma, I hope you've managed to get a bit more than 4hour's sleep! You must be exhausted

Sorry to hear about your poorly pussy cat!! Kinda feel's like he pee'd there on purpose for you too see he had a problem poor thing! Bet you were incredibly glad that the moses basket was under cover though!
I love pip's room, It's absolutely stunning! Though I must admit my fav part is the tiny pink toy on the cot bed ^.^
Naomi Can't wait to see your scan pic from tomorrow!! I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for everything to go well, and you getting some lovely pix of your squishy!
Karen Happy Thanksgiving! Unless the nation has been misinformed by Mr Matthew Wright, I do believe it is today?!
You really must love your ironing! Seem's like you've been on a mission to tackle the pile for at least a week now (from all the back post's I've jus read!)
Will you be taking pix to see how much bump grow's over the coming week's? Bet you can't wait to be in maternity clothes to really show bump off!!
Carly, Welcome back from holiday! Glad you had such an amazing experience, and I can't wait to see the pix!! Happy thanksgiving
All ladies, Hope you all feeling fab, and thank you all for the messages
AFM, I can't believe Ely is a week old already! He's such a contented little fella, Only had one slightly challenging night where he woke up every 2hour's (but my milk hadn't come through properly) and Auron woke up crying half way during the night, so it was all a bit hand's on deck and go 'ahhhhh!!' Otherwise, he's been waking up twice in the night, feeding for about half an hour and going straight back to sleep! OH is on nappy duties (unless I have a high surface) as sitting and stretching over on the floor isn't possible just yet! Jus makin the most of it though as he'll be back at work this time next week. Not sure how I'm gonna cope with both of them on my own, but as they say, thing's will adjust and it'll get easier day by day! Feeling much better now, I can pee without pain

though I'm still takin 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen every 4hours just in case! Boob's are also feeling much better now, and breast feeding is going really well, I'm very pleased with it so far

Auron is gettin on well being a big brother. He's not overly interested in Ely, but he like's him, gives him kisses and strokes his hair. Gave him a cuddle for the first time Sunday as he didn't want to before, and wanted cuddles with him earlier today which is very sweet. I feel a bit guilty not being able to give either of them my full attention all the time, but I know it'll get easier as Ely get's bigger and more indipendant