Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Hey ladies, Again, not able to make a big massive post, but I have written up the story, and here is the linky!

I will endevor to catch up soon, and hope your all well!! Oh, and loving the nursery Emma :hugs:
Oh no Emma, why were you in tears for your mw appointment? And then a crummy rest of the day to follow it... not good :(

Natasha, will read your birth story now :)

My diaper bag is nearly finished, and I got more lovely bamboo fabric today and some dye, so when my bag is done I'm going to try my hand at dyeing :thumbup: Wish me luck.
Emma Well this is the thing, they are basing it on the shape of the head but when I look at your scan pic I think it's quite similar shaped to mine and yours is a girl. Really can't wait to find out! I got no ironing done last night, my Dad came round for a visit so got side tracked lol. I see Gav was doing yours tho! haha. Aww what a shit day you had yesterday, hope you're feeling better today :hugs: x

Natasha What a lovely birth story :flower: I am kinda freaking out though cause you seem the type of person who can handle pain and if you were screaming in pain god only knows what I am going to be like :argh: haha x

Nat Ooh yey! Can't wait to see a pic of your diaper bag when you're all done. I am sure you will do great at dying, you're dead crafty x

Well I woke up yesterday morning and my belly seems to have popped :haha: I now have one very cute baby bump. I was suprised when I saw it, although i've had a slight bump up till now its just totally rounded out over night. Hubby came home and was like my god, you've got like a proper baby bump! He then went on to say you would think you were six months pregnant :dohh: eh thanks for that! lol. Sis then saw me and went "well you can't hide your pregnancy anymore". Then my Dad looked at me and said how did that grow over night?? :haha: I think baby must have just risen up totally now. I like having a bump though, wonder what size I will get to. hmm :) x
sorry ladies that i have not been on in awhile.
this week is a crazy one as its my bday in just 3 days and have been running everywhere haha.
I will be on more next week though.
i would like to update you ladies though that yesterday morning i had my 2nd round of blood tests done and it was something with my thyroid. Not sure if its horrible so trying not to stress about it.
Do any of you ladies know what it could be if they said it was "high"..should i be worried?
@pinky12: Awh that nursery and the stuff in it looks really nice:]
i cant wait to decorate mine, even though i have a while for that haha.
gl everyone and natasha, i will be reading your birthing story
Natasha, congrats again. I loved your birth story

Natalie, Please post pics of the diaper bag once you have completed it. Sounds nice. I wish I was creative.

Wendy, yay for belly bump!! Please post belly pics. Mine seem to be more fat to me.:haha:

Abii, have a wonderful birthday.

AFM, leaving in the morning to go visit my younger sister who leave about 4 hours away. I will be there until the weekend. Not sure how much I will be online. For those of you in the States have a Happy Thanksgiving. Everyone else have a wonderful and safe rest of the week. :hugs:
Ladies!!!! I have missed you all. I have tried my hardest to catch up with everyone. Emma the nursery and stroller look amazing!! I love that you went super girly!! I am going a little more boy than we had planned and I am really excited about it. Natasha I am So happy to see that your little man made it here finally!! I will be reading your birth story shortly. I am sorry this isnt a proper post. There is just so much to read and I feel like I have been gone forever and missed so much. Abii congrats on the news!! So happy to have you join us!! The only thing that worked for my morning sickness was ginger ale and loads of rest, also I took my prenatal at night and that helped.

So my trip was amazing. Vegas was an incredible experience and I am glad I experienced it sober so I can remember everything. The food was sooo good, our hotel was amazing. The shopping, and site seeing, it was all just so much fun. It was also a blast to see my family while I was in IL. My mom invited her sisters and some family friends over while I was there to see her new condo and visit me, and sam kicked for my aunt who is also my god mother so it was very cool. I honestly cant wait to go back in about 4 weeks for christmas!!! The only BAD thing that happened was I got a speeding ticket on my way back to kentucky. I was less than 100 miles from home and got pulled over in a work zone. But other than that I would do the trip over and over again if I could. My husband said that sam most of grown while we were gone because my belly looks bigger. I can tell he is getting bigger because his movements are much stronger. We have our 4d ultrasound in less than two weeks and I just cant wait!! This week is thanksgiving and black friday so I get two extra days with my husband. Sorry for such a ramble. I will be posting pictures shortly. So nice to catch up. Sorry for the ladies I missed!!!!
Natalie, Only 2more week's for full term, How exciting!!
Hopefully work will pick up for your hubby before LO arrives :hugs:
Your nappy bag sound's very interesting, can't wait to see the finished product

Arlene, Did you enjoy Twilight?
Yay, Im so pleased that your looking good for having a home birth like you want! :happydance:

Rachael, :happydance: Hurray for starting on the nursery! Can't wait to see pix of the finished room! Sound's like your getting everything in order ready for your arrival, though I'm amazed at how quickly you've managed to do it all, still got a little while to go, what will you do with yourself to pass the time?!

Emma, I hope you've managed to get a bit more than 4hour's sleep! You must be exhausted :hugs:
Sorry to hear about your poorly pussy cat!! Kinda feel's like he pee'd there on purpose for you too see he had a problem poor thing! Bet you were incredibly glad that the moses basket was under cover though!
I love pip's room, It's absolutely stunning! Though I must admit my fav part is the tiny pink toy on the cot bed ^.^

Naomi Can't wait to see your scan pic from tomorrow!! I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for everything to go well, and you getting some lovely pix of your squishy!

Karen Happy Thanksgiving! Unless the nation has been misinformed by Mr Matthew Wright, I do believe it is today?!

Wendy :haha: You really must love your ironing! Seem's like you've been on a mission to tackle the pile for at least a week now (from all the back post's I've jus read!)
Will you be taking pix to see how much bump grow's over the coming week's? Bet you can't wait to be in maternity clothes to really show bump off!!

Carly, Welcome back from holiday! Glad you had such an amazing experience, and I can't wait to see the pix!! Happy thanksgiving :hugs:

All ladies, Hope you all feeling fab, and thank you all for the messages :hugs:

AFM, I can't believe Ely is a week old already! He's such a contented little fella, Only had one slightly challenging night where he woke up every 2hour's (but my milk hadn't come through properly) and Auron woke up crying half way during the night, so it was all a bit hand's on deck and go 'ahhhhh!!' Otherwise, he's been waking up twice in the night, feeding for about half an hour and going straight back to sleep! OH is on nappy duties (unless I have a high surface) as sitting and stretching over on the floor isn't possible just yet! Jus makin the most of it though as he'll be back at work this time next week. Not sure how I'm gonna cope with both of them on my own, but as they say, thing's will adjust and it'll get easier day by day! Feeling much better now, I can pee without pain :happydance: though I'm still takin 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen every 4hours just in case! Boob's are also feeling much better now, and breast feeding is going really well, I'm very pleased with it so far :cloud9:
Auron is gettin on well being a big brother. He's not overly interested in Ely, but he like's him, gives him kisses and strokes his hair. Gave him a cuddle for the first time Sunday as he didn't want to before, and wanted cuddles with him earlier today which is very sweet. I feel a bit guilty not being able to give either of them my full attention all the time, but I know it'll get easier as Ely get's bigger and more indipendant
Hi ladies :hugs:

Natasha- Aw bless Ely, he seems like he has been a good little boy for you :hugs: My nephew wasnt too interested in my niece when she was born and used to call her boring :haha: It took him a while to be the slightest bit interested in her. Its so lovely that Auron strokes his hair! The little toy on the cot is called Domo Kun, he is a little japanese character which my husband loves! My husband has a few of these in his car and was adament Pip had to have one. When we saw this pink one at the car show we were at in September we had to get it :haha: Hope things continue to go well for you x

Carly- Lovely to see you back here hun. Happy Thanksgiving :hugs: We wanted to go really girly as she is the second little girl in the family now and my niece isn't really girly so its going to be nice to have a little girl that we can put in pretty dresses and tights! Its not too babish at the minute but we have some other bits going in it that will help with that. I am so glad you had a great trip and naughty you for the speeding ticket :haha:

Abii- Thanks hun, believe me it will not be long before you are decorating the nursery the time flies by!! Hope you have a lovely birthday :hugs:

Wendy- Yes Gaving ended up doing my ironing in the end as I could barely walk again with my back! It was because I had cleaned loads of the house when I got home from work and pushed myself too far again :growlmad: Work unfortunately is still hectic and was worse on Tuesday after having to hand out a disciplinary which didnt go down well and I ended up trying to sort it out for most of the day as the guy is a stubborn old man and doesnt help himself!! The annoying thing is, he wouldnt even have the disciplinary if he would of done his job properly, it is all his own fault!! Looks like your little one has finally popped up from behind your pubic bone! You should be able to hear the heartbeat better now. Hope you have managed to get plenty of rest :hugs:

Natalie- I got upset because of how useless the midwife was. In my notes it says about the iron issues and infection issues and that I am to be reviewed in a few weeks (which was that appointment) I went in to the appointment and she did my blood pressure, checked my urine, listened to the babes heartbeat and then started writing in the notes no problems. I asked her about it and she said well there is nothing wrong with you or the baby. I asked her about reading my notes and she read them and was quite passive of it all. It upset me because I have no faith in the midwives anymore, thats 3 different ones that I may as well not seen. Anyway I discussed being induced early which she stated there would be no chance as I would have to have a medical condition the effects me or my pregnancy. I asked her to look through my notes properly before she says anything else as I have a lot that effects my pregnancy. Anyway I ended up crying because I am so fed up of them and feeling ill everyday and she asked me to come back next week to see them and they would refer me to a consultant about being induced. Sorry to ramble on at you!! I hope you managed to get more done on your diaper bag, and hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Naomi- Hope you have a fab scan tomorrow!! I cant wait to see your pictures :hugs:

Well I only have 4 days left at work now and cant wait! I am so tired and exhausted everyday and the thought of going to work kills me :( I have managed to get my physio started for my back now so I go for my first appointment of accupuncture on 2nd December!! I have a feeling that I am coming down with a cold as well which isnt good seen as I have my re-scheduled appointment for my flu jab on monday! Lets hope its nothing major!
Ahhh!! Scan is in an hour!! Will post tonight when I get in from dinner as if all goes well Adam is taking me out straight after work!
Rachael did you get your pram? How exciting!! Its going so fast. I can't remember if your going to find out the sex?

Naomi im really glad your starting to enjoy being pregnant, and that your sickness is easing. Hope your babys posing nicely for yous today :)

Emma I hope your cat is doing well now. Pips room is looking fantastic :) :happydance: only 3 days left at work for you now! I've got to put holidays in up until april and I dont know whether to just save them up and use them so I can leave work a bit earlier than last time.

Natalie fx'd the weather decides to be kinder and your hubby can get some work in. I can't wait to see your diaper bag, wish I was crafty enough to do things like that myself!

Wendy i'm more of a Taylor Lautner fan, the werewolf. :lol: nothing wrong with appreciating different forms of the male body :haha: And go us on tackling some of that ironing. Mine is now less than half a basket, broke my back doing it though :dohh: I have to see a bump pic misses, excitinggg! :happydance:

Abi I hope you have a lovely birthday! Did you get any answers about your blood tests?

Karen hope you have a good time visiting your sister.

Natasha your birth story is great! And your little boy is gorgeous :cloud9: Glad to hear hes been an easy baby for his mummy :) I'm also worried about all of a sudden having 2 kids..I worry about being able to split time but like you said, you just adjust. Its great Auron taken to him well too, a lady in my work just had her 2nd and her son is telling her costantly how much he hates her now :dohh:

Sorry I could only go back a little ladies, im absolutely shattered and mil is getting Kyle from nursery today so im taking the time to catch up on the sleep I didnt get last night. I had my scan this morning and think I was more worried than I knew, I tossed and turned all night! Anyway scan went great, moved forward a few days, new due date is June 2nd. Baby is looking and measuring great, jumping around like mad too :happydance: I just need the sickness to go away now and i'll be hunky dory :haha:
Thanks all for all the good luck wishes!!

Scan went brilliantly!! Was over a half hour wait to go in but it was worth it. Did have to giggle as Noodle went to sleep half way through so I had to go for a walk as it was asleep facing the wrong way so they couldnt measure the fluid on the neck to test for downs syndrome!! Was so sweet, it even curled up like a baby and just went very still and the doctor sighed and said "ah, its just gone for a sleep, not good timing little one!!" Even after a walk she had to really push my belly around to get it to wake up and when it did it went crazy little arms and legs going!! Still all the tests came out normal, just gotta wait for bloods now. Can't believe it ladies I'm gonna be a mum!!!
O and I'm now measuring 12+2 so a little ahead of what I thought, can't wait to update my ticker and see the next fruit! Got another scan booked in for 9th Jan, will be 16 weeks or so to check the heart is ok due to adams family history of heart problems.
Here are some piccies!!


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  • 2011-11-25 Noodle 12+2.jpg
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Glad the scan went well :D

Emma, sorry your midwives are so crap :(

Arlene, got the pram on Monday. LOVE it! :D We shall indeedy be finding out the sex, 2 weeks to go!
Hello lovely preggo ladies. :hi:

Hope you and your beans are all doing well. Sorry I haven't been on in a while been working quite a bit and now I've seemed to have caught a cold. But I have been keeping up with what's been going on. I can't believe how fast time is going by.

Nat is almost ready to pop. Glad you've almost got everything ready.

Emma sorry you're having such a hard time with the midwives. That's the last thing you need during this time. I hope that the rest of your pregnancy is smooth and that you don't have to deal with those midwives too often.

Karen hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving with your family.

Naomi glad everything went well with the scan and great pics of the little one.

Arlene glad that you had a good scan as well. So happy to hear that you'll be able to get the birth experience that you want.

Shona you're always so busy I hope you and your bean are getting plenty of rest and that your feeling good.

Wendy it must be so cool to be starting to get a baby bump. Hope you decide to share some bump pics. I love bump pics. LOL

Carly glad to hear that you had a great time and enjoyed your vacation. Christmas isn't far from now and you'll be back visiting with your family.

Abii hope your ms is starting to subside and that your little bean is treating you well.

Natasha it sounds like the boys are taking it easy on you. It's so great that Auron is so loving to his little brother.

Rachael glad to hear that you got your pram and that you're working on the nursery. It must be such an exciting time for you guys.

AFM just in the middle of my tww guess we'll just wait and see what happens. :shrug: Anyway hope you all have a great weekned and speak to you soon. :flower:
Hey Adrienne :wave: Hope you had a good thanks giving! I see you managed to get in your bding marathon you wanted!! Fingers crossed for a fab Christmas present for you!! I heard that there were issues surrounding Black Friday in America, apparently tear gas and such things had to be used to stop people at times... I hope this wasn't you :haha:

Naomi- So glad everything went well for you. How weird is it when you see them and there is so much going on in there already. They already have their own personality at so young! Hopefully you can start to relax more :hugs:

Rachael- Only a few more weeks until you get to fond out the sex :happydance: bet your really excited :hugs:

Arlene- I honestly did not think I would be finishing so soon but to be honest with the way I have been feeling recently I am glad to have the time available to take off! Hope the sickness eases soon for you :hugs:

Well I hope everyone else is doing ok :hugs:

It is 4am here and I have been awake for 2 hours! Think the wond and rain doesnt help as I have always struggled to sleep through it but it is hammering it down. Little Miss decided to sit dancing away whilst trying to get back to sleep but she is quiet now I have had some toast :haha: Oh well hopefully I can get some sleep soon as I have housework I need to do tomorrow.... or today even lol!!
Oh Emma sorry you're stuck awake it's 1:05am over here, I was like that the other night from my cold. Yeah, black Friday can get a little crazy over here. I just don't understand people really. You would never catch me out there with all those people. I know the deals are suppose to be good, but no present is worth that. Anyway I think my cold is better hopefully it's on its way out. I hope you're able to get to sleep soon. Take care.
Evening ladies! How's everyone doing?

Abii Hope you had a lovely birthday & are keeping well :flower: x

Karen Hope you had a lovely thanksgiving with your sister. I will definitely post some belly bump pics, but prob once i've had my next scan. Let it get a bit bigger x

Carly Lovely to have you back! Sounds like you had a great vacation. Shame about the speeding ticket though, that sucks. So only a week till your 4d scan? How exciting! Bet you can't wait x

Natasha I'm in maternity clothes now lol. Well not tops but I had to buy work trousers as my normal ones have gotten so tight yet i'm still weighing less than before I got pregnant! Haven't put any weight on so it must all be the bump. Aww Ely sounds like a wee diamond, hope he continues to drift off to sleep after night feeds. Glad to hear the breast feeding is going well too, I have a friend who has given up cause it was too sore so it's nice to hear it can work as I'm definitely wanting to give it a go. It sucks your OH has to go back to work already, my hubby is taking a month of work for when our loved one arrives so I'm very lucky that way. Saying that it will probably hit me harder when he has to go back :wacko: I know you will do fab though, your a natural :flower: x

Emma Aww sorry to hear your back has been playing up again hun, is this something that is going to bother you for a good while or do they think it should improve straight away after birth? Bless Gav for helping out around the house tho, he's a good un. And this is your last week of work :happydance: Thank god Mrs! Getting away from there is going to do you the world of good x

Arlene That's what i've done with my holidays at work, i've booked the odd day off for things I need them for but four weeks of my holidays I have added on to my maternity so I will finish work at the end of April a month before my due date and start my actual maternity leave on the week I am due so I get a bit longer with bubba. My boss has been great about that so hopefully yours will too if that's what you want to do. Aww that's fab the scan went well! I did think u'd be a wee bit further on. It's lovely seeing them move about on the screen x

Naomi Aww that's awful waiting half an hour if you had a full bladder! But the scan pics are gorgeous hun, what a wee cutie already! x

Rachael Yey for getting the pram! Oh it's so not long till your scan now! It will be so much fun buying pinks or blues to tie in with your neutral stuff. Can't wait to find out what your having x

Adrienne Hope you're getting over that cold hun, and all the very best for this tww, I hope this is your month :flower: x

Nat Can't believe how close you are to your due date! I hope you're keeping well Mrs x

Well i've had a busy old week at work then had visitors most nights so not really had a chance to post. We've been busy getting things done around the house too, hubby and his brother floored the loft so we now have a good bit more space up there which is going to be needed! I've also been helping my sis who as you know lives with me, she's decided the time has now come for her to try and get a place of her own. I would never ask her to leave but she feels now we have bubba coming along we could do with the space and at 24 she now feels ready to have her own place, so I was helping her fill out some forms for rented places in town and we shall see what comes of it. I will miss her but I think it will do her the world of good getting her own place too. I'm quite excited for her actually, we were sitting going through catalogues picking out what furniture she would buy etc, was fun.

Me and bubba are doing just great at the moment though, i've been feeling more like the old me and sometimes could easily forget I was pregnant. The only annoying thing is I can't get a decent nights sleep, if I'm not up needing the toilet I just can't get comfy. I sleep on one side and my stomach doesn't feel comfy, i sleep on the other side and my hip gets pins and needles. So frustrating! All worth it for bubba though. Anyway i'm going to head off for now but I hope everyone is well and I will try and get on more often this week :flower: x
Natasha, Glad the baby is sleep well and his big brother is dealing well with his arrival. I am sure you will do fine alone them.

Arlene, I hope you caught up on your much need rest.

Emma, Yay for being off of work. I hope you get rest as well.

Naomi, Lovely scan pic. Glad you are progressing greatly.

Buster, I hope at the end of your TWW you have BFP. I don't get the crap that goes on with black friday either. It takes away the meaning of Christmas to me.

Wendy, Glad you are feeling better.

AFM, I had a great time with my sister. My niece who is 4 is to funny and cute as a button. Her old brother is very smart too. I have a doc appointment tomorrow and hopefully with post after I get in. Good night ladies.
Hello Ladies I am afraid I have hit that moody place in my pregnancy. That place where everything my husband does irritates me. That place where nothing is quite right and I spend hours on something and then go what exactly did I just accomplish?? I am really hoping this is a passing phase. I think I just need to get my home ready for the holidays, start wrapping some presents, and look forward to our trip home in a few weeks. I am sorry if I have upset anyone by not posting personal posts, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I only wish the best for each and every one of you. I am looking forward to our 4d scan on Monday, and I am going to buy stuff to make cookies at the grocery store tomorrow. So I am trying to cheer myself up a bit. I feel so conflicted because I am soooo happy to be pregnant and I cant wait to see my baby boy and I love when he moves and kicks me I feel such a bond. But at the same time I feel moody and wish I didn't. I love all your support and please feel free to personally message me at anytime, but I might take a bit of a break from posting on the blog. I will always read your stories and think of you all. Thank you for all your kindness.
Hello Ladies I am afraid I have hit that moody place in my pregnancy. That place where everything my husband does irritates me. That place where nothing is quite right and I spend hours on something and then go what exactly did I just accomplish?? I am really hoping this is a passing phase. I think I just need to get my home ready for the holidays, start wrapping some presents, and look forward to our trip home in a few weeks. I am sorry if I have upset anyone by not posting personal posts, know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I only wish the best for each and every one of you. I am looking forward to our 4d scan on Monday, and I am going to buy stuff to make cookies at the grocery store tomorrow. So I am trying to cheer myself up a bit. I feel so conflicted because I am soooo happy to be pregnant and I cant wait to see my baby boy and I love when he moves and kicks me I feel such a bond. But at the same time I feel moody and wish I didn't. I love all your support and please feel free to personally message me at anytime, but I might take a bit of a break from posting on the blog. I will always read your stories and think of you all. Thank you for all your kindness.

Oh hun sending you hugs right now. My husband makes me feel like that and I'm not even pregnant :haha: I hope getting your home holiday ready helps you feel better. You never have to apologize for not making personal posts. I think all of us here know that we all support each other and just because we don't mention each other by name doesn't mean that we don't care. And don't worry sometimes we all need a break from the blog so go ahead and take one, and when you're ready to come back we will all welcome you back with open arms. (I do hope you come back and tell us how the 4d scan goes with some pics):flower: Anyway hang in there and I'm sure the way your feeling will soon pass. Take care of yourself and your little bean. :hugs:
Naomi really glad the scan went well :) and great photos!

Rachael you'll have to show us pics of the pram, and bump pics! Theres a serious lack of those here :lol:

Adrienne I really hope this 2ww ends in a little early christmas present!

Emma the sickness has eased for me, im down to just one a day :lol: but its been replaced with a horrible cold :( joys of a low immune system eh :dohh: hope your sleeping better now.

Wendy glad to hear your starting to feel like your old self again. I feel a little less tired as well.

Carly hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Karen hope your keeping well :)

Sorry the posts are short ladies, I start work at 12 and have a pup to feed and take to the toilet before then! We got Kaia on friday and shes definately keeping us on our feet! Peeing and pooping everywhere, chewing up the christmas tree :dohh: hopefully she gets better. She is absolutely beautiful and im sure she'll be worth all the hard work :lol:
I was just wondering if you ladies are aware if there needs to be a consultant at your 20 week scan? I'm being sent elsewhere to have mines as the normal place to have it doesnt have a consultant during the time I need the scan. Its on 19th Jan :happydance: can't wait. Hopefully it'll fly in! Best be off to start getting ready :) xx

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