Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Evening all! How's everyone doing today?

Karen How did it go at the doctor's appointment? Good I hope. Nice to hear you had a lovely time with your family too, there is no children in my family at the moment which is why this little one is so exciting! I am sure it wont be too many more years before I have a niece or nephew though x

Carly I am sure it is just a passing phase hun but it's no fun when you're feeling it. I am sure your 4d scan on Monday will give you the boost you need but you know we are always around to listen and talk :) x

Adrienne I just caught a glimpse of your ticker, have you seriously lost 43lb?? That's absolutely amazing! Well done hunnie, what a fantastic achievement. I say this while tucking into toffee from a box of Quality Street :haha: I dread going through the whole dieting process again once bubba is here x

Arlene Aww puppies are just the cutest, even if they are little menaces when you first get them lol. I am sure she will settle in soon and realise where she needs to go for the toilet. Hmm I haven't heard of needing a consultant there? But maybe its precaution incase they need one to check something out. I am sure my hospital will have a few around. Ooh the 19th? Mines is the 11th so the week before you. Can't wait to find out what we're having :happydance: x

Well i've had a pretty tiring week. I was at work on Tuesday when I got a call from my hubby in tears, he had fallen down the stairs and literally couldn't get back up. I shot home to see what had happened and turns out he was walking to the toilet and the cat ran out of my sisters room without warning and he fell over him right down the stairs on to his bad knee he had already had operated on a few years ago. He literally couldn't move. I managed to get him to his feet with his leg in the air and put some clothes on him (he was in pjs lol) then called my dad to see if he could help me get him to the hospital but hubby just couldn't walk. I called his dad and we all tried to get him to car but we just couldn't he was in agony so we had to get an ambulance. It was funny seeing him high on gas and air in the ambulance, we kept talking to him and he was looked blankly for ages then went "whaaattt?" lol. We got to the hospital and after xrays and consultations found out he had over stretched one of the crucial ligaments which basically makes the knee work. He also had a bit of extra bone?? Not sure what they meant by that. They say it's a 3 week recovery period at least so he's on crutches now and strong painkillers. He is no better today, still can't bend his knee at all and when he tries it just lets out an almighty crack, makes me shudder! He's to go back to the hospital tomorrow to see if he needs physio or not. So i've been making all his meals, helping him get in and out baths etc and it's so knackering but i'm plodding along. He really appreciates it and tonight hobbled to the bathroom and ran a nice bubble bath for me getting home. Sweatheart that he is. We shall see what they say tomorrow.

Only down side really is we had to cancel our Manchester trip this weekend :( We are both gutted but there's no way he could go and I wouldn't go without him. There's always next year I guess.

Well I best get on anyway, hope everyone is well and starting to get in to the Xmas spirit :) I may put my tree up this weekend if I can find the energy. Speak soon anyway :flower: x
Wendy sorry to hear about your hubbys injury! How sweet of him to hobble to the bathroom and run you a bath, bless him! :) that's a shame yous have had to cancel your trip. Hopefully he'll be mended fully in time for christmas. We won't be finding out the sex, as curious as I am, we want the surprise. What's your gut instinct? I think its because my history they want the consultant there, I've asked a few people and none of them had a consultant present except one who was also high risk. Let's me get familiar with the hospital again I suppose, just incase!

I lasted 4 hours in work yesterday and then got sent home, I'm loaded again and had a constant pounding headache, ended up in tears :dohh: I've woke up today still with the runny nose and cough but no headache so I'm going to attempt work again. Wish me luck :haha:

Hope all you ladies are keeping well xx
hey ladies:]
sorry its been so long since ive been on and wrote.
our internet was cut off and its been kind of hectic since me and df are looking for a new place to live, we have to be out of this place in Jan.
My morning sickness has gone down ALOT compared to 5-6 weeks but i am now 8 weeks and still having loads of symptoms haha
my bbs are still really sore, i get backaches and headaches, i lost 5 pounds due to morning sickness and loss of appetite but i gained 2 pounds back yesterday, still slight cramps every now and then but its what i expect since my uterus is stretching lol, and fatigue really bad, im ALWAYS tired i run out of energy so fast now haha.
Im not sure if im starting to show or if its bloating but everyday i see a bump that ive never noticed before, it started at 7 weeks, my df is now convinced we are having twins since i found out IT RUNS IN BOTH SIDES OF MY FAMILY!! my dads side and moms side, so now we await for the ultrasound on the 13th to see if theres really two in there, i did the string test sooo many times and keep getting the same things, on right side it goes in straight line, on left side it goes in circles, so :shrug: but maybe ill be one of those lucky people who get a boy and girl haha that would be awesome:]
anyways besides that, everyone now knows im pregnant except my grandmother, im waiting to tell her until after the ultrasound and on the phone[because my grandmother likes to blow things out of proportion sometimes] but ive been mentioning it on fb.
my bday was great! i got alot of money so ill be saving it to help df get us into a place and for the baby.
We are planning to get married very soon[we have not set a date yet] but it will not be a big wedding, it will be at the courthouse for now until our child/children are old enough to walk[i want them to give me away with my dad] and we have enough saved for it.
i only have 2 more months until i graduate from college!! of course i wont be able to work right away because ill still be pregnant, but after i plan to get a job with the hospital when the baby/baby's turn 1 or 2 not quite sure yet but df had agreed with the plan.
he is now applying for a new job at a jail as a shift leader, the starting pay is 25/hr and they have much better benefits than a butcher does, so if he gets that job we wont be worrying about money too much, then when i start working our income will be perfect:]
i cant wait to start our little family<3
how are you ladies doing?
Wendy I hope hubby is ok!

Arlene I will get pram/bump/nursery pics up when I find the cable for my phone. Not sure where I put it :wacko:

Hope everyone else is ok?

6 days until my 20 week scan. Cannot believe Monday will be halfway already! It's flying by!
Hi Everyone,
Sounds like all you ladies are doing great.

Abii nice to hear from you again. Sounds like you and df have a solid plan going forward and that's great. I hope it doesn't take you guys long to find a new place. That can be so stressful. I hope df gets the new job, good benefits are so important especially now that there's a little one on the way. Can't wait to hear how your scan goes on the 13rh.

Arlene so sorry to hear that you're feeling so poorly. I hope you feel better soon. Sounds like the new pup is keeping you on your toes.

Rachael where does the time go? Can't believe that your almost half way there. I'm looking forward to hearing the results of your scan and if your bump is pink or blue.

Wendy hope dh is doing better today. And yes my ticker is right I'm down 43lbs. I'm so excited about it. I'm 5' 9" so even when I was my heaviest at 211lbs. people said I didn't look that big becasue the weight was spread out pretty evenly, but health wise I felt it pleanty. Now I feel so much better, not as tired as I use to be and eating so much healthier.

As for the rest of the lovely prego ladies on here. I hope you and your beans are all doing well and that you are enjoying your weekend. Take care ladies and speak with you all soon.
I have piccies! My camera cable is still missing, but I took a bump pic yesterday from my parents' camera and they emailed it to me along with the pictures of the diaper bag I made.

In the pictures it's not totally finished (strap is only pinned on rather than sewn, but I didn't feel that it was worth re-taking the photos after I finished it).

Front view:

Back view with zippered pocket unzipped so you can see the lining:

Open from the front:

Open from the back:

It has 5 pockets on the outside - 4 velcro closures and the zippered one at the back. Inside there are 7 pockets (elasticated) and two clips for keys or pacifier. The strap is adjustable so I can wear it either on one shoulder or across the body.

Oh and here's my bump picture taken yesterday at 36+2:
Hi ladies, hope you are all well!

Natalie- your diaper bag looks amasing!! That looks like a bag brought from a shop. Are you happy with the end result, you should be lol. Hope is work getting on for your oh? You havent got too long now until MP is here. I will be posting my bump picture later when I have the patience with my old laptop to do it :haha:

Adrienne- Lovely to hear from you. Sorry to hear the :witch: showed up for you. I hope the conversation with your oh about where to go next goes ok :hugs:

Rachael- Not long now until your scan! :happydance: I loved my 20 week scan, you got to see so much! I cant wait to hear what you are having, I think you will be having a little boy :hugs:

Abii- Glad you had a lovely birthday. I started to show pretty quickly and have always felt like I have had a big bump. Everyone starts at different stages and I also think it depends on your weight as well as I looked like I was getting fat around there for a short time until about 11 weeks when it started getting harder. I also lost a lot of weight as I was really ill with the morning sickness and was signed off work with it. I still haven't put much weight on at all and it is all bump and no extra but then again I am lucky if I can go a week without being sick. Hope things continue to improve for you x

Arlene- I hope you managed to stay in work but more importantly that you feel better :hugs: You will have to post up a picture of your puppy, I bet he is well cute. How is Kyle and the puppy getting on?? I know how you feel with a cold, this is my second one within a month now and I feel awful! I had my flu jab on monday and since then I have been full of a cold and just wanting to curl up and sleep :(

Wendypops- How is the hubby's knee doing? I see you put up your tree yesterday! I wont be able to do mine for a few weeks as we are getting a real one but we are going to put the other things up! You should be glad that you never came to the Christmas markets this weekend as it has done nothing but throw it down this weekend. Hope you are feeling ok :hugs:

Carly- Hope you are starting to feel better :hugs: I know how you feel about being moody as I feel like I am all the time. I have become quite anti social recently as I dont see the point in seeing people when all I feel like I do is complain. I spend most my time at my friends not talking now. Dont ever feel like you are the only person feeling this way as I think that makes it worse!! Dont forget to come and post your 4d pictures tomorrow :hugs:

I hope all the other ladies are doing well :hugs:

as for me- Well I have been running round all week as I have been trying to make sure everything was sorted for my assistants before going off work. I finally finished on Wednesday and had an amasing last day. My old assistant (who now manages another site) came and surprised me at work. I got tow huge bunches of flowers, vouchers for Mamas and Papas and a hello kitty cake which was delicious!! Overall I was completely overwhelmed by what they all did for me. I was back in work on Friday to help out with our students Christmas party and was informed that not 24 hours after me leaving there was a huge fire on the site! It is the biggest one we have had so far so I was helping and advising my assistant on what to do with that in the end!

Otherwise, I have had a cold all week and wish my nose would stop running!! I have started packing my maternity bag and looking at my birth plan too. Hopefully things wont get any more difficult for me as I started accupuncture on Friday. I didnt notice a major difference but funnily enough on Saturday I had to use my crutches to walk as I was in so much pain. They said that my pelvis is 'failing' (great choice of words) and that is why I don just have the back pain but also the pains in my hips! Lets see how the other session of accupuncture go!

Well time to get off here and try and cheer myself up as the hubby is getting out the Christmas decs and I just feel really rough and want to curl up in bed :(
Naomi Lovely scan pix!! So pleased to see everything is going well for you!! Will you be finding out the sex of baby at the 20week scan?

Wendy your poor hubby, that sound's agonising!! I hope he make's a full and speedy recovery, and that your not over stretching yourself into the realms of exhaustion! :hugs:

Rachael Im going to predict you'll have a :baby::pink: Can't wait to hear how your scan goes!!

Natalie -insert shocked face here- I can't believe you made that!! It's amazing!! I want one for myself!! Are you sure your not smuggling a football under your top?? Im predicting you a :blue: based on your bumpy :hugs:

Emma :hugs: I hope the acupuncture help's more and more with each session, sound's like your in a lot of pain. What have you decided to put into your birth plan?

All ladies Happy December! Seem's that alot of you are poorly sick at the moment, so I hope your all feeling fit and well soon (deff before christmas!) :hugs:

AFM Poor OH came home and had a bit of a breakdown on Thursday as his job is really getting him down. :cry: I felt terrible cause I jus don't know what to do to try and make it better, and I hate seeing him like that. Wish it was easy enough for him to get another job, but there's jus nothing in our area for him, and not being able to drive make's it even harder.
Anywho, Got a bit of a cough at the moment, tickly and dry. Can't even read to Auron without feeling like I'm on the verge of coughing up a lung :dohh: Auron's well and fine though. Mostly being a good boy, but when he's naughty he does it in style!! He's been in the corner quite alot this week, feel sorry for him, but it is deserved every time! Ely is getting on well. He was weighed on Tuesday, and has gone up too 8lbs 6oz :happydance: at least I know he's gettin the good from the booby juicy :rofl: Can't believe it's Christmas day 3week's today, it's flying by!!
Abii- Glad you had a lovely birthday. I started to show pretty quickly and have always felt like I have had a big bump. Everyone starts at different stages and I also think it depends on your weight as well as I looked like I was getting fat around there for a short time until about 11 weeks when it started getting harder. I also lost a lot of weight as I was really ill with the morning sickness and was signed off work with it. I still haven't put much weight on at all and it is all bump and no extra but then again I am lucky if I can go a week without being sick. Hope things continue to improve for you x
Thank you so much.
im pretty sure its not cause of weight gain because i haven't really gained anything, i gained 2 pounds the other day[138] and went back down to 136 by today and i was 135 2 days ago. Its kind of scary cause now i also am sick with a cold and i took some children's Sudafed but now not sure what to expect:/
will it do any harm to my baby from taking it?
Hey ladies, Sorry I have also be MIA. I got a new position at work and it is pretty busy job. My doc appointment went well. Baby's HB was 158.

I hope everyone is doing well.
Arlene You know something, I don't have a feeling of boy/girl for you yet but I know it will come to me like it has with the others. I will be sure to let you know as soon as I get that feeling :) I do think a suprise would be nice but i'm just to impatient, can't wait to buy pink or blue things in January lol. Aww sorry to hear your feeling poorly, hope your feeling a good bit better now and your puppy is settling in well :flower: x

Abii Glad to hear the morning sickness is dying down, there is nothing worse I am sure. I still wouldn't count yourself as having twins, they are on both of hubbys side and mine but i'm only having one, phew! I think two would scare me with it just being my first to be honest :haha: You probably are starting to show a little, I started showing early and now i'm hitting 4 months and am already huge! Still haven't put on any weight but none of my trousers want to fasten anymore. Time for comfy maternity wear I think :) Sounds like you have a good plan in mind for the future, hope it all works out the way you want it to :flower: x

Rachael Do you have a good bump showing now? I can't believe how big i've gotten already especially since I wasn't skinny to start with, must take a bump pic soon. Can't wait to find out what your having, i'm still saying boy for you but we shall see soon enough :) x

Adrienne That is amazing hunnie, and I bet the weight loss will be helping your knee at the same time. I have never been able to lose anything like that and no how hard it is to shift weight so your a true inspiration x

Nat Wow hun that bag is gorgeous! I can't believe you made that, you are so talented. You could make yourself a living making and selling things like that, it definitely looks like it's came straight out a shop. Well done! And oh wow what a bump you've got now! I'm surprised you haven't fallen backwards with such a huge bump on your tiny frame :haha: Not long at all for you now, you must be so excited x

Emma I saw the pics of your office and flowers on facebook, that was so sweet of your work mates. They obviously think a lot of you hun. Glad to hear your on maternity now even if you are popping in and out of work every now and then. Hopefully the rest will stop you getting so poorly, being run down makes you feel a hundred times worse when you catch a cold etc. I hope your pampering session makes you feel a lot brighter :flower: x

Natasha Aww that's such a shame for your hubby, I would hate that too. What does he do for a living? It's hard to get jobs round here too so I know what it's like. Does he get much time off for Xmas? Maybe a wee break from it will make him feel a good bit better. Glad to hear the kids are doing well but sorry to hear your poorly :( Hope it passes quickly x

Well I've had a nice quiet weekend. Been pretty tired so been sleeping in between getting things done. Got my Xmas tree up and cards written, I am so excited now :happydance: I really do love xmas, i'm a big kid at heart! Hubby is doing good too, his knee is mending slowly but surely. He has been signed off work until Friday and is to try this week to walk without crutches so we will see how that goes. At least he is on the mend.

We are forecast heavy snow for tonight so we shall see what I wake up to in the morning! Hopefully it's too wet to lay. I do love snow but not when you have to get to work in it :dohh: Well ladies I will love and leave you all and get to bed. I'm wiped out. speak to you all soon x
Hey ladies, Sorry I have also be MIA. I got a new position at work and it is pretty busy job. My doc appointment went well. Baby's HB was 158.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Yey, well done on the new job hun! Hope you're enjoying it. Sounds like your baby is doing well too, great news :flower: x
Yep I have a bump. Apparantly it's obvious but I still just feel fat :wacko: When I find my phone cable (or Ian's, we both have the Samsung Galaxy S, well he has the original and I have the 2 II) I will get an updated bump piccie and some nursery in progress pics when I find a cable to get the pics off my phone.

My feeling is boy and has been since day one. We'll see who's right on Friday! :yipee:
Hi ladies :flower:

Wendypops- The pampering session was amazing! I am now all chilled out on the sofa in my pj's! I highly recommend it. It was a body scrub, massage and indian head massage. I have out up a few of my Christmas decorations but cant out them all up until I get my real tree :happydance: I started wrapping some of my presents yesterday and writing some of my cards! I cant wait for Christmas to come around!! Did you get any snow last night??

Rachael- I just e-mail the pictures directly to myself off my phone instead of uploading them through the cable. I cant wait to find out what you are having :happydance:

Karen- Congratulations on the new job :happydance:

Natasha- Sorry to hear you are poorly, hope you start to feel better soon :hugs: My birth plan is going to be pretty open to be honest. I want as much of a natural birth as possible and I am not dead against most of the things that could crop up but as if they will allow me to have as natural of births as possible. Knowing my luck it wont be straight forward though :haha:

Abii- Is that weight in pounds?? I meant it depends on your weight as some people who have more weight on them show later than people who have less weight on them. I wouldnt worry at all about the weight loss or gain everybody is different as to what they do or dont put on. Everyone thought I was having twins because of how ill I was and how big I got quickly but I have to agree with Wendypops, I would be amzingly scared by that :haha:

Well here is my latest bump picture from this morning!

I have had my massage and it was amazing! An hour and a half which included a body scrub then a massage and then an indian head massage. Even little Pippy got a body scrub and massage lol! It was really good as it was a specialist pre-natal one and was really relaxing! Lets hope my physio gym ball session tomorrow doesnt undo all the girls hard work lol!!


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Oooo never thought of that! Will give it a go!
Here's a quick pic of my 16 week belly bump ladies (ignore the pj's lol), you'd think I was a lot further on :haha: x


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Hello ladies, glad to hear everyones getting in the festive spirit!
Emma I had the pre natal treatments, I couldn't get my hot stones massage until 2nd tri, but I got the full body exfoliation, head massage, easy massage on arms n legs and nails done. I'm going to phone tomorrow n get my other massage booked in.
Well I had an accident at work today, some equipment fell on my foot and I ended up in hospital. It was so painful and swollen they are sure it was broken, so I had to have an xray. Much to their disbelief, its just major tissue damage. So I have a walking stick and crutches, however its around 7-8cms of snow outside so I'm pretty much stuck in with it elevated.

I'm off work for now so I'll get on the laptop tomorrow for a proper post, hope everyones well x
Oh Emma that sounds absolutely divine :cloud9: I just had a half hour back massage on Saturday (and have 3 more booked every Friday til Christmas) and that was lovely enough.
Cute bump :)

Wendy, loving your bump too :)

Ouch Arlene! That sounds so painful! Glad it's not broken though.

I've thought all along that MP would be late, but now I'm thinking s/he will be here definitely before Christmas - possibly next week even :shock: So much still to do to get ready lol. Of course, I could still have to wait until mid January... :rofl:

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