Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Hi Girls
Loving all the bump pics can't wait to see more.

Emma Glad you were able to get some pampering in. You surely deserve it.

Karen Congrats on the new job and glad to hear that your bean is doing well too.

Rachael you must be so excited for Friday. Can't wait to hear what you're having.

Wendy hope dh's knee is continuing to improve. Also I hope you didn't get too much snow it makes the winter that much colder.

Natasha hope you're feeling better. Glad to hear your two boys are treating you well. Sorry oh is having a hard time with work. I hope things get better for him.

Arlene I hope you're not in too much pain with your foot. Take care of yourself and make sure that new puppy of yours doesn't trip you. (my two dogs get me all the time)

Abii hope that morning sickness is almost gone and like the other ladies have said don't worry about your weight too much everyone is different. I'm sure you're doing fine.

Nat Can't believe that you're starting to get the feeling that you may go early. Better start getting things in order. Can't wait til we get to see pics of your little one.

Carly, I know you're taking a break but if you're checking in just want to say that I hope you're doing well.

Hope I didn't forget anyone, if I did I hope you and your bean are doing well. Take care ladies.
Karen I can't believe your 15week's gone already, it's gone so fast!! Glad to hear your squishy has a good strong HB and your doing well, congrat's on the promotion!!

Wendy I honesty don't know what his job title is at the moment. It's changed about 5 time's in the 3year's he been in the job!! I think it's something like "system's co-ordinater"?? All very complicated for my brain to get around!! Lot's to do with making program's, the intranet, and data entry/statistics ect. His last day at work will be the 23rd till about the 3rd or something around that time I assume so it's not too bad. The real difficulty is getting back into the swing of going back to work for him. He's very lucky to have a boss that is so good to him. He live's in a completely different direction but will come and pick Nick up to take him to work if he's having a really bad time with his depression (which has been a lot this year). He was alright when he came home yesterday, said he's just tryin to get his head down and get on with it, so hopefully today will be at least just as bearable for him.
Glad to hear your hubby is getting better!! :hugs:
And yes, I would agree that you look further than 16week's (wow, that far already?!!) can't go wrong with a good PJ piccy!!

Emma I'll be keeping my finger's crossed that it'll go well for you and that you'll have no complications!! Mmmmm, the massage sound's like it was amazing!! Some well deserved relaxation time!! Lovely bumpy, Really liike your top too, though I must admit I had to look twice as I originally though "ahhhh, where's her head?!!" :haha:

Arlene Oh no!! How long do they think it'll take for your foot to mend? Hope your not in too much pain :hugs:

All ladies Hope your doing good and well and enjoying the countdown to Christmas!! :happydance:

AFM My bestest friend in the universe/ adoptive sister and her hubby have just had the last treatment to try and get pregnant! If this doesn't work, she'll have to wait another 6year's before they'll give her a go at IVF! They had 2 lot's of treatment earlier in the year, and decided to wait for the last try. She's lost nearly 2stone in the break they've had, and apparently it increased the success chance by 10%, so im keeping everything crossed that it's worked!! They've been trying for over 3years, had lot's of different treatment's and operations, so this is the last chance before IVF! We've just gotta wait for her to be able to take a test now :dust:
I was hoping for a lazy day today, but am now having to make the house pretty as Nick's arranged for a few people to come over this evening -sigh- It's time's like these I wish I didn't care what people think about my home :rofl: (it's not bad mostly washing up lol) Hey ho, best stop dilly dallying on here and get on with it before Ely wake's up!
Hi ladies.
I have been keeping up with your posts, and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. The 4d scan was done yesterday and it was amazing. I thought Mike was going to fall out of the chair looking at the screen. He is the perfect mix of the two of us from what we can tell, so now I want to meet him even more and he is more perfect than I could of ever asked for. I knew he was going to be upset because it was around his sleep time and he kept putting his hand up to his face and finally he got his thumb in his mouth and it was almost like he said awwwwww. It was so amazing to feel and see him kick at the same time. I hope you all enjoy the pictures. And I hope you get to have this experience because it was incredible.


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Hi Ladies :flower:

Carly- Oh wow, your pictures are amazing. I hope you have started feeling better :hugs:

Natasha- Thanks hun :hugs: The dress is from Primark lol. I have been buying clothes from there these past few months as I dont fit in my other things, I dont see the point in paying so much for maternity clothes :haha: Fingers crossed for your friends! There is one thing when you struggle to conceive but then having to go through all that! I will keep everything crossed for them :hugs:

Natalie- I have always put it in my head that Pip will be coming early! Dont worry too much as things will fall into place. If it makes you feel better, I know some people due around the same time as me and they haven't got anything yet!! I hope Jeff gets some more work so you can finish what you need to. I have always thought that MP would be late if that also helps lol

Arlene- Oh no, sorry to hear about your foot! I am surprised that your work does not make you wear safety shoes with carrying things. My caretakers at work have to wear them. I am so glad to hear that it wasn't broken, thats the last thing you would of needed when feeling sick. I hope Kyle and the new puppy are allowing you to rest plenty :hugs:

Wendy- I am still in shock over your bump Mrs! I hope the hubby is starting to feel better and not pushing himself too much. Make sure you get plenty of rest as well :hugs:

Well as for me today has been a weird day! I had gym ball physio this morning and was not happy that I had to even get up :haha: I was really tired and didnt want to get up this morning but had to go along if I wanted the accupunture to continue. I went to it and was sat bouncing on the ball being shown exercises for half and hour and sent on my way. I was a little annoyed as they said I would have to purchase one of the balls to be able to the exercises. I dont have the room to have a huge ball in the flat :growlmad: I came out of it in agony and barely able to walk again which was very useful lol

I have had to spend the rest of the time on the sofa relaxing and trying not to do anything as I am in pain. Its a bit annoying when I have ironing etc to do but oh well! Tomorrow I am off to the hospital to see my grandad again and hoping he is doing well and then Thursday is all mine!! Well, mine to have a look at birthing plans and my maternity bag :haha:
Hi ladies, back for a proper post this time!

Emma We did get snow, but it was so wet it just ended up freezing and my whole town turned into an ice rink. It was pretty scary, so many folk fell over and a few cars went off the road. We are expecting more snow on Friday, great! Ooh I love real Xmas trees, I just don't like the mess they leave behind :haha:. Aww your bump is so cute! Can't wait to start showing mine off to the public like that, i'm still so self consious. My family have all seen it though and can't believe how big it got kind of over night lol, but i'm still hiding it under baggy clothes from everyone else. Aww no can't believe you've ended up pain! You did think you might. Plenty of rest and tlc for you lady :flower: x

Rachael I feel fat half the time too lol, but bump is most definitely all round now and hard to touch so I can't deny it's there now. Can't wait to see your pic :) x

Arlene Ouch! That sounds sore Mrs, I remember my hubby doing that at his work and his entire big toe nail came off! It wasn't broken either just tissue damage like yours but painful indeed. I hope you're getting plenty of rest :hugs: x

Nat Oh wow it's amazing to think MP could be here next week! So exciting. Weekly massages sound fab, how do they do back massages when you are so far on though? I take it you can't lie on bump like a normal back massage? :shrug: I'm clueless about these things lol, i've never had a massage in my life but they sound divine! x

Adrienne Thanks hun, hubby is doing a good bit better. He is off pain killers and crutches now and taking it step by step. He is still achy after walking for more than 5 mins but he is definitely improving. He plans to go back to work on Friday but I'm not sure how he will handle 8 hours on his feet:wacko: time will tell I guess x

Natasha Sounds like your hubby has the right attitude. At the end of the day we only work to bring home the bacon so it's best to just keep your head down and bash on with it and then try and leave work stress at the door when you leave. Easier said than done some times though. Yeah I know I can't believe how big I am already, It just sort of popped one day a week ago, I was a bit overweight to start with but the weight was spread out, never had a round stomach like that before lol but I like it :) Aww wishing your best friend all the luck in the world for her BFP, I so hope it's third time lucky :flower: x

Carly Beautiful pics hunnie, I hope you're starting to feel a bit better within yourself too :hugs: x

Well I had my 16 week appointment with the midwife this morning and she is really pleased with how things are going. All my test results and blood pressure are perfect and she managed to find bubba's heartbeat in seconds and said it was perfect too :) She said what a co-operative baby you have, I was like eh, your the first one to say that! :haha: I still haven't put on any weight but she isn't worried and says going from my bump and her feel of my stomach bubba is growing perfectly and I would no doubt catch up weight wise over the next month or so. That's me now till my scan on 11th January, cannot wait!

Anyway I best get back to work, talk to you all soon :flower: x
Well I'm term today - and have decided that MP can come any time from Saturday lol. DH still hasn't been getting regular work - he's worked 22 hours in 3 1/2 weeks and we obviously just can't live on that but once baby arrives we'll be able to get over $500/fortnight in family assistance payments as well as a $5400 baby bonus (paid fortnightly over 5 months) so I'm now ready for baby to come sooner rather than later.

Wendy, some massage places have maternity tables with a hole in the middle for your bump, but if not you can always straddle a normal chair backed with a pillow and lean into it. It's actually very comfortable and a great way to relieve back pain in pregnancy just on its own.

Oh and Carly I LOVE the 3D pictures :cloud9:
Hello Ladies..... I'm Back!!!!

I have posted in the other thread, Amy gave me the link to here emma, OMG you all have been busy..

Hows things? Looks like you have all gone big :happydance: i cant wait till its my turn... I am offically back....

I have missed you all soooooo much!

Hi ladies :hugs:

Lea- I am responding to your comments from the TTC thread on here hun if thats ok. Me and the baby are doing ok. If you look back 1 or 2 pages there is the most recent picture of my bump. I am having a little girl.. only 7 weeks left now!! Dont worry about the txt Mrs, funnily enough I was going to text you the other day and forgot again :dohh: It is so nice to see you back on the TTc journey, you have been missed :hugs:

Natalie- :happydance: for being full term!! How weird is it that you are classed as full term now! I still dont think MP will make an appearance until the beginning of january though. Only time will tell. How are your preparations going? I am hoping to finish packing my back and sorting my birthing plan today x

Wendypops- Oh no, I hope no one was injured in the ice! We have just had horrible wind and rain. Even with the extra weight of Pip I nearly got blown away yesterday visiting my Granddad!! Make sure you keep you and bubba safe if you get more snow :hugs: there is nothing to be self concious about, you have a lovely bump! Unfortunately I am now in pain everyday with my hips as its now SPD along with the sciatica. The sciatica has taken a bit of a back seat at the minute and I struggle to sleep and get uncomfortable very easily.
I am so happy that your appointment went well. I was ttold all throughout my pregnancy about not worrying about the weight gain, as long as the baby measure the correct size they seem to be happy. Only 6 weeks until you find out what bubba is :happydance:

Rachael- One more sleep and you find out the sex of your little one, bet your excited!!

Well as for me I have quite a few things that I need to do today on my only day of 'rest' but I am not going to do them all!! I just had 2 slices of toast for breakfast and then 2 jam doughnuts :haha: I just couldnt resist them lol!! I have been really uncomfortable with my bump recently as she has turned and my belly is solid! It is so hard that I have to lean back a lot to take the pressure off. It is funny though as Pip sticks out a foot or something and when you push it she pulls away lol. Cant wait for her to be here :happydance:
Rachael can't believe its your 20 week scan tomorrow :happydance: exciting stuff :) I'm going to guess boy for you.

Emma loving your little bump :thumbup: we can buy steel toe capped boats from our work, but they only supply the main warehouse workers with one pair a year. I'm going to have to invest in some though, as I don't want this happening again! Hope your grandad is still doing well! I used to love lying in a bath and watching Kyle wriggle around in my tummy, my cousin asked to see once and I think shes never been more freaked out in her life :haha:

Wendy what a proper little bump you have going on there! That wasn't slow on making an appearance :lol: glad your appointment went well :) I'm not scheduled for a 16 week appointment, should I be? My next midwife appointment isn't until 20 weeks.

Adrienne the pup is driving me mad! :dohh: she sure is hard work, can't wait for her to stop eating everything in sight :lol:

Natasha they really didn't want to give me an estimated time for my foot healing as everyone heals at different rates, but I can tell its alot better already. DF has made sure I don't move for 72 hours now :dohh: todays my first day without a babysitter! :haha: Fx'd for your friend whos just had the treatment, really hope it works for them this time.

Carly what beautiful pictures! Hope your feeling better now :hugs:

Natalie yay for being full term :happydance: how fast has that gone!

Lea so glad to see you back! hope things are going well for you :hugs:

Well we have red alert weather warnings for 90mph winds, so everythings closed! Kyle wanted to stay at my mums last night and now their stuck in there and im here alone with the pup, who I might actually tie up by her tail..:dohh: I can only stand on my patio and let her out as I can't walk down the stairs, but by the time the wind picks up I won't even be able to do that, shes still so tiny I think the wind would lift her anyway! So might be in for quite a few accidents today.
Poor Kyle got a sledge 2 days ago and then the rain washed the snow anyway :( hes determined to get out on it as well!
I'm hoping I should be back to work on sunday, in time for the managers to serve us our christmas dinner :lol: our one time we can boss them around!
Hope everyones well and sorry to anyone I didn't mention, im hobbling between this and the pup eating the christmas tree :rofl:
Hi ladies.
Just wanted to check in. Thank you all for your wonderful comments about the photos. It really was a magical experience. I am starting to feel more and more like myself as the holiday gets closer. I have put up my tree and started to wrap gifts. I have to go to the dentist today and then do some grocery shopping, so I might treat myself to a yummy starbucks!! And then on Monday I have my glucola testing. I have been dreading this since day one of my pregnancy, so I hope it goes quickly. It is about 5 in the morning here and I have been up for hours tossing and turning in bed. Sleep and pregnancy just aren't mixing for me lately. Emma I cant believe only 7 more weeks till pip is here, have you decided on a name yet?? Rachael I cant wait to find out if you are having a boy or girl, I have a feeling its a girl but we will have to wait and see. Arlene sorry about the poor weather, hope the puppy doesn't give to much trouble for you. Natalie it must be so exciting to be full term, are you going to be following any old wives tales to have try and help the baby along?? Wendy I am glad your appt. went well, only a little while longer till you find out the sex of the baby, I feel like time has flown by. Well ladies I hope you all have a lovely day.
Carly now I want a starbucks!! :dohh: i'm on strict rules not to step over the door though. I may find out if the DF is going to be near a starbucks when hes leaving work. Sorry to hear you aren't sleeping too great. I'm sleeping well, just having freaky dreams!! :lol:
Arlene- So nice to hear you are resting up. I have freaked out my work colleagues with Pip moving about. Last night we were at the in laws and they were all sat there for about half and hour watching Pip move about!! I felt like charging them for the show :haha: make sure you guys stay safe with the weather. We have been told there will be snow in a few days but I expect the same that it wont stick as its been raining for days here. Make sure you dont go back to work before your foot is ok Mrs :hugs:

Carly- So nice to see you back on here. Its nice to see you are feeling more yourself and getting more festive! I hope you enjoy your starbucks! We dont have the glucose test here with your first pregnancy which I find a little strange. Hope it all goes well for you :hugs:

Well I have had a pretty relaxing/ busy day. I have managed to rest and relax in the middle of getting things sorted that I wanted to do which involved 2 hours of ironing. Anyway I am going to head off now as I am struggling to type as my cat is getting further and further onto the keyboard :haha:
Arlene sorry to have given you a starbucks craving. The starbucks is right in the grocery, so I grab a starbucks and start my shopping. I also love their banana walnut bread!! I remember the days of being locked up and not able to leave due to weather conditions, so I know exactly how you feel.

Emma that is very strange to me that they wouldn't do the test, but I guess its different everywhere. It is nice to be back and to be feeling a little happier. I am still a bit lonely during the day but I am trying to fill them up with little activities to help. You want to know something funny? I dont even own an ironing board. I have an iron but no board, I cant remember the last time I ironed something.
Welcome back Lea! Yay for being on the TTC bandwagon! :D

hope everyone is doing well?

20 week scan tomorrow! Can't wait!
Hello Ladies...

Wow what a hetic day at work its been! Just another day in the care home...

Wow Em i cant believe you will be holding your little girl in a few weeks time, I'm sooo happy for you! I bet it hasn't been easy! :winkwink: Pregnancy is the most beautiful thing you will ever experience in your life, but holding your baby for the first time is magical! I cant wait to see her... we never did meet up, but i promise you this, in the next few months we will..:hugs:

You and wendy were the biggest help and support on my ttc journey and in a way i am gutted im not apart of it with you now, but on the other hand BUZZING for you both...

Wendy hun, well your my sister from another mother :rofl: when i got the news from you about lil one, i couldnt believe it, i even told my oh and didnt shut up about you lol... I'm going to miss the comparing with you too, charts, temps etc... I hope you are looking after yourself...:hugs:

Everyone else ty.. i'm glad to be back on the ttc journey, so much has happened in my time away, i have had a great break from it and i'm positive and ready to go, Wendy you have give me the most hope, ttc with PCOS and :bfp: i know i can certainly do it.. We need to meet up too. i guess we all need to keep in contact what ever happens..

Wow sounds like im leaving you all.. lol i'm not, i'm just going to try and see if i can build a thread where i can compare and share ttc as well as being with you ladies...

I'm gutted i stepped out of ttc bcos i may have been with you all. I have decided to try and start my own thread bcos to be honest i'm miles behind you all. I need to be able to compare, moan and scream lol and i cant do that with you lovely ladies bcos you are all pregger baby talk don't make me upset in the slightest, i would never feel that way, i love to hear positive things, and as i have always said IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY FOR ALL OF US... i WAS RIGHT, i just took myself out of the equasion...I'm glad to be backkkkkkkkk
Welcome back Lea! Yay for being on the TTC bandwagon! :D

hope everyone is doing well?

20 week scan tomorrow! Can't wait!

Hey Rachael....:hugs: OMG.. 20wks scan, i bet you cant wait, i remember mine like it was yesterday.. GL hun.. Pls let us know asap what your having..

Hope your well and you've not been working to hard ...:hugs:

Hi ladies :hugs:

Lea- I am responding to your comments from the TTC thread on here hun if thats ok. Me and the baby are doing ok. If you look back 1 or 2 pages there is the most recent picture of my bump. I am having a little girl.. only 7 weeks left now!! Dont worry about the txt Mrs, funnily enough I was going to text you the other day and forgot again :dohh: It is so nice to see you back on the TTc journey, you have been missed :hugs:

Natalie- :happydance: for being full term!! How weird is it that you are classed as full term now! I still dont think MP will make an appearance until the beginning of january though. Only time will tell. How are your preparations going? I am hoping to finish packing my back and sorting my birthing plan today x

Wendypops- Oh no, I hope no one was injured in the ice! We have just had horrible wind and rain. Even with the extra weight of Pip I nearly got blown away yesterday visiting my Granddad!! Make sure you keep you and bubba safe if you get more snow :hugs: there is nothing to be self concious about, you have a lovely bump! Unfortunately I am now in pain everyday with my hips as its now SPD along with the sciatica. The sciatica has taken a bit of a back seat at the minute and I struggle to sleep and get uncomfortable very easily.
I am so happy that your appointment went well. I was ttold all throughout my pregnancy about not worrying about the weight gain, as long as the baby measure the correct size they seem to be happy. Only 6 weeks until you find out what bubba is :happydance:

Rachael- One more sleep and you find out the sex of your little one, bet your excited!!

Well as for me I have quite a few things that I need to do today on my only day of 'rest' but I am not going to do them all!! I just had 2 slices of toast for breakfast and then 2 jam doughnuts :haha: I just couldnt resist them lol!! I have been really uncomfortable with my bump recently as she has turned and my belly is solid! It is so hard that I have to lean back a lot to take the pressure off. It is funny though as Pip sticks out a foot or something and when you push it she pulls away lol. Cant wait for her to be here :happydance:

Love your baby bump hun...:hugs: Cant wait to see lil pinky (girl) i would love a little girl... id go pink crazy.. Her room is beautiful... Have you thought of any names yet?
Rachael can't believe its your 20 week scan tomorrow :happydance: exciting stuff :) I'm going to guess boy for you.

Emma loving your little bump :thumbup: we can buy steel toe capped boats from our work, but they only supply the main warehouse workers with one pair a year. I'm going to have to invest in some though, as I don't want this happening again! Hope your grandad is still doing well! I used to love lying in a bath and watching Kyle wriggle around in my tummy, my cousin asked to see once and I think shes never been more freaked out in her life :haha:

Wendy what a proper little bump you have going on there! That wasn't slow on making an appearance :lol: glad your appointment went well :) I'm not scheduled for a 16 week appointment, should I be? My next midwife appointment isn't until 20 weeks.

Adrienne the pup is driving me mad! :dohh: she sure is hard work, can't wait for her to stop eating everything in sight :lol:

Natasha they really didn't want to give me an estimated time for my foot healing as everyone heals at different rates, but I can tell its alot better already. DF has made sure I don't move for 72 hours now :dohh: todays my first day without a babysitter! :haha: Fx'd for your friend whos just had the treatment, really hope it works for them this time.

Carly what beautiful pictures! Hope your feeling better now :hugs:

Natalie yay for being full term :happydance: how fast has that gone!

Lea so glad to see you back! hope things are going well for you :hugs:

Well we have red alert weather warnings for 90mph winds, so everythings closed! Kyle wanted to stay at my mums last night and now their stuck in there and im here alone with the pup, who I might actually tie up by her tail..:dohh: I can only stand on my patio and let her out as I can't walk down the stairs, but by the time the wind picks up I won't even be able to do that, shes still so tiny I think the wind would lift her anyway! So might be in for quite a few accidents today.
Poor Kyle got a sledge 2 days ago and then the rain washed the snow anyway :( hes determined to get out on it as well!
I'm hoping I should be back to work on sunday, in time for the managers to serve us our christmas dinner :lol: our one time we can boss them around!
Hope everyones well and sorry to anyone I didn't mention, im hobbling between this and the pup eating the christmas tree :rofl:

Congratz hunni.....:happydance: I am so happy for you, little one will have a brother or sister to look after soon, how sweet is that!

I'm doing great, i love my Job soooo much, it can be really hard but very rewarding. I am still studying, when i have the time, i'm also booked in for my theory test on thursday nx week which i'm dreding, but hey if i dont try i will never know.. I'm at test level driving now just my nerves get the better of me :0(

Awe there is sooo much to say but id be here all night.. My Lil one is not so little anymore, hes 11 now and i'm sure hes growing a yr older each week, i cnt believe my eye lol..

Hope your well hun :hugs:
Lea- don't feel like you have to leave the etc thread. There are other fantastic ladies on there and we pop in to say hi like some of the ladies from there pop in here and ask how we are doing. A friend of mine who has PCOS was told she would never conceive naturally and went through all the test and was due to go back to the gynacologist for what they were planning on doing for her on the 14th, when last week she found out she was pregnant! It will happen for you and I will certainly be there keeping an eye on how your doing :hugs:
We think she is going to be called Daisy Lorraine (lorraine after the MIL). No the pregnancy has not been easy at all and I am looking forward to having her here with me! Yes we will definitely meet up hun :hugs:

Rachael- i am so excited for you for tomorrow! I will be ob here all day keeping an eye out for your news!

Carly- get yourself and ironing board and then you can occupy yourself with that :haha: I know how you feel though, with ne being off work at the minute I rarely see or speak to anyone all day. I try to do something in the house, then watch tv, then clean some more then watch tv etc. It is quite boring though, if it wasnt for here and Facebook I would be going nuts!

Well I have been in a but of a mood all night as I got a letter from the doctors saying that following the result of my urine test there is medication waiting for me at the doctors. No phone call, just a letter! It annoys me as the sample was sent off 3 weeks ago and then I had to do another one last week as well and its taken them this long to get back to me. I'm guessing its a UTI or something but we will see what they say tomorrow. Really not happy if I have to go on anti biotics again but at least this time I don't end up in hospital!
Emma you are making me more and more impressed with the prenatal care I have been given. I can't believe they have done this with you, I mean there is a little life to take care of and I cant understand why they aren't on top of things?? I hope all is well and everything works out! And thats why I took up couponing, it helps occupy some of my time and I feel like I am contributing to the house in my own way, and my husband has started to get excited about it too so that helps. I just tell myself less than two weeks before we leave for holiday break and I am so excited to see my family and eat loads of food and see the looks on their faces when they open their presents. We bought my little sister a TV and my inlaws a laptop and my mom the very expensive mattress topper she wanted. I dont think any of them expect a thing, we went a little crazy this year but got really good deals on black friday so that helped. I know my family bought tons of stuff for Sam, so I am curious to see what he will have in his stocking for the year. Well I hope everyone has a great day!!!

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