:wave: ladies! Sorry i've not been on in a couple of days, things have been mega crazy here. Work is a nightmare with folk off work and with hubby's knee and the serious weather we've been having here it's been non stop. Luckily we didn't get the hurricane weather as bad as they thought we would as we were put on red alert but it was very very windy and icy this last week, enough to rip folks fences clean off and blow down a good few trees. There's been a lot of accidents but i'm pleased to say me and my family are all well. Phew!
Well when I say well.... hubby went back to work last night, thought he would see how it went, I got a call at 6am to say he was back in A&E at the hospital

He was getting on ok at work but there was a leak at work which no one had bothered to do anything about and hubby didn't know with being off, he slipped on the water and right over his knee again. He's totally knackered it again and is back to square one. He has pulled all the ligaments and it turns out last time he fell the hospital missed a fracture in his xray so I need to take him to the fracture clinic tomorrow to see what to do about it and check if his cartilage has been damaged. For now he is back on the crutches, can barely walk and is back on the strong painkillers. It's just our luck, sigh. He feels awful cause i'm back to running about like a blue arsed fly looking after him but it's not his fault bless him. Think he will be off till Xmas now though, really hope he will be a bit better for Xmas day.
I'm doing alright though, just very very tired. I feel like I don't get a minute to rest and when I do get to bed at night I just can't sleep. I try but I just can't get comfy. I don't know why but my hips keep going to sleep and if they finally ease up my ribs get really uncomfy. What I would do for a good nights sleep I tell you. I keep thinking if this is what i'm like now what have I got to come? I used to be out like a light when my head hit the pillow. Hopefully it will ease up soon cause I don't know how much longer I can go on like a zombie x
Anyway on to you lovely ladies:
Nat Ahh that makes sense about the massages! Might give them a try when i'm later on. Sounds so relaxing. Ooh your term!

How exciting! How are you feeling? Well I hope. Sorry to hear hubby hasn't been getting much work, that's a shame when things were just getting on track but like you say at least you know you have some money coming when your loved one is here x
Lea OMG Hunnie it's so fab to see you here

I have so missed our chats! It's totally made my night to see you are back

and sounds like things are going great for you! I am so happy to hear that hun. You know if i got my BFP you can do it girl! It was such a good feeling cancelling my fertility specialist appointment I had booked for December the other day. I never thought I could do this naturally but it happened, same as it will for you

Things are going really well for me, can't believe i'm past the four month mark now. Find out if i'm team pink or blue on 11th January, can't wait! I'm thrilled to hear you are back ttc and I will be following your journey are supporting you all the way as always

Emma Ooh hun that doesn't sound nice, my Dad has sciatica so I know it's horrible. Hope the accupuncture is helping at least a bit. Oh I feel your pain about the sleep, and see if one more person tells me it's my body preparing for being awake for the baby I might scream

That doesn't make you feel any better! Mmm I love doughnuts! I'm not really eating the best to be honest, I try and have a couple of fruit and veg a day but I still eat crap too lol. The way I see it is bubba is growing healthy so I can't be doing any harm, just gotta eat what I can when I feel like it. That is so bad about your doctors, you should have had a phonecall telling you what was wrong and what they were prescribing not a criptic letter! What was wrong hun? A UTI? Hope the treatment is helping x
Arlene I'm not sure if you will have different appointments hun cause you are sort of on consultant watch aren't you. When I went to my first appointment with my midwife she marked all the appointments I need to have into my folder so I have had an 8, 12 and 16 one so far, then i have my 21 week scan and then I need to see my gp on week 25, I can't remember what comes after that but there is a lot of appointments lol. I think it's every four weeks until i'm near the end it changes to every two weeks. I wouldn't worry they will soon give you a call if they need you in for anything. Ooh I see you were on a red weather warning too! Hope you weren't too badly effected. Everywhere here closed too apart from my fricking work

always the same! Are you going back to work tomorrow? Don't rush it hun, you want to be well to enjoy Xmas x
Carly So glad to hear you are feeling more like yourself, not long at all till you get to spend Xmas with your family

you sure have spoiled them but i am exactly the same, always go OTT but if you can't spoil your loved ones at Xmas when can you! Good luck for your test tomorrow, I need to get the glucose test not looking forward to it at all! Apparently here they take blood, make you drink some disgusting drink then you have to wait two hours before they take blood again, sounds like a long boring day!

Still I will do what needs to be done x
Rachael Aww wow another little girl! You must be thrilled

Aww man, you are the only person i've ever swithered over with my prediction, mind i said a month ago but I was so sure if i changed to girl you would end up being boy and I would kick myself for changing

I'm so happy for you though hun, time to go shopping! x
Naomi Wow your over 14 weeks! Time is flying by eh. How are you keeping? x
Natasha You just get on when you can, we all understand how busy you will be with two kiddies on the scene now. Just look after yourself

Oh I meant to say I got a letter from the hospital on Friday to say my results came back from my NT scan & bloods and I am classed as low risk. That is good to know

Anyway I best get to my bed, sorry for the very long post lol but I hope all you ladies are well and will speak again soon
