Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

I had a feeling!! So exciting!! Very happy to hear the news Rachael!!
Aw that's great rachael! What a lovely name yous have picked too. I really thought boy :dohh:

Hoping to get a proper post again tomorrow ladies. Hope yous are all keeping well and wrapping up in this chilly weather! Xx
Hello Ladies,

I'm Naughty i have to be up for work at 6am and its gone 2am already :nope:

Awe a little girl Rachael.. Bet your buzzing hun... Wendy is going to have a boy now i bet...

Awe Hope your ok Em, awe i don't i just thought i would start one myself cos things are far on that one and i don't know many ppl...
Daisy Lorraine awe i like Daisy, its such a delicate Beautiful name..

Awe u never did have it good at the beggining did you... Oh its almost over and lil Daisy will be in your arms... Nice to see you over there too hun..

Wendy Hun where are you????? Hope your well... I want to see piccies..
Here's a quick pic of my 16 week belly bump ladies (ignore the pj's lol), you'd think I was a lot further on :haha: x

LOVE THIS PIC...... I bet you never though you would get like this :happydance:

Where are you MRS.. I need to speak, not heard from you in a while..... You will be shocked to see me....:hugs:
Rachael, Yay, my prediction was correct!! Im so pleased, and love the name you have for LO :hugs:

Hope all is well, and hello Lea :howdy:
I've been quite busy/tired hence the lack of post-age, but I'm sure I'll get round to a big one eventually :dohh: Until then, take care everyone!
:wave: ladies! Sorry i've not been on in a couple of days, things have been mega crazy here. Work is a nightmare with folk off work and with hubby's knee and the serious weather we've been having here it's been non stop. Luckily we didn't get the hurricane weather as bad as they thought we would as we were put on red alert but it was very very windy and icy this last week, enough to rip folks fences clean off and blow down a good few trees. There's been a lot of accidents but i'm pleased to say me and my family are all well. Phew!

Well when I say well.... hubby went back to work last night, thought he would see how it went, I got a call at 6am to say he was back in A&E at the hospital :dohh: He was getting on ok at work but there was a leak at work which no one had bothered to do anything about and hubby didn't know with being off, he slipped on the water and right over his knee again. He's totally knackered it again and is back to square one. He has pulled all the ligaments and it turns out last time he fell the hospital missed a fracture in his xray so I need to take him to the fracture clinic tomorrow to see what to do about it and check if his cartilage has been damaged. For now he is back on the crutches, can barely walk and is back on the strong painkillers. It's just our luck, sigh. He feels awful cause i'm back to running about like a blue arsed fly looking after him but it's not his fault bless him. Think he will be off till Xmas now though, really hope he will be a bit better for Xmas day.

I'm doing alright though, just very very tired. I feel like I don't get a minute to rest and when I do get to bed at night I just can't sleep. I try but I just can't get comfy. I don't know why but my hips keep going to sleep and if they finally ease up my ribs get really uncomfy. What I would do for a good nights sleep I tell you. I keep thinking if this is what i'm like now what have I got to come? I used to be out like a light when my head hit the pillow. Hopefully it will ease up soon cause I don't know how much longer I can go on like a zombie x

Anyway on to you lovely ladies:

Nat Ahh that makes sense about the massages! Might give them a try when i'm later on. Sounds so relaxing. Ooh your term! :happydance: How exciting! How are you feeling? Well I hope. Sorry to hear hubby hasn't been getting much work, that's a shame when things were just getting on track but like you say at least you know you have some money coming when your loved one is here x

Lea OMG Hunnie it's so fab to see you here :hugs: I have so missed our chats! It's totally made my night to see you are back :wohoo: and sounds like things are going great for you! I am so happy to hear that hun. You know if i got my BFP you can do it girl! It was such a good feeling cancelling my fertility specialist appointment I had booked for December the other day. I never thought I could do this naturally but it happened, same as it will for you :flower: Things are going really well for me, can't believe i'm past the four month mark now. Find out if i'm team pink or blue on 11th January, can't wait! I'm thrilled to hear you are back ttc and I will be following your journey are supporting you all the way as always :hugs: x

Emma Ooh hun that doesn't sound nice, my Dad has sciatica so I know it's horrible. Hope the accupuncture is helping at least a bit. Oh I feel your pain about the sleep, and see if one more person tells me it's my body preparing for being awake for the baby I might scream :haha: That doesn't make you feel any better! Mmm I love doughnuts! I'm not really eating the best to be honest, I try and have a couple of fruit and veg a day but I still eat crap too lol. The way I see it is bubba is growing healthy so I can't be doing any harm, just gotta eat what I can when I feel like it. That is so bad about your doctors, you should have had a phonecall telling you what was wrong and what they were prescribing not a criptic letter! What was wrong hun? A UTI? Hope the treatment is helping x

Arlene I'm not sure if you will have different appointments hun cause you are sort of on consultant watch aren't you. When I went to my first appointment with my midwife she marked all the appointments I need to have into my folder so I have had an 8, 12 and 16 one so far, then i have my 21 week scan and then I need to see my gp on week 25, I can't remember what comes after that but there is a lot of appointments lol. I think it's every four weeks until i'm near the end it changes to every two weeks. I wouldn't worry they will soon give you a call if they need you in for anything. Ooh I see you were on a red weather warning too! Hope you weren't too badly effected. Everywhere here closed too apart from my fricking work :grr: always the same! Are you going back to work tomorrow? Don't rush it hun, you want to be well to enjoy Xmas x

Carly So glad to hear you are feeling more like yourself, not long at all till you get to spend Xmas with your family :) you sure have spoiled them but i am exactly the same, always go OTT but if you can't spoil your loved ones at Xmas when can you! Good luck for your test tomorrow, I need to get the glucose test not looking forward to it at all! Apparently here they take blood, make you drink some disgusting drink then you have to wait two hours before they take blood again, sounds like a long boring day! :sleep: Still I will do what needs to be done x

Rachael Aww wow another little girl! You must be thrilled :happydance: Aww man, you are the only person i've ever swithered over with my prediction, mind i said a month ago but I was so sure if i changed to girl you would end up being boy and I would kick myself for changing :haha: I'm so happy for you though hun, time to go shopping! x

Naomi Wow your over 14 weeks! Time is flying by eh. How are you keeping? x

Natasha You just get on when you can, we all understand how busy you will be with two kiddies on the scene now. Just look after yourself :hugs: x

Oh I meant to say I got a letter from the hospital on Friday to say my results came back from my NT scan & bloods and I am classed as low risk. That is good to know :) Anyway I best get to my bed, sorry for the very long post lol but I hope all you ladies are well and will speak again soon :flower: x
Yay Rachael on having a girl. Now it's time to go out and buy everything pink that's out there LOL

I'll do a proper post tomorrow as I have just come back from work. Take care ladies!!!
Hey ladies!!

I'm so so sorry I've been away so long, things have been mad, in a good way, but mad none the less!!:blush:
Well over 14 weeks now, no real bump to speak of yet, apart from bloating and I'm so impatient to see it! Still being sick most mornings but only have the odd day now where I feel sick all day (today being one of those days :growlmad:) Got Christmas decorations up now and I keep welling up thinking that this time next year there will be a little person around to make this all worth while!! Work is mad with the Christmas season, producations and nativities and carol services, plus making gifts to take home, not sure how I'm going to fit it all in next week but never mind!

Ah Wendy your poor hubby! Sounds like he is in the wars at the moment! Glad your doing OK though, just think soon all your nights sleep will be disrupted:dohh: hopefully you'll catch up soon!

Lea!!! so glad to see you are back!!! Have missed you!

Rachael I love the name for your little girl, it's beautiful!! I don't know about you, but I've found it much easier to decide on a girls name than a boys!

Emma hope your ok hun, not too much longer left to wait now!

Arlene hope your ok hun!

To everyone else I may have missed, I hope you are all well!!

O and the other thing that I seem to be experiencing is the most vivid dreams!! They are about ordinary things but so real! To the point where last night I actually sat bolt upright and reached out for my cat who I was worried would fall head over heels and break her spine (ok so maybe they are a bit wierd too!!!)
Naomi, I've had some wacky dreams too, it's all part of the joys of pregnancy! One night Ian had to wake me up because I was actually screaming in my sleep and he was worried about me :wacko:

As for names, I did find a girls name much easier to settle on. Once we had our names picked I loved our girls name so much I secretly wanted baby to be a girl, but I was convinced it was a boy! Nathan James is our boys name and we will be having another so hopefully we'll get our boy then!

As for the scan, it went well. All the measurements were fine that she could take but as Isobel was head down in my pelvis and facing my back (I'm sure that's the perfect birthing position!) the sonographer couldn't get clear enough images of her face and brain, and her (well formed) spine and ribs were casting shadows on the heart pictures so she couldn't check the vessels etc. She does have long legs so must take after me not her Daddy! She had them up with her feet by her head! I'm back on the 28th for them to try again (my high BMI didn't help matters :blush:) so hopefully they'll be able to check what they need to check.
Hello Ladies...

Hope your all well over here :flower:

:wave: Wendy awe i have soooo missed you! OMG your prro hubby sounds like hes been though the mill bless him. I hope hes ok :flower:

You sound as busy as ever, but well at the same time! I know i can do it hun you have given me the most hope.... i knew you would do it hun.. I can't wait to find out what you are having :hugs: Ty hun for your kind words, it means so muc to me... I spend a little time of the other thread i have started bcos i don't want to drag you all back to the ttc cycle when you already have your :bfp:s

I know you all don't mind....:hugs: I will still call over here though and your welcome to call over there. yr a bnb expert now lol

Emma hunni....:hugs: How are you today? i can see you on the other thread.. this back and forth is really hard :growlmad: all paste my daily moan here too lol..

Naomi hey... ty hun. Hope your well, sounds like you have a busy life too. how do we all cope with this hetic life i will never know...:hugs:

:wave: everyone else hope your all keeping well... Rachael i love you little ones name..........

Well What a day!.. I was 1hr 30 mins late for work this morning I have no idea why i just cant seem to wake in the mornings recently.

I was only in for 5hrs, just a short shift today. I'm so far behind with my course work for level 2 maths... And my medication course... To top that i have my theory (for driving) in 4 days I'm so scared because i'm not prepaired for it.. Trying to do my house up for xmas is just another cracker of a joke.. I have taken way to much on....

The worse this of all is My Face, Neck and scalp is throbbing like mad, i guess its another trip to the doctors in the morning bcos i cannot cope with this burning and itching i have.
Over the last few weeks i have suffered problems with my skin. All around my hair line, eye brows, nose, ears and neck. Its all red and inflammed, Its so bloody sore. I'm starting to look like i've been sun burnt.

The Docs said it was psoriasis, then eczema now seborrheic dematitis. Well i don't care what they think it is, i want to know what it is. All the creams they have given me irratate it like crazy.. Even oilatum, diprobase, doublebase to moisterize it, they all make it worse. They have taken me off the steroid creams bcos they are thining my skin and they are only a temp solution, i'm now using daktarin and that is just as bad.

My flaking all over, i cant even use my normal hair products because they burn my scalp. Having afro curly hair i cannot use many products they give me to treat the scalp problem so i cant even style my hair....

I just want it gone..........I have never had anything like this in my life, i never had ache or spots, now my Brown skin is looking more white with flakes and red burnt
Hi ladies :flower: hope you have all had a fab weekend!!

Lea- Hi hun, I was on my mobile checking in on the page lol! The thread has gone crazy so I was trying to keep an eye on it as I know you are very busy at the minute, I hope you dont mind :hugs: Sorry to hear you are having skin problems! I dont listen to what the doctors tell me anymore as I dont think half of them know what they are doing! Dont worry hun, I plan on being there for you and the other girlies on the other thread :hugs: Good luck for your theory test x

Rachael- I found girls names so easy!! Isobel is such a beautiful name. I am still in shock that she is a girl lol!!

Naomi- I really hope things ease for you soon. Being sick all the time and having to work so much is not good! I hope the sickness eases soon. Did your due date change on your scan hun? I cant seem to find anything on here for it :hugs: I had a dream last night that I saw Pips hand come up into my stomach and she pushed so hard she came out :shrug: how weird!

Wendy- I really hope that Ginky rests up now. I saw your fb status about it the other day, bet you loved that call at 6am lol!! As far as I am concerned with food is your body tells you what it needs. I dont eat awful but I dont eat that great either and nobody has ever said anything to me! I went to the doctors and it looks like I have a UTI but nobody has actually confirmed it for definite so back on antibiotics! Apparently a kidney infection in pregnancy is rare unless a UTI is left untreated.... hmm, so it seems it was worthwhile the midwives testing my urine beforehand! :growlmad: Keep an eye on your hips hun, the sciatica has taken a bit of a back seat as I cant do as much which aggrivates it. they are now saying the problems I am having is to do with SPD which is making it difficult to walk at times. The accupuncture helped on Friday but I was back to square one on Saturday!

Carly- Hope your ok hun. Sounds like you have got your family some great Christmas presents! I just keep on cleaning and tidying up to keep myself occupied! It doesnt help with my OCD though as I always want thing to be immaculate now :haha: Not long now until you get to spend the holidays with your family :hugs:

Well ladies this weekend we have been really busy doing fun stuff!! we went to a Christmas market in Preston which was promoting all local businesses and it was amazing! On the way back we stopped off and got our Christmas tree. Its the first time I have ever had a real Christmas tree and I love it! Iyt took me 2 hours to decorate it and I wouldn't let Gavin touch it :haha:

Today we have had a photo shoot done with my Dad. He is a photographer and we agreed for my dad to take the pictures of us and he is going to get it put onto canvas for us (I will upload a couple for you guys not on Facebook to laugh at lol). Gavin is going to edit the photo we like and change it to black and white and then leave in the colour of my dress to emphasis the bump and that is going up on the wall in our Living room as our Christmas present from my dad. I cant wait to see the finished result.

Anyway I am off to look after my hungover husband as it was his works Christmas party last night. Take care ladies and hope you have all had a fab weekend :hugs


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Rachael- congrats on the baby girl.

Wendy, Sorry about DH's knee. Hope you get some rest as well.

Naomi, I too have some vivid dreams.

Carly, Love the 3D pics and what nice gifts you and DH bought.

Emma, Love the maternity pics.

AFM, I have been finishing up with finals and starting a new position. So I have been so tired.
Here is my 16 weeks pic.


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Hello Everyone,
Hope you all had a great weekend.

Emma love the pictures, you guys look great together. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with the SPD and UTI. It's the last thing you need. But let me tell you, you wouldn't know you were going through any of that by the way you look in the pictures. You look wonderful.

Naomi wow 14 weeks already how time flies. Sorry you're still dealing with some morning sickness. Hopefully you won't have it for too much longer.

Carly love the 4D pics. You picked out some great gifts for your family. I'm sure you're counting down the days til you go for your visit. Won't be long now.

Karen lovely bump pic miss. Sounds like you've been really busy with the new job and all. Take it easy things can tend to be even more crazy around the holidays. Some make sure you take some time for yourself and your little bean.

Rachael I love the name you picked for your little one. Have you gone on a pink shopping spree yet? LOL

Natasha you must be so busy now with 2 little ones. Hope you get a little break during the holiday.

Wendy poor dh. I can't believe that he hurt his knee again. Hope he'll be up and around by the time the holidays arrive. As I told Karen take some time for yourself and make sure you're not over doing it.

Abii haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope all is well with you and your bean.

Nat tic tock the clock is ticking. Your next up on the baby train. Hope you're feeling good and that you've got things prepared if MP decides to make an early appearence.

Lea sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with your skin. Hopefully the doctors will be able to pin down just what you have and give you the right medicine that will clear it up once and for all. You are also another busy little bee. As I have told the other ladies make sure you take time for yourself so you don't burn out.

Hope you ladies all had a wonderful weekend. And speak with you all soon.
Wendy sorry to hear hubby hurt his leg again :dohh: I've just done and dropped one DF work training folders on my sore foot and my neighbour came to see I was okay :haha: luckily I can walk, its just so bruised! I'm with you on being exhausted and not able to fall asleep. I'm actually finding it much easier to put something on the tv, and I seem to fall asleep quicker. I think its because im not thinking "only so many hours sleep before i'm up.." etc. I found out I actually have less midwife appointments as its my second baby. As for the winds, glad to hear yous stayed safe! We had trampolines blowing around knocking over all sorts, the biggest part of a roof on a street near by came off, it really was scary. I had to let the pup do the toilet inside and she would be lifted into the air when I took her out!! Glad to hear your results came back low risk :thumbup:
Naomi good to hear from you misses! I used to love primary school at christmas, it was always so much fun :) My DF loves hearing about my crazy dreams in the morning :lol: but yea soo real sometimes! Will you be finding out LO's sex?

Rachael I love the name Nathan, and i've started refering to baby as Nathan in an attempt to get DF used to it but its not happening, he just doesn't like it :( I've totally fell in love with it though. At least your getting to see your LO again in no time! :happydance:

Lea sorry to hear about your problems with your skin. Fx'd the doctors get to the bottom of it, you shouldn't have to suffer :hugs: It does sound like your doing alot misses, remember take time to breathe in between!

Emma I love your pics! Looks like good fun. I'd like to do something like that but im reallly not photogenic (sp?) and hate looking at pictures of myself :dohh: What a lovely christmas present from your dad :)

Karen what a lovelylittle bump you have coming along there!

Adrienne hope your keeping well and not too busy at work. I can imagine the airlines get a bit hectic leading up to christmas :hugs: You've done amazing with that weight loss, you must feel like a totally new person!

Natasha hope you and your family are doing well :hugs:

As for me, we're in a bit of a pickle! DF mum is getting married in florida in september and we were going to go over for it as a surprise. They organised it and weren't even going to tell until they got home but that didn't last. I know how much she'd love her son and daughter there, and fortunately we're in a position we could afford it, but his younger sister is 17 and still in school and only does Avon which doesn't get her alot. For us to outright take her would cost £700-£800 for flights and accomodation, park tickets alone would be another £300-400 and she would need at least another £700 spending money. The absolute most she could save on her own would be £600, leaving us to pay over a grand. Its just too much when we're hoping to find a new house and god knows what work might need done to that. However we can't go and leave her behind, wouldn't be right!
What do you ladies think about us maybe throwing them a reception/party when they get back? It would cost us a few thousand less :haha:
Other than that, I think i'm starting to feel movement! :happydance: I know you can feel it early with second pregnancies and im 90% sure its what it was. It was very low down exactly were bubs would be and very obvious. So exciting!! Hoping to go look at prams on saturday, with all that snow we had then the crazywinds, DF was out non stop and on higher payments so i'm taking advantage of this :haha: Anyway I best be off to get ready for work! xx
Sorry I never do as long detailed posts as everyone else does - I do read every post but I have issues maintaining my train of thought long enough to respond to everything. I don't mean to offend anyone I miss - just responding to the things I can remember off the top of my head (stupid preggo brain).

Rachael you already had my congratulations on your pink bump twice.

Wendy, your poor hubster! How's he doing now?

Lea, it's good to see you again! :hugs:

Emma, loving the bump pics :thumbup: My dad took maternity pics for us on the weekend too, but he's not a professional or anything. They'll make such a wonderful memory to have as every bump is unique. Did you get any bare bump shots? My dad offered but I was too embarrassed to show that much skin for my dad lol.

Arlene, I think doing a reception for them when they get back is a great compromise. If they weren't planning on telling anyone until afterwards initially anyway then I don't think they'll mind you not forking out that kind of money to go to Florida. Also, 15 weeks is definitely not too early for movement. I felt the first movement at 14 weeks and towards the end of 15 weeks the movements were strong enough for DH to be able to feel them already (aw man what I wouldn't give for those gentle movements now :haha:) So exciting!

Here's the link to my maternity photos from the weekend (haven't sat down yet to choose favourites so it's all 105 photos lol, and they haven't been enhanced or edited at all yet either but I'm quite happy with them). Photos/
My bump has majorly dropped this last couple days. My parents were by this afternoon and they couldn't believe the change from yesterday already!
Hi ladies :flower:

Thank you for all the kind words about the pictures :hugs:

Natalie- Your pictures are amazing! I wish we could of had some in such lovely scenery like yours, but its too cold here to do anything like that lol. The idea is that one of the shots is going to get put onto canvas in black and white and the only thing in colour will be my dress. My husband has finished the photo that has been sent off now so cant wait to see it. We had so much fun doing it and trying to get a serious picture was difficult! No I didnt do a bare stomach shot, I would like one but I have a scar where my belly button bar was and the line down my stomach. They pointed out when I got there that they could of edited that out but I wasn't correctly dressed to do it then. How are you coping with MPs movements? Pip has taken up my whole stomach and she kicks me really low at the same time as kicking my ribs! Dont know how I am going to go another 6 weeks lol.

Arlene- I am the same, it took me ages to try and get a picture that I liked1 I felt like I was gurning all the time, if not blinking or looking away :haha: I am glad we have managed to one that we love!! I think throwing them a reception is a lovely idea. They must understand the cost of things for you guys especially with another little one who will be there at the time. Hope it all goes ok. :happydance: for feeling movements, I remember how excited I was and now I will be happy when she stops playing with my ribs :haha: Hope you are still resting :hugs:

Adrienne- Thank you, its was a struggle at times mainly with getting into positions with my hips but we spent most of it laughing as the hubby was hungover from his works Christmas party! My dad is not a serious type of person either so that helped with some of the silly shots lol! I hope you are ok and relaxing when you can. I hope things are not to hectic for you as it gets closer to the holidays :hugs:

Well I have tried to spend today relaxing as much as possible as I am going to be at a colleagues conference tomorrow for work and its an all day event. I would much rather be at home in my pj's :haha: Oh well, early night and early get up for me tonight.

I hope everyone else is ok :hugs:

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