Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Emma I love the pictures you have taken with your husband. I wanted to take professional pictures with Mike as well, but we have decided to have my Uncle who has a very professional camera take pictures of us at Christmas in front of the tree and outside with the snow and lights. Your belly is beautiful!!!!

Adrienne you have no idea how excited I am to go home. My mom lost her job and was out of work for almost 2 months so that was really hard and I know she is upset about not being able to have loads of presents under the tree but I told her the best present is that she has her rent and all her bills paid and that we have a beautiful christmas meal all together. I am grown and my sister is almost 18 so we completely understand that those things are more important than some presents. But you know how moms can be. I hope you are doing well and looking forward to your holiday as well!!

Arlene- I think your idea about throwing a reception when they get back is beautiful. Even if you did something small with close friends and family and just held a nice dinner or just cocktails and appetizers with a cake. There are so many options now for affordable parties. I sometimes look back and wish I did things different for my wedding. But I think as long as your heart is in the right place they will feel special and honored at whatever gesture you make. And how exciting that you are already feeling the baby!! I hope baby gives some good jabs and kicks soon just so you know for sure, it really helps to ease the mind, at least for me. And I have tried to turn it into a bonding time for my husband and I and the baby.

Natalie beautiful pictures and what a beautiful bump!! I bet you cant wait to meet that little baby!!! I cant wait to have that drop, I know I have a long wait but it will be nice to be able to breath a little better again.

Well ladies I had my glucose test today and it didn't go too well. The cutoff is 140 and I tested 148. They weren't overly concerned, they just want me to watch my diet, so I will be cutting out a lot of carbs, sweets, and my biggest craving COKE!! I go back on Jan 3rd for her to take a sample of blood, then go eat something and wait two hours, then have her take another sample of blood and see how my body processed the meal. I am nervous especially because of the holidays but I am going to do my best. I will have to cheat on christmas eve and christmas day but I think for the most part the rest of the time I can manage. We officially have all our christmas shopping done. We have a lot already wrapped but I need to pick up some more wrapping supplies. We also have a few more garbage gifts to buy but thats easy. Garbage is a fun game you can try with your family over the holidays if you are looking to start a new tradition. Each person brings 5 wrapped items. Usually some good things like candy or hot cocoa and then some funny stuff like a can of tuna and then random things like soap and toothpaste so its fun and funny. Then all the gifts are put into the middle of the table. Each person throws two dice, and if they get doubles they get to select a gift. Then when all the gifts have been selected a timer is set for 5-10 minutes depending on how large the crowd and if anyone gets doubles again they can steal gifts from other people (this is the most fun part). My family has been playing this game for years and it never gets old, and you are never too old to play. Just thought I would give you all a little something fun. Sorry for the ramble.
Emma, I definitely find myself wincing most evenings. I'm not sure why but it's always in the evening when MP's movements are strong enough to be painful. S/he is very busy all the time but definitely most active a few hours before bed. And hiccuping so much more than ever lol. The other night I went to Christmas Carols by Candlelight with my parents and MP had the hiccups for more than 10 minutes - both my parents got to feel them. They were the strongest they've ever been and I felt so bad for MP lol. Then the fireworks started and the hiccups stopped :haha: I guess you can scare the hiccups out of a baby in utero too lol.

Carly, you were so close to passing your GTT - how frustrating. Are they not having you do a longer test before making you alter your diet though? Lots of people don't pass the one hour one but go on to pass the 3 hour one.
Hi ladies! I've had another hectic weekend. Was back at hospital on Sunday to get hubby checked over and on way police pulled us over for a random drink test. Obviously I hadn't been drinking but i've never been pulled over by the police before so I was really nervous. He said where you going? And I said hospital, hubby's got a bad knee but as I said that I hit hubby's knee! :dohh: :haha: Poor hubby yelled out in pain and the police man started wetting himself laughing. Needless to say he didn't bother breathalising me and let us go on while he stood laughing. Silly me! Anyway on we went and they were running an hour behind, typical! Hubby now has a splint on his leg, he's signed off work for three weeks and needs to go get physio in January. So it's back to me running around like a headless chicken trying to get through work, all the household chores, and cooking every meal etc. Knackering is an understatement. Poor hubby feels awful but he literally can't walk so needs must. Yesterday I was running around picking up his prescription and then driving to the next town to pick up his sick line for work. Hectic is not the word. I will do my best to pop on here as and when I can but if I don't manage it some days you know why, i've zonked out on the spot probably haha.

Naomi 15 weeks tomorrow hun, how quick is that going by? It's funny I am exactly two weeks ahead of you lol. Sound like you are super busy too, it's so tiring being pregnant let alone running around all the time! You are no doubt looking forward to your Xmas break as much as I am x

Rachael Aww what a beautiful name you have picked for your wee girl. We love Nathan too for a boy! It's our second choice but we may go with it as a friend has just had a boy and called it Logan :( It doesn't bother me people in the town having the same name as bubba but I really don't want a child the same age to have the same name if you know what I mean. So we are swivering with Logan Scott or Nathan Scott. I loved Samuel but thats gone out the window cause I remembered I have an uncle called that who is a horrible horrible person so I don't want people thinking my child was named after him. Saying that I may have a girl in which case it wont matter and I think I will prob go with Emily Jean although I do now quite like the name Amelia. We shall see what happens at the time I guess! Glad to hear all went well at scan anyway and hey, at least you get to have another wee look at your gorgeous little girl x

Lea Aww hun, your life hasn't got any quieter has it! I take it your work were alright about you being late? I find it so hard getting up in the mornings just now as I don't seem to properly drift off to sleep till really late. It's no fun. Did you go back to the doctors? They can surely run some tests to get a definite answer about what it is? They can't leave you in pain like that. I am sure you will storm your theory test hun! Have faith in yourself, you can do it :flower:. I will def try and pop over to your other thread and say hello when I get a minute, just haven't found the time yet sorry hun, but I will make an appearance at some point to wish everyone well x

Emma I know i've already said on Facebook but they are fab pictures hun! I don't know how you's could choose a fav as they are all so good! And you did a fab job of your xmas tree too! I was so chuffed with mine until the lights decided to stop working yesterday :( No doubt one buld has gone but it's going to be a nightmare trying to test them all to find the right one cause I'm not pulling everything back off my tree, sigh. Just my luck at the moment x

Karen Beautiful bump hun! You are not that far behind me and looks like your bump is growing at the same speed of mine lol. Wonder how big we will end up x

Adrienne Aww I know, I can't believe he's hurt it again either. His work sound like they are wetting themselves cause they keep calling to ask him questions and see how he is doing. They said they had to report it to trading law or something as it was an accident at work. I just hope he makes a full recovery. Sorry I haven't been on the ttc thread in the last few days, I've just been struggling to find time lately but I promise I will be back. Hope you are well :flower: x

Sorry I haven't got fully caught up ladies but I need to get off and get some lunch, I will be back to finish catching up later :flower: x
Natalie and Emma, Beautiful maternity photo's!! look's like it was alot of fun having them taken too :hugs:

Karen your bump is coming along nicely already!! Bet you can't stop stroking it!! Have you started to feel LO moving around yet? I didn't start feeling movement's with Ely until 22-23week's, but Auron was about 18-19week's

Wendy Your poor hubby!! What a nightmare for you both :hugs: I hope you don't over do it and enjoy a relaxing time off work for Christmas!! Try not to fall asleep on the keyboard if you do manage to get online lol

Carly I'm loving the idea of the 'garbage' game!! Think I'll have to suggest it and see if anyone is fun enough to play!! (some family member's are a bit boring to say the least when it come's to gaming lol)

All Ladies Hope your well!! Less than 2week's till christmas, hope your all ready for it!
Sorry I'm not posting for all of you individually, on a tight schedule of online time as I really need to do some stuff in the home while Ely sleep's :dohh:

AFM got Ely weighed this morn, and he's gone up from 8lbs 5onces to 9lbs 11 and a half ounces in 2week's!! Dot on his line in the book so im pleased with that! Had a few bad night's of 2houry feed's but mostly it's not too bad. In a routine of going to bed at 10ish, feeding at midnight, then 4ish then 6ish and 8ish. He'll be wide awake from 8ish till 10-11, have a small snooze, feed at midday and sleep until 4ish then be on and off with feeding and sleeping till 7ish when he'll sleep till 10ish for a feed before we hit the hay!! Not a bad little routine for such early day's!! Auron's being a good little helper when were out and about, and keep's himself occupied at home while I sort Ely out, though it doesn't make it any less tiring!! Could probably sleep for at least a good 24hours if i had the chance lol. Really starting to look forward to Christmas now, can't wait to see Auron's face when he's opening his present's (and Ely's lol)
Here's some pix of Ely, I love how his hair goes after a bath!! (second pic) Got a lush pic of the boy's together, but I can't find the cable to get the pix of the digital :dohh:


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Natalie they aren't making me do the longer test. I am very happy about that. I am sure I needed to change my diet anyways. I just felt like I had let Sam down. I was crying and I called my husband and said its my job to take care of him and here I am eating cookies and drinking pop and we couldn't pass one simple test. So it was a really rough day at my house yesterday. But I just push forward and I am trying to have a better day today.

Wendy so sorry you got pulled over, at least you made the cop laugh. Even when you have done nothing wrong those lights can be scary, at least for me. I hope hubby fixes up quickly so you guys can have fun working on nursery and shopping together as it gets closer.

Natasha I am glad you like the idea, it can be really fun and I bet auron would love it, kids think it is soo great to get extra presents even if they are silly ones. I love elys hair, so lucky to have a baby with sooo much hair. I hope Sam has a full head like his daddy did because I was bald till about age 1 lol. It sounds like you have a good routine going and its nice that auron understands and isn't fighting agaisnt you.

Well today I will be doing the rest of the holiday stuff. I have to buy some wrapping things and finish up the wrapping. Then I have to pull out my winter bin as it is much much much colder in IL than in Kentucky so I hope I have some sweaters that still fit. I did buy a nice sweater at Target last weekend so I atleast have one nice sweater to wear for the holiday. Well I am going to go eat a little something before I head out to start my errands. I hope you all have a great day!!!
Carly don't beat yourself up about the test. GD is NOT the woman's fault in the least (ok on rare occasions I suppose it could be as I do know some women who do use pregnancy as an excuse to eat nothing but junk food and loads of sugary drinks - but I'm talking in the extreme. There's nothing wrong with junk food and soda in moderation). 99% of the time it's really just the luck of the draw. There's nothing you did to cause it, though changing your diet will definitely control it (especially as you're so close to being within the acceptable range). Please please don't blame yourself. :hugs:

Natasha, Ely is doing so well! Can't believe how big he is already! I love his hair :cloud9:

Wendy I had to laugh at your story about the police. Poor hubby though. We only got pulled over once for a breathalyser test and it was after a church youth event and they'd already pulled over two other cars from our youth group as we all left at the same time so the policemen just had a lovely chat with us about it and forgot to test me :haha:

I had my weekly GP appointment yesterday. She confirmed that baby is engaged (not fully but getting there) and that my bump definitely dropped. My FH is 33cm and was 34cm last week (I've been consistently measuring 2-4cm behind). She's pretty sure I'll go early and has thrown her guess in for either late Christmas Eve or early Christmas morning. I hope not! Nothing against a Christmas baby but I can think of few things worse than being alone in hospital on Christmas Eve - visiting hours aren't until 10am so that's a long time being alone on Christmas day! lol.
I'm just about to finish my catch up but thought I would share my 17 week bump pic with you all first cause I still can't believe the size of it already! Just to remind you all I am a DD/E breast cup size but because of the size of my bump my boobs now look tiny :haha: x


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Wendy imagine how I feel? I am a B cup so my boobs look so small its not even funny. Dont get me wrong they grew a bit due to the pregnancy but not enough to even compare to the big belly. I am measuring a bit larger than most women at this stage in their pregnancy so midwife thinks baby will be early. Thanks for sharing your bump. Mike and I are planning to take some nice bump shots together at christmas so if they turn out nice I will post them.
Arlene Aww that makes sense having less appointments for a second pregnancy. They will know more about you second time round. Ooh you have to convince DF to let you call the baby Nathan if a boy, it would be so cool if we both had Nathan's :haha: Saying that hubby still likes Logan better so think I need to do some convincing myself! Or we may both end up with girls, but I am starting to feel a boy for you. We shall see! I would deffo just throw a reception party for DF's mum. It's way to much to fork that out for his sister when you have so much going on yourselves. Plus it means that other people who would have liked to have been there can go to the party too and she will get such a lovely surprise when she returns :) I don't what it was like for you today but here we had winds way worse than that red warning last week! It literally took my breath away and I was being pushed along the street. No likey :( I can still hear it howling outside. Hopefully it will be a bit nicer tomorrow x

Nat Aww what beautiful pics you have too, you definitely have the pregnancy glow about you, you look fab! Oh gosh, imagine going into labour on Xmas day! I suppose it would be the best gift right enough lol. I don't think it would feel like xmas day though, you'd have to have another celebration on boxing day :haha: It's so exciting to think it could happen at any time though. I just can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl :happydance: x

Carly I deffo like the sound of your photo idea, they would look fab with the xmas tree in the pic etc. Very festive! Sorry to hear the glucose test didn't go how you would like it to but sounds like you've nothing to worry about. I am sure with a bit of a diet change that number will go down. I hope you can post a bump pic at Xmas, I would love to see one. I never care about making it a really good one, again that was a pj pic :haha: x

Natasha What gorgeous pics of Ely! He has the most beautiful eyes. Great news that the weight is going on too. I so can't wait for Xmas either, I've got the whole family coming round for xmas dinner and we always open our presents together so it's a nice little traditional day. Shame is goes by so quickly tho x

Can I ask when you ladies all started feeling kicks etc? I haven't felt anything like that yet and I really can't wait to feel something! I think it will make it all feel a bit more real. Well I best get off again for now, I hope everyone is well, speak soon :flower: x
I felt my first flutters around 15 weeks. Love the bump Wendy. Here is my 21 week bump


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I deffo agree with those around you Rachael, that is definitely a gorgeous baby bump! :happydance: x
Yay for bumps :cloud9: - Wendy telling us your cup size really puts yours into perspective :shock: - Carly imagine how I feel with my As being completely dwarfed by my bump lol. Being pregnant hasn't made them grow at all :( DH says they have but I still fit in all my bras and there's definitely no spillage so I have to disagree with him lol.

Also Wendy, I felt flutters at 14 weeks and quite strong movement (stretching and pushing against me that I could feel from the outside rather than kicks though) a week and a half later. But I have a lovely posterior placenta. If yours is anterior it could be quite a while until you're able to feel anything. With first babies it can easily be after 20 weeks. I hope it's soon for you though - there really is nothing in the world like it :cloud9: (Especially earlier before the kicks get strong enough to hurt :haha:)
Hi ladies :hugs:

Wendy- Aw thanks hun, I will post up a picture of the one we have chosen and the edited last image as it has all been turned to black and white apart from my dress. Apparently the canvas has been ordered and should be with my dad by early next week... cant wait :happydance: That's a pain with your tree! It will just be one silly bulb but finding it will be like finding a needle in a haystack!! I hope your hubby starts feeling better soon :hugs: Make sure you don't burn yourself out hun. At least you don't have too long left at work before the Christmas break :hugs: As for movements, they say anything from 16 weeks onwards but if its your first then you can go past 20 weeks before you can feel them. At my 20 weeks scan they were surprised that I could feel movements even though it was already down on my notes from my 16 week appointment. Don't stress about it, your bubba will give you a good kick in its own time :haha:

Natasha- What adorable pictures of Ely. I am so glad that Auron is behaving himself for you. Ely has certainly got himself into a good little routine hasn't he! Can I ask you what you had in your birth plan? I keep on trying to write mine and then stopping, it is very over whelming with how many things you are advised to think about!! I know you just put in the relevant bits to yourself but there is so much I just dont know where to start!

Rachael- What a lovely bump you have :hugs:

Carly- Your picture idea sounds adorable, I can't wait to see them! Dont worry too much about your glucose test, especially over Christmas! Your test sounds far better than the one in the UK. You are made to drink a high sugar liquid (very thick!) and have to sit for a few hours to see how its processed! I cant drink things like that. Hope you managed to find some sweaters that fit you :hugs:

Natalie- Pip gets so high up at times that I have to slouch back as she hurts my ribs with where she is! I know what you mean about the hiccups, pip had them at 5am this morning, I just wish I could help her as they seem to go on forever. :haha: Bless MP, getting the hiccups scared out of him/her by fireworks lol.

Well as for me, I am shattered! I attended a colleagues conference yesterday and was out all day from early on and was non stop! I woke up at 4.30ish this morning and have been unable to get back to sleep. I am not best pleased with things from this conference but there is nothing I can do to change it so there is no point dwelling on it. I just hope my job is still there for me for when I get back off maternity!

Tonight is my first labor class and I am a little frightened to be honest. I have been trying not to think about it as whatever happens, happens as far as I am concerned. I dont want to stress myself out about it before it happens! Oh well, I must at least finish my maternity bag today although I ended up stressing the last time i started doing it. time to try again :haha:
Nat Lol I know, I wonder what i'm going to look like when i'm 9 months pregnant! Thanks for the info, I can't wait to feel that first kick or movement. I'm 17 weeks today so hopefully I will feel something before my next scan on 11th January x

Emma Ooh let me know how the labour class goes! I think it's only natural to be a bit frightened but your a trooper and will do fab when the time comes. I've already filled in my birthing part of my maternity folder but I didn't go in to lots of details cause I mean how do you know what you want until it's happening to you? I'm sure I will be a nightmare cause I hate anyone being around me when i'm in pain :haha:. Guess i'll have to change that some how! x

Well I best get back to work, was just having a quick skive. I so can't wait to finish up for a week and a half on the 23rd. It's needed I can tell you! I've got a busy weekend ahead planned with meeting up with all my friends to exchange Xmas gifts but hopefully next week will be a bit quieter in the run up to Christmas. Anyway speak to you all soon :flower: x
Emma, I am sorry you didn't get any rest. I hope you get your bag ready and lots of rest.

Natasha, I hope your DH gives you some time to catch up on sleep. At least you have routine with the baby.

Carly, Winter in Texas is not very cold is that how it is in KY? We may get 30degress. Once in a blue moon we get some snow like every 5-8 years. LOL

Natalie, I hope you LO comes before or after Christmas. I would want to be the hospital on Christmas either. But all in all I pray your LO is healthy and strong.

Wendy, Nice bump pic. I am already a D cup naturally so I am huge now. LOL I starte feeling flutters maybe at 13 or 14 weeks but they are stronger now but not like a really kick, just tiny cute little movements.

AFM, I am getting use to waking up earlier due to my new position which I love. I am also getting ready for Christmas with my family. It will be about 20 people at my home. So I have a lot of cooking to do. Have a great day ladies.
Lovely bump's ladies :hugs: Kinda make's me miss my bump now that it's just a hangy belly :haha: Not one of the fortunate women who is back to being a skinny minnie by the time they leave the hospital lol!!

Emma I didn't write out a birth plan as such, just filled in the back of my pregnancy note's with the midwife saying that...
* I was happy to have student's present (a student MW delivered him)
* Pain relief wishes (I put the I didn't want diamorphine or an epidural unless it was absolutely necessary)
* Vitamin K and Placenta Removal Injections (Said yes to both, Vit K for Baby when there born, and the injection for the placenta to come out quicker after birth)
* Birthing preferences (home or hospital, water or dry land)
* Hospital stay (I wanted to be out as soon as possible so she wrote in "early discharge", so Ely was checked over and we left 6hour's after he was born)
Would of written in it that I wanted a water birth, but the birthing pool had been taken out of the hospital so it was no longer an option as I wanted a hospital birth. Think that was about it? Can't remember what was in the other boxes, but that was the key point's for me. Hope this helps :hugs:
Ok I have read a lot and I am going to try and sum up everything I have read. I didn't get much sleep last night and I had to take my final for school today so I am running on about negative 5 here. I felt flutters around 17 weeks and my husband was able to feel from the outside around 18.5 weeks. It just depends, everyone is different. This is my first winter here in Kentucky but from what I have heard the coldest it gets is in the 20's and that doesn't last very long. Today is in the 60's so to be from Chicago and experience 60 in December is pretty amazing!! Thank you all for the compliments on my christmas picture idea. I already have told Mike what he has to wear so we both look really nice lol. I hope everyone is looking forward to the holidays. I am very excited about christmas eve and christmas day so I hope the next 11 days fly by!!!!
My birth plan is in spoilers if anyone is interested. I do have to edit it to add that my mom is my back up birth attendant if DH is unable to make it in time as he's going to be working an hour away without a vehicle to leave early for the next week! lol.

Birth Plan for Natalie Holden

This is the birth plan of Natalie Holden and is intended to expresses the preferences and desires my husband Jeff and I have for the birth and after care of our baby.
We are of the belief that childbirth is a natural, intimate process and I wish to be left to labour naturally, without medications or interventions, in whatever way my body leads me to do.
We do realise that situations may arise that make it necessary to deviate from our wishes, however, we do ask that in such a case you will keep us informed of the reasons, risks and benefits of all procedures. Our top priority, of course, is the safe arrival of our baby, but being informed will help me process and accept any necessary changes.
Thank you.

***I am allergic to latex***

First Stage (Labour)
Internal Examinations
- Kept to a minimum.
- Examined at admission but please not again unless I ask.
- My husband Jeff is my support partner and is authorised to speak on my behalf if I am unable.
- One student may be in attendance if desired.
- Otherwise minimal personnel based on need.
- Voices can be at normal volume but all unnecessary conversation not directed at me kept out of the room.
Pain Medication/Management
- Please do NOT offer me any pain medication. I know what is available and my pain threshold.
- If I ask for anything besides gas, please instead offer me support and encourage me to change positions/try something else.
- My husband and I have an established code if I do really require pain medication and he will ask for it.
- Birth pool for pain relief.
- Maintain mobility.

Second Stage (Birth)
- Whatever position feels most natural/comfortable at the time.
- Prolonged length if baby is not showing signs of distress.
- Spontaneous bearing down – please do not coach pushing unless I am really struggling or ask for help.
- Please use compress, massage and positioning to help minimise tearing.
- Please deliver the baby immediately to my chest (or abdomen if cord is too short) for skin-to-skin.
- Do not announce the gender, we wish to discover for ourselves.

Third Stage
- Physiological.
- I will consent to the syntocinon injection ONLY if I haemorrhage or if the placenta has not been delivered after an hour.
- Delayed cord clamping until it stops pulsating.
- Jeff may or may not wish to cut the cord.

Post Natal Care
- All checks done at my side, preferably with me or my husband holding the baby where possible.
- Please leave the three of us alone for an hour to bond – no visitors etc. during that time.
- Hep B vaccination NOT to be given.
- Vitamin K injection NOT to be given.
- If baby is born via vacuum or forceps or if there is visible bruising then I consent to oral administration of vitamin K.
- Jeff is to accompany the baby if it has to leave my side.
- Early discharge as soon as permissible. I don’t do well away from my familiar surroundings and we wish to be together as a family as soon as possible rather than subjected to visiting hours.

In the event of:
Baby in Distress:
- Would prefer assisted delivery over Caesarean where possible.
- Resuscitate at my side with the cord intact if possible.
As a Caesarean is my last resort I understand that I will have little to no say. However, if possible I would like:
- Jeff in theatre with me.
- Procedure described if possible.
- As soon as baby is able, to be given to myself or Jeff for skin-to-skin.
- Baby with me in recovery.

Emma did you get your bag packed? I haven't packed my baby bag yet but I do have a labour bag ready. I need to pack another one for overnight in case I'm not able to get a same day discharge still.

Karen what's your new job? I apologise if you've mentioned it before I have bad baby brain and aren't retaining much these days lol. I've been getting up at 5am this week for DH's work (so glad he's working again but the early starts are killer lol).
Whoops sorry for the double post. I only posted once but it took ages to go through so I wonder if that somehow affected it?

Natalie- thanks for your birth plan information. No I didn't get my bag packed in the end. I spent most of the day yesterday on the sofa feeling sorry for myself so I still have it to do :(

Natasha- Thank you for the information. I still haven't got any further with anything but think its my mind that's stopping me from doing it now.

Wendy- The labor class wasn't what I expected. The woman was late and seemed a bit flustered. We were all crammed into this hot room and she seemed to go over things too much for me, it was like she was forgetting what she had said 5 minutes before! I got to see the maternity ward and the labor ward which was interesting but otherwise none if it was. We have the second part of it next week and someone else is taking it and that's when they go through pain relief etc which I think may be more useful to me.

Right well yesterday was a rubbish day. After waking up early morning and being shattered all day, I had stomach pains and back ache all day which got me down a little. I have also been having pains on my left side under my bump, similar to the pains I got when I had the kidney infection.
Today I went to physio and after 25 minutes sat there was informed I was there at the wrong time! My appointment was at 9am but I thought it was 9.30. They couldn't help me and re-schedule it even though last week someone turned up late and they out the accupunture needles in my back and went and concentrated on her. So annoyed. So my day has started great again. I also have a midwife appointment to look forward to today. Anyway, time to put a smile on and see my sister x

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