Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Oh no about the wrong appointment time! How frustrating that they weren't able to fit you in either :( Darn preggo brain.

I had horrible constant period cramps for hours yesterday evening but wasn't contracting at all or anything. They were worse than I've ever experienced during my periods and constant for more than two hours. I've woken up fine though. Must have overdone it walking yesterday or something. :shrug: I've requested that unless baby chooses to come this weekend (HA) for it please to wait until after DH gets home from work on Wednesday to start it's appearance. He has full 10+ hour days booked until Wednesday and then two weeks off for Christmas and with the lack of work recently I really don't want him to have to give up any work that's available for the baby. Plus once he's at work for the day there's no coming home until the end of shift.
Karen 20 people to cook for?! Wow, that's crazy lol. I am panicking enough about cooking for 6! :haha: There's nothing nicer than a family Christmas though x

Natasha You know what, I actually think I will miss my bump when it's gone too. The thought of dieting after birth just depresses me too lol. Hopefully it's true that breast feeding uses up a lot of calories! :haha: x

Carly I hope your final for school went well, it will be one less thing to have to worry about. Not long now and you will be back with your family again :) x

Nat Thanks for posting your birthing plan, it was really interesting to read. I wish I could say no pain relief but I know I will be screaming for it :haha: I am going to try and be as strong as I can but I guess until we are going through it we just don't know how bad it is going to be. I can't wait to hear if your birth goes exactly as you wished it too, I really hope it does :flower: x

Emma Aww hun, you never get it easy :hugs: That's ridiculous you were left sitting like that, why not tell you when you were at the desk?? Morons!! Just you take it easy and hopefully the pains will wear off. There's nothing more depressing than being in pain stuck in the house, my hubby vouches for that :haha: x

Well not much happening here, we've got snow :dohh: It has lay but luckily it's only a thin covering at the moment. Hope it stays that way! I think snow is lovely at Xmas but I have way too much to do this weekend to be stuck in the house. I'm meant to be meeting four different friends and hubby's Gran to swap Xmas gifts so really need to get on with it as working all next week. Hoping for a wee lie in tomorrow though as I am dead beat, bubba seems to like waking me up at 5.45am each morning so I can go wee :haha: I don't even drink anything before bed and have never had this problem before but I am well aware it will no doubt get worse as time goes on :dohh: Anyway, must dash, speak to you all soon :flower: x
Wendy Yeah I'm not looking forward to actively trying to loose weight either. Not worried at the moment, but will deff be starting by Feb. I'm pretty sure that BF is making a difference, I do feel slimmer already compared to after having Auron, but I've still not attempted to try on any pre preg stuff, so it could all be in my mind :haha:

Natalie I can't believe your baby could be here any moment, ahhhh it's so exciting!! :happydance: Finger's crossed baby will wait at least until after wednesday. i'll put my money on baby appearing somewhere between christmas day and new years eve!
Hi everyone!!!! I am so happy the weekend is finally here!! This weekend will be spent doing last minute things that I need my husbands help with before we leave on thursday to head to IL!!! My mom has got a new job, a really good job which are hard to come by in the states let alone in the northwest suburbs of Chicago so we are all really happy for her!! The only problem was she didn't have the full amount for her rent so she asked her parents who by the way have sooooo much money they dont know what to do with it for help and they made her feel like a complete loser. Sometimes I love my grandparents and other times I dont understand how they can make their children feel the way they do. I dont care how old sam or any other children mike and I have get I want them to be able to come to us for anything, wether money or advice or just love. My mom called me crying asking why her own mother doesn't love her, I felt so horrible the only thing I could think of to say was atleast she taught you what NOT to do as a mother, seek comfort in knowing you are amazing and that your the only person your children feel 100% confident in turning to for help. Im sorry ladies I dont mean to ramble but it just really got me upset yesterday and then I called my husband and he was angry about it to. I am trying to look on the bright side of the weekend, I am going to target on the hunt for some more maternity clothes for my winter vacation!! We are also going to babies r us, we have been trying to stock up on diapers, and wipes whenever there is a good sale and I have coupons to go with. Its funny how something as small as buying a pack of diapers is fun and exciting. And then we are getting our massage!!!!!! I have never been so excited about a massage, my back is killing me and whenever I do a little too much walking my sciatic nerve about takes me down. I hope you are all doing well. Thank you for always being a source of comfort and strength!! I cant wait till we all have our little ones and can share that joy!!
Natasha I hope so. It would be lovely to have a baby here for Christmas, but I really would rather not be in hospital on Christmas day. (Though if I have to go in later that would be ok :haha:). Plus a baby born after Christmas means we'd be able to buy birthday presents in the after Christmas sales :rofl:

Carly, I'm sorry your grandparents have treated your mom that way :( Asking your parents for money is such a hard thing to do (I have enough experience with it and it doesn't get easier lol) and I can't even imagine being treated so horribly for needing a little help. I don't want to think about where we'd be if it wasn't for my parents' love and generosity.

Just calculated an approximation of DHs paycheque. It's already over $750 but will likely be more than $1200 when Monday and Tuesday are added to the mix. If only he could have more weeks like that we'd be just fine as that's more than double what we need on a weekly basis (not including loan payments to my parents, which we only make when we're able to). Here's hoping for steady work in the New Year so we can finally get out of debt in 2012. Or at least make significant progress for once instead of accumulating more debt lol.
Hi ladies :flower:

Carly- oh how awful of your grandparents to make your mum feel like that. We all go throigh rough times and If we cannot rely on those close to us then who can we. Give your mum a huge hug when you next see her. I hope you manage to find some good maternity clothes, I have grown out of most of my stuff :haha:. I hope your break helps you to feel better soon :hugs:

Wendypops- unfortunately as always I haven't taken it easy... throigh no fault of my own though! It was my works Christmas party today and being stood up a lot has killed me today so it is a day sat on my bum tomorrow for me :haha: how is scott doing at the minute (apart from going stir crazy). Make sure you guys are careful if you get snow, we dont want you falling and Scott could do without a fall too lol. Hope you have a lovely weekend :hugs:

Natalie- how are you feeling now? Hope you haven't had anything major since. I het braxton hicks every now and again at the minute and it certainly takes my breath away when it comes. Oh well, suppose I better get used to it lol!

I hope everyone else is doing ok andlooking forwards to the Christmas break :hugs:

Well as for me as you can tell I can't sleep again :growlmad: I am led in bed on my phone trying to get rid of heartburn with no luck. I have had an exhausting day with my works Christmas party which started at 1pm in Liverpool. My throat is sore from shouting over music to talk to people as my bump is like a magnet! I have never had so many people from my head office want to talk to me lol.

I managed to finish off my bag packing and have the essentials. There are still things that I could put in but the majority of it is done now! I now have a physio appointment on tuesday so just have tk take things easy until then. Oh and I have my consultants appointment about inducing me next Friday! I am not sire what he is going to say but also not too sure if I want it or not. I am scared of what is going to happen to my pelvis when the baby drops :( only time will tell x
Hi Ladies,
Sorry I haven't been on much I've been working quite a bit. But now have 6 days off before I have to be back on the plane and I'm so looking forward to it.

Arlene hope your foot is doing better. How's the puppy treating you? I think it's a great idea to throw DF's mom a party when they get back. Florida is so expensive so I think the party is a great idea. How are you feeling? Hope all is well.

Carly you sound so excited for your trip. I'm getting excited for you LOL. I'm sorry your grandparents treated your Mom so poorly, but she's lucky to have a daughter and son in law who care about her so much.

Emma time is getting close for you. You've had such a hard time I know you're ready for your little girl to be here. Take it easy and I hope the physio helps you feel better.

Wendy we've only had that 1 crazy snow storm here back in October since then our temps have been above normal. (and that's alright with me) Stay safe in that winter weather miss. Hope dh is healing quickly and I hope you're not over doing it.

Nat hope baby holds out until you're ready for he/she to get here. Glad dh is getting some good work hours. Hope it continues into the new year.

Karen glad you like your new position. I can't believe you have to cook for 20 people at Christmas, I think the most people I've ever cooked for is 6. You must be a wonderful cook. Hope your bean is treating you well.

Rachael how are you doing miss? Love your bump pic. Are you getting Holly ready for baby?

Abii Hope you're doing ok.

Natasha Auron must be getting excited for Christmas. How are you holding up with 2 little ones? Hope you're getting some rest.

To anyone I forgot I hope you're doing well and getting ready to have a great weekend!!!
Adrienne- Lovely to hear off you. Glad you are managing to get some more :sex: in before the oh goes away. Hope you have got everything sorted for Christmas and dont work too hard in the run up to Christmas!

Wendypops- Thank you for the Christmas card, its lovely. Hope there is no snow :hugs:
Thank you ladies! You have all made me feel much better. The fight got even worse yesterday when she went to see them. They asked her why she didn't just stay married to my sisters father, they say he pays child support so he couldnt be that bad. This is a man who beat my mother, who brought drugs into our home, and verbally abused myself and my baby sister. But yeah he cant be that bad. And when my mom told them this they said well you never told us any of this, and she said so I have to be beaten in order to ask for help? Its like she has tried so hard over the years to keep us out of bad situations. We have always lived in a nice nieghborhood and gone to good schools, we always had new shoes on our feet and clothes in our closets, we never went hungry, the lights were always on, but I guess not being married and raising two children on your own makes you a loser. I am sorry but it just makes me soo crazy when I think of all the mean things they said to her. I guess things are better now and they made up but my grandmother pretty much told my mom that the only reason she loves her is because she has to since she is her daughter but she doesnt like her at all. Now my grandfather likes my mother and always has because she is just like him but even my moms 3 sisters know that there mom doesnt like her, I mean that has to stand for something. Like I said I am sorry for the ramble and I dont mean to bring anyone down. But we are all going to be mothers and I just cant imagine a single one of us treating our children this way no matter what age they are. Ladies I probably wont be on much over the next few days since I will be getting ready for our trip and making sure we have everything packed and all of our presents ready to go. We also have to give the dog a bath and do his flea treatment which doesnt sound difficult but its like a three ring circus. So I wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year!!! Looking forward to all our 2012 babies.
Thought I would pop by and say hello as some kind person sent me in the direction of this group.

I'm Vicky 23 and live in Cornwall in the UK. I work as a health care assistant in a community hospital for the elderly. I got married in April this year and have been TTC ever since, I got my BFP in october and am now 14 weeks pregnant. I experienced some bleeding at 6 weeks and ended upmin a minor injurys unit and the early pregnancy unit. Now can't wait for my 20 week scan and to meet baby. My due date is 15th June
Hi Vicky :wave: lovely to meet you and see you over here. Congratulations :happydance: x x
Welcome Vicky :D

Adrienne, bet you're pleased for 6 days off! I'm doing well thank you. I've been letting Holly investigate the pram and after christmas I'm going to put the moses basket in our room (still in the cover) for her to get used. She's a great big wimp so will no doubt be scared when Izzy first comes home :rofl:
Welcome Vicky :flower:
Welcome vicky and congrats on your bubba! There's a few of us due around june :)

Ladies again I've not abandoned, just barely had a minute. Had a lot going on with my little cousins sexual abuse case so spent a lot of time with her. I'm absolutely shattered and heading to bed. I'm going to see russell howard tomorrow after work so hopefully do a proper catch up on monday before work!

Hope you ladies are well :hugs:
hi ladies, I am due 22nd march with my 2nd baby.

I have a 2 and a half year old DD, and i'm expecting a DS!!! so very excited!! :D xxxxx
HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! I am currently really close to 5 weeks. Due August 20,2012 This was my 1st time ttc. I have questions about weird pains/sensations that i have been having.
I have been having (TMI) rectal/uterine spasms, short but painful. Feels like my period is about to start at any second. There is no bleeding at all, not even spotting. Should I be worried about my baby?
Hi Laura and welcome. Congratulations :hugs:

Beenagirl- :wave: hi and congratulations. Cramping is common in early pregnancy. Keep an due on things and if they get more intense or you have bleeding then seek help. Otherwise it is just your uterus stretching and growing :hugs: where about are you from?
Thank you! i'm from us/michigan. i worry soooo much! especially after reading about chemical pregnancies/early miscarriages.

Thanks for you response:hugs:
Welcome Laura and Beena :flower:

Beena I had that feeling like my period was starting pretty well constantly for several weeks. Like Emma said, keep an eye on things and do get checked out if there's any bleeding etc, but it's a pretty common thing in pregnancy so nothing to worry about if it doesn't get worse or accompanied by bleeding. It comes back in late first tri/second tri in the form of round ligament pains, and now that I'm at the end of my pregnancy I'm getting period cramps again in the evenings this past week.
Hi Vicky, Laura, and Beena :hi:
Congratulations to all of you and welcome to the thread. The ladies here are all very lovely and supportive. I'm not pregnant myself but I hope to be soon. I met all these ladies on a TTC thread and have just followed them over here to keep up with them during their pregnancies. Wishing all you ladies a healthy and happy 9 months.

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