Emma It's really beautiful, kinda want one for myself, though I'm not sure Nick would like to feel like a princess in bed?? Wait... who am I kidding, he'd frickin LOVE feeling like a princess in bed!! This is the man that enjoy's a hot relaxing bath with a book and a face mask

Awww hun, you really need to start taking it easy and get other people to run around for you!! On the plus side of tiredness, you'll be well prepared with sleepless baby night's! I hope that you manage to get in some good sleep before the big event though
Arlene Awww, would of been epic if the old lady got back to him after he kept his end of the bargain

There's a xmas special on monday which im sure will be funny as anything, the guy is a genius! Some of the little sketches he does as just so friggin funny

Nick play's COD sometime's when Auron's up, but it doesn't bother me. There are certain game's we wont play when he's up, (now he's that bit older) like the batman games, (which have some scary lookin content in them, I still haven't completed Arkham Asylum with the "time slot's" I have to play it lol) and dantes inferno (which has alot of sexual content) and other game's like that, but not bothered by COD as it's not gorey. Would be different if there was load's of blood splatter and gorey death scene's. But this is how we
both feel about the game's, I know I'd be p***ed off if he was playing a game I didn't approve of in front of little eye's and vice verse.
Wendy Sound's like you've got alot planned for next year already!! What a nice bonus from work for xmas!! I was text by my boss yesterday to say we're doing a secret santa, but she'd picked who mine was lol, not such a secret eh

Is there anything you can do/take to help with the hip pain? Have you spoken to the MW or Dr about it?
Felt weird having the tattoo, lot's of vibrating on my head lol. Felt like sun burn for a while after it was done. Gone a bit scabby now, but only slightly as I'm taking good care of it, and smothering bepanthem on it!! I've got 4 on my back, one on each wrist, one on my right arm, one on my tummy (right side) and one around my left ankle. The one on my arm I hardly felt, and the one on my tummy was the most painful out of the bunch!! The rest we're fine. just the odd occasion of teeth clenching with some of the long line's. Im planning on having Ely's name on my right ankle in a line of ivy crawling up from my foot, around my ankle and slightly up my leg. I've got paw print's around my left ankle, but I want it covered with a big Joker face on the front going onto the top of my foot, and Harley Quinn going up the back of my leg and some other batman related thing's around the side's to connect it up and cover all the paw print's. (been thinking about it for nearly a year now, so I'm pretty sure I want it lol) I had most of my tattoo's done in the space of 3year's, from 16-19, very stupid really. Not many of them I
actually like anymore

at least I cant see the one's on my back
AFM Think I've been grinding my teeth in my sleep as the left side of my jaw has been hurting for a few day's, (so much so I can't eat on my left side!) which is worrying as it's a stress related thing. I haven't done it to this extent since I lived with my mum!! I know that I'm feeling a bit stressed with the lack of help Im getting around the house from Nick, and I hate feeling like we live in a s**t hole, and I don't want people to think that of us either, but he jus never seem's to care (which is annoying to say the least). I didn't think that it was stressing me out
that much though, so perhaps there is also something else that I haven't put my finger on?
Auron's got conjunctivitis from his Aunt, so I've had to cancel seeing one of my friend's cause I don't want her kid's to catch it, which is annoying as I hardly get to see her, so hopefully it'll clear quickly and we can see her before the kid's go back to school (as she work's in a school too!)
After havin to stay indoor's for a week (that's right a WEEK!) Argos finally delivered our good's!! It was ment to be delivered on the 14th, didn't come. Didn't come on the 15th or 16th like they said it would either (lot's of phonecall's everyday!) on the 17th they delivered
half of the order which was takin the p**s, and again didn't deliver on the 19t or 20th like we were promised. In the end, they said that what we wanted was completely out of stock, so we got a free upgrade (so we've ended up with a home cinema system that was £60 more than we paid for) So I'm jus thinking of it as £10 for every day extra I've had to stay at home!! Moral of story, Argos are s**t, if you want anything, collect it in store!!