Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Congratulations Vicky, Laura and Beena, welcome :howdy:

Laura, You'll be joining myself and Arlene as being a mother of two :happydance: It's really strange having a second baby, it's mad how much different it is from your first, but I'm loving every tiring moment of it!

Adrienne, Im absolutely shattered!! :rofl: I feel like i need toothpick's to keep my eyelid's open as I write this, but Ely is starting to stir, so there's no point in retiring to bed until he's fed and changed. It's been much more tiring with BF, cause it's not like Nick has been able to help with any feed's (especially night feed's) but I'm gonna give expressing a go during the week so Nick can give Ely a bottle in the evening's and I can get an early night to get some uninterrupted sleep. FX'ed it'll work!! Really looking forward to xmas day now, the tree is looking rather full of prezzies and I can't wait for "santa" to visit and fill Auron's stocking (and it's going to be rather full at this rate!) can't wait to see his little face xmas morn <3
What are you plan's for xmas, and how are you getting on?

All Ladies, Hope your well and lookin forward to all the festivities, I would do a more individual post but Ely is starting to awaken, and the sooner I sort him, the sooner I can sleep!! :happydance:
All that's goin on here is that myself and Auron (especially me!) have groggy cold's. Oh, and Ely has a form of Acne due to the hormones in my breast milk?!! Apparently it'll clear up within the first few month's but if it get's worse the dr's will have a look at it. Poor boy, has such a spotty face, luckily it only show's in pix that have a flash on!! Oh, and I got the batman symbol tattoo'ed behind my left ear :thumbup: but I'll post up a pic another day, best be off, am dilly dallying too much now! :hugs:
Hi ladies :flower:

Natasha- Lovely to hear off you again. Aw no, poor Ely!! Hopefully his acne will clear up soon enough. Glad to see your getting on with the breast feeding (apart from the lack of sleep :haha:) I am going to hopefully express to allow Gavin to help me out too. Let me know how you get on :hugs:

I hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:

I thought I would upload some pictures of another stage in the nursery!! We have now practically done everything now!! I hope you like it as it took me ages to get the canopy up today :haha:

I hope the weather is behaving for everyone, we have just got ice and its quite cold, nearly fell over at the in laws earlier!! Apparently it is meant to get warmer next week and rain on Christmas day. Cant say I am too disappointed this year with being the size I am :haha:


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Sorry ladies, for some reason these images have turned out the wrong way. When I click on them on my computer they are the right way but have uploaded wrongly :(
Don't worry Emma we can still see them, even if they are sideways :)

Looks amazing!
Oh Emma that nursery is beautiful, it's fit for a princess. Be careful out there on the ice. It's really cold here but at least we don't have the ice.

Natasha you poor dear. Hopefully you'll be able to get some sleep once you express some milk and you have help with the evening feedings. I hope Ely's acne clears up soon. Sounds like you are all set for the holidays, which is no small task with 2 young children. I'm sure Auron is going to have a huge smile on his face when he wakes up on Christmas morning.

AFM I'm enjoying a few days off before the holiday rush at work. As of right now I think dh and I are going to spend a quiet Christmas day at home. We may go to his brother or sister's house for Christmas Eve, but we'll see. I'm in the begining of my tww now. This should be my last cycle before we go back to the FS so we're hoping we get some good news before the new year starts. If not it's off to the FS in January.
Thanks ladies,

Gavins mum picked and bought it all so it is pink overload! The room itself has a touch of pink until you get to the cot and get slapped in the face by it lol!
I opened this to reply 40 mins ago, and ended up on the phone argueing with Kyles dad :dohh: so haven't got very long left to post now.

Wendy hope the weather hasn't been bad for yous.

Carly well done to your mum getting a new job! Its a shame your grandparents made her feel that way.

Natalie :happydance: its always better when we make a little more money than expected!

Emma can't believe your soo close to pip coming into the world, exciting!! The nursery is beautiful!

Adrienne i'm well thank you, hope you are too :) My puppy is still very much hard work. I'm glad shes had all her vaccinations now though and wer can take her to the park and let her run around to use up her energy. Fx'd you dont need that appointment :)

Welcome laura! How are you finding running around after your toddler and being pregnant? I'm tired pretty much all the time!

Natasha great to hear from you! Hope the expressing lets you get some proper sleep!

Sorry its very short and to the point, and sorry to anyone I missed :dohh: my head hurts now and I need to get ready for work :( Anyway Russell Howard was excellent, a lady got on stage at the end of his show and proposed to her partner, she didn't have a ring so Russell gave her a bit of his bandage :haha: was really nice though. We went pram shopping on saturday to see what we like. Its probably going to be the Icandy or the Mamas and Papas Sola! Must be off now, hope everyones keeping well and safe if yous have horrible ice everywhere like I do! xx
Emma Wow!! The nursery look's amazing!! I adore the butterfly thing (can't think what it's called lol) so pretty!! Can't remember if your having a boy or a girl though :haha:

Adrienne Sorry I'm not very good with some of the short text, what does FS stand for? :dust: keeping fingers and toes crossed for good news for you!!

Arlene I'm a bit jealous that you've seen Russell Howard!! Love him <3 Strangely attractive too, dunno what it is about him, but I know I would lol. Did he say anything about the meercat lady?

I managed to find the Digi Camera Cable!! Horray!! So, here's a few pix of the boy's and my new tattoo Number 10 (or 11 if you count a cover up!) Getting quite the collection :haha:
Pic 1, Auron and Ely cuddles <3
Pic 2, Auron asleep in his new big boy bed (early christmas prezzie)
Pic 3, Ely asleep in the bouncy chair
Pic 4, New tattoo


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Natasha, lovely pics :)

All right baby - you can come any time now. Daddy is on his last day of work for two weeks (for sure, hopefully there's work after that) so it would be lovely if you'd make your appearance while he's off work and can have lots of cuddles with you. He's really looking forward to meeting you :cloud9:
Natalie Are you starting to get impatient? How are you feeling? :hugs:
Hi ladies :flower:

Arlene- Sorry to hear that you are still having problems with Kyles dad! I loved going pram shopping! How is the puppy getting on. Are you all sorted for Christmas? We just have rain here, no ice but I am quite happy with that due to my size :haha:

Natasha- I know what you mean, I love pink but even I looked at the cot when it was all put together and was a bit amazed by the pink glow coming from the cot! Gavins mum bought the canopy 7 years ago and has been waiting for a little girl to come along so it can be used. I was a bit unsure about it at first but I do love it now it is up! I love your new tattoo! The pictures of the boys are so lovely! Bless Ely asleep in his chair :haha:

Natalie- Not long now for you. Read about your oh's work! Such good news for him to get some work just before Christmas! Hope you are feeling ok :hugs:

Well I am shattered today! I left the house yesterday at 9am and got home and 10.30pm. I was running around all day dropping off Christmas presents, had physio, saw my Grandad in hospital (although I was only allowed to stand at the door and talk to him as he has a bug), breast feeding class etc! The physio is practically useless now as I did so much yesterday :-( I haven't had a decent nights sleep for a few days now and am getting more tired as the week goes on.

I have also noticed that when I wake up in the morning my hands ache and sometime do throughout the day as well. Its bad enough that I cant wear my wedding rings at the minute but having the aches dont help.

Well today I am finishing wrapping presents and then I am off to the second part of the labor class if I can stay awake :haha:
Natasha I love your pics! What beautiful boys :cloud9: I find him attractive simply because hes soo funny :dohh: easily satisfied me :haha: the lady that lost one of hers? No he didn't, I seen it on his show on bbc3. He did mention meercats alot in general though! He also spoke alot about how much he wants kids! You really should buy the new dvd, its the same tour, absolutely hilarious :D

Natalie definately not long now! :happydance: you must be so excited!

Emma I thought I was sorted for xmas, then remembered there were a few I had forgot :dohh: Got them in today though, have the majority wrapped and ready to go. The puppy is a little 'better' we'll say :lol: now that we can get her out to burn off her energy shes not trying to eat the full house anymore. However, she chewed and broke my xmas tree lights, didn't go near them again and as soon as DF fixed them, shes done it again. Hope you find this labour class better than the first :)

Hope all the other ladies are keeping well :)

I've been up from half 4 this morning, DF is out on call and I have to sit up to give Kaia (the puppy) her last feed. Exhausted doesn't even cover it :coffee: On a plus side got the rest of our xmas pressies in and seen the Beauty and the Beast panto with Kyle and his nursery, it was really great! I was argueing with Kyles dad as I phoned to speak to my boy only to find he was playing Call of Duty. Its a bloody 18!!! And I was in the wrong to say he couldn't play it?!! Honestly. :growlmad:
Hi Ladies! Sorry I've been missing for a while, things have been pretty hectic here! Hubby is still laid up and i'm trying to juggle work, home life and xmas mayhem myself. I'm getting there though! Had a lovely weekend and last few days meeting up with friends and swapping pressies, it's been nice.

I'm keeping well, just sick of the pain in my damn hips. It used to be just in bed but now it's sore even sitting at work. Hoping it's just a passing thing! We finish up for our Xmas break tomorrow at lunch and I cannot wait! That will be me off till the 4th of January. A plus note is today we got a £100 bonus each :happydance: Woohoo! We never usually get xmas gifts but this has totally made my day! I need to go get the xmas food shop tonight so atleast I know I now have that covered. I was worried about cash cause i'm skint from buying concert tickets lol, Kevin Bridges is coming to the town next to me in October next year so I bought tickets for all the family to see him and Jeff Dunham is coming to the UK in April and my sister LOVES him, so I bought us tickets for her birthday. I will keep this as a suprise though unlike the Evanescence gig lol x

How are you all doing anyway? All set for Xmas?

Carly I know you are heading off today so I hope you have a fantastic time! I am sure you will :) I'm sorry to hear about the way your grandparents have treated your Mum, that is just awful. If you can't turn to your parents who can you? Hopefully seeing you and bump will cheer her up x

Nat Sounds like your hubby has a good pay cheque coming, that's fab news! Hopefully your little one will be joining you both soon x

Emma Yey for getting your bag packed! That's one thing you can cross off your list. Is it tomorrow your consultant's appointment? I know what you mean, it's a big decision to make but you will probably have things clearer in your head after your hear your consultant's view on things. Aww your nursery is absolutely gorgeous! Fit for a princess! I hope I can make mine look half as nice as that x

Adrienne So your back to work tomorrow? That sucks. Do you get much time off for Xmas and New Year? I'd hate to have to work but I know unfortunately some of us have to. How's the knee? x

Vicky Welcome to the thread hun and congratulations on your wedding! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy x

Arlene I was actually thinking about your cousin the other day, I hope she's doing alright. Yey for the pram shopping! I think i'm going to go in the January sales, see if we can pick up a bargain! How's the foot? Take it your back at work now? Aww don't talk to me about xmas lights, my cats destroyed mine too! Can't get them to work at all so he is so in the bad books, grr x

Laura Congratulations hunnie! How fab your having a little boy this time. You got any names picked out? x

Beenagirl Congratulations to you too hun! Oh we've all been there with the reading up on things, it's never a good idea lol. Hope you're feeling a bit better about things now x

Natasha Hope you're feeling a bit better, there's nothing worse than having a cold at Xmas! Ooh love the tattoo! Was it not sore behind your ear? I'd love a tattoo but im chicken lol. I'm the only one in my family not to have one and think it's going to stay that way! My Dad and brother are covered in them. Aww your boys are gorgeous! You must be so proud x

Rachael & Naomi hope you ladies are well :flower: x
Emma It's really beautiful, kinda want one for myself, though I'm not sure Nick would like to feel like a princess in bed?? Wait... who am I kidding, he'd frickin LOVE feeling like a princess in bed!! This is the man that enjoy's a hot relaxing bath with a book and a face mask :rofl:
Awww hun, you really need to start taking it easy and get other people to run around for you!! On the plus side of tiredness, you'll be well prepared with sleepless baby night's! I hope that you manage to get in some good sleep before the big event though :hugs:

Arlene Awww, would of been epic if the old lady got back to him after he kept his end of the bargain :rofl: There's a xmas special on monday which im sure will be funny as anything, the guy is a genius! Some of the little sketches he does as just so friggin funny :haha:
Nick play's COD sometime's when Auron's up, but it doesn't bother me. There are certain game's we wont play when he's up, (now he's that bit older) like the batman games, (which have some scary lookin content in them, I still haven't completed Arkham Asylum with the "time slot's" I have to play it lol) and dantes inferno (which has alot of sexual content) and other game's like that, but not bothered by COD as it's not gorey. Would be different if there was load's of blood splatter and gorey death scene's. But this is how we both feel about the game's, I know I'd be p***ed off if he was playing a game I didn't approve of in front of little eye's and vice verse. :hugs:

Wendy Sound's like you've got alot planned for next year already!! What a nice bonus from work for xmas!! I was text by my boss yesterday to say we're doing a secret santa, but she'd picked who mine was lol, not such a secret eh :dohh: Is there anything you can do/take to help with the hip pain? Have you spoken to the MW or Dr about it?
Felt weird having the tattoo, lot's of vibrating on my head lol. Felt like sun burn for a while after it was done. Gone a bit scabby now, but only slightly as I'm taking good care of it, and smothering bepanthem on it!! I've got 4 on my back, one on each wrist, one on my right arm, one on my tummy (right side) and one around my left ankle. The one on my arm I hardly felt, and the one on my tummy was the most painful out of the bunch!! The rest we're fine. just the odd occasion of teeth clenching with some of the long line's. Im planning on having Ely's name on my right ankle in a line of ivy crawling up from my foot, around my ankle and slightly up my leg. I've got paw print's around my left ankle, but I want it covered with a big Joker face on the front going onto the top of my foot, and Harley Quinn going up the back of my leg and some other batman related thing's around the side's to connect it up and cover all the paw print's. (been thinking about it for nearly a year now, so I'm pretty sure I want it lol) I had most of my tattoo's done in the space of 3year's, from 16-19, very stupid really. Not many of them I actually like anymore :dohh: at least I cant see the one's on my back :rofl:

AFM Think I've been grinding my teeth in my sleep as the left side of my jaw has been hurting for a few day's, (so much so I can't eat on my left side!) which is worrying as it's a stress related thing. I haven't done it to this extent since I lived with my mum!! I know that I'm feeling a bit stressed with the lack of help Im getting around the house from Nick, and I hate feeling like we live in a s**t hole, and I don't want people to think that of us either, but he jus never seem's to care (which is annoying to say the least). I didn't think that it was stressing me out that much though, so perhaps there is also something else that I haven't put my finger on?
Auron's got conjunctivitis from his Aunt, so I've had to cancel seeing one of my friend's cause I don't want her kid's to catch it, which is annoying as I hardly get to see her, so hopefully it'll clear quickly and we can see her before the kid's go back to school (as she work's in a school too!)
After havin to stay indoor's for a week (that's right a WEEK!) Argos finally delivered our good's!! It was ment to be delivered on the 14th, didn't come. Didn't come on the 15th or 16th like they said it would either (lot's of phonecall's everyday!) on the 17th they delivered half of the order which was takin the p**s, and again didn't deliver on the 19t or 20th like we were promised. In the end, they said that what we wanted was completely out of stock, so we got a free upgrade (so we've ended up with a home cinema system that was £60 more than we paid for) So I'm jus thinking of it as £10 for every day extra I've had to stay at home!! Moral of story, Argos are s**t, if you want anything, collect it in store!!
Natasha, I meant he had Kyle playing it! I was told kyle didn't want to speak as he was too busy playing video games and I asked which one as I know john (kyles dad) is too tight a**ed to buy something specifically for kyle, and he told me my 3 year old son was playing call of duty. A few days ago kyle told my mum he would 'shoot that hole in her face' and my mother was horrified and phoned me right away but I didn't know where this would have come from, but its no wonder when his fathers letting him play all sorts of games that's far too old for him. I hope Aurons conjunctivitis clears soon and you get to meet with your friend. I was meant to see a friend on wednesday but her kids have chicken pox so that was a no go :dohh:

Wendy my DF loves Jeff dunham so I might be investing in some tickets for that too. :happydance: for the xmas bonus!! Our managers get us little gifts, usually wine and chocolates. And from the company we get a £20 gift card to spend back in the store (they aint daft..) £5 voucher towards our xmas night out and a free xmas lunch. I would rather £100 :lol: we're going to go in the january sales too for another nosey but I think we're going to end up with an Icandy which I highly doubt will be down in price then either! Hope things start to calm down for you soon :hugs:
Thought I'de pop by and wish you all ammerry Christmas. Immdoing two night shifts from tonight. Feeling really miserable with a cold, sore throat and itchy eyes, but this really isn't the two days to ring in sick.

Much lobe to you allemande enjoy the festivities.
Natasha Secret santas are never secret, everyone somehow manages to find out who has who so it's best to get a half decent gift if you can lol. I haven't spoken to the MW yet about my hip but I will do at my next appointment. I guess I was just hoping it would go away but doesn't look like it :dohh: Aww the Ivy tattoo sounds lovely, you are batman daft tho :haha: That's what I worry about really (apart from the pain) that I will regret it or go off it. I always though the sorest part would be the ankle funny enough cause of the bone. My mum had a gorgeous tattoo on it but I never show off my ankles anyway lol. My Dad has his entire back done, round his neck/shoulder and all down both arms, my brother has all down both of his arms, my sis has a star on her back, and my sis-in-law has three on her back and both her wrists, me i'm just a chicken :haha: Even my best friend got huge angel wings tattooed on her back. Maybe I'll pluck up the courage once I have bubba here and get their name on. Time will tell! I know what you mean about household chores, I hate things needing done in the house but i'm so tired at the mo i'm not getting everything done. Will need to make it my mission tonight and tomorrow before all the family comes on Sunday. What fun! x

Arlene Wow I would be so mad at your ex! That is no game for a 3 year old child!! Your poor mother must have been horrified. I just hope your ex has taken a telling and wont be so stupid in the future. Funnily enough Tescos are the same with their xmas bonus, hubby got £20 of vouchers for there lol. Still, it helped with the food shop x

Well I am impatiently waiting 1pm to finish work for a week and a half, woohoo! I can't wait. I'm heading to the cemetery this afternoon to lay flower wreaths on my Mum, step-mum and Grandads grave. Hope it stays dry! After that it will be a cleaning session I think. Got the Xmas dinner organised apart from my fresh chicken I need to pick up tomorrow so I think i'm set for that. Getting so excited now! Roll on Sunday morning x

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