Hi ladies! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and were spoilt rotten

Sorry I didn't get on to wish you a merry christmas on the day but I have been suffering so badly for the last six days with a bad cough so it's been nothing but bed rest for me. It's just awful, I keep burning up, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I keep getting headaches and get really dizzy, the list really does go on. I went to the doctors today cause i've lost 6lbs in 3 days and keep being sick from coughing so hard but they were totally useless! You know the pure cheek of the guy?? He said "oh don't worry, people in third world countries suffer from malnutrition and their babies turn out ok"

I can't actually believe he said that to me! He just sent me back to my bed and told me to take paracetomals and steam myself 5 times a day. Total waste of time! So i'm back in bed and feel bloody awful.
Anyway time for a quick catch up before I try and get some sleep (I seriously look like I have 2 black eyes at the moment):
Emma Wow, I certainly can't believe your sister did that with the parrot! Basically put herself before her son. That's awful! No wonder you are mad hun. Hope you managed to have a fab day despite that. I know what you mean about eating, i just physically can't at the minute and my brother was so worried about the little I ate at xmas but at least he was nice about it, just concerned. My Dad started explaining to him the joys of pregnancy sickness etc though after that haha x
Natasha What a wacky kitchen that would be

I do love the colour purple though so i'd love it! lol. Hmm i've never seen joker salt and pepper shakers either, have seen batman and robin ones the odd time but not the joker. Yeah my family are all bikers so the tattoos and piercings kind of go along with that lol. I'm just the posh member of the family who has nothing and works in a solicitors

Or so my Dad likes to wind me up by saying. Ooh your predicting a boy! I'm kinda leaning that way myself but hubby is still convinced it's a girl. Two weeks today till we find out

I think we are still hoping to go with Logan Scott or Emily Jean name wise but we shall see if anyone else locally uses them before my turn, I live in a small town so would be nice to have a unique name. Hope the boys had a lovely Xmas x
Melissa Welcome hun and congratulations! Do you have boys or girls at the moment? I've always thought a big family would be fab but doubt we will be able to

I have PCOS and this little bubba was hard enough to conceive but we shall see what the future holds! Your hubby must be so excited this being his first. Sorry to hear you've been struck with the flu, being ill at this time of year is no fun I know

Nat Glad you had a lovely Xmas. Did you have a good birthday? I see baby is very comfortable for the moment! I think you will probably be right and it will be a 2012 baby but I can't wait to find out

Can't believe it's your due date though! Hope the sweep went well x
Arlene Glad to hear things are going better all round for you! Your pup sounds adorable. Did you manage to get Kyle's room sorted out? Nightmare job I can imagine! x
Karen Glad you had a good xmas and look forward to seeing your belly shot

Naomi Glad to hear you had a good xmas too hun, sorry about the headaches though, sounds like everyone is poorly at the minute

Happy 17 weeks though! Time is flying by for you

To anyone I haven't mentioned hope everything is going well with you

Well I am off to try and get some rest. Hubby is still hobbling on his crutches but he has been a total sweatheart. He even cooked the xmas dinner for 6 on his crutches as I was so poorly. He's been making me home made soup the last few days and blending it so i can drink it in a cup, he really is a diamond. Still waiting to hear from the physio about his appointment but they are closed for another week so we will have to wait on that. Anyway hope everyone is doing well, speak soon hopefully
