Mellisa sorry to hear you aren't well, hope you feel better soon
Naomi glad you had a good xmas

I remember stretching pains with Kyle, some really took my breath away!
Wendy I only managed to get through Kyles wardrobe and one of his storage boxes to get some stuff away to the loft, so the rest is still sitting piled up in his room as neat as I could possibly make it

well done to your hubby cooking xmas dinner whilst on crutches!! I really struggled to make it between rooms, I was totally useless on them
Adrienne she is very cute but its so easy to overlook that when shes chewing my christmas tree

hope your doing well misses!
Natasha thats a shame about your friend. Must be so hard for the family losing someone that time of year.

for the surprise scan! That little bit motivation to keep you sane in the possible next 2 weeks wait! Fx'd bubs shows soon though. I'm soo excited to see what your carrying

whats your gut instinct?
Emma I got a sweep on Kyles due date (possibly the day after?) hopefully they wouldnt leave you that far before even trying a sweep. I've not managed to get through enough of his old stuff yet to make room for all the new stuff, although I definately see a trip to Ikea for some more storage solutions! I ended up buying pop tarts and having them, they were yummy but I was surprised to see the price! I used to get them in high school and they were just £1 a box then, I couldn't believe they are now £2.50!

for Daisy's head being engaged, very exciting! You've had terrible luck with doctors and midwives

at least those at the hospital seem alot better.
Rachael hope your keeping well
Welcome Charlotte! :wave:
Afm the sickness came back! Full force while I had the dog out the other morning. The joys! I'm really struggling to have water as well. Its okay if I add some diluting juice, but water on its on just comes back up! 3 weeks today for my next scan, soo excited! I've picked the baby gym and bouncer and going to pick it the gym up saturday as mothercare currently have £10 off the normal price, love a saving!

it'll be our first proper buy

My work had me down to work new years eve and new years day both 8-5's, needless to say thats not happening! I do enough overtime just now then they try to make me work that, no chance! I'm not working sat at all and I've told them i'll do a 10-4 on new years day. The fact we are open is a farce, and just greed on the companies behalf. Rant over

Anyway must be off to bed now