Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

There's no need for that. I've only had 2 MW appointments so far and I'm 23 weeks now. Going to be interesting after this next one as that is when I have to start going every 3 weeks :wacko:
I know! It was even more annoying that it wasn't even me saying it, it was Gavin!! He is worried about me and was asking her questions. She was more interested in him saying he wakes me up sleep walking! She even commented that he was in trouble for saying things as she saw the look on my face. I walked out of there and said to Gavin, I have never felt so patronised in my life and next time you come, keep your mouth shut and then burst out crying! He felt a little bad after wards :(

I feel for you! I am hating going to see them every 2 weeks. I just dont see the point when no one listens to you or even tries to encourage you to feel better about things. The only good thing is that the midwives I have met at the hospital I am giving birth in our lovely! Its just the community midwives at the other hospital that just tick the boxes and move you along! Hopefully things will be better for you. Isn't it funny how time flies when you are pregnant! I can't believe how far along everyone is lol!!
At least the MW's at the hospital will be better! Hopefully mine will be ok, I've seen 2 so far but should see the same one now for the rest of my pregnancy.
Mellisa sorry to hear you aren't well, hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Naomi glad you had a good xmas :) I remember stretching pains with Kyle, some really took my breath away!

Wendy I only managed to get through Kyles wardrobe and one of his storage boxes to get some stuff away to the loft, so the rest is still sitting piled up in his room as neat as I could possibly make it :dohh: well done to your hubby cooking xmas dinner whilst on crutches!! I really struggled to make it between rooms, I was totally useless on them :lol:

Adrienne she is very cute but its so easy to overlook that when shes chewing my christmas tree :haha: hope your doing well misses!

Natasha thats a shame about your friend. Must be so hard for the family losing someone that time of year.

Natalie :happydance: for the surprise scan! That little bit motivation to keep you sane in the possible next 2 weeks wait! Fx'd bubs shows soon though. I'm soo excited to see what your carrying :) whats your gut instinct?

Emma I got a sweep on Kyles due date (possibly the day after?) hopefully they wouldnt leave you that far before even trying a sweep. I've not managed to get through enough of his old stuff yet to make room for all the new stuff, although I definately see a trip to Ikea for some more storage solutions! I ended up buying pop tarts and having them, they were yummy but I was surprised to see the price! I used to get them in high school and they were just £1 a box then, I couldn't believe they are now £2.50! :happydance: for Daisy's head being engaged, very exciting! You've had terrible luck with doctors and midwives :nope: at least those at the hospital seem alot better.

Rachael hope your keeping well :)

Welcome Charlotte! :wave:

Afm the sickness came back! Full force while I had the dog out the other morning. The joys! I'm really struggling to have water as well. Its okay if I add some diluting juice, but water on its on just comes back up! 3 weeks today for my next scan, soo excited! I've picked the baby gym and bouncer and going to pick it the gym up saturday as mothercare currently have £10 off the normal price, love a saving! :lol: it'll be our first proper buy :happydance: My work had me down to work new years eve and new years day both 8-5's, needless to say thats not happening! I do enough overtime just now then they try to make me work that, no chance! I'm not working sat at all and I've told them i'll do a 10-4 on new years day. The fact we are open is a farce, and just greed on the companies behalf. Rant over :haha: Anyway must be off to bed now :)
Melsissa, I hope you feel better soon.

Emma, Sorry that your midwife was not so nice. But glad to know that the midwives at the hospital are much nicer.

Natalie, Happy belated birthday. I hope the baby makes an apperance soon.

Arlene, you pup is so cute. Sorry that you are not feeling your best.

Afm, I ate something at lunch and it has been trying to come back up since earlier today.

I have brought the room furniture. Pics below is of the room furniture not the actual room though and a couple 18 week belly shots.


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Morning ladies :flower:

Karen- I am loving the bump pictures and the furniture! So adorable :hugs:

Arlene- I hope they wont leave me too long but you never know! I am still hoping that she pops out on the 12th lol!! Pop tarts are expensive now, hence why I only get them every now and again! With growing up in the army we had a lot of american style food so I still have the urge for some of it every now and again! My hubby is in love with Twinkies but there are £2 per twinkie at a store near us! So sorry to hear the ms came back! Have you tried the isotonic drinks? They are the only things that I could keep down when I was sick and they gave me a little energy boost at the same time x

Well yet again I have been up most the night. I managed to sleep from 11pm- 2.30am and I am shattered. Oh well sleep will have to wait as I have a doctors appointment this morning for more antibiotics and then I am off into town to get measure for a nursing bra and pick up some more comfy trousers for after the birth.

If any of you ladies are wanting some comfy trousers then check out Primark for some yoga pants. They dont have a restrictive waistband on them and I bought them 2 sizes bigger for me and they fit really well! Also, kiddecare have a sale on at the minute and there seems to be some good offers!
Welcome Charlotte :flower:

Karen, the nursery furniture you're getting looks gorgeous :) Loving the bump pic too :D

Emma, so sorry to hear you had such a lousy appointment :( Not cool to end up in tears after seeing the midwife :( :hugs:
Hey everyone, Im going to have to read up Ive missed so much. Was just about to do that now and Cody started cryng cos he woke up :wacko:

Sorry I havent been around I have been so sick and still have MS to this day. I will try and get on a little bit more hopefully.

For those who havent seen scan pic, had appt here s/he is



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Hi ladies,

I hope everyone is well and having a lovely Christmas and New Year break!

Shona- What lovely pictures you have. So sorry to see you have been suffering from the dreaded morning sickness. It seems it has been getting a lot of the ladies on here recently! Have you told your little one about the new arrival yet? Hope you 3 had a lovely Christmas together :hugs:

Natalie- I see there is no sign of your baby yet! S/he is certainly keeping people guessing. Although I am finding it funny when you are away from your journal for a bit I wait for an update from anyone to see if s/he has made an appearance :haha: How have you been feeling recently? Getting restless or feeling poorly?? These could all be signs of labor :haha:

Well I hope the rest of you are holding up. I am still not sleeping right thanks to my SPD but I have just got myself a gym ball so I can start doing my exercises to help! Tonight is going to be a quietish one for me! Gavin and I are off to a friends with a chinese and a chill out really. Gavin has stopped drinking all together as he is frightened I may go into labor and he has had a drink and cant drive me to the hospital. I dont think we have anything to worry about for a while anyway. She may be a big baby (although midwives say not) but I am not holding any hope that she will come early. Oh, I weighed myself this morning and was very shocked by how much I weighed!! Heaviest I have ever been so far lol! Lets hope I lose it easily once Daisy arrives :haha:
Happy New Year ladies!!!
At lot has been going on this thread. Welcome Charlotte.

Emma sounds like you have a nice evening planned. Sorry you're still not sleeping well but I hope the ball helps you. I love the fact that Gavin's not drinking in fear of you going into labor. Good for him for thinking ahead.

Shona sorry you're still suffering from MS. I hope it passes soon. On the up side I love the pics of your little bean. Besides the MS I hope everything else is going well for you.

Karen love the bump pics looking nice and round.

Natasha sounds like you had a great Christmas and that the boys are doing well. I was watching a TV show this week and this woman was having a Batman themed wedding and that made me think of you. LOL

Nat MP needs to hurry up and get here. LOL

Wendy how are you miss. Hope dh's knee is doing better and that you guys enjoyed your holiday.

Arlene I saw that post about Kyles dad letting him play that video game. Someone needs to give him a slap upside his head. No wonder you were so upset. Hopefully he'll get some sense soon. Hope things are getting better with the puppy and that your feeling ok.

Rachael things should be moving right along with you. Hope your feeling good and had a nice Christmas.

Naomi Hope you're feeling well and that you had a nice Christmas and enjoying your pregnancy.

Abii Haven't heard from you in a while hope you're ok and that you had a nice holiday.

Vicky hope your feeling better. I know you were sick around Christmas time hope things are better for you.

I hope I didn't miss anyone but if I did I'm so sorry but I hope you had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year. I'm working at that moment but I'll be home early New Years morning so not too bad. Take care and wishing you all a great 2012.
Adrienne, happy new year! I never even thought about Gavin drinking over Christmas but obviously he did lol! Hope you have had a lovely Christmas and new year. Have you got your fertility appointment soon? Hope all goes well x x
HAPPY NEW YEAR LADIES! Hope this one is even better than the last!

Hello Charlotte :howdy: do you know what your squishy is, or are you looking forward to a surprise?

Karen Wow, that is quite the bump you have there, I can't believe your only 18week's in the pix!! But saying that, my Auron bump was huge quickly (maternity jean's by 16week's), and my Ely bump didn't really pop until 23week's!

Shona :happydance: yay for scan pix!!

Emma Im a pj fiend myself. spent at least a week after birthing both the boy's in pj's :haha: I love the mix and match stuff they do in primark!!
Your MW is lucky that you haven't given her a back hander yet, silly cow!! How very rude of her to say that to you/Gavin!! Have you written your letter of complaint yet?

Adrienne I want to see this batman themed wedding you speak of?!! I'm curious as to how they pulled it off!! Would deff do that kinda thing for a hen night, not so sure about a wedding as I would like to have a propper wedding dress lol

to be continued as Ely's crying...
Where was I?....

Natalie You silence is excitable :happydance: FX'ed your next post is to announce the arrival of your baby boy!! (well, I'm sticking with boy, so I'm even more excited to see if I'm right!)
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss/your friend's loss. I hope that your both as well as can be given the circumstances. Sound's like she was a strong willed woman to have be battling it for so long <3
How lovely to have gotten an extra scan, being so close to having LO too!! Though saying that, your next post will hopefully be a birth announcement!

Arlene :hugs: Hope your sickness subsides again soon, naughty baby!

Wendy You poor thing, you seem to be constantly ill with this pregnancy (regardless of it being pregnancy related or no!) Hope you feel better soon and that your hubby is making a speedy recovery :hugs:

AFM Nick's back at work tomorrow, already!! Xmas and NY have gone super speedy quickly!! So I'm gonna make the most of today. Let him have a lay in (which I'll be waking him up soon!) Then I'm gonna put him in charge of the kiddies while I have a little cleaning spree!! My NY resolution is to take up exercise, and cleaning is a form of exercise! Sex is also a form of exercise but that's not happening yet :rofl: Slept through the NY, went to bed at 11:40, couldn't be bothered to wait another 20mins, that was 20mins worth of sleep lol. Anyone else make a NY resolution?
Here's the boy's on Xmas day <3


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Natasha- Happy New Year hun! I have the letter of complaint ready to go but I haven't sent it yet as I have decided to leave it until towards the end and I keep on topping it up with any new information! I think the community midwives are disgusting! Cant wait until I dont have to see them! Aw bless you letting Nick have a lie in, I did the same with Gavin this morning but then one of his friends called him and woke him up! It was 10am though so not too bad! Bless, your lads look gorgeous on Christmas day :hugs: I didnt expect to stay awake on NYE but made it until 2am so was quite surprised!

Well for those of you who are interested, here are pictures of my bump which will be full term tomorrow!


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Hi Everyone,
Hope your enjoying the last few days of the holiday.

Natasha, didn't get to see that batman themed wedding beacuse the show was about the bride getting her dress. She did pick a traditional dress but I guess the guests at the wedding were going to dress as their favorite characters. The boys look so cute in their Christmas outfits. Very stylish.

Emma Omg you look like you could pop at anytime. Hope your feeling ok.

To all you other preggo girls I hope all is well and that your beans are treating well too.

AFM Still trying to fight off this cold. It's like the cold is trying to come on full force but I'm holding it back. So I don't feel horrible, but I don't feel 100% either. Dh seems to be on the tail end of the cold so hopfully he'll be feeling better soon.
I'm just enjoying my 2 days off before I go back to work. Have a doctors appointment for my knee tomorrow to let my doctor know that I'll be having the surgery instead of the shots. Hopefully I can get the month of Feburary off from work so that I can do it as soon as possible. It will be so nice not to have to worry about that any more. The cool thing is that the surgery only takes about a half an hour and I shoud only have to use a cane for a few days after and I should be ready to go back to work in 4 to 6 weeks (doctor thinks closer to 4) Not a high price to pay to have the knee fixed for good. My FS appointment is on Jan 11th and I'm really looking forward to hearing what she has to say, and I'm happy to report that dh is sounding a little more positive about things too. I don't know if it will last but I'm going to enjoy it for now. LOL
That's all for now ladies take care and will speak with you all soon.
Happy New year ladies :flower:

Natasha, sorry to disappoint but no baby yet... have to call my gp and cancel the appointment she made for baby for tomorrow :haha:
Adrienne- Its all go for you this month!! Good luck at the doctors. I think you have made the right choice to have surgery if it is going to sort the problem for good! Bet you cant wait until your fs appointment either, I have everything crossed for you :hugs:
Emma Wow, no wonder your in pain, there's so much baby goodness!! Happy full term!! I hope she arrives sooner rather than later for you :hugs:

Adrienne That's a shame. I imagine it would have been quite the sight!! We went to a medieval style wedding 16months ago, and it was awesome!! The bride was the usual dress and veil, but the groom was dressed as a knight, the brides father was a wizard, and the maid of honor was a jester!! Well, everyone was dressed up, but they looked awesome!! Nick dressed up as robin hood, so did one of his friend's from work, and her hubby was frier tuck lol, and I got myself a lush black and purple medieval style gown. There was a medieval feast, which had about 5courses, and the servers were dressed as maids. A couple of people from nick's work dressed in potato bags like paupers lol. I'll put some pix up at the bottom...
What does FS stand for??
Hope all goes well with your knee :hugs:

Natalie Nooooooooooo!! Get a torch down there and tell baby to go towards the light :rofl: How are you feeling??


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Natalie Nooooooooooo!! Get a torch down there and tell baby to go towards the light :rofl: How are you feeling??

:rofl: I've been joking about doing that but haven't :haha: Mom and dad are taking me 4WDing on really bumpy roads today so we shall see if that starts anything... Otherwise sweep tomorrow.

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