Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Karen love the furniture you've bought :) and what a great a bump!

Emma I tried an isotonic drink after you suggested it, definately helped at work. I left my box of pop tarts in work beside my locker in a carrier and would you believe someone actually stole them! :dohh: I hope the gym ball helps you, I found it a life saver the last few weeks as I just couldn't sit anywhere else! LOVE your bump! Which cream did you use? Your skin looks amazing.

Shona love the scan pics!! Hope your ms eases soon :hugs:

Adrienne i've also had to warn him about toy guns now. Kyle was holding a gun to his head shouting "LOOK MUM..I'm going to kill myself.." not nice coming from a 3/4 year old :nope: so we have new rules with toy guns too, which his father wasn't pleased with either! I hope you and hubby get rid of that cold soon, nothing worse when it hangs around. Fx'd you can have the knee surgery feb and all goes well at the FS :hugs:
Natasha I don't bother with new year resolutions at all.. I would just dissappoint myself when I didn't carry it through :dohh: the boys looked great on xmas day!!

Natalie fx'd mp makes an appearance soon!!

AFM found a house we love and think we're going to make an offer :happydance: Oh and we went out for the baby mat and bouncer the other day and ended up ordering the pram too. We've ordered the Oyster :) I fell in love with it after I realised you can buy new colour packs for it :lol:
I had to work New years day which was no fun, we thought it'd be a joke but we almost matched our boxing day sales, the amount of people in doing full shops on new years day was crazy :dohh: this is my first day off since, going to take Kyle swimming and then call around some solicitors in the area to see about this house, so best get a move on.

oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :D
Thanks Natasha. Yeah, can't believe I am full term now! I wish she would come out my SPD is getting unbearable, especially at night. How's things with your oh being back at work?

Arlene , glad to see the isotonic drinks helped, they have been a life saver to me throughout the pregnancy! I have some in my maternity bag for labor too :haha: I haven't really used a lot on my skin apart from an oil in the shower (which ran out months ago) and a body butter when I remember to put it on :doh: I'm useless! I think they are by sanctuary. It was a mum to be package my friend got me for my birthday from boots. The oil in the shower was amazing. :happydance: for the house, Pram and bouncer! I bet its all becoming real now lol!
Happy 20 weeks Wendypops. Hopefully you are still resting up and don't have to go back to nasty hospital. Is it next week you have your scan for the sex?

Naomi- I am sure your next scan is coming soon as well??!!
So the house was AMAZING! Its a repossession but in excellent condition, it was on for offers over 100,000 but they accepted 100,000 :happydance: just need to complete the full mortgage application and hope it goes through. Unfortunately though when I lived with my mum she made me take out a washing machine with littewoods and she really took the p*ss with the repayments, so we're going to try get the mortgage initially in DF name alone and then just add me on when we're in. Fx'd it works! I'll post a link when I'm on the laptop for yous to nosey :)
Ah congrats arlene, how exciting! Hope the mortgage goes through ok!
Yep Emma, my scan is on Monday eek!!! Will be finding out the sex as well hopefully, although have had some pretty mixed views on it, why do people feel its their duty to give me their opinion one way or the other and make me sound mad for wanting to know?!?
Happy 20 weeks Wendy, its really starting to fly isnt it!
Well I sat and sobbed through one born every minute, can't believe its all happening to us lol!
Hello Ladies, i just popped over to say hi to you all...

Ive not seen wendy for a bit hope shes ok.... How is everyone?
Natasha- Happy New Year hun! I have the letter of complaint ready to go but I haven't sent it yet as I have decided to leave it until towards the end and I keep on topping it up with any new information! I think the community midwives are disgusting! Cant wait until I dont have to see them! Aw bless you letting Nick have a lie in, I did the same with Gavin this morning but then one of his friends called him and woke him up! It was 10am though so not too bad! Bless, your lads look gorgeous on Christmas day :hugs: I didnt expect to stay awake on NYE but made it until 2am so was quite surprised!

Well for those of you who are interested, here are pictures of my bump which will be full term tomorrow!

Awe bless hunni, you look like your going to pop...:hugs:
Congrats Arlene - I hope you get approved for the mortgage :) New house new baby would be great!

I had a sweep yesterday so hopefully things get moving soon now. I was 1cm dilated, but my cervix was still long and a bit posterior, but after the sweep she said she could already feel it softening more. Worst case scenario though, I have an induction booked for Thursday, so the end is in sight! Thursday induction though means I'd actually go in on Wednesday night for prostaglandin (if needed - if I was 2-3cms dilated not sure if they'd just send me home until morning?) and then in the morning they'd break my waters.
Arlene Yay for the house!! How long do you think it'll take before you hear back about the mortgage?

Emma It's all good. Not finding it hard, but there are moment's of anger and frustration with Auron pretty much every day! He's at that age where they test you to the limit, and he hardly ever listen's when you tell him to do something/ stop doing something naughty, and end's up going in the corner. He's being so bad with his toy's, I've started taking them off of him until he can play nicer with them, and stop peeling off the damn sticker's!! Who's bright idea was it to decorate toddler toy's with sticker's in the first place?!! Twat!
As you can see, just talking about it frustrates me lol

Natalie I take it the 4WDing didn't do you any good? FX'ed for you the sweep does the trick!! I was so sure you'd of already had your baby by now, though on a slightly evil note, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had to experience the frustration of waiting longer and longer :muaha:

AFM I was sad to hear my bezzy's last treatment failed. Their now having to wait for an appointment with the FD but they think it will be a case of waiting and seeing if they can naturally, and when she hit's 30, they'll give her 1 shot at IVF. She's good though, said that she's happy with her life, and that a bubu would be a bonus, so I'm pleased that she's on a positive high :hugs:
Jus ordered the batman animated series boxset, like 10dvd's only £12.45 on zavvi yeah baby!! I'm kidding myself saying there for the boy's cause we want them to watch all the old school cartoons, gonna get the xmen, spiderman ect too, though I know deep down it's cause I want them for myself :rofl:
Natasha, we didn't end up going - DH was worried about bruising the baby's head so wouldn't let me :rofl: I am a little bummed that if it doesn't happen by tomorrow I'll need continuous monitoring with the CTG rather than intermittent monitoring with the doppler, but at least they've said I can still go in the bath/pool and remain mobile so it wont' be so bad. I calculated my due date with another method (Nichols' Rule if anyone knows it) instead of going by 40 weeks and it has my due date as the 9th so that's helped me not to think of myself as overdue :haha:
Hi ladies! Happy New Year to you all :flower: Sorry i've not been on but I ended up really really poorly. I know I told you all about my doctor who basically fobbed me off back to bed with paracetomal, well I gave it another week of bed rest and I just ended up getting worse and worse. In total I lost 10lbs in weight, I hadn't eaten for nearly two weeks and was only getting about an hours sleep a night from choking and being sick. It got to the stage earlier this week where I was lying on my bed coughing up blood in the middle of the night, I couldn't breath and honestly felt like I was going to just pass out. Hubby called NHS24 at 2.00am and they sent an emergency doctor straight out. He checked me over and told me I was one very poorly lady, my heart rate was double what it should be, my blood pressure was far too low, I had a temperature, my breathing was out of control and he said I had a rattling all around my chest. He said he had no choice but to send me to the hospital. So 3.00am I went off to hospital, it turns out I have two chest/lung infections, the first had been what I originally had in my top right which my doctor didn't bother to treat and because he didn't treat it I then went on to get an infection in my lower left respiratory system. I was dehydrated and they were seriously concerned about me not having eaten for so long. They said my doctor should never have sent me away like that and that it was very dangerous for baby and me. I had to have three drips to hydrate me and sort out my heartrate, they took three veils of blood out and then shot water in my veins, never had that before! I then started a strong course of antibiotics before getting but on a nebuliser every two hours. I tried throughout the day to eat but still couldn't, I just choked and coughed up more blood. By 4.00pm I begged the doctor to let me go home, I was so tired and all the other women on the ward weren't getting any rest with me coughing all the time. He wasn't happy with letting me go as he wanted to see how I handled food but I promised i would keep trying to eat when I got home and if I got worse I would go back in so he agreed to let me go as my heartrate and blood pressure were stabilised from the drips. So I came home and have been in bed ever since. I'm still not better but I am definitely a lot better than I was! I am managing to sleep again, not at nights as you can tell from this late post but i'm napping through the day which is a start. I tried sleeping at night but I end up choking through the night and get really panicky, I seem to sleep better during the day when I know hubby is awake and keeping an eye on me. I'm starting to eat again although it is very small amounts at the moment, half a tin of beans, half a bowl or cereal etc but it's a start. I am hoping I will feel a lot better in the next couple of days as the antibiotics end on Monday night.

Anyway enough about me, I just wanted to explain my absence. On a plus note the last 48 hours bubba has turned into a right wriggler and has really put my concerns at ease where this pregnancy is concerned :happydance: It's so nice to finally be able to feel movement. Wednesday afternoon is my big scan and I cannot wait to find out if the little wriggler is a boy or girl :) x

Nat I have been keeping a close eye on your Facebook but I see there is no sign of your little baby yet! That's nice you got a surprise scan though, hopefully you will have your little one here by the end of next week :) x

Emma How you doing hun? Well I hope :hugs: I can't believe how tight your bump looks! It really does look like your ready to pop! It's scary how close your due date is now but i'm so excited for you. I have loved being able to share your pregnancy journey with you and can't wait to see what little Daisy looks like :flower: x

Charlotte Welcome hun! Ooh February the 4th! Not long at all. Don't be scared hun, just think, it's only a day and then you'll have your gorgeous little baby in your arms x

Rachael Wow I can't believe you've only had 2 MW appointments! I thought with it being your first you would have as many as me. Mines seems never ending lol. Hope you're keeping well anyway x

Arlene Sorry to hear the sickness has come back, hopefully it will go for good this time! Not long at all till your scan now is it hun? I am sure you are only a couple of weeks away from mine. I can't wait to go shopping, I was meant to go look at prams etc in the Xmas break but i've not been able to do anything with this bug :( Hopefully i'll get to do the fun stuff soon. Fab news about the house! How exciting! I am sure something as small as a littlewoods bill wouldn't affect your mortgage, if you add yourself on later it will end up costing you more as there will need to be a deed of variation done for the mortgage and then a new Disposition done and recorded to put your name on the house (you can tell I work in a solicitors can't you :haha:) will be much easier if you can both get put on at the start, i'm sure it will all work out fine :) How fab a new house, wedding plans and a new baby on the way! x

Karen Lovely bump pics hun and what beautiful nursery furniture you've picked! Hope you're keeping well x

Shona Beautiful scan pics hunnie, I am so pleased for you! I bet you loved being able to announce it at last :) Hope the morning sickness is starting to pass, it did for me around the 12 week mark x

Adrienne Did you get a date booked for your surgery? I'm glad you are finally getting it sorted, you will notice a huge difference. Ooh your FS appointment is the same day as my scan! I really hope it goes well hun, it's fab hubby is totally on board with it all now too x

Natasha How's the NY resolutions going? I've not really made any other than try not to spend beyond my means! I know i'm going to find maternity pay a shock so trying to get everything I need paid off paid before maternity starts in April. The time just seems to be flying by! Sorry to hear your friends last treatment didn't work :( It's great to see she is remaining positive though! I really hope it happens naturally for her, it would be a lovely surprise x

Naomi Ooh good luck for your scan on Monday hun! How exciting :happydance: I so know what you mean about people and their opinions, I am sick of people telling me I shouldn't find out the sex and how i'm going to regret it when I know fine well I wont regret it! You just do what you and your hubby want to do and ignore everyone else. Aww i love one born every minute, but it is a bit scary to watch now I know I have it coming :haha: x

Lea Hi hun! Thanks for enquiring about me, it's nice to be thought of :hugs: I'm getting there slowly, just been totally floored with this illness but I am hoping I can get on more often next week when my energy hopefully returns. I will be over on the ttc thread as soon as to catch up there too, hope you're keeping well :flower: x

Well I am going to go and have a lie down, see if I drift off. Sorry for the long post but I didn't want to miss anyone. I will try and get on a bit more often when I don't feel so knackered. Take care ladies x
Oh Wendy, you have certainly been through it the last couple of weeks. Glad to hear you're doing better and bubs is doing well too. I hope you continue to improve quickly and that you're feeling like your old self in no time. Very cool that your scan and my appointment are on the same day. Can't wait to hear what your having. Take care of yourself and your little bean and speak to you soon.
Wendy will have to read your post at another time - just popped on to say that my waters have gone/are going so it shouldn't be long now. No contractions yet though - have just been having BH today. But lost my plug this morning and waters have been trickling this afternoon so it should be soon. If my contractions haven't started by 10pm though (it's 3:30 now) I'll give the maternity unit a call. My sheet from them though says not to call just for waters alone not with contractions after 37 weeks.
Naomi your scan is so soon! Exciting stuff :happydance: I'm going to have a hard time telling the sonographer I don't want to know the sex with both you and wendy finding out this week!

Lea hello! Hope your keeping well :hugs:

Natalie :happydance: looks like the sweep helped move thing along! Fx'd your contractions start themselves, if they haven't already :happydance: hope things go quick and easy and you get the birth you want :hugs:

Natasha providing the bank go as quick as they say and no further info is needed, we should have the final decision from the underwriters by the end of next week :D I am really hoping it goes through, I will be devastated otherwise. Sorry to hear your friends treatment failed, its great that shes not taken it too hard. I have a cousin whos had one failed treatment after another and if she came to me next year i'd carry the child for her. Its devasted for us to see, cant imagine how shes feeling :nope:
On a lighter note, im always getting old films/cartoons I used to watch as a child and saying there for Kyle :dohh::lol:

Wendy sorry to hear you've been so ill :hugs: I hope that those infections clear up and your back to your good old self in no time, you've got plenty motivation with your scan being wednesday! :happydance: Littlewoods has a huge impact on my credit rating, any credit does. I checked it and it wasn't good at all so we're proceeding in DFs name to give us our best chance. We'll accept the charges when it comes to adding me on. It wasn't worth the both of us being knocked back and that then being on his credit history.

Adrienne just noticed you only have 7lb to lose to your target, thats fantastic, well done you! :hugs:

Emma hope your well! :)

My 20 week scan is a week on thursday, which will no doubt drag even more now we're waiting news about the mortgage :dohh: Here is a link to see the property:,157&minBeds=4&propType=Any
Anyway Kaia has had me up since 6 oclock, shes been fed so going to take her a big walk and hopefully she'll come back and snooze again to I get a wee sneaky hour back in bed! Wishful thinking no doubt :lol:
OMG Wendy I can't believe what you've gone through these last couple weeks! I'm glad you're on the mend though and hooray for feeling the baby! So exciting that you and Naomi will be having scans and finding out the gender this week - that'll be three babies' genders we'll be finding out in the next few days, counting my yellow bump :haha:

Arlene, I LOVE the kitchen in that house - I really hope you're approved for the mortgage.

My waters have kept on leaking all afternoon, and contractions have started, though not nearly close enough yet to bother timing. But it's all very exciting knowing that it will be soon now. :)
OMG NDH how exciting!!!!! Can't wait for your lo to come along and find out what you've had! Good luck!!!

Wendy, wow what an eventful time for you, it sounds so awful! That stuppid doctor, you should sue him for malpractice. So glad your starting to feel a little better now though, I wonder if we are having the same?!

Thanks lovely ladies, I'm very excited and nervous about Monday, can't wait to see how much Noodle has grown!

Been geeting a horrible numbness in my left thigh. Seems to come when I've either been sitting or laying in one position for too long or when I'm walking around (so a lot lol!) today when we were doing the shopping this morning it turned from an uncomforatble numbness to a horrible ache on the left side of my pelvis and throbbed down to my knee, was horrible, any ideas what it could be???
Natalie :happydance: common baby!! It's so exciting!! It's not so much how close together/timing the contraction's it's how strong they feel. Ely's contraction's were all over the place!! I had to wait 5min's (no joke) after half his head was out for another contraction to push the rest out!! Yet with Auron it was maybe 10second's with pushing contractions. As soon as you feel there getting to strong for you, get on the phone :hugs: I can't wait to hear your story and see pix of LO!!

Wendy :hugs: you poor thing, that sound's horrendous!! You and hubby really haven't been having much luck with the amount of hospital visit's, bless you both!! Im glad to hear your on the mend, and I hope it's a quick, speedy recovery!! The NYR hasn't started just yet :blush: I said to myself by Feb, so I'm not too worried at the moment lol

Arlene perhaps it'll be accepted on Thursday, and with the scan, would be an awesome day!! What old cartoons do you have in 'Kyles' collection?

Naomi Deff get that checked out, though to me it sound's like it could be sciatica. I had it with Ely, though for me it was more in the bum/bottom back area. It's uber common in the leg's though. All I got told to do was keep good posture (especially when sitting, no slouching!), try not to be on your feet for long period's of time, and take 2paracetamol every 4hours, which surprisingly took the edge off of it.

This comming week seem's to be a busy one for scan's!! Monday, Wednesday and Thursday!! I'm excited to hear the boy-girl ratio. Hummmm.... Final guesses are
Naomi :pink:
Wendy :blue:
Arlene :yellow: will turn out to be :blue:
Brief update in my journal if interested. Nothing terribly exciting yet but progresf at least.
For those of you who don't look on Natalies (NDH) journal she has given birth to a beautiful b
aby girl :pink: mp seemed to have us all fooled lol x

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