I started feeling that things were moving on Thursday morning when I woke up. After my midwives appointment the pains I had were getting stronger and by 8pm I was having irregular contractions. I spent all night up with my contractions and at 5am I called the labor ward, the midwife said for me to come in but I was in early labor and she wasn't too concerned. I got to the hospital at 5.30am and when I was examined the midwife said that I was 4cm dialated and was in established labor and would get me a room. I got in my room and the midwife ran me a bath and asked me to go and lie in and relax for a bit (as she knew I had been awake since the day before and wanted me to relax before things got more intense). I got in the bath and my contractions got a lot worse from then on. The modwives changed shift at 7am and I got a student midwife and a midwife in with me and at this point I was in a bit of pain so they decided to get me some gas and air and due to the pain being in my back they advised me to lean on the bed to try and take the pressure off my back. I did this and used the gas and air over 2 contractions and thought it was useless so refused to use it. I then decided to go and sit on the toilet as I felt more comfortable there and used one of the bins as a head rest

At this point I zoned out from everyone and wouldn't talk lol.
I was determined to get her out and managed to push with a contraction and broke my waters. I moved off the toilet onto a birthing stool (basically a toilet seat 10 inch off the ground) and started to push. Within half an hour I managed to push Daisy out. Apparently as she was crowning she was turning her head to have a look around before she had even come out

They delivered her into my arms and Gavin cut the cord. They passed Daisy to Gavin and asked me to get on the bed due to my bleeding. When they looked at me they said I had a few tears and also some grazes that needed looking at. After an hour and a lot of gas and air I was finally stitched up and could pay attention to my little girl! The midwives were laughing at me as after going through the labor with no pain relief I would not put the gas and air down when being stitched
Daisy moo was then breastfed as I ate some tea and toast and then we were both moved to the ward. I stayed on the ward until 6pm Saturday night and then we came home.