Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Well ladies, I couldn't get any sleep last night as labor pains came on quite harsh.

Daisy Lorraine was born on Friday 13th January at 9.13am weighing 6lb 5oz
Oh my god!! Congrats! What a surprise!! :happydance: well done you! Can't wait to hear your birth story!!
Emma- Congrats!! I cant wait to read your birth story and see pictures of little daisy! I hope everything went well and you are both safe and sound. I hope I go a little early I wouldn't mind seeing his face sooner than I planned.

Natasha- Each baby shower is different but mine is of the standard kind. There will be a meal, drinks, games, and gift opening. Its really just a time to celebrate me and my pregnancy and for friends and family to literally shower us with gifts. We actually got our first gift in the mail yesterday so that was very exciting. Your little man is sooooo cute and growing soo fast!!

Well ladies I did my second assignment for this course and it went a little smoother than the first one but I still walked away feeling a little stupid. I hope I get a decent grade and can pass this class with a C. I hope everyone has a nice day. Today is Friday so that means is cleaning day :(. I was hoping Mike would get snowed in from work and he could do the cleaning but I didn't get that lucky. I woke up real early for some reason so atleast I can get everything done and take a nap in the afternoon.
Emma :happydance: Congratulation's!! What an exciting week were having, 2babies and 2sexing scan's! Can't wait to hear all about it and see pix of little miss Daisy :hugs:

Carly FX'ed for you getting good grade's! How many more assignment's have you got left? That pic was taken before xmas, bless him, he's in 0-3 clothes but the baby grows and sleepsuit's for the same size feel a bit small on him? It's so weird!


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Thanks Natasha! The class is 8 weeks long. I am in week 2. There is an assignment each week until the last week when we have our final exam. We also have a quiz each week, and have to post a total of 6 discussions. So it can be quite taxing, if this was my first class I would honestly quit school lol. But I am so close I can't give up. I want to be done with my degree by the time Sam is walking. So how much does your little man wiegh now? At our last check up we clocked in at 4lbs 4oz so I am pretty sure I am going to have a BIG baby!! We have another check up on Monday, so I am keeping my fingers crossed everything goes well and the word C-section is not brought up.
Wow Emma, that was a suprise!! Congrats hun, so so pleased for you!!
Thanks guys. I will upload pictures when I am out of hospital of her. It was a quick delivery with no pain relief! I had all the gas and air for the hours worth of stitching afterwards! I am shattered as I have been up for about 38 hours now but can't seem to sleep at all. Still can't believe she is here!
Emma I'm surprised you needed stitching 6lb 5oz is tiny! :cloud9: Well done you doing it with no pain relief :thumbup: you'll have to share the secret! I can't wait to see little Daisy :)

Carly I wouldn't worry too much at their guesses in weight. I know plenty people that were told baby is measuring big/small and its turned out to be totally wrong. My aunt was induced 2 weeks early as they said if she was left any longer she wouldnt be able to deliver herself as baby was at least 9lb, my aunts had five kids and this girl turned out to be the smallest at just 6lb 2oz!
Wow Emma that was a surprise. Congrats and welcome to the world miss Daisy. Rest up and I can't wait to see pictures and read your birth story.
Congrats emna and welcome Daisy! So little!
Carly at the last weigh in he was 11lbs half an ounce, but we've got the 8week check and first set of jab's this coming Tuesday, he'll be weighed and measured, and I'll be mentally poked and prodded to make sure I haven't got PND -roll's eye's- Apparently, women who have had it are more susceptible to getting it again, which is why they keep pestering. It's a bit frustrating. Also gonna sort out contraception. No more babies for me, so gonna inquire about getting a coil fitted (was gonna have one after Auron, but I chickened out at the appointment cause I still felt sore down there :haha:)
I used to be a phlebotomist and I hated poking the little ones. The smaller they were the worse my heart ached. I would always ask mom if I could hold them after so they knew I didn't mean to hurt them. I wish you both the best, its a rough experience so I hope you have a kind and gentle soul take care of you. I know I will dread when its Sam going through it because I will be watching like a hawk because I know how its supposed to be done. I think I am going to get mirena after we have Sam we want a few years with him alone before we add another one to the family. But we have both decided that two is plenty. My goal for this week is to call the hospital and set up a tour and find out about breast feeding courses. I have decided agaisnt a birthing class but I would really like to know more about breast feeding and really sit face to face with an expert on the subject.
Hi ladies,

Thank you for your kind words. Sorry I have not got on sooner but things have been a bit manic really! I have put some details below if you wish to read-

I started feeling that things were moving on Thursday morning when I woke up. After my midwives appointment the pains I had were getting stronger and by 8pm I was having irregular contractions. I spent all night up with my contractions and at 5am I called the labor ward, the midwife said for me to come in but I was in early labor and she wasn't too concerned. I got to the hospital at 5.30am and when I was examined the midwife said that I was 4cm dialated and was in established labor and would get me a room. I got in my room and the midwife ran me a bath and asked me to go and lie in and relax for a bit (as she knew I had been awake since the day before and wanted me to relax before things got more intense). I got in the bath and my contractions got a lot worse from then on. The modwives changed shift at 7am and I got a student midwife and a midwife in with me and at this point I was in a bit of pain so they decided to get me some gas and air and due to the pain being in my back they advised me to lean on the bed to try and take the pressure off my back. I did this and used the gas and air over 2 contractions and thought it was useless so refused to use it. I then decided to go and sit on the toilet as I felt more comfortable there and used one of the bins as a head rest :haha: At this point I zoned out from everyone and wouldn't talk lol.

I was determined to get her out and managed to push with a contraction and broke my waters. I moved off the toilet onto a birthing stool (basically a toilet seat 10 inch off the ground) and started to push. Within half an hour I managed to push Daisy out. Apparently as she was crowning she was turning her head to have a look around before she had even come out :haha: They delivered her into my arms and Gavin cut the cord. They passed Daisy to Gavin and asked me to get on the bed due to my bleeding. When they looked at me they said I had a few tears and also some grazes that needed looking at. After an hour and a lot of gas and air I was finally stitched up and could pay attention to my little girl! The midwives were laughing at me as after going through the labor with no pain relief I would not put the gas and air down when being stitched :haha:

Daisy moo was then breastfed as I ate some tea and toast and then we were both moved to the ward. I stayed on the ward until 6pm Saturday night and then we came home.

Daisy was really good last night for her first night at home and managed to sleep for about 3 hours and wake up for a feed and then back to sleep which was amazing! We have bathed her this morning and have had people coming and going all day! I have put on some pictures for you all to look at. Sorry its all a bit of a ramble but the past few days have all been a bit of a whirl wind. I am happy I have my little girl here who is amazing, I can't believe we made something so perfect :cloud9:

Anyway, I am off for more cuddles. Speak to you all soon :hugs:


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Emma she is soo beautiful!! :cloud9: I showed DF and he melted :lol: How are yous doing with breastfeeding?
Emma :hugs: She's lush! Congratulation's, and well done with the major lack of pain relief! Did you feel yourself tearing? I know I did! Stitches are horribly uncomfortable (especially with peeing -ouchies!-) keep on top of paracetamol and ibuprofen to take the edge off (worked a treat for me). Can't get over how quickly you laboured! Hope your back is feeling the world better now she's out. Hope your BF is going well, and continues to go well!
Natasha- Yes I did feel myself tear. I thought it was that at the time but was not too sure but just pushed through the pain. I have stitches internally and also top middle and bottom practically! She managed to do a good job on her way out :haha: Yeah sitting is a pain, especially in bed and on the sofa. Fortunately the MIL got us a chair for Christmas that she thought would be good for breastfeeding and I can get comfy on that.

Arlene- It is going ok. She is a bit of a lazy eater so we have to keep her awake at times to eat as she like to go to sleep whilst eating. We have had to use a dummy with her already due to this as she is using me to comfort her after feeding and doesnt like being taken off me so we put the dummy in for her and she just sleeps then.

Thanks Rachael- its the best feeling in the world.

Just realised that there isn't a picture of her hair that gave me so much heartburn!! Here you go x


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You put me to shame! I havent even nanaged to sit at the computer to type up ny birth story yet, or upload pics. I just cant bribg myself to put her down. I could have had 3 hours so far this morning as she hasnt woken up yet (10am, shes been asleep since a big feed from 4:30-6). Oh well, im enjoying my girl :cloud9:
Enjoy away Natalie. I get a lot of free time really as Daisy sleeps a lot after a small feed and then just wants a cuddle. She has just had a feed now (3.15am) and her last one was at 10pm last night. Me and the oh are going to have a brew and try and get any wind out of her (she has suffered badly with wind, she made some very comical noises in hospital :haha:) and then we are off back to sleep.

I hope things are good with Sara, I haven't had chance to read up on her unfortunately x

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