Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Emma she is so beautiful. I hope that a lot of the pains you had during pregnancy are now gone.
Emma im totally in love with your little girl! I was very weary at the idea of having a girl now i'd really love one :cloud9: she is truely gorgeous :) but im sure you know that :haha:
Emma Daisy is too precious! Your birth story sounds like every girls fantasy, sorry you tore but that little girl was worth each and every stitch. She is just too beautiful. She makes me want a little girl really bad next go around. I hope you heal well and I hope you are enjoying your time with Gavin and Daisy. It was very nice to hear from you and see all her wonderful pictures.

I have a doctors appt. today I will let you ladies know how it goes. I have to say I am a bit worried. The last time we went to the doctor they told me my baby was too big, the time before that my baby was too sweet. So I guess we will see what my baby is doing today. I hope you all have a great day!! Talk to you soon.
O Emma she is just so beautiful!! Congratulations hun, what a cute little bundle of joy! Sounds like you were an inspiration with that labour, well done!!
Here's my Saranna :cloud9: 6 days old in these photos.

Working on my birth story. It's two pages in word so far and the induction hasn't even started yet :rofl:
Carly All the best for your appointment today, I'm sure everything will be fine and well :hugs:

Natalie She's adorable! The photo's are so sweet with all the different accessories and the big nappy, love em! How are you getting on with mummy life? Can't believe she's over a week old already, goes super quick once they arrive!

All ladies Hope your all well :flower:

AFM Ely had his first set of jabbies today, did have a little cry bless him :cry: Took Nick with me so he could hold him, I could never held Auron when he had his jab's, and I can't do it with Ely either. Don't like needle's anyway!! He's jus had a nice big feed and is completely zonked! Hopefully, he'll just be sleepy as they can sometime's be very irritable after jab's. He weigh's 11lbs 14 and a half ounces (what's with all the halves?!!) and is just over 60CM long.
Trying to teach Auron to say "Batman", but it keep's coming out "Ratban" :rofl: He's enjoying the cartoon's though. Only got 3 disc's left though :blush: Gonna get either Spiderman or Xmen next! Complete box set's for £25 can't go wrong!
Did some Kinect exercises last week (3evening's) But on the last night I did it (Friday) I hurt my wrist, really stupid actually. Had my hand resting firmly on my thigh, and jumped, which bent my wrist funny. Hurt like hell at the time, could hardly move it. Much better now, but a bit twingy :dohh: So back to exercise tonight! Gonna play some Just Dance 3 :happydance:
Morning ladies, how are we all doing? Sorry i've not been on much, had another busy week and seem to be constantly tired at the moment. Was in bed by 8pm yesterday and still wasn't keen on getting up this morning lol. It's funny how only a few weeks ago I wished to feel bubba kick me and now she's at it constantly and it's offputting when your lying there trying to sleep :haha:.

Well done to all the ladies who guessed team pink! I am over the moon :) Hubby's family are delighted and in shock as they are used to getting boys in the family so they can't wait to have a little girl around. My Dad was also convinced it was a boy but is coming round to the idea of having a little granddaughter now. I've started buying all my winnie the pooh items for the nursery and can't wait to get started putting it all together. The furniture is all sitting just waiting to get made up.

We went pram shopping on Saturday with the in-laws and I fell in love with a black polka dot Ultima pram by Mamas and Papas. There was a couple of others we liked but this felt the easiest for me to push and the easiest to change handle size for when switching between me and hubby (plus it's lush to look at). It comes with the main pram part and buggy but no car seat. Not worried about that as brother-in-law wants to buy us a car seat as a gift anyway. Picking it up on Saturday and getting a demonstration of how to put it up and down etc but we will be keeping it at in-laws house until our little one is here cause i'm a bit superstitious about having it in the house.

Other news is my sister has found herself a nice place to rent so she moves out in two weeks time! It's only temporary as the owners daughter will be moving in to it when her house sells but it's for at least six months and the owner says it could end up being over a year the way the market is. My sister is happy with that as she really wants a council house anyway and when she gets her notice to leave the house the Council will have to home her quicker so it should work out well. So i've been busy helping her pack and buy what she needs ready for the move. Will be strange not having her live with me after four years but to be honest i'm looking forward to just having the house as our family home and the extra space will come in very handy!

Hoping to go look at baby clothes in the next week or two but have been told not to go overboard as everyone is buying for us. Got a couple of cute little pink babygrows already from people, love them! Hoping to get some sleep sacks for night time but what are they meant to sleep in with that? Just a vest under the sleepsack or a babygrow with long sleeves? I'm so worried i'll over heat the little one. I feel like i've got so much to learn, eek!

Anyway, on to you ladies, I will do my best to catch up.

Rachael Happy 26 weeks! I hope your feeling a bit better and not as tired. When do you finish your work? I know it was temporary but not sure if your going back after maternity? x

Natasha Oh well you have loads of time off yet then if your off to July, not so bad. What is it you do again? I'm going to take the full time off hopefully then go back after 9 months, don't think I could afford the 3 months unpaid :( It's going to be a bit of a struggle with not having my sister to help with bills anymore but I am sure we will survive. Ooh what did you decide about the house? I don't know what kind of house you are in at the moment but I take it this other one would be a lot more spacious for you? Fingers crossed it works out and wont cost too much more a month. Aww the wee soul getting his jags, I couldn't hold my baby either. Think I will tell hubby that's his job! lol. I would get fair upset with it all x

Emma I know i've said it god knows how many times now but i've not said it on here so CONGRATULATIONS :) I am so thrilled for you and Gav. I could just steal little Daisy she is so cute! How are you finding motherhood? It'll be a big change! I'm getting a bit scared and I have ages yet lol. Sorry to hear some of your friends seem to be ditching you, how darn rude! I bet they are rushing around now to see Daisy though! That winds me up big time. Hope all is going well with the breast feeding too x

Naomi I see from your signature that you've gone with Sam Edward, that's a lovely name! A lovely sentiment to your family aswell. Did you manage to get to the doctor? Hope things are easing a little for you x

Nat How's things going hun? I can imagine how many of your reusable nappies you are going through! lol. Hope the breast feeding is going well. Aww what cute pics! She is gorgeous x

Arlene Yey for the mortgage approval! :happydance: So happy for you hun. Eek, 10th February is not far away at all, bet your one busy lady at the mo x

Carly It's so nice to hear from you again hun, hope you're keeping well. Our little girl is going to be called Emily Jean :) Jean after my Mum who passed away when I was only ten. I have thought of other first names but i'm not changing my mind again lol, we both like Emily so are going to stick with it! Sorry to hear your struggling with your course but have faith in yourself, you can do it x

Well sorry for the long post, my fault for not getting on much. If i've missed anyone I hope you are keeping well and will try and get on again soon :flower: x
Wendy That's great news for your sister! I hope everything goes according to plan, and I'm sure the extra space won't be extra for very long with all the girly thing's you'll be filling it with! Just looked up the pram you've mentioned, OMG 9in1!! (if I'm looking at the right one!) That's amazing, I didn't know you could get prams with so much stuff to them :wacko: Im surprised you hubby is good with a demonstration, I was under the impression that all men liked to figure new thing's out themselves without even looking at instructions, because, 'apparently', it's quicker to figure it out then look it up or be shown :rofl: Perhaps your hubby is a rarer specimen of man and has a working brain?
As for baby sleeping stuff, you figure it out very quickly. She's due in the warmer weather, so you might find yourself using sheets/blankets instead of a grow bag (until the colder weather kicks in) they say that thin layers are best. Baby will let you know if their cold, but will continue to over heat if too hot. And when it does come to using a growbag, baby has the usual bodysuit and sleepsuit on :thumbup: But like I said, you'll get into the groove very quickly once she's here! (It's amazing how much you learn and how quickly you learn it as a first time mum!) Speaking of grow bag's, that remind's me I need to dig out our's cause Ely keep's kicking off his cover's in the night :dohh:
Wendy I forgot to say, Im a kitchen team leader for weatherspoons (which basically mean's I know how to do my job well enough to get a promotion. There's no real "power" with such a menial title :haha: Glorified toilet break giver as my OH put's it)
Natasha It deffo wont be extra space for long! I was worrying as still had boxes of stuff in nursery and had no idea where I was going to put them so basically I will be shifting them from the nursery to my sister's room when it's empty :haha: One day I will get round to selling or taking stuff to the charity shop but not had the time to sort it all out. Hmm i've no idea if it's a 9 in 1 or not, all I know is we just get the pram and buggy part. I think I looked like a loon going round feeling the weight of all the prams as I wanted to make sure it wasn't too heavy to pull up the steps to my house haha.
Hubby is quite happy to get a demo (phew!) She did show us how to put it down but she did it so quickly I aint got a clue so told hubby he would have to learn lol.

Thanks for the info about the sleeping stuff, I was thinking I may just need a blanket but so scared when you read so much bad stuff about babies choking on blankets on the internet. I've been given one sleep sack as a gift but not sure what time of year i'm meant to use it for. Your right though, i'm sure I will learn and quick! Ooh I love weatherspoons! Although i'm not impressed my local one has stopped serving my favourite dish grrr x
Wendy I also forgot to say about the house :dohh: I get so carried away with one thing I forget about the rest, tit!
We told the landlord that we're interested if/when he does get the house, but it will come down to how much more a month it'll cost. He said if it does happen, it won't be for a few month's yet, but we will have first refusal.
Uh, I totally get the stairs VS pushchair thing! We have 9 step's up to the first door (there's 2 flat/maisonette type thing's here -above a shop- so we share an entrance) then there's another 10step's up to our door, (only no how many there are cause we count the step's with Auron, Im not that sad :rofl:) it's a bloody nightmare! Our buggy is easy to push, but really heavy to pick up. Have to do at least 3trip's up and down the stair's when I wanna go out, and again coming home.
Try not to let all that scary stuff get to you. As long as baby's arm's are above the cover's (tucked under the armpit's) baby can't pull the covers over their face. Only direction they'll go is down with kicking leg's, and if baby is cold they'll let you know.
Spoon's is alright, I like my job and all that jazz. Get bored of the food quickly though. Menu usually changes April and October, but it didn't change last October, they said they had improved the recipes instead :shrug: shame really, I was looking forward to getting back something like Jam Roly Poly, and the Beef Casserole last winter was lush!
When do you plan on starting your maternity leave? only 7week's until you can start (if you wanted to)
Natalie- Your little angel is so beautiful! Those pictures are really something to cherish. I cant wait to read your birth story! As always nice hearing from you and I hope your enjoying that little girl!!

Natasha-Ratban is tooo cute!! I bet your having a blast watching cartoons with him, I cant wait to do all that fun boy stuff with Sam. I have a wii so I know how dangerous those moves can be, Goodluck on your next go around.

Wendy- Great to hear from you. Sounds like lots of excitement at your house and with your family. Dont worry about all the little things, they will come naturally and youll wonder why you worried in the first place. I wish I had somewhere to keep all Sams stuff because having it at my house I was a little worried how I would feel is something were to happen but now that I am almost at the end those fears have gone away and I am glad to walk in his room and see all his goodies. I love the name Emily. It definately would of been an idea for a little girl but my good friends daughter is Emma so a little too close. But I think it is perfect for your little angel!!

Well ladies everything went alright at the docs on Monday. He told me to get a maternity belt since I am feeling some discomfort and thats helped a lot, especially during sleeping. I see him again this Monday. Honestly I have never dreaded peeing in a cup this much lol. I called the hospital to find out about childbirth classes and the soonest one is Feb 25th, Sam is due March 5th so she signed me up but you never know if he decides to come early. She said I could come anytime for a tour of the labor unit to see the birthing rooms so that was nice. And she said the nurses would definately help a lot with breastfeeding especially if I miss the course because I had him early. Well I hope you are all doing well. Talk to you soon. Sorry if I missed anyone. I have been trying my best to keep up, but pregnancy brain is really starting to get to me.
Natasha, I used to work for Wetherspoons. Had made it all the way to Shift Leader before I left. Got sick of doing a manager's job without the salary :wacko: We used to call kitchen staff 'microwave technicians' :haha:

Wendy, pleased you've chosen your pram :D I'm still exhausted. My GP has discovered that I have Vitamin B12 deficiency which is the cause for my excessive tiredness it seems. I thought it was just pregnancy :dohh: Got to arrange to go and have injections for it :(

My contract at work ends on 12th March. We should find out 4 weeks beforehand if we're being kept on or not. If I'm not being kept on the 10th March will be my last day at work, if my contract is renewed I'll officially start maternity leave on April 2nd though I will take my first choice holidays before then so I should finish 22nd March at the latest. We shall see how it all pans out I guess :shrug:
Hi ladies :flower:

Thank you for all your lovely comments x

Rachael- Fingers crossed you get kept on at your job. It will be nice to know that you have a job to go back to seen as you worked so hard to get this one :hugs:

Carly- So happy to hear that the maternity belt is helping you out. I hope you are managing to stay comfy. I felt awful the last month of my pregnancy and would hate for you to go through the same.

Wendypops- Ooh, I have just looked at your pram and it looks amazing!! The handle changing bit certainly comes in handy, we have it on our pram and it stops Gavin from bending over when pushing Daisy and for me as well seen as I am such a short @rse :haha: I am glad to hear your sister has found someone to live, I bet you will miss her! Motherhood is amazing, even being kept awake until 3am with her. All it takes is a cuddle with her to make everything better. Breast feeding was going ok but little Daisy ended up with jaundice and was having to be fed quite frequently and I was shattered. We have now decided to express milk for my little Daisy moo so Gavin can feed her as I am not getting much rest. Things with that are going great and I am happy she is still getting breast milk.

Arlene- I hope the scan goes well for you tomorrow :hugs:

I hope everyone else is ok, I am cutting this short as Daisy moo has just woken up and One born every minute is on. Take care x
Natasha Don't worry about it, i'm the same, I read everything then if i'm trying to reply quick forget half of what I wanted to say :haha: The steps to your house sounds like a nightmare! I've got the fear that I will make the pram topple, gotta stop worrying about everything I know. We've got two steps out of front door which isn't so bad but then eight big ones down the path to pavement. Back door we have a conservatory and it has big deep steps. Don't know what exit is the best! May end up taking the pram out and then putting wee Emily in it outside but not handy in cold weather etc. Well my fave dish was Chicken Pasta Alfredo but they don't do it now :( Totally gutted! I had it every time I went. Have to say the Sunday Roast is still lush tho! Going to start my maternity on 20th April, well really it's my holidays I start then, got four weeks and then my actual maternity starts on May 21st so I get as much time as possible after the birth. So wish it was sooner though cause i'm knackered and no doubt i'm only going to get worse the heavier I get x

Carly Glad to hear all went well at the doctors and that the maternity band is helping. I saw them for sale in the pram shop the other day but wasn't really sure what it was meant to help with lol, now I know! Your right, you think they would have those classes more often but hopefully you can at least get to the breat feeding one. Sounds like the people are friendly at least at the hospital so that must be some comfort to know x

Rachael Aww hun, I don't envy you having to get injections but if it's going to help then it's worth it. At least it's not long then until you know either way about your job, fingers crossed it will lead to permanent but if it doesn't you know you can have as long as you want with your little one before returning to the working market again which would be nice x

Emma Yeah it's the same situation with me and Scott, i'm 5 foot 3 and he's 6 foot so definitely needed the easy changing handle! lol. So glad motherhood is going well for you, I knew you would take to it like a duck to water :flower: Has the pain in your back started easing now? Well to be honest it's really express feeding I want to do so it's good to know that you are managing it already. I will breast feed for the first little while cause I know you have to but I would prefer to express so Scott can help out. It will be easier when you have visitors too x

Well i'm just on my break at work so best get back to it but I feel like a zombie. I'm so tired. I'd give anything to get a full nights sleep but it's just not happening. Can't even get a lie in on Saturday as need to go collect pram early and get demonstration then wash the car as it's been needing done for months. Next weekend we're hoping to get to Asda for a nose and the week after it will be all go helping my Sis settle in to her new home. Wish I had some more holidays to take but heyho, will keep plodding on! Right best be off but speak soon x
Everyones invited to my pity party!!...

Feeling a bit weighed down with everything at the moment so this wont be a big post,sorry.
Scan was excellent in the sense baby is great, and we got a couple of 3d shots of our LO :cloud9: On the other hand, it looks like I have a dermoid cyst on my right ovary, she couldn't see the left ovary because of how baby was lying. Its currently measuring around 5cm, 6cm and above and it'll have to be removed. Shes took bloods to 'cross the t's and dot the i's' check its benign, however didnt seem overly concerned about that. From what I can see though, they don't know for sure until they remove it and biopsy it. I'm feeling so disheartened though, why can't it just be straight forward for me. I'm so very greatful that I know my consultant is truely amazing (same consultant I had when everything went bad with Kyle) and my baby will be fine but I just wanted a 'normal' pregnancy this time.

Anyway I return to my normal antenatal clinic to see that consultant there for my results for the bloods, providing everythings okay there i'll return to Dr Cleland at the hospital on the 24th feb for another scan to check if its grew.
When can they make you go on maternity leave from work? I have a feeling they will if I need time off for the surgery.
Arlene, just wanted to say sorry to hear about the cyst. When are they going to remove it? I hope you start feeling better soon.

This is from the website about maternity leave-
Pregnancy-related illness If you are off work for a pregnancy-related illness during the four weeks before your baby is due, your maternity leave and Statutory Maternity Pay (from your employer) or Maternity Allowance (from Jobcentre Plus) will start automatically, no matter what you had agreed with your employer

Huge :hugs:
Carly It is pretty awesome!! His attention span for watching film's is getting alot better too, though it doesn't stop him from playing and talking through half of what's on!
What game's have you got for the Wii?
Glad to hear all went well with your appointment! When are you planning on getting your tour of the labour ward?

Rachael Lol, sound's abut right! More responsibilities for less money, usually under the promise of "learning for promotion". I will go up in the rank's eventually, but I have no intention in pushing my progress until Ely is in school, well, if I'm still working for spoon's by then! I do eventually want my own pub/club type thing.
What do you do now?

Emma I can't believe little Daisy is a week old tomorrow already! How have you found your first week as a mummy?
It's crazy how well girl's manage to pee on people with no pointer lol

Wendy Not long to wait then!! It's scary how quickly my maternity is going. Back in 6month's (unless I take unpaid time). Bet you can't wait to have a bit of R&R! Will you hubby be getting paternity leave for when LO make's her entrance to the world?

Arlene Glad to hear that the baby is well, poo about the cyst! Hope your alright :hugs:
As Emma pointed out, that's the case for Pregnancy Related Illness. I'm 99% sure a cyst on the ovary wouldn't come under that category (A friend of mine recently had a cyst the size of a tennis ball removed from inside her ovary, she called him Roland :haha: and she's not pregger's) in which case I'm pretty sure that they can't force you to take maternity leave until Week 37. When I was having trouble with my Sciatica, my MW said that I could keep getting sick note's (if I wanted time off work) and my employer wouldn't be able to enforce maternity on me till 37Week's pregnant. Hope this help's :flower:

Hope all you lovely ladies are well :hugs:

AFM I had some swab's taken today as I'm gonna have the Mirena Coil fitted next week -pull's scared face- Never had that done before, was really weird! Kinda worried about the discomfort I'm expected to feel when it happens next week, so the sooner it's all over and done with the better!
OH decided to sulk like a teenager last night. We haven't had any "romance" for quite a while now. And after saying no last night (like I have to every night cause I'm jus not ready for anything yet) he decided to sulk about it, went to bed early, and didn't even say goodnight. It's really starting to bring me down cause I'm sick and tired of saying no to him every flippin day. He promised me he wouldn't pester or push me after Ely was born, that he'd wait until I felt ready, yet it's all I've had for week's now. It's making me feel guilty and crappy about the whole situation, and I just don't know what to do about it. Don't want to end up feeling how I did after Auron was born, and it's not fair that he's putting me in this position, but I don't know how to say this to him without him taking it badly, and getting in even more of a huff with me. It's hard enough trying to keep his mood up at home with his depression, and I refuse to let him bring me down to his level (or trying to anyway, it's getting harder and harder every day) :nope:
Sorry for the mini rant, jus need to try and get it out there somewhere!

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