Morning ladies, how are we all doing? Sorry i've not been on much, had another busy week and seem to be constantly tired at the moment. Was in bed by 8pm yesterday and still wasn't keen on getting up this morning lol. It's funny how only a few weeks ago I wished to feel bubba kick me and now she's at it constantly and it's offputting when your lying there trying to sleep

Well done to all the ladies who guessed team pink! I am over the moon

Hubby's family are delighted and in shock as they are used to getting boys in the family so they can't wait to have a little girl around. My Dad was also convinced it was a boy but is coming round to the idea of having a little granddaughter now. I've started buying all my winnie the pooh items for the nursery and can't wait to get started putting it all together. The furniture is all sitting just waiting to get made up.
We went pram shopping on Saturday with the in-laws and I fell in love with a black polka dot Ultima pram by Mamas and Papas. There was a couple of others we liked but this felt the easiest for me to push and the easiest to change handle size for when switching between me and hubby (plus it's lush to look at). It comes with the main pram part and buggy but no car seat. Not worried about that as brother-in-law wants to buy us a car seat as a gift anyway. Picking it up on Saturday and getting a demonstration of how to put it up and down etc but we will be keeping it at in-laws house until our little one is here cause i'm a bit superstitious about having it in the house.
Other news is my sister has found herself a nice place to rent so she moves out in two weeks time! It's only temporary as the owners daughter will be moving in to it when her house sells but it's for at least six months and the owner says it could end up being over a year the way the market is. My sister is happy with that as she really wants a council house anyway and when she gets her notice to leave the house the Council will have to home her quicker so it should work out well. So i've been busy helping her pack and buy what she needs ready for the move. Will be strange not having her live with me after four years but to be honest i'm looking forward to just having the house as our family home and the extra space will come in very handy!
Hoping to go look at baby clothes in the next week or two but have been told not to go overboard as everyone is buying for us. Got a couple of cute little pink babygrows already from people, love them! Hoping to get some sleep sacks for night time but what are they meant to sleep in with that? Just a vest under the sleepsack or a babygrow with long sleeves? I'm so worried i'll over heat the little one. I feel like i've got so much to learn, eek!
Anyway, on to you ladies, I will do my best to catch up.
Rachael Happy 26 weeks! I hope your feeling a bit better and not as tired. When do you finish your work? I know it was temporary but not sure if your going back after maternity? x
Natasha Oh well you have loads of time off yet then if your off to July, not so bad. What is it you do again? I'm going to take the full time off hopefully then go back after 9 months, don't think I could afford the 3 months unpaid

It's going to be a bit of a struggle with not having my sister to help with bills anymore but I am sure we will survive. Ooh what did you decide about the house? I don't know what kind of house you are in at the moment but I take it this other one would be a lot more spacious for you? Fingers crossed it works out and wont cost too much more a month. Aww the wee soul getting his jags, I couldn't hold my baby either. Think I will tell hubby that's his job! lol. I would get fair upset with it all x
Emma I know i've said it god knows how many times now but i've not said it on here so
I am so thrilled for you and Gav. I could just steal little Daisy she is so cute! How are you finding motherhood? It'll be a big change! I'm getting a bit scared and I have ages yet lol. Sorry to hear some of your friends seem to be ditching you, how darn rude! I bet they are rushing around now to see Daisy though! That winds me up big time. Hope all is going well with the breast feeding too x
Naomi I see from your signature that you've gone with Sam Edward, that's a lovely name! A lovely sentiment to your family aswell. Did you manage to get to the doctor? Hope things are easing a little for you x
Nat How's things going hun? I can imagine how many of your reusable nappies you are going through! lol. Hope the breast feeding is going well. Aww what cute pics! She is gorgeous x
Arlene Yey for the mortgage approval!

So happy for you hun. Eek, 10th February is not far away at all, bet your one busy lady at the mo x
Carly It's so nice to hear from you again hun, hope you're keeping well. Our little girl is going to be called Emily Jean

Jean after my Mum who passed away when I was only ten. I have thought of other first names but i'm not changing my mind again lol, we both like Emily so are going to stick with it! Sorry to hear your struggling with your course but have faith in yourself, you can do it x
Well sorry for the long post, my fault for not getting on much. If i've missed anyone I hope you are keeping well and will try and get on again soon
