Natalie, Saranna is simply precious
Natasha it really is horrible taking them to their jabs, my aunt had % and has never taken any of hers, shes always delegated that responsibility! Go you getting in some exercise! I wish I enjoyed playing the computer more, maybe that'd help me get back into shape after this one, god knows when/if i'll have the time for the gym! Thanks for the info on mat leave

I've had the mirena coil, its not too bad going in at all, I cramped a little like I was going to come on a period, after childbirth, its nothing

Sorry to hear what your going through with your OH. Surely he'd rather you said no, than go ahead and try to be intimate and not enjoy it?
Wendy my bubs gets really active at bedtime too, i've started going to bed a little 5-10 mins earlier just so he/she settles and lets me sleep for a reasonable time

So pram shopping and nursery sorting

exciting stuff, i've seen that pram before, very pretty! I'm happy to hear your sister found herself a little place, hopefully the council sort her out with something quickly

As for being worried about what to dress baby in a night, it all comes to you. You'll be suprised at how much you just 'know' when baby in born.
Carly I can't believe how close it is to little Sam's due date!

do you have everything ready?
Emma poor Gavin getting piddled on

this is just her turning the tables after you being in so much pain during pregnancy

Yay for the long lies!! Lucky you

Emma when did your pain start during pregnancy? Since wednesday i've had the most horrible back pain and its really affecting everything. I can't bend even in the slightest without it being painful, even sitting/lying hurts. I only really get relief when standing up straight.
Rachael sorry to hear they aren't keeping yous on, but like you said maybe in the long run it'll work out best for you.
Karen hope your feeling better
Adrienne hope your doing well
Shona fx'd your sickness passes soon, must be really draining
Sorry for not including people in my last post, I was just so disheartened that yet again my pregnancies not straight forward. I'm feeling alot better now, albiet scared, nervous and wishing time would go quicker! I've to go for my CA 125 blood results on 1st Feb and I know the chances of it being cancerous are tiny (2%) but its still scary. On a more positive note, its a little cousins 18th tonight and all the family are going to be together for the first time in a long time so really looking forward to that!