Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

That's really not fair of him Natasha :(

Wendy, I know the tired feeling. This pregnancy malarky is exhausting!

I work in a call centre now Natasha, far better paid :rofl:

Been told today that as yet they don't plan to keep us on, but that's not a definite :shrug: but then it also seems that those they are keeping on are only getting kept on for a further 3 months at the moment, which would be pretty useless for me anyway :shrug: I'm not too bothered really, as it means rather than having to go back to work after 9 months I can take my time and if benefits work out I could maybe even be a stay at home mum for a while, which is what I would prefer :shrug: We'll see how things go I guess.
Hello everyone,

Natasha, I hope you get the house and love it. Men are so funny when it comes to "romance". Don't feel bad I plan to do the same to my hubby. Let your body get readjusted.

Carly, I hope you get a few birthing classes in before the baby comes.

Rachel, I hope the job situtation works out in your favor.

Wendy, I hope you get some rest. I know the tired feeling, all to well. It seems that I am so sleepy and when I get home I can go to sleep it is just staying asleep.

Arlene, :hugs: I hope you get to feeling better.

AFM, I have been doing well. Last week I had the 24-hour virus and kept puking.:sick: I was so afraid and worried about LO and kept praying. But he was giving me some pretty strong kicks. I have a doc appointment today. Hope all goes well. Sorry for anyone I missed. Love you all.
Karen- Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Natasha- Its been amazing! She is such a good girl. We have had people around for the past few hours and she was good as gold. She got cuddles and past about and only made a little fuss when she got hungry. The funny thing about Daisy peeing on Gavin is that on both occasions he wasnt even changing her nappy :haha:
Sorry to hear about what you are going through with your oh. I think it makes it more difficult for you to say yes when you are asked so frequently. I know it is difficult for men at this time but he has to understand how you feel at this time!! There is no way me and Gavin will be dtd anytime soon (especially with my stitches) and he is happy with this as he would rather me feel comfortable. Hopefully things will improve for you soon :hugs:

Wendy- Thank you so much for the card for Daisy, it was very thoughtful of you :hugs: What pain in my back :haha: It took me a while after giving birth before i realised that I hadn't had the pain. It was instantly gone after Daisy was born which was amazing! The expressing is a little bit of a pain keeping on top of the supply of milk but it is a lot easier in certain situations. Daisy woke up at 4am this morning and I heard Gavin get up to feed her so I went back to sleep :haha: You sound like you have a hectic weekend planned! Make sure you get some rest Mrs :hugs:

Well as for me, I am looking forward to another lie in tomorrow lol. Since having Daisy at home I have had more lie ins then I have had in the past 8 months!! Its really nice once she has had her early morning feed just to curl up and go to sleep! I have started my own parenting journal but having had time to get it going yet! Oh well, I am sure I will get there lol x
Arlene sorry about the cyst and that you're feeling down. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Natasha Oh needs to relax. Sometimes guys just don't get it. Sorry it's bringing you down. But I'm sure this is a temporary situation and that things will be back to normal soon.

Karen sorry you've been sick but glad to hear that little man is ok. Hope you feel better soon

Wendy you are just a busy little bee. Make sure you take some time and rest miss. Don't want you to get burnt out.

Carly good to hear from you and glad that your doctors appointment went well and they were able to give you a belt to make you more comfortable

Rachael sorry that you might not be asked back to your job but on the other hand it sounds like you have a good plan in place so either way I'm sure things will work out just fine for you.

Emma sounds like little Daisy is doing quite well and so are her parents. It's funny that she keeps weeing on Gavin. And I'm glad that your back pain is gone and that your feeling much better.

To anyone I missed I hope you and your beans are doing well. Take care and have a great weekend!!
hiya :hi:

So still having terrible migraines and feeling sick on and off throughout the

day. My internet was also down for 10 days so thought I would do a quick

hello. Hope everyone is well and congrats on everyones gender

bumps :thumbup: I cant wait to find out. Sorry I havent replied to everyone

individually its hard to even function much at the min lol..... Arlene so sorry

I hope everything works out and Rachael hope that works out in your

favour on the job front. Will be lovely to have as much time as possible at

home with the baby :thumbup: xxx
Natalie, Saranna is simply precious :cloud9:

Natasha it really is horrible taking them to their jabs, my aunt had % and has never taken any of hers, shes always delegated that responsibility! Go you getting in some exercise! I wish I enjoyed playing the computer more, maybe that'd help me get back into shape after this one, god knows when/if i'll have the time for the gym! Thanks for the info on mat leave :) I've had the mirena coil, its not too bad going in at all, I cramped a little like I was going to come on a period, after childbirth, its nothing :lol: Sorry to hear what your going through with your OH. Surely he'd rather you said no, than go ahead and try to be intimate and not enjoy it?

Wendy my bubs gets really active at bedtime too, i've started going to bed a little 5-10 mins earlier just so he/she settles and lets me sleep for a reasonable time :dohh: So pram shopping and nursery sorting :happydance: exciting stuff, i've seen that pram before, very pretty! I'm happy to hear your sister found herself a little place, hopefully the council sort her out with something quickly :) As for being worried about what to dress baby in a night, it all comes to you. You'll be suprised at how much you just 'know' when baby in born.

Carly I can't believe how close it is to little Sam's due date! :happydance: do you have everything ready?

Emma poor Gavin getting piddled on :haha: this is just her turning the tables after you being in so much pain during pregnancy :lol: Yay for the long lies!! Lucky you :) Emma when did your pain start during pregnancy? Since wednesday i've had the most horrible back pain and its really affecting everything. I can't bend even in the slightest without it being painful, even sitting/lying hurts. I only really get relief when standing up straight.

Rachael sorry to hear they aren't keeping yous on, but like you said maybe in the long run it'll work out best for you.

Karen hope your feeling better :hugs:

Adrienne hope your doing well :hugs:

Shona fx'd your sickness passes soon, must be really draining :hugs:

Sorry for not including people in my last post, I was just so disheartened that yet again my pregnancies not straight forward. I'm feeling alot better now, albiet scared, nervous and wishing time would go quicker! I've to go for my CA 125 blood results on 1st Feb and I know the chances of it being cancerous are tiny (2%) but its still scary. On a more positive note, its a little cousins 18th tonight and all the family are going to be together for the first time in a long time so really looking forward to that!
:hugs: Arlene.

Sorry I don't have time to respond to everyone - I barely get to sit and read posts at all these days.

Emma a while ago you asked for pictures of our cosleeping arrangement. I've finally got around to taking one and am at the computer to actually show it lol.

And here's a photo of her today in her first dress at her uncle's wedding. She was SUCH a good baby today! She started fussing a few minutes before the wedding started and I snuck into the cry room before the wedding party came in to give her a feed and then sat down in time for the ceremony and she slept the whole time right through pictures and everything! :cloud9:
Here are some of the scan photos we got of LO :cloud9:


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She is absolutely beautiful Natalie :cloud9: just looks like a precious little doll!
Morning all! Hope everyone's had a lovely weekend.

Arlene What gorgeous pics of your little one! So sorry to hear about the cyst though. I'm so relieved its not likely cancerous but I can understand why your feeling down about it all. We will all just have to keep our fingers crossed that it stays the size its at just now and doesn't have to be removed. Hope you had fun at your cousin's 18th :flower: x

Natasha Yeah hubby is getting a month off when baby arrives :happydance: He has tagged two weeks holiday on to the two weeks paternity he is due so i'm dead chuffed about that. Sorry to hear your hubby's being a pain in the a*se, that would piss me off being pestered all the time. I was going to say can you not *ahem* pleasure him in a way without going all the way to keep him quiet? Saying that if he's going to act like a kid he doesn't bloody deserve it! What day are you getting the coil fitted? I am sure it will all go fine, just have some chocolates or goodies in the house as a wee pick me up for afterwards :) x

Rachael Sorry to hear it's sounding like you wont be kept on but like you say, it's probably worked out for the best. No time limit on how long you can have at home with Isobel and you never know, when you figure out what money you are entitled to it may work out around the same x

Karen Sorry to hear you've been poorly, hope you're on the mend now. Oh yes, i'm sure your wee boy is keeping just fine! Look at my wee girl, I was really ill and lost 10lbs in weight yet at my scan she was perfect and measuring exactly what she should be. Hope it went well at the doctors though x

Emma :happydance: Woohoo for the back pain being gone! That is fab news. Sounds like everything is working out just great for you. Do you have to express as often as you would have to breast feed? I was hoping you wouldn't have to do it as often but I guess it depends how much you can express at a time. Aww what I would give for a lie in, i've forgotten what they are :( x

Adrienne As always I hope you are keeping well and I will catch up with you on the ttc thread :flower: x

Shona Good to hear from you Mrs! Sorry to hear your still having a rough time of it though, I so hoped you would be over your sickness by now. Hey, only a month today until your scan though! I'm sure it will fly by x

Nat Saranna is so adorable!!! What gorgeous pics. She looks so tiny in her wee cot. Hope everything is going well for you all x

All is good with me, had a lovely weekend. Picked up our pram which is now safely stored away at the in-laws and we got our car seat ordered :happydance: We managed to get one that exactly matches our pram and will fit onto the base unit which is fab! Means we don't have to carry the big pram part about when we are going for the likes of food shopping. Did manage to spend £200 on baby clothes too though :wacko: eek. So wasn't intentional but everything was cute! We are going to Asda tonight after work so no doubt I will end up spending more. Someone stop me please! I know it will end up being a waste cause they're not in them long but I did try and get a range of month sizes to last a while. A friend worried me a bit though by saying lets hope they're right about it being a girl then! Why would you say that and put the fear of god in me? Surely it has to be a girl when they said it looks like it and they couldn't see boy bits. Lets just hope they are right cause I don't think a boy would like pink dresses :haha: Right back to work but speak to you all soon x
Wendy- hi Mrs :hugs: I express the milk 3-4 times a day depending on my plans for the day really. If I set an hour aside then I can get 4 bottles worth out of it (which is when I come on here :haha:). Daisy feeds about every 3 hours so along as I am not uncomfortable I dont have to do it as much as that. I have an electronic pump for home and take out a hand one which I did in the car the other day :haha: Yey for getting your pram! Bet you were well excited when you were getting the demonstration! How is Scott getting on? Hope he is getting better x x

Natalie- that is really good how you have her next to you! We just have daisy in her Moses basket next to me. I know what you mean about getting in here the main time i get on here is when I'm expressing but I can only do it on my phone as I only have one hand free lol

I hope everyone else is doing ok x
Hello ladies,

Wendy, it is hard not to buy clothes as they are so cute. I am already trying to estimate what size I think my little guy will be next winter so I can get all the sale items. LOL

Emma, I hope to get the Moses basket as I think they are great way to co-sleep with baby.

Shona, I hope your headaches go away soon.

Arlene, Love your scan pictures.

Natalie, love the co-sleeping arrangements and she is simply beautiful.

AFM, I am doing much better. The baby is growing. He does not like the doppler at the doctor's office. Has soon as she put it on my belly she watched him move to the other side we both laughed.
Karen, Sara always did the same with the doppler / either,move to the other side or kick it lol
Wendy one of the things on Asdas baby week i've been showing people is the bouncer and the playmat, they are only £16 each which is excellent value for money and they are very bright and colourful which is stimulating for a baby. Theres also a small swing, at £36 im sure, which is also very good for a swing. Not to scare you more but I seen a thread in 3rd tri the other day where 2 ladies were told different sex's at scans! I'm sure it doesnt happen very often though.

Karen glad to hear your feeling better.

Hope all you other ladies are doing well!

I had some awful back pain the past week, which got better for a day or 2 and is now back force! I have a constant dull ache which I can cope with, but today while im walking and my left foot is going forward im having this horrible griping/twisting feeling too, its leaves my legs feeling pretty weak for a few seconds then goes away again. Just hope its not going to be like this till the end! Or I won't last as long as I want to at work! Anyway enough moaning, got some housework to try get on with :dohh:
I knew it was thereabouts :) its a great price! I already have a swing from Kyle, I just need to check it still works :dohh: if not im going to buy that one.
How you been keeping Rachael?
I've had a rough few days but I'm getting there. One of my cat's has been missing since the 16th, then I was told a cat was found dead on the dual carriageway and it was the same colour, phoned the council and luckily it wasn't him, but has been a rollercoaster of emotions and still don't know where he is. Then on Monday Ian had an accident with a hedge trimmer at work so ended up spending 3.5 hours in A and E with him after being sent there from the walk in centre. Also the moron that crashed into me in November has suddenly got a witness when no one stopped, so now I'#m getting the blame laid on me when it wasn't even my fault.

Sorry for the rant, just needed to get things out.

Hope you're all ok ladies? x
Sounds like you've had a rough few days Rachael. I hope your cat returns home soon and that everything else starts to improve as well. And don't apologize for the rant, this is the place to do it. Where all your friends are here to listen and give you all the support you need. :flower:
Aw sorry to hear about your cat :( I take it he is not prone to wondering off? I hope Ian wasn't injured too bad, the waits and A and E cant be ridiculous sometimes. Why can't some people just admit they're in the wrong sometimes! :hugs:

Adrienne hope your keeping well :hugs:

Well I think I need to accept that as much as I love Petit Filous, this baby just isn't for having it :dohh: I love one in the morning with some fruit and its just not for staying down :haha:

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