Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Emma I will now have this vision of you expressing away while your on here! :haha: I guess 3 to 4 times a day aint bad, I just don't want to have to do it through the night etc if I can help it. Would sort of feel like I was doubling up the work if I had to express every time she wanted fed if you know what I mean. Scott's doing not bad thanks for asking. He is back at work now, went back on Tuesday night but he is struggling with it. He's coming home in agony and pain killers and pain relief gel on his knee aren't helping. I think it's cause he's gone from not using it much to being on his feet 9 hours in a row. Hoping it will get easier as time goes on. Anyway what's new with you? x

Karen Aww that's so cute about the doppler, my wee girl is the same, she seems to hate it. It feels like she's trying to get her foot right under it to kick it away :haha: Hope you're keeping well x

Nat Can't believe Saranna is two and a half weeks old already. It's crazy how time flys by so quickly. Hope you are all doing well :flower: x

Arlene Thanks hun, my brother and sis-in-law have already bought me a gorgeous baby bouncer with vibration movements and a cute little play mat so I think we are good for them. I am relieved to be honest cause I spent over £300 in Asda!! I took my sis and sis-in-law with me hoping they would pull me in if I got too excited but they were as bad as me lol. Deffo need to stop shopping now! Eek, please don't tell me about scans being wrong, surely it's a very slim chance? The scanner did show me on screen what made it a girl but I didn't have a clue what I was looking at so just taking her word for it she is right lol. Hope your back has eased up and the sickness. Doesn't sound like fun :( x

Rachael So sorry to hear your wee cat hasn't returned yet :( I really hope he is home soon. Cats are good at hunting out and about so he's maybe found food and shelter somewhere and will return in a day or two. I hope so anyway, I know they are like family :hugs: x

Adrienne Hope you're well hunnie, not heard a lot from you lately x

Well as is going not bad with me. Still busy helping sister get organised for the move and then we can start tackling our nursery. My living room is filled with baby things so can't wait to get them stored away. Wish I had some exciting news for you all but nope, nothing much is happening. Just working, eating and sleeping. Plan on having a quiet weekend as hubby will need to rest his leg up but I am meeting up with some friends who are giving me more baby stuff and then meeting another friend for a chinese dinner so should be good! Anyway I best dash but will speak to you all soon x
will reply properly later, have had such strong sickness today and only starting to wear off now :wacko: Jeesh give up lol :haha:

Just wanted to let you know and caved in and booked a private gender scan for tomorrow at 1.50pm! If I dont get on here tomorrow feel free to pop into my journal and not managing too much but my own journal at the min xxx
Just wanted to say Hi and wish everyone well. Sorry I haven't been on too much but lots going on with knee surgery coming up next week and trying to get this whole IVF thing sorted out. (dh isn't 100% on board yet) I promise I'll do a proper post when I get a chance. Take care ladies :flower:
Adrienne I hope your surgery comes and goes quickly for you :hugs:

Shona good luck with the gender scan! My boss has one on sunday, he has 2 little girls and hoping this is a boy so his misses doesnt want another :haha:

Wendy I hope Scott's back to himself soon, can't be easy for him at all in all that pain! How could you possibly spend £300?! Did you just buy one of everything?! :rofl: Some of the little girls baby grows and pj's they have in on baby event are adorable, wouldnt blame you :cloud9: Luckily I have motivation to not buy more right now, theres no point giving ourselves more things to move :dohh:
Arlene thank you hun...... hehe.... im the opposite but I really dont mind what we have as long as everything is fine im happy :)

Ah I want to go to the asda baby event but Ive got loads already so going to leave it a bit longer plus having to fork out £120 for a sofabed for my dad comng next week and this scan todau ooooops luckily I have lots of stuff from when I had Cody. Oh and I have decided this is the pram we are getting eventually in red

Its lush.

Adrienne dont worry as long as you are fine. Sounds really hectic at the moment, hope hubby is completely on board soon but that you wont need it :) GL with the op hun, take care xxx
Shona All the very best for your scan hun, I can't wait to hear what your having! That pram is lovely, looks nice and light. I fear I have picked one that is bigger than needed but oh well, you can't help what one you fall in love with x

Adrienne Good to hear from you hun, I knew your op was coming up but didn't know exactly when. I hope it all goes well, i'm sure it well. Plenty of rest for you afterwards :flower: x

Arlene Aww seriously you want to have seen my trolley :haha: I just love Disney and there was too much disney stuff to choose from. I did get stuff in every size though, newborn, 0-3, 3-6 and 6-9 so that should see me through this year and I can buy the next sizes in the January sales next year. Got two big boxes of nappies and wipes too and some sleep sack things so I feel a lot more organised now! Although skint haha. Don't blame you for not wanting to buy more just to move, I hate moving house, it's so worth it when everythings unpacked though :) x
Hello Ladies!! Sorry for my lack of posting this past week, been a bit here there and everywhere!! Got myself a new phone (upgraded!) so I've been glued to it since I got it last Friday! Had massive issues with the delivery, and when it eventually came, well, there lucky the phone work's with the condition the box was in (the handset wasn't even in the box, was floating around the plastic bag it was delivered in!) so after complaining I've been given £30 credit to my phone and there doing an internal investigation :thumbup: who ever said that complaining doesn't pay?!
As for the issue's I was having with OH in my last post, I think he must have realised what a tool he was being as he was fine as usual when he got home from work the next day, and hasn't made any advances.
I had the coil fitted yesterday, which has given me a bit of a bleed at the moment. Was uncomfortable and felt like a period cramp when it was being done. Dr said it had gone in really easily, went to cut the threads and it fell out :rofl: so he had to put in a spare that he had (I had to pick up the coil myself from the pharmacy, and freaked out when I saw the size of the box! It was as long as my forearm!). Keeping fingers crossed it stick's as it can sometimes fall out with the first couple of periods :wacko: Anyway, enough about that subject...
OH not been well this week. He's been feeling off all week, had a very close relationship with the toilet Monday night, and hasn't been in work since Wednesday. His stomach is giving him nothing but pain, and it triples over when he eat's. Goin to the Dr's for 3:20 today so hopefully they'll know what's wrong with him.
Had Auron's hair cut on Tuesday, and damn there was alot of it!! So hes looking very grown up now bless him. Ely had his first laugh last thursday, and cause I was at the Dr's having smear's to make sure I was "clean", I missed it! :cry: Apparently, Auron was blowing raspberries with a mouth full of juice, so it was dribbling everywhere and Ely found it funny! He's had a few chuckles since, he's insanely ticklish on his back, and likes his legs being swung from side to side when you hold him under the armpits. He also find's it funny when you blow in his face :rofl:
I think that about sum's up our past week!!
Hope all you ladies are well :hugs: (I have read through the post's, just don;t have time to reply individually!)
Adrienne I hope you are well.

Thanks everyone :)

Wendy your poor hubby, I hope hes getting better sounds so sore. Very true hun you have to have the pram you love. I adore the one I want but its £600 but alot comes with it and will last a long time altho prams are so expensive these days.

Arlene your scan pics are lush and Nat as usual Saranna is gorgeous!

Natasha Im sorry your hubbys not been well hope hes better soon and your boys sound so cute! Hopefully the coil stays in wow the sound sounds scary!

I have scan pics in my journal if anything wants to have a peek or I can post them here? We are having a girl!!!

I hope I said congrats to everyones gender its hard to keep up. I think I did but if not congrats again!

Congrats on the little girl Shona. Let the pink shopping begin. LOL
Shona :happydance: You got yourself a girl like you wanted yay!! So pleased for you!! Let operation Pink commence!
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been posting here much but we have had a hectic week in particular as it looks like daisy may have colic. We have been up all hours with her screaming so I have been pretty shattered. I have been trying to read up but have mainly been posting in my journal. I hope you are all doing well and your little ones are cooking nicely x
Wendy its a great idea to buy in all different sizes, I done the same with Kyle and that way didn't end up with way to much for one age group. I'm not too fussed about moving house, simply because this time I can't do much :lol: I get to sit back and tell everybody else where everythings going!

Natasha good for you complaining! I'm very much like this and DF thinks its hilarious :haha: The coil can fall out within the first few cycles?! No one told me that! I was told wait a week then business as usual! Hope your OH feels better soon! I love when you can start to tell there little personal likes and dislikes, how sweet! :)

Shona congrats on the little pink bump!!

Emma hope Daisy's colic gets better soon :hugs:

So I have a consultant appointment on wednesday for my CA 125 results, and not quite sure what else. I'm almost hoping they choose to operate now to remove it as theres no knowing at what rate a dermoid will grow through pregnancy and I really don't want to wait till 6 weeks after birth, then go through an operation the equivelant to a c-section because the cyst is to big to do keyhole. I can't really go through a major op with a 4-6 week full recovery time (up to a week in hospital too) with a newborn, 4 year old and a pup, DF will be able to take 2 weeks holiday but don't want to use up all his holidays and leave none for the rest of the year! Ahh, hopefully i'll have a better idea of whats going to happen on wednesday.
Anyway I have a day off and an ironing pile to tackle to best get on with it!
Emma Oh no, poor Daisy, and poor you (and hubby!)!! I remember colic with Auron all too well, and (touch wood) have been lucky so far with Ely to be so good and contented, fingers crossed he just won't get it! Have you spoken to your HV about the colic? Infacol can help a treat, and baby massage is good too!! If your FF, there's a particular formula for helping relieve colic, and a friend of mine got special drop's (prescribed by the HV) which apparently made LO's poo blue! :hugs:

Arlene Apparently, 1 in 20 women will experience it coming out within the first 3 periods, without noticing?!! (How can you not notice is beyond me!!) and less than 1 in every 1,000 can experience it going through the wall of the womb :wacko: Needless to say I wasn't feeling too good after reading that lol
I hope your feeling well in yourself and get some good news (well, as good as possible) on wednesday! :hugs:

Hope all you ladies are well, and not having really bad weather :flower:

AFM OH was told he had constipation :rofl: but may also have an underlying infection so has had to have blood's taken this morn (though I would of thought it would of made more sense for them to have done that on friday?!) and is now back at work. Still not feeling good, but getting on with it which is good.
Auron decided to stomp on a toy that had lasted 13years between 4children (Auron had it a week!) breaking it so he now has no toy's again until the weekend -sigh- We have a HV check up on thursday for him anyway so I'm gonna see if they have any advice cause it'll be the 4th time since xmas he's had all his toy's taken off him for being destructive with them. The corner isn't workin as well as it was, and I just don't know what to do with him! He's got no cbeebies, sweets or bed time reading either (daddy is harsh!) till saturday unless he's a very good boy. It's such a shame, he was being so good, he was going to get back what was left of his confiscated toys (ones he'd got for xmas and already messed up within 2week's) but there still in the kitchen gathering dust now im sure!
Think I just saw a tumble weed roll across this topic :rofl:

Seriously, it's so quiet, where are you all hiding? :shrug:
Worrk! Packing and trying to fit rest in there too :dohh: its been a very busy week! I'll hopefully get in for a proper post over the weekend.

Hope you're all keeping well :hugs:
I'm recovering from my knee surgery and on some pretty serious pain killers. I'll make a proper post when I'm not so drugged up. LOL
I have had my hands full with my little girl who b the way i cant beliece is 4 weeks old tomorrow! Where has the time gone? My birth story is on the first post of my parenting journak (link in sig) if anyone is interested.
Had my 20 week scan today. Baby didn't want us to know it's sex so were team yellow
Yay another team yellow :happydance: I'm pretty sure everyone else has found out?

Natalie I cannot believe your little angel is 4 weeks old already!! Its crazy how fast it goes.

Natasha I was certainly never warned to be wary in the first few months. If I choose the mirena again i'll no better this time :dohh: I hope your OH doesnt have an underlying infection and its just a case of constipation. Do you think Auron might be playing up with the new edition coming along? I've heard its very common.

Emma I hope Daisy is doing better :)

Adrienne I hope your recovery is as speedy as can be :hugs:

Well we're going to a scratch and dent comet place today to try and grab a bargain for our new fridge. Then a little decor shopping, excitingggg!

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