Emma I will now have this vision of you expressing away while your on here!
I guess 3 to 4 times a day aint bad, I just don't want to have to do it through the night etc if I can help it. Would sort of feel like I was doubling up the work if I had to express every time she wanted fed if you know what I mean. Scott's doing not bad thanks for asking. He is back at work now, went back on Tuesday night but he is struggling with it. He's coming home in agony and pain killers and pain relief gel on his knee aren't helping. I think it's cause he's gone from not using it much to being on his feet 9 hours in a row. Hoping it will get easier as time goes on. Anyway what's new with you? x
Karen Aww that's so cute about the doppler, my wee girl is the same, she seems to hate it. It feels like she's trying to get her foot right under it to kick it away
Hope you're keeping well x
Nat Can't believe Saranna is two and a half weeks old already. It's crazy how time flys by so quickly. Hope you are all doing well
Arlene Thanks hun, my brother and sis-in-law have already bought me a gorgeous baby bouncer with vibration movements and a cute little play mat so I think we are good for them. I am relieved to be honest cause I spent over £300 in Asda!! I took my sis and sis-in-law with me hoping they would pull me in if I got too excited but they were as bad as me lol. Deffo need to stop shopping now! Eek, please don't tell me about scans being wrong, surely it's a very slim chance? The scanner did show me on screen what made it a girl but I didn't have a clue what I was looking at so just taking her word for it she is right lol. Hope your back has eased up and the sickness. Doesn't sound like fun
Rachael So sorry to hear your wee cat hasn't returned yet
I really hope he is home soon. Cats are good at hunting out and about so he's maybe found food and shelter somewhere and will return in a day or two. I hope so anyway, I know they are like family
Adrienne Hope you're well hunnie, not heard a lot from you lately x
Well as is going not bad with me. Still busy helping sister get organised for the move and then we can start tackling our nursery. My living room is filled with baby things so can't wait to get them stored away. Wish I had some exciting news for you all but nope, nothing much is happening. Just working, eating and sleeping. Plan on having a quiet weekend as hubby will need to rest his leg up but I am meeting up with some friends who are giving me more baby stuff and then meeting another friend for a chinese dinner so should be good! Anyway I best dash but will speak to you all soon x

Karen Aww that's so cute about the doppler, my wee girl is the same, she seems to hate it. It feels like she's trying to get her foot right under it to kick it away

Nat Can't believe Saranna is two and a half weeks old already. It's crazy how time flys by so quickly. Hope you are all doing well

Arlene Thanks hun, my brother and sis-in-law have already bought me a gorgeous baby bouncer with vibration movements and a cute little play mat so I think we are good for them. I am relieved to be honest cause I spent over £300 in Asda!! I took my sis and sis-in-law with me hoping they would pull me in if I got too excited but they were as bad as me lol. Deffo need to stop shopping now! Eek, please don't tell me about scans being wrong, surely it's a very slim chance? The scanner did show me on screen what made it a girl but I didn't have a clue what I was looking at so just taking her word for it she is right lol. Hope your back has eased up and the sickness. Doesn't sound like fun

Rachael So sorry to hear your wee cat hasn't returned yet

Adrienne Hope you're well hunnie, not heard a lot from you lately x
Well as is going not bad with me. Still busy helping sister get organised for the move and then we can start tackling our nursery. My living room is filled with baby things so can't wait to get them stored away. Wish I had some exciting news for you all but nope, nothing much is happening. Just working, eating and sleeping. Plan on having a quiet weekend as hubby will need to rest his leg up but I am meeting up with some friends who are giving me more baby stuff and then meeting another friend for a chinese dinner so should be good! Anyway I best dash but will speak to you all soon x