Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Hi ladies :flower:

Sorry I haven't been posting on here much. I have had a bit of a stressful week with Daisy moo! Anyway she is asleep now and I have finally got my laptop out to post!

I would like to say a huge thank you to Wendypops for the gorgeous blanket she got made for Daisy. We have had so many compliments about it its untrue. I have put a picture of her with it in my journal here.

Arlene- So glad to here things are moving on with the house move. I hope you manage to get a bargain and get some lovely items for yo0ur new house :hugs:

Natalie- Wow I cant believe Saranna is 4 weeks old already, time sure is flying. I hope you are managing to keep rested x

Natasha- How is Aurons behaviour getting on. I hope it has improved for you. My nephew played up when my niece came on the scene but he soon grew out of it. Hope your oh is feeling better :hugs:

Vicky- Did you guys want to know the sex? Yey :happydance for the scan. I loved my 20 week scan, although I did not like needing the loo! I was sure I was going to wet myself on the bed :haha:

Adrienne- I hope your knee is healing well. Hows things coming along on the IVF front?

I hope everyone else is doing ok :hugs:
Emma they had some good prices, but only one thing that suited, and we searched it online while in the shop and found somewhere actually selling it cheaper than the clearance shop so we've ordered from them instead. The blanket is lovely :)

I forgot to say my bloods came back fine for the ca 125 test, my consultant in my health centre doesn't want to do anything they don't have to in pregnancy, but we're really in limbo till the 24th of this month, when they can check the rate of growth. Unfortunately DF is going to miss the next 2 scans :( first he will be at the raf base in cranwell doing a course, next is a stag do thats been booked since last year. I suppose it gives grannies a chance to see baby. Anyway best be off to work!
Hi ladies,

Just found 3 packets of sainsburys mum and bump pre-natal vitamins. If anyone needs any and want them let me know and I will send them to you. I would rather someone used them then them going to waste x
My birth story:

From the beginning I tried to prepare myself for going overdue. I was due on December 29th (or 28th or 30th depending who you asked :haha:) but tried to see mid-January as the end date so I wouldn't be discouraged if I went past it. However, as we got further into December I admit I started dreaming of having the baby before Christmas and my GP was convinced I'd go early which got me even more hopeful. It was no surprise though when my due date came and went. I'd been having period pains for weeks and several evenings of contractions that would increase in intensity but die out overnight since about 38 weeks, and baby had been engaged for a while, but there were no other signs or indications that baby was anything other than perfectly comfortable.

Going overdue really wasn't that bad - it was quite a mild summer and I was still very mobile and flexible and never got that uncomfortable "get this baby out" feeling many women experience. The hardest part of it was dealing with all the "no baby yet?" comments.

Thursday January 5, 2012
I had my 41 week appointment at the antenatal clinic. The doctor discussed induction and we booked it for the following Thursday as I was ok with being induced from 42 weeks but not before, without medical reason. The doctor offered me a sweep, which I accepted. She did the internal and found me to be 1cm dilated, but my cervix was still 2cm long and posterior. She could already feel it softening after doing the sweep though, and the sweep itself wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be.

Saturday January 7, 2012
Around 10am I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was my plug! I knew that it didn't necessarily mean anything but it was exciting nonetheless. I vacuumed the floor, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and double checked my bags had everything but the stuff we had to grab on the way out the door (which was listed on the fridge with the hospital phone number).

Around 3pm I was watching tv when I felt a trickle. I ran to the bathroom but there was no more, and my bladder was quite full so I figured I must have peed a little :blush: My undies were only slightly damp. I put on a pad though and went back to my show.

3:30ish I finished my show and decided to have a nap as I hadn't slept well at all Wednesday night. I laid down on the bed and rolled over and there went another trickle! I was almost sure now that it was my waters. They kept trickling throughout the afternoon and shortly the contractions started, about 20-30 mins apart and not very strong, but certainly stronger than any other ones I'd had up to that point. I had a bit of a nap and urged DH to do the same as he'd been up since 5am, but he didn't.

DH wanted me to call the maternity ward, but I didn't want to as I knew I wasn't in labour yet and it could be a while and I didn't want to be subject to a "24 hours after water breaks" timeline. Eventually I did give in though and rang about 9:30 and they said to go straight in. We puttered around a little bit and then packed the bags in the car and headed to hospital. We got there just after 10pm and I was hooked up to a CTG in the consulting room and I was monitored for an hour by a midwife named Jeff (and then a midwife named Olivia and a midwife named Sharon and a doctor named Paul...) Paul asked if we were wanting to induce or wait to see if labour would start on it's own and we chose to wait.

Well, my half hour trace turned into an hour, and then two hours, and then three hours... Every 20 minutes or so baby would decel slightly. Nothing major, but they wanted at least a half hour of good readings before they'd let us go home. That didn't happen until 1:30! We didn't get home until 2 and poor DH had been awake since 5, and they wanted us back in around 8am. My contractions had got a bit stronger and were 10 mins apart while hooked up to the CTG. As soon as we got home they became a lot stronger to the point of having to breathe through them so I knew there wouldn't be much sleep for me.

Sunday January 8, 2012
I made a nest in the living room so as not to disturb DH and tried to sleep. I timed contractions off and on - they ranged from 3 1/2 minutes to 10 minutes apart, with most averaging between 5-7, and lasting 60 seconds. DH got up about 7, we had breakfast and called maternity at 8 and went in for about 9. It was much quieter in the morning (there were two babies born and two other women in labour while we were in the previous night) and all three birthing rooms were empty.

I was met by a midwife named Debbie who hooked me back up to the CTG. This time baby's heartrate was decellerating with every contraction (some just before, some at the peak and some after, so what they call variable). It wasn't too bad, and she was showing good activity otherwise which was a good sign, but Paul said it's what they call suspicious and recommended induction to get her out while she was still tolerating it well. Again, we found him very fair and not pushy. He even said that if we refused induction, while it would be against medical advice it wouldn't be a decision he would object to.

We asked for a moment to discuss it, and I cried a little and we prayed together that whatever happened baby would be fine and we could avoid a c-section.

We opted to have the induction while baby was still happy and just before noon Debbie took us over to one of the birthing rooms to get started. i was hooked up to a wireless waterproof CTG and then she did an internal to discover my cervix was still quite posterior, but nearly fully effaced and I was 2-3cm dilated with no waters left (thought it was just my hindwaters as it was just trickling). And she also said that baby, who had been head down and facing my back since about 30 weeks was now posterior! Silly baby.

The syntocinon drip was started at noon, on low and gradually increased (I later learned that it had eventually been increased the maximum amount and I was getting 5 contractions every 10 minutes, and the replacement midwife turned it way down), and I had been admitted just in time to be brought lunch! There was even a leftover tray that she brought for DH so he didn't have to leave to get something to eat. He did go get my labour bag from the car at this time though. I sat eating my lunch bouncing on the birthing ball. Meanwhile Debbie had started filling the tub for me.
When the tub was ready Debbie helped me undress (I couldn't myself due to the drip in my arm) and get in. I'd brought a bathing suit along as I'm rather modest and thought I would be in labour too, but it turns out that I didn't care in the least about being naked the whole time :rofl:

The order of events that follow may not be in the order they happened as my memory isn't totally clear.

My contractions were already 2-3 in 10 minutes before the drip was started according to the CTG, but they soon were more intense. The water was amazing though. It was a little awkward getting comfortable with the cannula in my arm though, and baby was decelling when I was leaning back so I had to sit forward, which then would make the monitor slip so I had to hold it in place. lol. DH kept running out of the bathroom every time I had a contraction to see how baby's heartrate was doing and I eventually told him off and from then on he was very devoted to staying with me the entire time. I don't even remember him going to the bathroom.

While in the tub I started getting back pain which caused me to moan through the contractions. DH poured water over the small of my back which helped a bit. I started to feel sick and spoke up just in time to get a sick bag. Threw up 4 times and then held the bag out for DH to take - he didn't take it fast enough and I practically threw it at him to get the smell away from me :rofl:

As the back pain got worse DH had to coach my breathing as I kept forgetting to inhale so the midwife offered me G&A. She gave me a low dose to start with but after 3 or 4 breaths I gave it back. It didn't even have time to have any effect - I just didn't like the rattling sound it made or something.

At some point I announced that I had to poop and climbed out of the tub to sit on the toilet. I couldn't tolerate the back pain in that position though, and couldn't poop (I'm pretty sure that at that stage I really did have to poop - I hadn't been that day). It was suggested I get back in the tub but I didn't want to and opted for the shower instead. I leaned over with the nozzle blasting hot water on my lower spine and swayed and moaned through the contractions until DH put on his swimmers and got in with me, so he sat on a chair in the shower and I leaned on him. That was lovely for a while but the back pain kept getting worse. Debbie asked if I would consider water injections. I'd never heard of them before but didn't ask, just said yes!

She called a second midwife and they gave me the water injections. They weren't kidding about it stinging! But it really did provide a lot of relief and I was able to cope a LOT better from that point on.
At some point Debbie's shift ended and Judy (AMAZING) took over but I'm not sure when exactly that occurred. It was around the 2 hour point though I think.

After I had the water injections I laboured on my hands and knees over a bean bag (I think?) with DH sitting on a chair at my head. Every so often I'd mention that I had to poop and the midwife asked if I was sure it was poop or if I was just feeling it with contractions. I can't remember now if I had three internals or two (aside from the initial one) but I have a feeling she checked me at both 6 and 8cm so I'll go with that.

Still on the beanbag I rolled over so she could check my progress as she wasn't sure if I was really needing to poo or push. In my head I was thinking "If I'm less than 5cm I want an epidural - no if it's less than 6cm" when she announced that I was 6cm and did indeed have full bowels. That was at about 3pm I believe.

I didn't want to move from where I was, so stayed on the floor on my bean bag for a while. I kept threatening to poo but never did :rofl: At some point the feeling got stronger and I realised it was just with contractions and I mentioned as much. I'm not sure if my second internal was done soon after I mentioned this or if the urge to push went on for a little while longer before she checked me again to discover I was 8cm - good progress for 1 hour, but not allowed to push!

Either way, I got the urge to push way too early and by far the hardest part of my labour was NOT pushing for two hours! I was really really vocal during that time and DH was my lifeline. He was sitting behind me and I would reach up to my head and he'd give me his thumbs or hands to hold and I would pull my 240lb husband out of his chair. Nearly broke his thumb at one point too as I'd grabbed his double jointed one in just the wrong spot.

In between contractions though I was so relaxed I would nearly fall asleep and DH would give me sips of water or a bite of granola bar or an orange segment as I asked for them. I had my eyes closed virtually the whole time.

Before labour I was concerned about making noise, but in the middle of it you just don't care. I did what I needed to do, though I did say that I sounded like a dying goose :rofl:

I did eventually poop a little bit (I was obsessed about it apparently lol - kept either announcing that I would or asking if I had) and I peed at least a couple of times lol. But I honestly didn't care - there was no one there but my husband and the midwife and she just cleaned me up and got new towels under me.

After two agonising hours of not being allowed to push Judy checked me again and there was still a tiny lip of cervix left. She did something - no idea what - and told me that I could finally push. Sweet relief! Pushed where I was lying on the bean bag for a while. She encouraged me to move a couple of times but I didn't want to. Eventually she convinced me to and I just turned over to be on my hands and knees with my head in DHs lap. After a while she brought the birthing stool in and encouraged me to use that for a while. Then to the bed to try a supported squat (bed nearly vertical with my feet in the paddles). Baby was on the brink of crowning for practically the whole time and I'd make some progress but then when the contraction ended baby would slip back...

Judy then was very apologetic and said that she knew it wasn't the most natural position but I should try lithotomy. :shrug: I was so beyond arguing at that point. I don't know how many times I thought I was out of energy and I just kept praying for strength to keep pushing, and by the next contraction had just barely enough energy to get through. I also kept thinking (didn't have the energy to ask out loud) what would happen if I couldn't do it.

After an hour and 45 minutes she had to call the doctor for a consult as they don't like you to push for more than 2 hours. Paul came in and I remember him saying "wow you weren't kidding about it being right there". He told me that I'd already done all the work and wouldn't need forceps or vacuum, but if I wanted he could give me an episiotomy which would make enough room to get the baby out, or he could give me another 15 minutes at which point he'd do the episiotomy if needed. I asked for 15 minutes. In the end they gave me 45 and no episiotomy.

Judy had me look down when the very top of the baby's head was visible to me - it looked so weird! Still took a few more contractions from that point though. And I'd been hearing "almost there, just a few more pushes" for so long that when she said to stop pushing I freaked out and though something was wrong - but nope, it was just that the head was out! And as we'd been expecting a posterior baby from Debbie's report, as well as the back pain and the early urge to push and long second stage we were all very surprised to see a faceless baby! lol.

In the end I did have a second degree tear, but I didn't feel it, or the "ring of fire", or the anesthetic before Paul stitched me up.

Baby was placed on my chest immediately, and I was the first one to look and discover we'd had a girl! I was surprised but absolutely ecstatic. I whispered that she was a girl and DH and the midwife both asked me how I knew as they didn't think there had been a chance to look yet :haha: Judy asked if I wanted a lotus birth or delayed cord clamping (we opted for delayed cord clamping - hadn't given anyone my birth plan in the end but I'm amazed how they asked me about pretty much everything I had on it as each thing became relevant, and aside from the induction everything happened the way I hoped). When the cord finished pulsing DH cut it - with very very dull scissors I might add.

The baby - Saranna, though she had no name for a day and a half - didn't show any interest in nursing at first, but she was very alert and DH and I were both mesmerised with her. We had skin to skin for a good two hours at least, as we hadn't moved when my parents got there after 10 and stayed until about 11. She had a really good feed and latched without any help.

I'd been going to have a physiological third stage but as I already had syntocinon in my system I did agree to the injection after about 15 minutes. Minimal blood loss and the placenta came out intact in three pushes. Meanwhile while I was feeding her she peed and pooed on me :haha:

My parents came at about 10:30 and were with us for her newborn checks. She weighed a healthy 3.62kg (7lbs 15 1/2oz) and was a whopping 54cm (21 1/2inches) long. Utter perfection :cloud9:

Here's our first family photo taken when she was barely 2 hours old.

And the earliest photo we have of her, before she's had a feed yet even.

Being weighed

As I mentioned, she didn't have a name for over a day. We had two girls' names picked out but we didn't think either of them suited her so we went back to the drawing board. I spent the first night calling her 'princess' and when DH came back on Monday morning he asked what I thought of the name Sarah/Sara. We'd discussed it before but it was too common a name for my liking at the time. However, as I'd been calling her princess it really seemed appropriate. We had to settle on a spelling though. Monday night DH went home and researched if different spellings of the name altered the meaning at all when he came across Saranna, a compound of Sara and Anna. We instantly fell in love with the name and call her Sara for short. :cloud9:

I initially didn't want to stay in hospital more than one night, but it turns out that not having to cook or clean or wash the dirty nappies (was in a cloth friendly hospital so used their supplied cloth nappies instead of my own) was pretty nice. Having a double room to myself was a big plus too. I ended up staying four nights and I'm so glad I did. Especially on the third night when my milk came in and I was too engorged to feed her and was able to have one on one breastfeeding help from the midwives. Best thing I could have done for my baby girl - I don't know if I would have been able to persevere without their help.

Not to mention the fact that no one prepared me for the feeling of being hit by a truck afterwards either. Especially my arms feeling so dead (though it could have been worse for me with the workout I got not pushing for two hours lol) and I needed help getting out of bed a couple of times.

The midwives who were with me for the birth asked me if I'd taken calmbirth classes, and when I said no they said I should teach a class. When they moved me to the ward they introduced me to the other midwives as the legend.

Sorry for the length and the excessive detail, but I really want an in-depth record of the experience. It was such an empowering experience and the best thing I've ever done. A labour of love :cloud9:

and link to pics of my princess :)
Hello ladies,

vickytoria88, will you being having another scan?

Emma, sorry about the stressful week but I hope all is well for you now.

Arlene, glad your test came back fine.

Natalie, your baby girl is so beautiful.

AFM, nothing much going on. I am 24 weeks today. My little bear moves a lot now and I love watching him move in my belly. Have good day speak soon.
Vicky Yay for team yellow!! Do you have boys and girls names in mind for your squishy?

Arlene Glad to hear the test came back good and clear!! Hopefully, time won't drag too much for you with everything else you have going on, so the 24th will be hear before you know it! :hugs:

Emma Hope all is well with your little girl, and it's only been usual mummy stress and no poorly sick stress!! How is the colic going? Settled down at all? :hugs:

Natalie Goes so quickly once they get here!! Hope your doing well :hugs:

Adrienne :hugs: hope you make a speedy recovery!! At least you've got some nifty sounding drug's to ease the pain , and possibly put you in the same world as Alice!!

Karen Your in the best stage of your pregnancy, lots of movements, with a nice bump for all to see, and you can still sleep comfortably at night and sit down without struggling to get up. I wish I could keep that!! Then I wouldn't be stressing with this loosing weight thing lol :haha: You'll be meeting your little boy before you know it!! :hugs:

All ladies I've missed, hope your well :hugs:

AFM OH didn't have an underlying infection, thank goodness, though we are still puzzled as to why he was in so much pain. He's fine now though, so it'll just be one of those mysteries!!
Ely was weighed last tuesday at 12 lbs 7 1/2 ounces. His hair is so long it now weighs itself down and wont stick up :( He's got cradle cap (which probably isnt helping) but we've been treating it with dentanox and it's slowly getting better!! He's very awake in the day time now, very happy, and is starting to interact with toy's/show interest in toys. I'm still BF :happydance: though I'm not sure just how much longer it will last. It's going really well, but we can see his 4bottom teeth under the gum, and as soon as one of them pop's up I'll be stopping!!
Auron had his 2 1/2 year check last thursday. HV said he has the development of a 3 1/2 - 4 year old!! Much more clever than he let's on!! Weighs 2stone 12lbs 7ounces, and is 93CM tall. I think he's gonna have a growth spurt soon as his belly is pudging out again and I can only put him is stretchy top jeans cause I can do up the button/poppers on normal jeans on him! Anywho, I spoke to her about his recent behaviour especially with toy's, and she said we're doing everything right, taking his toy's away for a week when he's naughty with them. She suggested allocating time for him to play with his toy's, and as he's good with them he'll earn more time to play with them, and not letting him have the whole toybox, just a select amount at a time. So we'll have to see how that goes, and fingers crossed it'll bring improvement. Oh, and the reason he's been chewing his toy's is because he hasn't got his molars yet :dohh:
Best be off, the young one is moaning!!


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Afternoon ladies! See i'm not the only one whose been busy lately! Sorry for the lack of posting, things have been rather hectic. My Sister is now moved in to her lovely new place and we've spent the last week helping her get furniture built and unpacked. Safe to say i'm pretty knackered now but still have lots to do in my own house! Got her old room and the nursery all cleaned out and carpets hoovered and washed so just need to build the nursery furniture now and then hopefully I can relax a bit!

Can't believe i'm past the 6 month mark now, time seems to be flying past. Had my 6 month check up with my doctor who seems really pleased with everything. She listened to the heartbeat and measured my bump which was bang on 24cm which she said was perfect for being 24 weeks. All my samples came back clear and blood pressure was normal. That's me now booked in for my glucose test at the end of the month, urgh, not looking forward to it! She says it will take over two hours to do so i've to bring a book or something. I will get my results the week after when I see my midwife again.

Apart from that i've just been working away as usual, will try and catch up on you ladies now.

Natasha Aww what a gorgeous pic of your two! Sounds like they are both doing great. Can't believe you can already see teeth under the gum! Wasn't expecting that so soon but I don't blame you, I would stop breastfeeding then too lol x

Karen Happy 24 weeks! I am just ahead of you and my wee one is the same, always kicking and wriggling, very cute but sometimes she gives a good thump and I can't help but make a noise lol. Very offputting when at work haha x

Natalie What gorgeous pictures and a fantastic birth story. It sounds like your husband was a massive support. Thanks for sharing, I only hope I can be as brave as you x

Arlene Fab news about the blood result, I am keeping everything crossed for the 24th. That's such a shame hubby will miss the next two scans but like you say it gives the grannies some bonding time with baby. Hope all is going well with getting organised for the house move x

Emma Hey hun! Aww i'm so glad you's like the blanket, I got one made for a friend here and thought it was so gorgeous I had to get you's one too. She looks adorable with it round her. Sorry things have been stressing you out, hope your feeling a bit better now? Will need to pop over to your parenting thread for a catch up on your goings on asap x

Vicky Some babies just don't want to co-operate do they :haha: Team yellow is exciting though! I am sure the next few months will fly by x

Adrienne Glad to hear the surgery is done and over with, hope you are taking it easy and the painkillers are doing their job :hugs: x

Well I best get off for some lunch, hope everyone is well :flower: x
Natalie Just read your labour story, how amazing!! So pleased that it mostly turned out just how you wanted it :hugs: Though reading it make's me want to go through it all over again, just for that moment you get when LO is delivered :cloud9:

Wendy Hope your not over doing it lady!! You really need to start taking it easy, especially now that 3rd tri is approaching!! :hugs:
Natasha, isnt that moment exhilarating? I would do it all again tomorrow for the moment the baby is placed on your chest and your eyes lock :cloud9:
Hi ladies - Can I join you all? :flower:

Some of you will remember me from the TTC thread, but for those that don't ... My name's Amy, and I'm almost 5 weeks with my 3rd pregnancy. The first 2 ended in miscarriages last year, March 2011 and June 2011. :angel: We've been trying for a total of 14 months, and finally got our BFP a couple weeks ago. I got an early BFP at 10 DPO and all blood work has come back great. First ultrasound is on February 21st. I'm completely terrified and scared that something's going to go wrong again, so I'm trying to stay positive. Only symptoms have been exhaustion and sore boobs. I had sickness for a day or 2, but that's gone away ...

I might not be around too much, due to my being so cautious, but I hope to get to know you ladies well :hugs:
Hi ladies :flower:

Amy- It is so great to see you over here! I am so glad that all your test came back good and cant wait to hear about your scan. I am going to keep up the positive thinking for you :hugs:

Natasha and Natalie- The moment when Daisy was born is still so surreal for me! It all happened so fast and they put her in my arms and I just looked down at her in complete shock. I didnt speak for a little because of the shock of it all, but just remember looking at her thinking oh my, this is it, she is here, this is my daughter! I have never ever felt like that in my entire life and its so difficult to explain and so precious!

Natalie- I hope Saranna is doing ok and not keeping you up too much, unfortunately I haven't had chance to read up on your journal the past few days but will catch up soon :hugs:

Natasha- Things are going better thankfully and she is sleeping a lot better at night too. The colic is still definitely there but we are managing with it, I cant wait for it to go though :haha:Wow, I cant believe how advanced Auron is for his age the clever little mite! I bet you are so proud of him. Hmm, breast feeding with teeth cant be much fun lol!

Wendypops- Sit down and relax Mrs! I hope you are not too tired or over doing it :hugs: I am going to get a blanket made for my assistant when his little one is born (which is due a week after I go back to work!!) I cant believe how far along you are now. Only a few months and you will have your little one here. I hope you get the nursery sorted soon and chance to relax :hugs:

Adrienne- I hope you are keeping well Mrs and the knee recovery is coming along quickly :hugs:

Karen- Happy (late) 24 weeks :happydance: It is an amazing feeling when your baby moves and something I do miss lol! I hope you are keeping well x

Arlene- I am so glad you bloods came back ok. I love it when you dont get something and find it cheaper elsewhere! I did it with a pair of shoes the other week. They were £40 in the shops and I got it for £10.13 of eBay. The seller is someone from the shop selling them off cheap :haha: Bargain!! How is the packing getting on? It is this weekend you are moving isn't it??

Rachael- How are you feeling. Is your tiredness getting any better? I take it there is no sign of Xander yet? :( I hope you are taking it easy in the weeks winding down to your maternity leave x

I hope anyone else I have missed is ok

Things have got better here which is great! The colic is mainly under control so we are mainly dealing with typical newborn behaviour which is good! I am leaving my little girl for the first time this weekend. Gavin and I are running off for an hour for a joint valentines full body massage and leaving Daisy with Gavins parents. Its only a few hours but I am going to miss her and also worry she isn't screaming the place down for his parents as when she gets like that there is only mummy that can calm her down. I don't want his parents getting upset because she is upset (if you get what I mean) Oh well, only time will tell! Gavin has also taken Monday and Tuesday off work to spend it with us so we are going to plan a few days out but we are not sure what to do yet.

Anyway, time to go and run little misses bath x
Yay Amy! I hope this is your sticky bean! Not long til the 21sr and scan day, but of course it seems like forever away for you im sure. Good luck:

Emma im glad daisy's colic is getting better. Ive yet to. Experience a worse feeling than a baby i cant soothe. Heartwrenchng :( valentines plans sounds lovely :)
Amy, welcome and I am hoping and praying the best for you

Emma, I am sure your little one will be on her best behavior. Have fun.

Natalie, how is the little one?
I'm glad daisys colic is under control emma. Valentines plans sound great.

Still no sign of xander, no :( he needs to come home in the next 4 weeks. I would be taking it easy but we've decided to move house. Various reasons for it, damp, cold and mould here being the major factor in the decision. Also cheaper rent, which will help pay for the nappies we will need! I can't wait actually. Will be giving the place a good clean before we move in and everything will be organised readt Izzy's arrival. We'll also be closer to Ian's mum and the hospital too.
Hi Everyone,
Sounds like you are all doing well. Rachael Congrats on the new place. I can't believe how far along so many of you are. There's going to be a baby explosion in a few months and I can't wait to see all of your beautiful babies. Take care everyone.
Yay for moving Rach! I really hope Xander comes home before you move. I wonder where on earth he's got to this whole time. Does he have a collar? Maybe someone thought he was a stray and has taken him in?

Karen, Sara is doing great. Today was our first day at home just the two of us though it was only a 6 hour day. I love her to bits :cloud9:
Natalie & Emma It really is indescribable! I kind of missed out on the full feeling of it with Auron. I remember him being put straight onto my tummy, and I was just so stunned that he was there I couldn't speak, and the next thing I know it's 4AM?!! So I concluded that I passed out from exhaustion (I don't even remember him being taken off me!) So it was a bit more special with that moment with Ely :cloud9:

Amy :hi: Pleased to meet you! Positive thought's and keeping fingers crossed for these important week's ahead for you!! Sticky squishy, sticky squishy!!

Emma Ah, I think I actually drooled reading about the valentines massage plan. My goodness me I'd love one of them!! I'm sure you'll both enjoy it, and try not to worry about little Daisy. You wouldn't leave her if you didn't think they were capable to look after her, so just enjoy a bit of 'me' time with your love. Can never be too sure when the opportunity will arise again!!

Rachael :happydance: yay for the new home!! Good that your getting it all done and out of the way before LO makes an appearance!!

Karen 3rd tri is approaching fast!! So exciting :happydance:

Adrienne Hope your recovering well :flower:

Sorry if I've missed everyone, hope you all well :flower:

AFM Not much going on here. Just feeling incredibly tired. Annoyingly can't get to sleep till 11ish, then I can't face getting out of bed till at least 9ish! (of course I'm still getting up in the night, and Auron's awake in bed with me from 7:30ish so it's far from unbroken sleep -boo!-) And because I feel so tried, by the time Auron's gone to bed and I have the opportunity to get on the kinect, I don;t have the energy!! It's a bad cycle :nope:
Valentines plan's are to make a nice 3course dinner for myself and Nick after Auron's in bed. Soup to start (not sure on flavour yet) Ribeye steak with corn on the cob and jacket potato for main, and maybe a tub of B&J to share in front of the telly for dessert! Got him a few present's, and I think he's got me a new engagement ring (yay!) seeing as I lost my original one June 2010. I'd only had it 6months (well less than that cause it had to be repaired after a diamond fell out, I'd had it back for 5day's and lost it on the beach! :dohh:) Anyone else have plan's for V-day?
Natasha Sounds like you have a lovely valentines day planned :) Ooh I love B&J but why does it have to be so friggin expensive? I should really stock up when Tesco have it on offer. Ooh you will have to post a pic if you do get a new ring! I would be gutted losing mine at the beach, but it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack! x

Natalie It sounds like you are a natural mother, so glad everything is gonig well. I can't actually believe it's been a month since you gave birth. Scary how quick time goes by x

Amy So happy to see you over here and happy 5 weeks! :) Exhaustion and feeling sick all day were my only symptoms (although luckily I was never actually sick). The 21st will be here in no time and you'll get to see your gorgeous loved one for the first time, I hope you get a pic so we can all see x

Emma That's quite funny you'll basically go back to work then your assistant will be off on paternity leave lol. There seems to be a baby boost in my town lately, I know loads of other pregnant people now! Ooh valentines day plans sound lush! You enjoy it hun, Daisy will be in good hands :) x

Karen Hope everything's going well for you, when is your baby shower? x

Rachael Yey for the new house! Sounds like it will be better all round. So sorry to hear Xander has never returned though :( I hope Nat is right and someone has taken him in and is looking after him x

Adrienne It's really scary how quickly the months are going in isn't it? I will be following your pregnancy story when the time comes whether it's before or after my little one arrives :flower: x

Well I am looking forward to a nice long weekend off work, we are closed on Monday, yeeha! My in-laws are coming over this weekend to help us with the nursery as they don't want us overdoing it (they must know me too well lol). Looking forward to seeing the room coming together.

On Monday I am having a day out with hubby, cannot wait. Feels like ages since we spent some quality time together and excitingly he wants me to pick an eternity ring :happydance: He announced the other week that he wanted to buy me an eternity ring for the birth of Emily. I though that was so lovely. I have told him though that as my birthday is in May too I want him to get me it for then and not as an additional gift as I know these things don't come cheap and we really need to watch our pennies with matenity pay looming. So I get to pick what I like on Monday and he will keep it by for my birthday.

Valentines day we are having a nice meal at home. He used to take me out to my favourite restaurant for valentines day but for some reason they change their menu to a stupid simplified thing cause they are so busy and last time I didn't really like much on it so this year hubby is cooking my fave meal for me instead :) We will no doubt cuddle down with a film afterwards. Until he has to go to work that is :( Hate night shift on occasions like that!

Anyway, I best get off and get some lunch, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend :flower: x
Rachel, I hope you find Xander soon.

Natalie, I am looking forward to those days as I am going to be off work for 8-12 weeks. I am so excited to see my little boy.

Natasha, I love your V-day plans. We are going to celebrate it this weekend as my DH has to work on V-day. I am going to buy him a few outfits one to wear when we go out this weekend.

Wendy, My shower is planned for April 21st. I am so excited. Because I have a few friends who I have not seen in a while and they are coming (hopfully).
I meant to say earlier - congratulations Amy!

Xander did have a collar on. Hopefully he has just moved in somewhere else. He has about 4 weeks to make a reappearance or he'll have to find where we've gone :(

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