Emma There's no point telling you to have a relaxing weekend, you don't know the meaning of it

So glad to hear Gavin's Nan has got through the operation and is doing well. It will take a while longer for her to heal but I am sure she'll be just fine

Hmm I've been having that weird feeling in my leg too! I was actually punching my leg the other day to try and get some feeling back in it

Hopefully it's just a passing thing for me x
Naomi Happpy 4 weeks

& you can't beat the feeling of seeing the words Pregnant on a digi. Aww mittens are just the cutest! I've only bought one babygrow so far but I know we're heading to Asda in a week or two and I fear what I may end up buying

lol. I've had cramp type pains too, not period type cramps a different kind. I had to go to bed one night they were so bad but it's all part of our bodies adjusting. I panicked too, it's natural but soon realised it was all part and parcel of being pregnant. I actually like feeling something know, reminds me there is a little bubba in there

Rachael Aww that sucks you have to go back to work straight after your scan! I would be wanting to go round everyone showing them my pic

Saying that though I think my scan will be in November and as I don't have any holidays left at work I think i'll have to go straight back too

Can't wait to hear all about yours! x
Well i'm still not feeling 100% but I do feel a bit better thankfully. Got a christening to go to today, haven't been to a christening since I was a wee wee girl so i'm looking forward to seeing what they are all about. Afterwards i'm going round to my best friends for a quick cuppa and to tell her my news

I'm not doing well keeping it quiet am I

But I have four best friends and I feel like I can't tell one and not the other, so far 2 of them now so today I will tell the 3rd and i'll tell the fourth in a fortnight when we meet up for lunch. I'm not telling any other friends yet though, that will wait for 12 week scan x