Wendy The nursery looks amazing!! And yay for the eternity ring, have you picked one out yet?
Karen Baby is cooking nicely in your pic! Can't believe how big your bump is already, your poor back!
Rachael FX'ed your kitty comes home before the move
Amy 11 hours sleep!! I can't remember the last time I was blessed with such a thing! Oh what I'd give for an uninterrupted lay in
Arlene I hope the idiot with the drill didn't injure himself (well, maybe a little for his stupidity but nothing major!) Must feel so good to be moved and settling in now! Kyle is a lucky boy to have such an awesome birthday present! I hope the party goes well, and that you manage to get a pirate costume at such short notice
Natalie Breastfeeding is so awesome for lack of effort. Whack it out, done!

On the odd occasion I've brought Ely into bed with me for feeding, I find that putting a pillow behind him help's to keep him on his side so I don't have to keep my arm around/under him (pin's and needles are the worst!) so the I can just enjoy the sleepy cuddles

Im glad the cloth nappy thing is going so well for you. We wanted to try it for when Auron was born, but never got round to it as we couldn't afford to get the amount we needed to start it off. Plus, Arlene has a good point about our awful weather (not that I have a garden or even a balcony for that matter!)
Emma Poor Gavin! Thankfully, I've not had any incident's like that (yet FX'ed!). The worst we have is a bit of poo squishing up the top of the nappy on the back, but usually just out the sides onto the baby grow. When Auron was a little baby, we had a few occasions when he did a massive wee after having a bath, whilst wrapped in the towel

I must be a bit overly confident as I don't take out any spare clothes for Ely when we leave the house. All I take is nappies, wet wipes and a muslin square for feed's. Put it all in Auron's back pack so he carries it all

Bet Daisy had grown load's since her last weigh in!! Can't wait to hear how big she's gotten!
Adrienne Hope your well
All ladies Hope you had a lovely V-Day/ After V-Day celebrations!
AFM The weekend was horrendous to say the least! We went into town saturday and got Auron load's of new clothes (3-4 years size) as he's getting to big of his own good! He wasn't himself all day, ate next to nothing and ended up going to bed at 5:30pm. He woke up 7:40pm so we let him stay up till 9pm. He wasn't himself at all, though I managed to get him to eat a few strawberries (which probably wasn't the best idea I've had!). Anyway, Nick took him to bed to read him some more harry potter, and Auron decided that once he was laying down he would puke up!! It was all over Auron and all over his bed, all I heard was Auron crying and Nick shouted "Tasha I need your help up here right now!". When I got in Auron's bedroom, the smell hit me, who'd of though strawberries and milk could smell
so bad?!! So I was running Auron a bath, Nick went to take Auron's top off (which was
covered in puke) and covered Auron's face in vomit

Ely started getting the cough/cold that's going around, and didn't sleep well at all Saturday night. Auron was in our bed and in the end I took Ely into Auron's bed with me (obviously changed the bedding lol) We didn't end up getting out of bed until 1PM!! We'd all hardly slept, and were like a family of zombies! So sunday is a bit of a blurr lol, Auron tried to eat some coco rock's, but was sick after, and ate next to nothing the rest of the day. He seem's fine since though, and is slowly getting his appetite back. Ely's cough seem's to be getting worse as the week progresses, and the cough/cold hit me hard yesterday, feel on the warmer side of death at the moment!
Ely had his 2nd set of jab's on V-Day, and is 13lbs 5 1/2 ounces. Can't believe he's 3months tomorrow, and I'm still BF, so proud of myself!!

I didn't do rib eye cause the butchers only had frozen, so I got fillet instead, and even if I do say so myself, it was damn good!! Managed to get the jackets just right too, yum yum yum!! We had B&J phish food while watching 'insidious', which turned out to be a bit crap lol, oh and and did a vegetable soup for starters. I wanted to wait till Auron went to bed before I did dinner so I did Nick a plate of olives and feta cheese with some of the Mediterranean bread we were having with the soup (still have half of it left!) for when he got home after work. Had myself a bagel with Philadelphia and honey roast ham yum yum!! So the evening turned out well, but been ill since!! Oh, and I didn't get a new engagement ring like I thought I would. Instead, I got an engraved keyring that hold's 2photos inside, I just need to choose what pix I wanna put in it!!