Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Amy, That is the best early scan picture I have seen so far! You can actually see your baby so clearly. I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

Shona, Hope you have a great scan tomorrow and your head aches go soon :hugs: I only had mine in the forst trimester and were glad that they were gone. Just do what you feel is best for you hun x x

Natasha, hope you and the boys are doing well x

Adrienne, How is your knee healing hun? Hope you are getting back fighting fit. Any news on the IVF?

Karen, You look amazing in your profile picture. I hope your glucose test goes well :hugs:

Arlene- How has the move gone, are you all unpacked?

Rachael, I hope you are not over doing it with your packing. Is it only 2 weeks now until your move??

Wendypops, I hope you are taking it easy Mrs and managed to get your cot up and ready :hugs:

Just to let you all know that Carly is doing well and just waiting for Sam to arrive, she has had no twinges or anything yet but has just had to take a break from the forum for a bit. Once Sam is here she will be sure to upload some pictures x

Well sorry I havent been on here much but Daisy has been a handful. I dont think that it is colic that has been causing her problems as you can see at times when she is led quitely nearly asleep that something hurts her and then she starts screaming out in pain. I have a feeling what it might be and we have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see what they think. I am not holding out much hope though as a lot of doctors takes months to diagnose silent reflux so we will see :(

Anyway, speak to you all soon, I have a date with a bath and a glass of wine whilst Gavin is watching Daisy moo :)
I'm not overdoing it, and yes, just 2 weeks until we move!

Hope everyone is ok. I have my gtt this morning. Yuk.
Oh Rachael that gtt test is no fun. My FS had me do one when I first went to her. Just don't throw it up or you have to do the whole thing all over again. You must be so excited for your move. First new place then new baby not far behind. You're going to have an exciting next few months.
Hey adrienne ive just noticed your.weightloss ticker! Well done losing 45lbs! Nearly to your goal weight: hopefully this will have you in great shaoe for a baby :)
Thanks Nat. I'm in the maintance phase of my diet now so it might take me a little longer to get those last few pounds off.
Emma it really is a buyers market just now, but with no such thing as 100% mortgages people are really struggling to get the deposit. Would buying another place and letting out your flat until the market picks up a bit be an option for yous? I'd be lying if I said everything was unpacked :dohh: Kyle still has 5 boxes of toys, that we're going to have to take a trip to ikea and get some storage systems! Theres some other things still in boxes, like our camping/hill walking things, his fishing things, we'll eventually go throw them and sort them a bit better so they can go up in the loft. Hope you got some answers at the doctors :hugs:

Natasha you've done so well breastfeeding, you didnt seem to mention any problems doing while doing so? Are you expressing at all? The keyring is lovely! :)

Karen hope your still keeping well :hugs:

Shona you really have had a time of it with the headaches :hugs: I came straight off caffiene and had chronic headaches, so now i'm down to just one big mug in the morning! And use decaff the rest of the time. What is your midwife saying about them?

Amy as the other ladies have said, what an amazing scan photo at just over 6 weeks! I've never seen anything like it. :cloud9:

Good to hear Carly is doing well :)

Adrienne i'll need some tips from you about losing weight after this baby!! You have done so well :)

Wendy hope your keeping well :hugs:

As for me I was meant to see my consultant yesterday but she'd been called to an emergency elsewhere, so she'd handed over to a sonographer, who was delighted to say she could find my left ovary (which I was pleased about!) and that it doesnt look like the cyst has grew :happydance: She confirmed its definately a dermoid cyst with 2 solid particles and will have to be removed after birth , it has pretty much covered the the majority of the ovary on the right side so dont think they'll be saving much there. On a lighter note, baby is about 2lb and growing perfectly, we were talking about how MIL wants to know the sex but I wasnt for finding out and she showed us that the baby must be shy anyway as her/his legs couldnt have been shut any tighter! I got a little photo of the foot, and 2 side on. I'll post eventually when I remember we're I put my camera :dohh: I have another appointment with the consultant on the 23rd march so she can say for sure a plan of action then a 30 week scan the following week to confirm all looks good for a home birth! :happydance:
Glad everything is going is well Arlene won't be to much longer til your little one shows up.
Glad everything is on track for your homebirth Arlene! :happydance:
Amy :happydance: I've never seen such an early scan before, it's amazing that you can see where your LO is!! So clear!! I'm so pleased that all is going well for you!!

Arlene I used the lansonol(sp?) stuff twice in the first week of BF, but that's all. No problem's at all :D I've expressed about 5 time's. I don't have much oppotunity to in the day as Ely doesn't sleep mush during the day, and I don't want to end up having to give him what I've just expressed if there's not enough left in there for when he want's it. The past few evening's, I probably could of before going to bed, but I'm too lazy :rofl: When he wake's in the night, he's usually sorted and back down in 15min's or less, though the past 2 night's he's slept through!! :happydance: midnight to 6:30 on saturday, and 21:30 to 7:20 this morn, so pleased!!
Chuffed for you on the good news of everything!! How long after the birth will they be doing the op? I'll be keeping fx'ed for your home birth go ahead, and lookin forward to seeing your scan pix!!

All ladies Hope your well :hugs:

AFM Had a busy week, took the boy's to a sure start 'play cafe' session, and Auron loved it!! It's on mon-thurs so I'm gonna take them again tomorrow and thursday. There was a male member of sure start staff on when we went, and Auron was surprisingly taken by him, really really liked him!! When I told Auron to come and put his coat on for us to leave, he went straight over to the guy, looked up at him with puckered up lip's to give him a kiss and a hug, bless him. The guy wasn't sure how to act I don't think!! He went to give Auron a hug but Auron insisted on giving him a kiss :haha: was so sweet. Had my mum stay with us from fri-sun, which was alright. Slightly annoying that she insist's on getting here so early (she was u at 4AM, and was here by 11AM on friday) but will then fall asleep on the sofa for a good 3hour's!! (2PM she fell asleep on the sofa, I had to wake her up just before dinner was ready! Then she stayed up for who know's how long after we went to bed, and had another nap in the afternoon on saturday, after we got back home from taking Auron to an indoor play area and doing some shopping) What's the point in getting here so early to fall asleep? I'd rather she got here 3hour's later, and spent all her time here awake at least whilst Auron was awake, or am I just being a whinny little B**ch?
Anyway, she was on the train by 11AM sunday, so we took Auron to the park, saw the duck's, and had brunch at my work. Watched a film at home (Spiderman 2) before going to Nick's parent's for dinner. Would of slept really well last night if it wasn't for Auron getting up twice, first time he tried to get into our bed, and second time he wanted milk!
I have a new project, I'm gonna learn patchwork and quilting!! Got some batman and superman fabric coming, and found some marvel fabric, gonna cross stitch marvel/DC characters onto plain fabric, and patchwork it all together to make cool blanket's for the boy's!! I'm really lookin forward to starting it! Found a DC cross stitch book, but it could take untill April 26th to be delivered (from US!) so it should give me plenty of time to get all the material's I need and a bit of patchwork practice!! :happydance:
Yay arlene its all coming tigether! Im sorry about the cysts tho :(

Natasha that sounds like a fun but time consuming project!
:wave: Hello ladies! i'm Jasmin, due on 26 august with my first! my gender scan is on 25 march so just a scant time away! so excited!
welcome jasmine :) congrats on your pregnancy :)
Tweak I hope your pregnancy is going well hun :hugs: Luv your very clear glossy scan pic, so cant wait for my 4d scan

Emma wine and a bath jealous much haha! Thats great Carly is doing well! How is little Daisy doing? These headaches are just plain yuck but in the last day or two they are taken a different pattern one day severe and other not too bad hope this is of things to come. It doesnt help that its so flipping manic at work. My doc wants me to stop taking any kind of tablet but that helps me when Im in agony and cant even see, they really think I wouldnt take it if it was a last resort grrrrrr..... Im going to try and stop the fizzy drinks with caffeine in it not that I had much anyway but Im hoping this doesnt give me severe episodes so will see how I get on. Its annoying cos cant drink fresh orange or diluting etc as gives me my cystitis.

Rachael how did the GTT go? exciting times about moving, wish we could but decided to stay put for time being and then re-evavaluate sept jan time.

Wow I only just noticed that too Nat. Well done Adrienne go girl!

Arlene thats what Im afraid of, if they are severe maybe I will have one or two cans a day as dont drink tea or coffee. MW hasnt sed much or been helpful except pay to see a chirpracter and if it is the caffeine then that wont help. Some days Im better than others but most days severe just fed up of it as feel I cant enjoy my pregnancy fully. When did you move hun? We will need to get some storage boxes from Ikea soon too I cant believe how fast our pregnancys are going! hehe..... Cody was like that I think his legs were clamped together :haha: It will be a nice surprise for you hun. Cant wait to see pics

Natasha that sounds fab and how cute is Auron! There is a softplay area here I will need to take the kids to. I need to make sure I go to mother and toddlergroups this time as I didnt the last time and really feel out of loop esp since Im not from here.

Droplette welcome! Yay I luved my gender scan! Is this your first, are you hoping for a certain sex? My son was born 28th august :)

Hope everyone else is great :)

Well today I didnt get anything accomplished that I set out to do as I spent the day in the ER instead :( Saranna had a seizure. It only lasted about 30 seconds but it was terrifying. my mom was already on the way over so she took me to the hospital. We completely missed lunch but i didnt even notice how hungry or thirsty i was cause i had more important things on my mind.

Shes otherwise completely healthy. Everyone was impressed with her growth and - strength. Waiting for an EEG - could take a couple weeks. Been told its likely "normal" baby behaviour that she'll likely grow out of but man is it terrifying to see your baby go completely rigid and her eyes roll back and start moving rapidly back and forth :(
Hello everyone,

Natasha, that sounds like a great new project. Please post pictures once you have completed them.

Arlene, good luck with the home birth. I know another lady from another site who did one and loved it.

Jasmine, Welcome and happy and healthy 9 months to you.

Natalie, Sorry about the seizures. I pray she out grows them as well. Hey there was a Christian group on the radio today for Australia. The were called "Country & King" (I think) they were good.

AFM, I am doing well. Getting more excited each day. Be blessed ladies and have a great day.
Happy 3rd tri Karen :dance::dance::dance:
Happy 3rd tri Karen!

Gtt came back clear. I'm just going to have a big baby. Less than 2 weeks until we get the keys for our house. Can't wait to be out of here.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is keeping well. Sorry i've not been on in a couple of weeks, as usual i've been mega busy. I know, I know, I need to slow down lol. But I did have a lovely valentines day, I was spoiled rotten! I will post a pic of what I came home to find at lunch, hubby is such a romantic! He also cooked me a beautiful meal. We had a lovely day out shopping that week too and I did get my maternity ring :happydance: Although it is technically for my bday which is in May so I will get it properly then. I will post a pic of the ring from the website too for you all to see, my fave colour of purple with diamonds :)

We've had a busy few weeks catching up with friends too and we got our cot, so our nursery is now finished :happydance: I will post a final pic of the cot seen as you ladies have seen the rest of the nursery. Thanks for all the compliments on it, i'm fair proud of it seen as I usually hate decorating etc.

What else has been happening with me, hmm. Can't believe i'm 7 months tomorrow! I had my glucose test last week, urgh, that wasn't pleasant lol. I was bored to tears sitting for two hours too and the doctors was so warm and stuffy. Was glad to get it over. Have an appointment with the midwife tomorrow to get the results so fingers crossed all is well.

Right, i'm going to do my best to catch up with you all before I get to bed:

Rachael Great news that your gtt came back clear and how exciting about the house! Have you got most of your packing done? x

Karen Happy 3rd tri! So glad to hear everything is going well with you, did you get your glucose test results? x

Nat So sorry to hear about Saranna's seizure, that must have been so scary. Glad to hear they think it's normal and nothing wrong but hope you get the results from the EEG quickly to put your mind at ease. How's things with your hubby and the job front? Hope he's managing to get plenty of hours x

Shona Sorry to hear your still suffering from headaches, I can think of nothing worse. Glad to see your pregnancy is going well though aside from that. So excited your getting the little girl you wished for :) x

Jasmin Welcome to the group hun, lovely to have you with us :flower: Ooh bring on the 25th of March! I'm sure it will be here in no time. Are you hoping for a boy or girl or happy either way? x

Natasha Sounds like Ely is getting into a good sleeping routine :happydance: Shame Auron is getting up now though :dohh: Just your luck eh! lol. Your new project sounds fab! I love making things, you feel such an achievement when you see the finished project. I've made a winnie the pooh latch rug before and I have a me to you set sitting waiting to start, will maybe fire about it when I start my maternity. Oh and what a beautiful keyring you got for valentines day, your hubby is really thoughtful to pick something like that x

Arlene Fantastic news the cyst hasn't grown, I was thinking about you the other day and was hoping this was the case. I know it's no fun the thought of having an operation but it is the best news that you don't have to go through that while pregnant. And more importantly (hopefully) you can get that home birth you've always wanted :happydance: Looks like everything is working out just great for you. You probably didn't need the glucose test hun, I only needed it because both my Dad and hubby's Dad are diabetic so I had to be tested. Count your blessings you didn't have to get it cause the drink was disgusting lol x

Adrienne It really is amazing how much weight you have lost, I have never been able to lose more than a stone at a time. Hope you're keeping well in general and that your knee is healing nicely x

Emma How did it go at the doctors hun? There's nothing more heartbreaking than seeing a wee one crying out in pain, hope they get to the bottom of it soon. Oh you did make me laugh with the nappy incident story :haha: Poor Gav! I think my hubby would have a horrified look about him too if he went through that lol. I like Natasha would also not think to take out spare clothes but your story will definitely stick in my head as a reminder to do so now haha x

Amy Aww what a fab scan pic hun! Like the others have said, that's the best early scan pic i've seen, so clear. I'm so happy for you. What date is your next scan? It will be here in no time and then before you know it you will be in second trimester :flower: x

Carly So glad to hear from Emma that you are keeping well, I look forward to a post from you when you can :) x

Naomi Hope you're keeping well hun, haven't seen you on here for a while either :hugs: x

Right I best get to my bed, it's now 1am and i'm working in the morning :dohh: Knew I was starting this post late but really had to catch up with you all and am struggling to find time during the day. Speak to you all again soon :flower: x
Thanks ladies! I am really wanting a boy but I'll be happy with whatever :)
Nat So sorry to hear about Saranna's seizure, that must have been so scary. Glad to hear they think it's normal and nothing wrong but hope you get the results from the EEG quickly to put your mind at ease. How's things with your hubby and the job front? Hope he's managing to get plenty of hours x

It was pretty scary - I hope it was an isolated experience cause I don't know how I'll be able to stand watching another one :(

Work is going great thanks for asking :) Hubby worked 46 hours last week and 51 or 52 hours this week (week ending yesterday). He didn't work today but he works tomorrow at 4:45am. Ick! Praying that things continue in this way for a while, but even 30 hours a week will be fantastic :) I want to slam through our debt as quick as possible.

Oh and that ring is gorgeous!

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