Welcome Jasmin! Congrats on your little bean

your gender scan will be here in no time.
Shona I hope the headaches have eased up for you now

we moved in on the 10th of feb! Love that we are paying our own mortgage now and not someone elses!
Natalie sorry to hear little Saranna had a seizure. I know all to well about how terrifying they can be, I used to live next door to my aunt and one of her daughters were very prone to them anytime she over heated. Glad to hear shes doing well otherwise
Karen hope your still keeping well
Rachael not sure the exact date yous were getting the keys but I hope the moving goes easy and quickly for yous

I cant believe your 34 weeks already, its gone so fast! Are you still working or have you finished up now?
Wendy that is a beautiful ring you lucky lady! Nursery is looking lovely

We've just painted our nursery, ordered the bedding and need to sort a carpet, so much to do

Hope yous have managed to find some time to just relax, you always seem so busy!
Carly i'm very sorry to hear about your cousin

I hope little Sam got here safe and sound and didnt keep yous waiting around too long

Look forward to seeing him and reading your birth story.
Natasha hope yous are doing well and Ely letting mummy have a minute to breathe!

Oh you've really had no luck with that blu ray player

hope yous get it sorted. Sorry to hear about your old co-worker, such a shame

A boy DF went to high school with was murdered the other weekend, his girlfriend who is just 19/20 years old stabbed him and he died instantly, she's also out on bail. Apparently she was seeing mental health workers so no doubt she wasn't well its just so tragic, he was only 22.
Adrienne I hope your doing well and your knee's healed up just nicely!
AFM.. After feeling confident about the homebirth things took a drastic turn at my last midwife appointment were I seen a different consultant at the health centre who reckons they wont be able to advice on a homebirth until a few more scans and much further along (38 weeks!!) How on earth she expects me to wait until then to get my house ready for a homebirth is beyond me

I am seeing my own consultant at the hospital next friday for another scan and I will ask her opinion. The last I spoke to my own midwife and consultant they assured me that the cyst at its current size would have no affect on a normal vaginal birth so why should it affect a home birth?! They are also trying to use my complications with Kyle as a reason for me not to have a homebirth, however the Parvo virus is a variable factor and CANNOT happen again. Once sorted it had no affect on the rest of my pregnancy or my birth. Just seems like they really dont want to agree with this homebirth!
Anyway DF painted the nursery and we've ordered this bedding set
Kyles swing is working fine, we have the baby gym and bouncer, just the practical bits to get now! Baby bath etc. Its getting very exciting now