Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

:hugs: Congratulations Carly! Can't wait to see pix and read your story!

Hope all you ladies are well and for all you new mummy's, hope you enjoyed your first mothers day! :flower:

AFM Been busy day to day, but haven't done much if that make's an sense? Had my facial, back massage and manicure on saturday which meant that Ely had a bottle of formula. He's just so on and off all day it give's me no chance to express. But I'm thinking of moving onto combi feeding him anyway. He took the formula fine and dandy, and he's been having baby rice once a day for nearly 2week's now. He had started waking up load's in the night, so we started on baby rice a few day's earlier than the earliest they recommend (4months). It's been great though! He has it about 6:30-7pm, then will feed as usual and will be asleep by 8pm through till 5-6am. He'll have a feed and go back to sleep (usually) till roughly 7:30am (this morn he decided he wasn't going to go back to sleep till 6:40am when I brought him into bed with me cause he'd kept me awake for over an hour and I was knackered!!) Anywho, we had our photo shoot on Sunday, which was a nightmare!! We've got some awesome pix (I'll post thumbnail's of what was taken that we haven't ordered. The one's we have ordered I'll take pix of and put up after we collect them on the 30th) but Auron was such a pain in the backside, I'm so glad it's not something we'll be doing again for a while!
Best be off, lot's to do while Ely will allow me!! :happydance:


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Luv the pics! :thumbup:

How is everyone?

Im still feeling pretty rough but guess thats the way it is. My last day at work tonight, Im taken maternity as moving back to Scotland. They are letting me take it early as if I was coming back here which is good of them. So I leave to go back on 12/04/12.

Hope everyone is well, pregnancy's and baby's are well. Cant wait to see some pics Carly, so luv his name thats my cousins name xx

I am just new on to here today :)

Got a wee question i was at a friends yesterday and she wanted to feel the baby kick so i lay on my back for her to have a feel but the baby wasnt active at that time so she shook my belly and pushed down on my belly really hard (her full wieght) i wasnt impressed i told her not to it but she done it again! I have now been getting period type cramps at my lower abdomen and i have a sore lower back too? Baby is very active so not worried out baby just incase i got into early labour really.... Anyone else exprienced these type pains?

Thanks Babybower (30 weeks today) xx
If you're concerned I would speak to your midwife or labour and delivery.

I've some pains, but not like what you describe. They could just be painful braxton hicks, but best to be safe than sorry.

I am just new on to here today :)

Got a wee question i was at a friends yesterday and she wanted to feel the baby kick so i lay on my back for her to have a feel but the baby wasnt active at that time so she shook my belly and pushed down on my belly really hard (her full wieght) i wasnt impressed i told her not to it but she done it again! I have now been getting period type cramps at my lower abdomen and i have a sore lower back too? Baby is very active so not worried out baby just incase i got into early labour really.... Anyone else exprienced these type pains?

Thanks Babybower (30 weeks today) xx

It could be baby growing and streching more too. But get it check if you are worried as I would.

Hi ladies. I will be back to make a more proper post later. Talk soon.
:howdy: hello Babybower, congratulations!! When is your due date, and do you know if baby is a boy or a girl?
I would ask the midwife at the next check (unless it's a few week's away, then I'd ask sooner) it's always best to be safe than sorry. I hope you gave your friend a swift kick for putting so much pressure on your bump too! :hugs:

Hope all you ladies are well and not over doing it! :hugs:
Hi ladies.
I have been wanting to write this for weeks now but everytime I finish up homework and come over to the site my little guy needs me.

So Sam officially arrived on March 1st at 5:37 pm.

My birth story is pretty short, as I was in labor for less than 12 hours.

I went in at 6:00 am on the 1st to be induced. I checked in and they started an IV and hooked me up to the monitors. After a while the midwife came in to check me, I was 3cm along and she decided to break my water. I had a little pain and asked for morphine before it got to intense. I then fell asleep. After a little while they started my pitocin drip. The next thing I knew the contractions started fast and hard. I asked for an epidural and only had to endure 3-4 contractions. After I got the epidural, I fell back asleep. I remember them checking me and telling me I was five cm dilated, then the next thing I knew I was 10 cm and it was time to push. I started pushing, and pushing, and pushing. Unfortunately Sam was face up, and his head was crooked in the birth canal so the doctor decided to use the vacumn while I pushed, NO LUCK. After pushing and using the vacumn for nearly 2 hours and having no progress the doctor thought it was best to do a c-section. I asked for a few minutes to be with Mike and call my mom. I remember crying and telling them both I tried really hard, and I was sorry. Then they unhooked me from everything except my IV and epidural, and wheeled me to the OR. I honestly slept through the majority of my labor and delivery, I was even falling asleep between having to push. I can remember hearing Sam cry but I dont remember seeing him, or what I said to him and Mike. I was in recovery for over 2 hours and FINALLY got to meet my baby and see Mike again. But Sam was born healthy and weighed 8lbs 7oz and was 21 inches long.

My files are too big to upload, so feel free to friend me on facebook my last name is streny and my email is [email protected]. to see pics of my little man.

I hope you are all doing well. And I miss being a bigger part of this community. I also am suffering from PPD and the pain of not being successful at breastfeeding. I really to work on reaching out more, I know there are a lot of ladies here who know what I am going through. Again I miss you all and I hope to hear from all of you soon.
Glad to hear from you Carly and I enjoyed reading your story. Please feel free to reach out if you need to we are all here for you. I hope you dh and Sam are well and look forward to hearing from you again soon. Take care of yourself.
Carly :hugs: I'm so pleased that Sam arrived safely, and what a great birth weight! It's hard to believe the little dude is already just over a month old. I'm gonna add you on the book of face, I'm 'Natasha Newburn' and if you need to talk/vent, I'm only a message away. I understand what your going through all to well (After I had Auron) and if you ever wanna talk I'm here for you
Oh Carly :hugs: I have never had PPD but I suffered severe depression for quite a few years up until about 6 years ago. Im going to add you on FB its Shona Graysmith Im also here for you. So glad Sam arrived safely.

How is everyone else? well I hope?

Sorry I havent been around too much, Im still suffering daily headaches

and always so flipping tired. We are moving back to Scotland on Thursday

:wacko: Gosh I forgot how much I hate moving.

Hi my lovely ladies. I was soo happy to see you all add me on facebook! I am glad you got to see pictures of my little man. The depression is slowly getting better, I am on a low dose anti-depressent and I take st johns wart. The hardest part for me was not being able to have the delivery I wanted, and then "failing" at breastfeeding really sealed the deal. I am still have quilty feelings about feeding Sam formula, but I am trying to deal with them, and reaching out to other formula feeding moms on the site. My husband also has OCD so there are days I feel quilty about dishes in the sink and not doing laundry or putting laundry away because he does sooo much of the cleaning. I know it doesnt bother him and I know he is just happy that I am feeling better, and taking care of Sam but there are so many emotions I am having that I never thought I would. My mom and sister are coming on April 21st and my mom will only be here for a few days since she has already come for a week and cant take anymore time off work but my sister will be staying for around two weeks so that is nice. Well I hope all the babies are doing well, I cant believe they are growing soooo quickly and there are soo many babies to be had just around the corner!!
Hello, hows everyone?! :)

Carly I dont have facebook so don't think its personal that I haven't added you. I'm sorry you didnt have the birth you wanted and that its affected you so hard, I really hope your feeling better about it soon :hugs:

Shona I hope your move was quick and easy as possible! Where abouts in Scotland you moving too?

Natasha the photos are lovely! We got Kyles done with Pixie too, cost an absolute fortune :dohh: but worth it :)

Natalie just seen your new avatar, Saranna has gotten so big! Shes beautiful :)

I hope everyones bumps/babies are doing well! I've been working as much as I can lately before finishing up, and on my days off I try to spend as much fun time with Kyle while I can. We picked a girls name, and DFs cousin had a little girl 2 weeks ago and used it :dohh: so our child will be nameless it is a girl :haha: My cyst has grown but not greatly so surgery will be after bubs is born unless some drastic happens beforehand which isnt likely. My midwife is coming on thursday to run through a home birthing check list and speak to us about all the risks we're taking etc.. its exciting :happydance
How did you get so pregnant Arlene? :wacko:

I wouldnt worry about your girls name tbh, unless you see your cousin more than a couple times a year. Don't settle for a name you don't love just because a cousin has the same name. But maybe bub is a biy and it wont matter anyway :thumbup:

I know, Sara is getting so big hey? 3 1/2 months old already!

Carly im sorry to hear you've had problems breastfeedjng and have pnd :( don't blame yourself. Not everyone can breastfeed - sometimes its supply and often its lack of proper help/support, but good on you fir trying. Sam has an awesome mommy - you're doing a great job :hugs:
Arlene I can't believe how far along you are. It won't be long now. I'm glad you won't have to have surgery until after your little bean arrives. Take care of yourself and your little bean.

Shona you're moving right along as well. Sorry you're still suffering from the headaches, and I hope your move was quick and painless.

Carly I echo what Nat has said. Try not to be to hard on yourself, because Sam has an AWESOME MOM!!!!

AFM I'm in the middle of my IVF cycle and have egg retrival tomorrow morning. I'm nervous and excited all at the sametime. I really hope this is it for me as this giving yourself shots everyday is no easy task. LOL Hope the rest of the Moms and Moms to be on here and are doing well. Take care ladies.
Good luck with ER Adrienne! I hope IVF does the trick for you.
How'd did everyone get so far!? It seems like yesterday you all got your BFPs in the other group!

Adrienne - I hope the egg retrieval went well!!!!!

Arlene - I can't believe you're almost 34 weeks! How exciting!

Carly - You're a fantastic mom! Sam is absolutely adorable!

Hope everyone else is well!

I'm over 14 weeks now, and so ecstatic to be in 2nd tri. Never thought I'd get to this point. Doc appt next week, and I should be able to make the big gender ultrasound after that appointment. I'm dying to know what this little peanut is!
Thank you ladies. . you guys are soo sweet and I love coming on here!

Adrienne- I pray the egg retrieval goes well and IVF is a success for you, I can only imagine how hard it is for you, but just keep the good thoughts going and I know you will be blessed!!

Amy-Cant wait to hear the gender annoucement!! Hope your watching secret life, its the only show I still make sure I catch, I could care less about any other tv shows but me and sam have a bottle and watch the show each week!!

Natalie- Thank you for making me feel better about breastfeeding. I am glad its going well for you, as well as cloth diapering.I dont know if you ever check out youtube but look up naturesknockout she is all about natural stuff and she clothe diapers and talks all about it and some other really cool natural baby stuff, and she is breastfeeding as well.

I have been trying to find solace in knowing I can try to breastfeed our next child. I pray they will have an easier time latching on, and hopefully my supply will satisfy them. I think I will reach out for more help next time instead of trying to figure it out on my own. I hope all you lovely ladies are still in my life so I can get all the advice I can about it and read more about your experiences. But next baby wont be for awhile however I cant help thinking it would be nice them back to back, but my husband would never go for it. My mom and sister get here on friday and I cant wait!!! My sister will be staying for two weeks and she truely is my best friend so its going to be amazing even just sitting around the house we can have fun with each other.

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