:wave: ladies! The stranger has returned! lol. I am finally on maternity leave and boy am I ready for it! The last month i've basically crashed and burned, been so so tired. I would get through the day at work and by 5pm I was so tired and sore hubby would come and meet me up at 5pm to help me walk to the car, my hips were just agony. So it was home for a bath and dinner and then it was bed for me. Found out earlier this month I am borderline anaemic which explains why i've been so tired and weak. I was giving two weeks to try and bring my iron levels up through diet but even though I really tried it didn't work so have now been put on iron pills. Feeling a bit more energetic now but still get pain on and off and started getting period like cramping with braxton hicks, apparently all normal, it's just wee one getting ready to make her appearance! She's been head down now for six weeks so who knows if I will make it to the 23rd of May. Can't really believe i'm 36 weeks tomorrow, it has gone so fast. Got the midwife in the morning who says she is going to try and give me an estimate of babies size then, she did say last week though that she didn't think it was going to be a big baby, phew!
Also had a scary week last week, hubby had a mild heartattack and was rushed into hospital. He's only 32 so it was a big shock. He hasn't been well for a few weeks and now know it's because he has heart disease. Basically his heart had been under strain and last week it all just got to much and came to a head. He hasn't been sleeping well, maybe two to three hours a day, with him being on night shift he had been worrying I was going to go into labour at home at night on my own and we just found out his Mum has cancer. She is going to be okay but needs to have five weeks of radiotherapy. Basically the stress of it all got to much for his heart to take. So he needs to have a check up every two weeks to see if they can get his blood pressure back to normal and he needs to change his lifestyle so there is less stress. The main thing we are changing is he has spoke to his work and will be moving back to day shifts. This will help a lot as he can sleep fine at nights and wont worry about me so much. It means less money but I don't care, I would much rather have my husband here and well than have money! I'm just so relived he's alright, hospital said it was more a warning than anything else so will need to keep an eye on him that he's not overdoing it!
Anyway I hope all you ladies are keeping well, i've been trying to catch up with all the posts and it seems all you mummies are doing good

Adrienne I wish you all the best hunny, I am hoping to hear some good news on Monday!
Well i best head off, sorry I haven't been able to post to you all individually but I am wishing you all well. I would write more but I am just heading off to Glasgow to watch Jeff Dunham in concert. Cannot wait! Best try and not laugh too hard, don't want early labour

Hubby made me pack my hospital bag just in case though so it's safely packed in the car! Take care ladies, hopefully I can pop on a bit more often now i'm not working
