Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

She's so beautiful Arlene. Your birth story was amazing.
Hi ladies! I hope everyone is keeping well, we are all doing good, just very tired. Emily is still feeding every 2 hours, it's hard going. She'll be 8 weeks old on Saturday, unbelievable! So hoping her feeds will settle soon. It wasn't so bad when hubby was off work but now he is back i'm doing all the night feeds and looking after her through the day until he gets home at 5.00pm. I'm shattered but she is so worth it. She's a little smiler now and giggles loads. The other day she did a proper belly laugh like the baby on the cow & gate advert, it was amazing. She babbles away to herself in her moses basket too, too cute! She's a happy little baby :)

We tried breastfeeding loads when I was in the hospital those four days but unfortunately it didn't work out. They said because she was premature she didn't have a good suction, they tried syringes, tubes, everything to get her to do it but she would get a good latch but not suck right so I ended up reverting to bottle feeding her. I gave her expressed breastmilk up to 6 weeks which I am proud of but then she just started eating too much, I couldn't keep up. I tried expressing every two hours after I fed her but it meant I literally wasn't getting any sleep and my doctor and health visitor both said I was no good to baby when i'm so tired so for the best she is now on formula. She has taken to it well but is quite a sicky baby. Hoping it's something she will grow out of. She's now weighing 10lb 1oz so she's certainly keeping enough in! lol.

Oh i've just realised I never typed up my birth story, I will do that in a mo. First I will try & catch up a bit with you guys.

Rachael - Wow that's some birth story. I bet it feels like a lifetime ago now. I don't know about you but after my experience it put me off the thought of ever going through that again but i'm hoping my mind will change in time x

Emma - Aww, Daisy is gorgeous in that pic. She's such a wee cutie! Glad the christening went well, did you ever find your cake topper?? What a shame if you didn't as it would have been a lovely keepsake. Thanks again hun for the advice you gave me on formula etc, it's nice having someone I can talk to about baby stuff etc :flower: x

Lea - Lovely to see you popping on hun! Can't believe Jay is starting high school! Eek! How time flies. Hope you're keeping well x

Natasha - Glad to hear Auron got into the pre-school you wanted, do you think you'll be a teary Mum dropping him off for the first time? Gosh I can't believe your back at work now, time goes far too fast for my liking x

Natalie - Ooh do I see NTNP under your name?? Good luck if your trying again hun. Sara is such a cutie pie x

Karen - Many congratulations on the birth of Gregory! He is gorgeous :flower: You couldn't have had him on a better day, my birthday :) Hope you are both well x

Shona - Not long left for you now hun! How exciting. You really have had it rough this pregnancy though. Hope things have settled a bit for you now x

Adrienne - TWINS?! Oh wow, how exciting! :happydance: That's fabulous news, you wait so long to get pregnant and then not only do you get one little bubba, you get two! I couldn't be happier for you hun :hugs: x

Amy - Aww a little girl, fantastic news! I bet you are so excited. It's fab having a little girl, if your anything like me you will go daft on cute little dresses etc. Can't believe your almost 24 weeks, time really is flying by x

Arlene - Many many congratulations on the birth of gorgeous little Zoe, I am so so happy for you :flower: So glad you got the birth you wanted too. Sounds like you are settling right into motherhood once again x

Naomi has also given birth to her little boy Sam Edward, she sends her love to everyone here, and for those of you who know Sabrina, she has given birth to a gorgeous little boy Russell William. It's so fab all of our pregnancy dreams have come true :flower: x

I will post my birth story separately for anyone interested x
It does feel like a lifetime ago indeed.

At first I didn't want another, took me about a week to change my mind, even after everything! I want to wait until Izzy is 2 at least though. My only obstacle is convincing Ian :dohh:

I can't believe the midwives didn't believe you. Must have been so horrible. I was so relieved when I got gas and air and then my epidural, there's no way I could have managed with nothing.
Oh wow Wendy what a birth story. Im glad hubby made it just in time at least but that seriously sucks. You are super woman for getting to 10cm all by yourself!

And i never even knew Sabrina was pregnant! That's so awesome! Thanks for letting us know she and Naomi had ttheir boys.

Yep we're ntnp. Have been all along really but i changed my status when Af returned. Im soooooo broody for another already that im having a hard time not jumping on the ttc crazy train though :rofl:
Wow, what a birth story Wendy. And you did it all natural. I have to have a c section due to my previous fibroid surgery, but there would be no way I could give birth without lots and lots of drugs. LOL Thanks for letting us know about the other ladies. It is nice to see all our baby dreams coming true.
Wendy your birth stories so amazing but so harsh they way they treated you! Thats awful. You are such a strong woman for getting through it on nothing. Esp for being early they should have kept a better eye on you, its the way it is now the bedside manner care is disgusting. Its the experience that you remember, Im on an island and the care is fantastic here cant believe what some places get away with.

Thanks hun...... yeah not long to go now but doubt she is going to come any time soon. Are you doing a parental journal? Its been so rough this time but its so annoyed me I think Ive narrowed it down to aspartame that is causing the headaches. I have cut out all fizzy juice whatsoever and the ridiculous thing is that I dont drink much of it. My headaches have still been there on and off light the last couple of days but I have never felt this good since I got pregnant there are certainly not chronic touchwood manageable at least so we shall see. Its either the caffeine or aspartame or a bit of both and would like to try a juice you know one with one and the other but I dont wanna risk the full blown headache. I did wake up with one this morning but may be withdrawal from it or that I slept too long lol. The thing is aswell is that as soon as I drink fizzy anyway I get symptons of my cystitis and dont wanna take baking soda and water all the time to ease the symptons but water is just so boring :haha:

Shona I wont be doing a journal, its just something else i'd go to instead of doing the housework :dohh: Days seem to fly past just now, before I know it its bedtime again and I feel ive accomplished nothing!

Wendy I can't believe they didn't listen to you during labour! How horrible! I had to go to hospital on the sunday before I had her and the midwifes I dealt with then had a nasty attitude and im just glad I had the 2 I did at home or else i'd have told them where to go :lol: How you doing with DH back at work? Damien goes back tuesday and im dreading it! I'm just scared with being tied down so much with breastfeeding that Kyles going to feel pushed out, at least while DF is here he can give Kyle the attention.

Natalie I think its great your ntnp! :happydance: A little brother or sister for Saranna so close would be lovely :)

Adrienne how is pregnancy treating you? Hope you've not been too ill :)
I'm hanging in there. Things have been a little better since the doctor gave me the zofran. I take it mostly when I'm working. But the fatigue is killing me. I'm ready to be out of first tri so that I can start feeling a little bit better...I hope.
Arlene I cant believe Zoe is 2 weeks old already! Completely understand I dont know how much I will be on my journal with a 3 year old, a newborn and a 10 year old :wacko: time will tell lol. As long as you can come on this thread every so often that would be fab would hate to lose contact with you. Im like that at the min even tho Im not working the days pass so quickly Im amazed where it has gone. Thats the one thing Im worried about its really panicking me is what if Cody feels left out and how he will take to her and if he will think hes second best. I dont even want to leave him to go to the hospital hes my baby and its hard to let go I feel so guilty.

Adrienne awww you poor soul I hope things get better for you soon as you head to 2nd tri, Im surprised that this pregnancy hasnt put me off for life but when I feel her kick everything is forgiven :haha:

Hope everyone else is well xx
Wow what a birth story Wendy! I can't believe they wouldn't listen to you! But I'm glad DH made it there in time!

Nat - Good luck with NTNP! How exciting!

Adrienne - Hope the tiredness lets up. I really haven't gotten much energy back - always tired. :sleep:

Shona - You're soo close!! Exciting!!

Arlene - I can't believe Zoe is 2 weeks old! Time flys!

AFM - I made it past viability day! :happydance: Had an appt today; everything looks good. Blood pressure was normal, thank goodness. I've had slightly elevated BP at previous appts, so I'm happy it was normal today. I have the glucose test next week, and then we go on vacation the week after. I can't wait! And I started feeling baby girl move around more. I woke up this morning, and just put my hand on my stomach and could feel very light kicks. Best thing to wake up to :cloud9:
Hooray for feeling more movements and being passed v-day! Do you have any names in mind yet?
Hooray for feeling more movements and being passed v-day! Do you have any names in mind yet?

We're still deciding between 2 names. Abbigail Nichole or Alexis Nichole. I like Abbigail, DH likes Alexis. I have a feeling we won't be able to decide until she's born :haha:
Lovelychoices :) I wanted abigail as a girls choice but dh vetoed it :(

Having a couple options is always good cause she may not look like your top pic. The girls names we had chosen were Moriah or Chloe and she didn't look like either one so had no name for a day and a half.
They are lovely names :thumbup: and yay for v-day and movements!

Thanks hun..... crazy 14 days to go and I hear you on the tiredness, thats all I ever am at the moment and so sore all the time xx
Lovelychoices :) I wanted abigail as a girls choice but dh vetoed it :(

Having a couple options is always good cause she may not look like your top pic. The girls names we had chosen were Moriah or Chloe and she didn't look like either one so had no name for a day and a half.

My DH has vetoed SO many girls names. Basically Abbigail and Alexis are the only ones we can agree on. If she doesn't look like either one, she'll be nameless for awhile until we can agree on one!

They are lovely names :thumbup: and yay for v-day and movements!

Thanks hun..... crazy 14 days to go and I hear you on the tiredness, thats all I ever am at the moment and so sore all the time xx

It seems like the tiredness has not let up one bit. I'm exhausted every single day. But it's all worth it. She's been crazy active today and I LOVE feeling her. :cloud9:
Its amazing isnt it the kicks! Im so gonna miss them but not miss other things :rofl:

They are two gorgeous names tho we agreed on one and went off it and the name we have decided on is the only name we could agree on lol xx
I'm still here. Still dealing with fatigue and ms and trying to figure out what to do about work. Not going to lie it's stressing me out a bit. As thrilled as I am to have my babies on board with everything going on around me I haven't had much of a chance to actually enjoy it. I hope that changes soon.

But, enough boo hooing from me how are you holding up Shona? Any sign of your little girl coming out? I know you must be ready to meet her.

How are the rest of you ladies and your beautiful babies doing?
I'm here too! On vacation at the moment! Enjoying a stress-free week of relaxing and fun!

Shona, how are you!? Hope you're getting real close to meeting your LO (if you haven't already!)

Adrienne, hope you start feeling better soon. I have to say, a week of sleeping in on this vacation has made me feel soo much better. I'm still exhausted during the day, but feeling better. Hope you start to get more energy soon!

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