Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

I've always liked the smell of coffee, just not the taste :haha: (well I'd have to at least like the smell to work in a cafe, let alone 5 of them lol. You don't need to be able to drink it but you do have to smell it all day)

Hopefully when 2nd tri rolls around you'll at least be able to tolerate it again.

Natalie, I can't stand the smell of coffee! Made me sick when I had morning sickness too! My weird one is chocolate. I rarely ate chocolate as I thought it was too sweet and would only have some with a brew (i like savoury things) but since being pregnant with Pip I can eat them one after the other! It's like I'm a major chocoholic at times :haha:

Wendypops, :haha: you know me too well! I showed Gavin what you said and he chuckled too! Hopefully your leg will be ok as its a horrible thing. I've only had it briefly so far and dobt know how Rachael coped with having it! It's weird as I keep on gettibg Gavin to rub my leg to try and get feeling back in it but it makes no difference lol. I have been ok today, just a few twinges here and there but nothing major which is good as I have managed to blitz my house today and it is so lovely and clean! Hope the christening went well and youve had fun :hugs:

Rachael, I don't know how you have coped with your back in the past. It's not like anything I do or don't do effects it, its stupid! I think its muscular as I had a car accident about 3 years ago and it was the left side of my back that was effected. On Friday I had it right down to my foot but since then it hasn't been as bad as that.

Naomi, I hope the cramps have eased for you :hugs:

Arlene, how are things going for you hun? Hope you, Kyle and the oh are ok :hugs:

Well I am happy as I got to clean my house properly today. Since we have been having all he work done I haven't been able to and have just felt that there was dust everywhere... well there is no more lol!. I am glad the weather is back to normal October weather as yesterday I was having a major strop as I couldn't find anything to wear that for me that was loose enough. I just felt I was sweating buckets! Some of my summer dresses that will fit Pip in wont fit my boobs in! I feel like I am walking around with them hanging out like a hooker! If I am wearing something slightly low cut I have to wear the new bras I bought 2 months ago (32f) that no longer fit me! So I end up wearing my maternity ones that I have to wear something high cut with to hide them to fit them it! Don't get me wrong the maternity ones are comfy but so unattractive and show at the top of loads of my clothes! Gavin had to pull me out of 3 dresses yesterday as they got stuck on my boobs :haha: anyway, moan over I am off for a nice relaxing bath lol x

Lots on this thread today.

Naomi I hope the other ladies were able to put your mind at ease so that you can enjoy these early days of pregnancy. Sending you lots of sticky dust (but I don't think you'll need it as things are going to be just fine) : )

Emma 3 dresses stuck on your boobs had me cracking up. Glad your back is doing better hope it continues to improve. Also I hope that Gavins nan continues to improve.

Rachael I can't wait to see those scan pics. I know you must be so excited.

Wendy I hope your feeling better and you enjoy your day out today. Your too funny about trying to keep it a secret. I always have in my head that I'm not going to tell anyone until 12 weeks but when the time comes I'm sure I'll be just like you. (and there's nothing wrong with that). It's great news, may as well share it and put a smile on people's faces : )
Hope it gets better soon Emma!

I suffered with mine for years before I finally got surgery. I guess I kind of got used to it :wacko:

Wendy, the scan is a Friday so I'll be showing it to everyone that weekend instead :rofl:
Wendy your not doing well keeping it quiet at all :haha: but neither are we! Its too exciting! :lol: hope your christening went well.

Natalie I love the odd cup of coffee and now if I make one I just can't drink it, the smell is making me :sick:

Emma :rofl: you must have to get up an hour earlier just to find something suitable to ear just now..its not really funny but you put it across like something from a sketch comedy show :lol:

Naomi really excited to see you over here :happydance:

Rachael I cannot believe you have your scan next friday! Just seems to be moving so fast :)

Sorry ladies I cant reply to everything or i'd be late for work! I've had a busy busy weekend. In between work we went shopping, visiting told OH gran and grandad, mum and step dad, all were really delighted :D Then I had to tell one of my bestfriends as we were booking a holiday and I wanted her to know I wouldn't be out at clubs drinking, she was estatic. So yes HOLIDAY! :happydance: Off to malaga on saturday..It was from OH for my birthday (which is sunday coming) me and 3 of my friends, who i'm going to suprise at the airport with my news as I likely won't see them beforehand.
Anyway I best be off to get ready for work, hope all you ladies are well :)
Nat I hope i'll be able to tolerate it before 2nd tri, another five weeks without coffee sounds crazy lol. I might try a cup at my 3pm break. Again I couldn't stomach it at 10.00am today so just had a satsuma instead. The joys! I worry i'm not eating enough healthy food though. I went shopping yesterday and the amount of junk I bought is unreal! I'm not usually like that but I just seemed to want everything from ice cream to crisps to choccie biccys :haha: x

Emma Good for you having a good old house clean, I just can't seem to find the energy :sleep: My ironing pile is seriously scary but after 5 mins I get tired and want a seat, ridiculous! lol. Hubby has been a star though and gutted all down stairs for me the other day. I felt bad though cause i'm kind of old fashioned and feel like I should be looking after him but thankfully he doesn't share that same view and is more than happy to help! You getting stuck in a dress did make me laugh. I can imagine you standing there while Gav is trying to yank it off you :rofl: I'm a DD chest size already so i'm scared of what size i'm going to go up to. Don't want to end up looking like Dolly Parton!! :wacko: x

Adrienne Thanks hun, I love sharing the news but then I panic i'm jinxing myself :wacko: Telling the odd person as I go along keeps me going though :) x

Rachael How could you get used to it, it's awful! Feel so sorry for you, glad surgery was a help though. Oh well that's not so bad then! You've got a whole weekend to show off your scan pic. Have you told many people so far? x

Arlene Aww it is fun tellling people aint it, we just can't help ourselves :haha: Still can't wait till the day I can properly announce it though. Oh how fab you get a wee holiday away too! What a lovely birthday gift. I'm sure you'll have a blast! x

Well the christening was nice but there was lots of kids there making noise so I couldn't really hear what was being said :haha: I didn't stay at the reception cause I still felt awful and didn't want to spread my germs to the kiddies. My friend was really understanding though and I did tell her I was preggers :dohh: yep, another unplanned announcement haha. I felt so bad about leaving though and knew she'd understand if I told her I was expecting, which she did, she was fair excited for me. I then told my best mate who was thrilled too. I wanted to tell her when we were sitting together but she kept asking what the goss was as soon as she got in my car so ended up having to tell her in the car over the back seat :haha: She let out a high squel and started laughing saying she didn't expect that! She's so pleased for us although did wind us up that she was trying to cut down on xmas gifts and now i've added another little bundle to buy for lol. Well i'm back at work now, feeling not too bad, just wish I could stop sniffling! Hope all you ladies are well, speak soon :flower: x
Hi Ladies!! I finally have internet again. We had a network outage in my area since Wednesday. I actually had to go to Starbucks yesterday to turn in my homework. I read everyones posts and I going to try my hardest to catch up, but please don't feel bad if I am not 100% caught up. It was a lot to read :). One week from today we have our scan. I just hope this week flies by and the next thing I know I am being told if bean is a boy or girl. Well my husbands work picnic was on Saturday and other than it being a bit cold it was nice, it was interesting to meet some of the people my husband works with, most were real nice but I felt some hostility from some people, not sure why?? We didn't do much else this weekend except go to dinner and watch Transformers 3. Its so strange to think that we decided on the name Sam when the firrst Transformers movie came out and here we are still in love with the name and its the third movie. Well anyways I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Definately going to be keeping up this week with the thread!!!

Wendy- Also try ginger when you are feeling ill, that helped me a lot. A drank ginger ale like it was water. I have also heard that Coke settles your stomach and makes you feel better so maybe try that too. I hope you start to feel better, it does get better. I am at a point now where if I didn't have my belly I would forget I was pregnant.

Naomi- So nice to see you here!! I pray everything goes perfect and you have an amazing pregnany!! The cramping is very normal. I had it bad at about 6 weeks and when I went to see my doc it was just the baby making room. I had to learn not to panic over every cramp or pain. You'll get there but I can understand how it is easy to be paranoid.

Natalie- I have become the way you have with coffee but with coke. I used to hate coke I was a dedicated pepsi girl and this baby HATES pepsi but loves coke like its liquid gold.

Rachael- I cant wait to see 12 week scan pics. It seems like time is flying by.

Emma- As long as Gavins Nan works hard and wants to improve she will be able to. Be positive and try your hardest to keep her positive. Hope you got to enjoy and relax for some of your weekend!!

Well ladies sorry if I missed anything or anyone. I missed you all terribly while my internet was done and I missed my ticker. I loved checking my ticker!!!
Sorry for not individually posting but I am so fed up and I am going to have a whinge about being pregnant. If someone doesnt like it or thinks I am being unappreciative then dont read it.

Well I have been to physio today and they have confirmed the pain I am experiencing is due to sciatica. They dont want to do any accupuncture on my back as it is used as methid to cope with the pain and I would have to go to her once but preferrably twice a week to get me through it.
I have been given a support belt to wear, given exercises to do to strengthen my muscles supporting my pelvis and crutches to make me walk straight.
Not only that I was on the couch whilst she was showing me some bits and has notice that my stomach muscles have parted and I now have to concentrate on not using my stomach muscles to make it worse as I get bigger.
I am really fed up of the thought that there is another 3 months to try and get through where I will probably get worse before I have my beutiful baby girl :cry: :cry:

Anyway, thats that over with. I am off to sit up straight on my sofa!!!
Wendy I made an unplanned announcement today :dohh: Its too easy! :haha: however I did have to tell at least one person in the work place which is what I done :)

Carly only one week to your gender scan! Its gone so fast :D I've always loved the name Sam but its my ex's name and theres no chance DF will go for that now :haha:

Emma i'm so sorry your going through all this :( when were you planning your maternity leave? you might have to go a little earlier? :hugs: your way xx
Carly No way! Sam's the name we've picked :haha: Well Samuel actually but it will be Sam for short. Can't believe I had no idea you liked the same name. Not that it matters cause we're on different sides of the world lol. We've decided on Samuel Scott for a boy or Emily Jean for a girl, wish I was closer to finding out what I'm having! I'm still sure your having a boy, can't wait to find out next week! x

Emma Aww hun, I hate what you're going through, massive :hugs: I wish there was something they could do to help the pain a bit, I can't imagine anything worse than having to deal with it for another three months. I can only hope it will come and go and be gone more often than not. Is there anything they have recommended that could help? Maybe the support band will make a difference, hope so hun x

Arlene I was the same, said I wanted to tell the two girls at work who I work beside so I did. Then two days later I told my two bosses. Then later that day I told the rest of the staff :haha: Useless, completely useless!! :rofl: x

To you ladies who have had your first midwife appointment and got blood taken do you have to fast before the blood? Or is it ok to eat as normal? I've got my appointment on Wednesday and don't want to stuff it up! x
Oh sorry wendy you asked me that about the bloods before, no don't change your diet beforehand for any of the bloods during pregnancy, unless non routine (diabetes testing etc..) as to which the midwife will give you plenty notice. I've got my appointment today! DF is soo excited, bless him :cloud9:
Samuel has always been on my boy list too but DH vetoed it :(

I hope all you lovely preggos are doing well :)
Wendy I didn't have bloods taken today. Just a quick run through of smoking n drinking stuff, what hospital I'd be attending, blood pressure check and I was meant to have taken a urine sample but no one told me x
I haven't had to give a urine sample since the first one which they just used for a pregnancy test. And I've made sure to have to go pee each time expecting to give one but never been asked. :shrug:

I only just had my second midwife appointment too - but I'm doing shared care with my GP so have seen her for most of my checks. Also hospital policy is to see an OB/consultant at the first hospital appointment (10/12 weeks though mine was 14 weeks). Crazily my next midwife appointment isn't til 36 weeks! And I only see the GP twice more in the mean time. I'm really starting to feel a bit unpprepared (though the midwife I've seen has been useless - I hope I don't get her again as here you don't get continuity of care). I've written up my birth plan today though and now realised I would have been better off to have had it to take with me this morning as there's a possibility my next appointment could be my last. Oh well - so a couple of things I mentioned might not possibly even be relevant.

And I've just realised that antenatal classes start in 3 weeks! They'll finish the week of my next mw appointment so I may get some of the hospital policy questions I have answered before then anyway. Scary thought to be getting so close to the end already. I love being pregnant and I'm not sure I'm ready to be a mommy yet lol.
Hey Ladies!!!

Arlene- Can you believe how fast the time has gone? Before long it will be your turn to find out if you are having a boy or girl. Have you and DF chosen names yet? Our first names were chosen before we were even pregnant and since getting pregnant it has been a battle of the middle names. Its soo strange how everyones first appt. is sooo different. So when will you see your MW again? After my first appt. with my OB/GYN I have seen him every 4 weeks. I know when I get closer to the end it changes to every 2 weeks and then the last month is every week. Just wondering if it is different in different countries?

Wendy- OMG I can't believe we have the same first name for a boy!! How awesome!! If we have a boy his name will be Samuel William. And if we have a girl her name will be Kensi. I think I am going to give in to my husbands choice of a middle name if we have a girl. He LOVES the name Brooke, what do you guys think?? I love the name Emily, it is soo classic and beautiful. You'll find out before you know it. Enjoy everyday even the sick ones because they go so fast. I can't believe i am almost 1/2 way there. As far as the blood tests I would ask just in case. I personally didn't have to fast but you NEVER know.

AFM- I had NO motivation yesterday. I literally did nothing all day. So today I told myself I was going to do something. So I got up, took the dog out, went for a LONG walk, took a shower, did laundry, made lunch, and now here I am, and once I am done talking to you lovely ladies I am going to get some school work done. I also have become a bit of a couponer I have fallen in love with the show extreme couponing and I am now addicted. So today I am going to get a list and my coupons together and go on a shopping trip tomorrow. Well I hope everyone has a great day!!!! Talk to you all later!!
Arlene Hmm, maybe each midwife does things differently? I take it your just waiting on a scan date now like me? So exciting! x

Nat Wow, how crazy that antenatal classes start in 3 weeks! Time is going so quick for you. I can't believe you've not seen the midwife much, my midwife marked down all the times she needs to see me on this chart thing she gave me and it's like 8 times or something! And in there I need to see the GP twice too. It's all so exciting! x

Carly I love the name Brooke! And I think it goes really well with Kensi. I think you should give in to your hubby on that one :haha: Good for you finding some motivation, I still have none lol. Last night I felt energised for a little while so thought I would do some ironing. I got to the tenth item and was knackered so went to bed :dohh: x

Well ladies I have just had my 1st midwife's appointment and loved it! She was so nice although she wont actually be my midwife she was covering for the lady who will be. We had a nice long chat about things, filled out all the forms, took height, weight, blood pressure, she took my urine sample to send away and then took five, yep FIVE veils of blood. Thought I was going to pass out! lol. I'm getting extra tests cause both my dad and dh's dad are diabetic. She then went through what I was to expect and when my next appointments would be and gave me my folder of notes, a big baby book that explained every stage of pregnancy, then another book about benefits i am entitled too and loads of different leaflets to read. She is sending away my referral to the hosptital for a scan now and said it should be the first or second week in November. Can't wait! Anyway, best get back to work, was just so excited I had to tell you all :happydance: speak soon x
Emma :hugs: Sciatica is a bia-tch!! I hope the exercises help, and as boring as it will be, your gonna have to take it easy on yourself (which is alot easier sais than done, and i tend not to sit down for more than 20mins before having to move around and do something, though it might be partly nesting, who knows :shrug:) also try and avoid sinky chairs and bucket seats!! Uncomfortable, but best is a hard upright chair, plus easier to get on and off of :thumbup: When are you planning on starting maternity leave?
Oh, and im pleased to see that Gavins nan is doing well :thumbup:

Wendy Boo for the stinky cold on top of you already feeling crappy!! :hugs: I think that the coke remedy Carly mentioned is only any good for settling a squitty bum and it would need to be flat coke, it's worked for me in the past :thumbup:
On the blood side, had them done at 12week scan and 28week midwife appointment. No need to change anything you usually consume. First appointment already, i bet your very excited!! :happydance: EDIT: OMG it took me age's to write this friggin post lmao, Pleased to see that your midwife appointment went so well :thumbup: i hope your actual midwife will be just as lovely as the one you saw today ^.^

Naomi Hello!! Pleasure to meet you :howdy:

Everyone I hope you all doing well, and had a fabby weekend!! It was all a bit much reading over so many pages of post's to comment to you all individually :wacko:

One calendar month until my due date :happydance:
Im almost prepared labour bag wise, jus need to sort out some loose change ready and food/drink for my OH. It's strange, don't think it's properly hit me yet that were having another baby. Not nervous in the slightest about labour, but we'll see if that last's in the coming weeks lol ^.^
Had an awesome time back home seeing my friends, and my mum was cope-able to put it at best, so all in all a successful long weekend :thumbup: Best moment by far, Auron turned around to my friends little girl (she's just turned one) and said, clear as day, "Hello Sexy!":serenade: It was awesome!! So proud :happydance:
My OH stayed home, and tried to defrost the icebox in the fridge.... With a rolling pin :rofl: made a hole in the plastic and after searching online, said that we can't use the fridge!! Thankfully he's managed to get a store credit with littlewoods, with no interest for 12months :thumbup: so we have a new fridge coming tomorrow, though rather stupidly, it's coming between 7:30-10:30 and my re-growth check is at 10!! :dohh: What a mellon! I hope it's here before we have to leave :wacko:
Oh, and horray for my baby tickler!! He's in the last square :happydance:
Natasha Lovely to have you back hun :flower: Glad you had a good time away. What a doughnut your OH is for breaking the fridge! :haha: Littlewoods are good for deals like that. I'm always using them. Aww what a sweetie your son is, that's brilliant! haha. He's going to be a ladies man when he's older! Eek! Can't believe how close you are! It's so exciting! x

I have a question for you ladies but don't know if you can help. When I was at the midwife she said I should get Healthy Start NHS vitamins from the chemist and take them every day along with my folic acid. I picked them up but on the bottle it says they contain the daily recommended allowance for folic acid, so now i'm not sure what to do :shrug: Surely if it contains that I shouldn't take the folic acid with it?? Don't want to take too much of the damn thing x

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