Sciatica is a bia-tch!! I hope the exercises help, and as boring as it will be, your gonna have to take it easy on yourself (which is alot easier sais than done, and i tend not to sit down for more than 20mins before having to move around and do something, though it might be partly nesting, who knows

) also try and avoid sinky chairs and bucket seats!! Uncomfortable, but best is a hard upright chair, plus easier to get on and off of

When are you planning on starting maternity leave?
Oh, and im pleased to see that Gavins nan is doing well
Wendy Boo for the stinky cold on top of you already feeling crappy!!

I think that the coke remedy Carly mentioned is only any good for settling a squitty bum and it would need to be flat coke, it's worked for me in the past

On the blood side, had them done at 12week scan and 28week midwife appointment. No need to change anything you usually consume. First appointment already, i bet your very excited!!

EDIT: OMG it took me age's to write this friggin post lmao, Pleased to see that your midwife appointment went so well

i hope your actual midwife will be just as lovely as the one you saw today ^.^
Naomi Hello!! Pleasure to meet you
Everyone I hope you all doing well, and had a fabby weekend!! It was all a bit much reading over so many pages of post's to comment to you all individually
One calendar month until my due date

Im almost prepared labour bag wise, jus need to sort out some loose change ready and food/drink for my OH. It's strange, don't think it's properly hit me yet that were having another baby. Not nervous in the slightest about labour, but we'll see if that last's in the coming weeks lol ^.^
Had an awesome time back home seeing my friends, and my mum was cope-able to put it at best, so all in all a successful long weekend

Best moment by far, Auron turned around to my friends little girl (she's just turned one) and said, clear as day, "Hello Sexy!"

It was awesome!! So proud
My OH stayed home, and tried to defrost the icebox in the fridge.... With a rolling pin

made a hole in the plastic and after searching online, said that we can't use the fridge!! Thankfully he's managed to get a store credit with littlewoods, with no interest for 12months

so we have a new fridge coming tomorrow, though rather stupidly, it's coming between 7:30-10:30 and my re-growth check is at 10!!

What a mellon! I hope it's here before we have to leave