Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

I definitely felt a little uncomfortable showing off the pictures where I'm just covering my boobs especially the ones with Eric and no top. I think it's because I feel so young, and the fact that we're not married. My mom hasn't seen them yet, but I'm sure she'll have something to say about them!

Have you heard back about the job yet? I really hope you get it!!

This is such a weird question, but when you squeeze your nipples, does stuff come out? I got curious and did this and clear and yellow liquid came out! YELLOW!!! That doesn't seem right, but I have no idea! Kind of embarrassing haha.

Oh and I was totally drinking the wrong tea this whole time! I ran out so I went to get more and I saw the one I was supposed to get! Wooooops! I guess the Braxton hicks that I got was just a coincidence!
I know what you mean. I guess I just felt like I was wearing as much as a bathing suit and people post that on facebook all the time. Everyone's seen us in a bathing suit. But everyone is different on subjects of comfortability like that too. I guess I just wanted her to be more excited and not negative.

I didn't get the job :( but I'm still applying to tons. I just feel bad making Travis work all the time but I secretly want more time off than starting work back in September. Especially since his extra job and Costco and my unemployment adds up to about how much I was making before so we won't be hurting for money but he'll have to keep his second job. But I feel like I'm going to need more time after having just given birth before I can jump back into work. I'll keep looking for nanny positions though!

Okay so when I first read your question about squeezing my nipples I was thinking how nothing really comes out. But I never have really tried harder than just a small quick light pinch. So after I read your question I was talking to Travis about it and we started squeezing mine and at first just a very very tiny light layering of liquid came out. Then we tried again and basically a drop came out! I was so shocked! I was surprised by how weird I felt about it actually. Mine was clear though. I thought I heard about yellow being something you might get before the milk actually comes in but I'm not sure! I can't believe we're going to be parents soon and breastfeeding in just a couple short weeks!

Ah I can't believe you had the wrong tea! How disappointing! Did you find the right one and start drinkng it? So weird that you had braxton hicks though after drinking it! Do you think you'll be able to get another sweep at your doctors appointment? That would be nice to help labor just a little bit more! I don't feel like I have had any signs of labor coming soon! Other than I do think my baby has dropped a little but otherwise nothing!
Yeah, its not like you were legitimately naked or something! I finally saw them all too, omg omg they came out sooo cute! I can see what you mean about the hearts on the belly, there were quite a few of those! They are still adorable though! My friend has been super weird lately, so I'm just gonna go ahead and scan mine on the computer later! How weird is it that soon we'll be talking about newborn pictures rather than maternity ones! I want to get Madison some little bloomers, maybe with a rhinestone crown or something on the butt, a big tutu, and a matching bow for her newborn pictures! I also like the ones where you can see the baby's cutie little butt. Awh I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

That is such a bummer that you didn't get the job :[ I totally see what you mean about not wanting to go back to work so soon! You get unemployment, so at least you have some income! Eric wants me to take a year off work! A whole year!!! I am sooo excited and I hope I get to take that long off. If my dad's house here sells though, which doesn't look like its going to happen anytime soon, we will have to move. My dad is still paying the mortgage now, but its up for a short sale. That means that when someone does decide to buy it, it can take anywhere from 6+ months for the bank to approve it and everything. If we move out with his mom, I still won't have to go back to work. If not, then I will have to at least have a part time job to help out with the bills. Its kind of selfish to say that I don't want the house to sell, but I don't want to move out with Eric's mom either! Eric and I want to buy a house, but in Michigan. The only problem is that Eric doesn't want to move to Michigan until he finishes with paramedic school, but he hasn't even STARTED paramedic school!! It takes 2 years (I think), so I have no idea whats going to happen. I make it a point every single day to say "I miss my family" at least once. I just feel so alone here :/ My dad and siblings are reallyyyy close with Eric, but I'm not close to his family. So anyway, I hope we move to Michigan sooner than later, and I have absolutely NO idea how I started talking about that!
Woooo! Your boobie is leaking too! That means we're getting closeeeee :]]]]

I did find the right tea! I was drinking raspberry tea rather than raspberry LEAF tea :dohh: I drank a whole freaking box of that damn tea too!!!!! Ugh that makes me soooo mad. I have the right one now though, so I'm drinking it! I have seriously had no signs. I had a ton last week!!! My belly definitely dropped. I had soooo many contractions last Tuesday, then Wednesday at my appointment I found out that I was progressing and had my sweep! Then two days later I lost my mucus plug, and now? NOTHING :[ I haven't had any contractions, no signs at all. I'm not sure if they'll do another sweep, I am excited to see if I have made any more progress. I will probably cry if I haven't. I hope our babies don't go overdue!!!!
Definitely too many hearts! But still I only needed a couple cute pictures so that I can remember my bump forever. I cannot wait for newborn pictures! Madison's outfit sounds so cute! I haven't thought of an outfit for our little one yet since we don't know if it's a boy or a girl, but I think Travis mentioned he wanted to do the white underwear outfit again with the baby. He also really wants that picture where he holds the baby sleeping in his hand with its butt up and its laying on its own hands. I think we'll completely forget about our maternity pictures when we'll get to have newborn pictures! I think we're also going to get our favorite newborn picture printed out on a large canvas!

I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom/wife. It would be my perfect job and I would be so good at it! The chores around the house would always be done, the children would get raised the way we want, and I would have dinner ready when Travis got home from work! But since we're living on our own we have bills so it isn't exactly possible unless he finds a job that pays more. I would be really sad if I didn't live close to family either though. Once Travis and I talked about moving to California just because I think we were at that stage in our lives where we were young and wanted to go do something big, you know? Well we obviously never did that, but now (and even before being pregnant) we decided that wasn't right for us because our family is so important to both of us. Especially now with the little one on the way! Is there no schooling he can go to in Michigan? I'm sure it's cheaper in Vegas since he's lived there long enough versus going to school out of state costs more. Hopefully everything will work out for you in the end. I can understand not wanting to move out with his mom though. It would be nice to have your own place. Has the living situation with them got any better? I know you were upset with how they weren't picking up after themselves or their pets and they took up all the space in the living room. Hopefully they've shaped up a bit?

I can't believe how close we are! I was so shocked about my boobs leaking just because it makes it that much more real! I can't wait for our sidekicks to be here! :)

I seriously crack up when you say you've been drinking the wrong tea this whole time! It sounds like something I would do. Hopefully this new tea will work then it won't matter you drank a box of the wrong tea! You would think with everything you're doing to try and get labor rolling we would have seen Madison by now! I honesly can't believe we're almost halfway through July already. April, May, and June flew by but I woke up today and checked facebook and realized it was Travis' brother's birthday and usually I tell Travis when there is an important birthday coming up so he can make sure to remember to say happy birthday but the month has gone by so fast already I completely forgot!

I haven't lost my mucus plug:( but I didn't get a membrane sweep either. Hopefully we'll both start seeing labor signs soon! I feel like I must be one centimeter dialated if she can get a finger tip in but I haven't really felt any contractions. Embarassing story - Travis and I went to Walmart before going and seeing a movie last weekend and we ate at the McDonalds there. Of course McDonalds never makes you feel well and after eating and walking around I started getting bad cramping/tightening. I didn't feel like I had to poop or anything but I was pretty sure that was why my tummy hurt so bad. We get to the theater and Travis is talking and such and I told him he needs to hurry so we can go inside because I just have to go potty! Well of course I go and feel much better but it makes me wonder how in the world am I suppose to make it through labor pains if I can't handle bathroom cramps? I'm not going to lie though we both thought they might have been contractions because it was so strong to where I actually had to stop walking! So it still could possibly be contractions but the McDonalds definitely didn't help!
There are actually BETTER schooling opportunity options in Michigan, which is frustrating. He has a job here as an EMT-Intermediate, which is what he went to school for. He is also nationally registered, so he is allowed to work anywhere. His company is national and they are in Michigan, so he could transfer there. The only problem is that in Michigan they don’t really have EMT-I’s. At his company in Michigan they have EMT- Basics (which is a level below Eric) and Paramedics (which is a level above Eric). So he doesn’t want to move there until after school, because it would be so much easier to find a job. Totally understandable, but frustrating at the same time. I want to be in Washington or Michigan soooo bad. Things have gotten a little better here at my house. Eric’s sister still never cleans, is always on the couch, and leaves her socks everywhere. Eric did fix this gate so that her dogs aren’t able to escape anymore, which is a start! I feel bad, because I know I am rude to his mom and sister at times. I think in a way I sort of resent them, I guess just because I don’t have my family here and Eric gets to see them every single day. His mom knew I had been craving mochi and yesterday when she got home she had some! She went out of her way to go pick it up, even though I’ve been such a brat lately. I felt sooo bad. Then I felt even worse because she took us to Outback for dinner and bought us a pretty expensive dinner, and the occasion? All because I’m pregnant! Ahhh I felt like such a jerk. I don’t mean to be mean to them, I’m just hormonal :[

I keep forgetting my OWN birthday!!!! Its July 20th, and I seriously haven’t thought about it at all. No one else has really mentioned it either! Usually my parents would be asking me what I want or where I want to go for dinner and all that. They aren’t here to take me to dinner though, and the fact that they’re both flying out here within the next couple of weeks makes me question if I am even getting a present from them lol. I honestly don’t care if they get me anything though, I couldn’t ask for anything better than to get to see them!!!

That is such a funny story! Sometimes lately when I have to…um…go…I get all crampy and I’m like omgggg labor?! Haha then I go and the feeling is gone. So annoying! It sounds like your pain was much worse though! And now I want French fries!
I was thinking of getting these for Madison's newborn pictures, what do you think? :)
Hm, what are the jobs like here in Washington for EMTs? Do they have EMT-I's so he could find a job easy and also go to schooling? How come he hasn't started schooling to get further as an EMT so that you are able to move to Michigan? I would think it would be so tough to be away from your own family. Especially once Madison is here! I know I'm going to be asking my mom advice all the time for help with LO. I'm glad things have gotten somewhat better with Eric's mom and sister living with you. It was really nice of her to bring you mochi though because you've been craving it forever! Outback sounds so amazing right now, but that is nice of her to take you to dinner also! I'm sure she understands you're hormonal as well as you're all alone out there without your family! She was pregnant once too so I'm sure she understands when you seem overly emotional. I would be pretty upset though if they left the place messy. Just because now that I'm on maternity leave I'm always home ad we only have hard woods and no carpets so the dog and cat hair can't hide anywhere so I feel like I need to sweep daily! Especially now that its getting warm and they're shedding all their extra fur! Plus I'm the one who does all the laundry and dishes which Travis uses the most of. I don't mind doing all the chores because he's working double just so I CAN stay at home. But I wake up and just feel so exhausted. All I ever want to do is lay down and do nothing or sleep! So I would be really frustrated if someone's family moved in and they weren't helping out!

That's too funny you keep forgetting your own birthday! I probably would too if I was due around my birthday! It would be very sweet of them to give you a birthday present just because it's your last birthday before Madison is here and you deserve to be pampered! But I could understand if they don't just because they are flying out to be there for you, which I'm sure is a present in itself for you! But I love birthdays and I never expect a present but it just makes your day that much more special! Hopefully they at least take you out for a nice dinner. Do your parents get along even though their divorced?

Ah that would be really annoying because I know how badly you want labor to start. I'm starting to think I might actually get an August baby like I had previously said I wanted. At this point I don't really care. It could come now or it could come in August. I think I'm just happy to know it will be soon! But my cramping really was terrible that day it was so embarassing. However french fries do still sound amazing! I absolutely love McDonalds french fries! I was just on the Food Porn thread and now I'm just plain starving and I feel like suddenly lately my cravings have all kicked in again! We've been trying to eat cheap and save money but this last shopping trip I spent extra on some things we didn't REALLY need but would enjoy. But now I just want to buy whatever sounds good at the moment I want it because I'm tired of eating cheap and I want to eat delicious! Haha

That outfit for Madison would be absolutely adorable! It would make the cutest newborn outfit ever!
I'm not sure about EMT's in Washington! Washington is much more expensive than Michigan though, so it would be a little harder there.
My parents get along soooooooooo great. It's weird how good they get along with eachother and eachothers spouses! I am very lucky for that. Eric's parents never talk, and his step mom is so incredibly jealous, so they aren't even allowed to talk to eachother. Do your parents get along?
Ahh I feel bad that you're always cleaning!! Luckily Eric is very clean and our house doesn't get too messy, besides the kitchen! Today I had absolutely no energy and I literally layed around all day! Being pregnant is exhausting. I've stopped stressing about the baby coming so much. Normally I'd be on my ball or walking all day. Now I can just keep telling myself that it's soon no matter what and just relax. It would be ideal for her to come within the next couple of days though, because my step dad will be in Vegas for like a week starting on the 15th. He's a tour manager for two bands, so he travels a lot. I'd love for him to be able to see the baby, and if she comes while he's here, my mom will be in Vegas at the same time as him! If not, she won't be able to see him for two weeks, plus however much longer since she's staying here for two weeks! I hope that made sense lol.
I love French fries! I know what you mean about trying to eat cheap! Eric and I are trying to save as much as possible, but I always want what we don't have! Like tonight, Im craving quesidillas. It isn't expensive to make them, but it's just the fact that we have to make an extra trip to the store rather than just eating what we have.
Your belly is so cute in the belly button picture!! It's so weird that all our belly buttons are red now lol.
Oh! And I'm glad you like the outfit!!!! I'm gonna ask Eric when he gets home, hopefully he'll buy it! :)
I'm sorry I haven't responded! I didn't even realize how long ago you wrote! I've been so tired I literally haven't wanted to do anything and yet I had so much to do! In fact my feet have puffed up so much and hurt to walk! Its terrible, you think all i'd want to do is sit online though! Yesterday I did absolutely nothing but shave (which I did quite an amazing job on my lady parts, might I add) and take a shower. Then we went to our doctors appointment and class and then went to my moms and watched Big Brother. I didn't even get in the shower until 1pm or so and had laid around the whole time before!

I bet Washington is a lot more expensive than Michigan. We even have one of the highest minimum wage rates just because its so expensive to live here! Hopefully he'll start his classes soon or maybe you'll be able to convince him to move to Michigan beforehand! Is he not able to find a job as an EMT Basic? Or would that be a big income cut?

That's actually really awesome that your parents get along so well. It would make growing up/going through a divorce much easier for you! My parents don't get along at all! They divorced when I was three and have hardly ever spoken since. Only if they had to because of me and my sister. Its so crazy to me how you can fall in love with somemone, get married, even have children and fall apart. My mom didn't want the divorce, she actually wanted to try harder first, like get counceling or something at least. They usually won't go to events that they know each other will be at. They did both come to my baby shower but lucky for them we had so many people they didn't have to talk. But it was awkward because whenever I was sitting with my mom and my dad wanted to talk to me or didn't know who to talk to he would just stand alone! Its actually really disappointing and frustrating. I felt like they should have talked more (my mom said she tried a little) and say how their first baby girl together was having a baby! Even if they can't stand each other I feel like that's such a big moment for both of them! I guess I find it crazy even more now that I'm with someone like Travis because I can't imagine we would ever be like that even if we did get a divorce someday (which I couldn't imagine either!). Relationships aren't always easy you have to give not just take!

I think I'm always cleaning because I like things perfect! Travis always offers to help but I don't let him because I'm OCD about it and like it to get done exactly my way. If I'm watching him clean I'll stress and want to fix everything! I'm so pathetic! Travis isn't even terribly messy. I just clean the same things over and over because they have to get done over and over for example dishes and laundry. I also have to sweep a lot. I hardly did anything yesterday so today I'm going to catch up but since I've been on maternity leave I'm always picking up more than letting the laundry go or the dishes pile so cleaning isn't as tiring just because its been well kept up. Today I'll have hardly any dishes, but I have a load of laundry to fold and a load of laundry to wash and fold. Then I have at least two loads of baby things! We have hardly any clothes yet because we're waiting for baby but I have to wash all blankets, bibs, sheets, birp cloths, etc.

I laid around a lot yesterday! The day before my mom and sister went with me to run my shopping errands with me. I had a ton of baby shower gifts I wanted to return (which was awesome because some I didn't know which stores they came from and I got everything returned!) as well as some clothes from our maternity pictures we weren't keeping. So I got more gift cards to babies r us and target! Then I bought a belly cast, my breast pump, and a baby book that is so cute! The baby book was actually the main point of the trip because my mom hadn't gotten to go baby shopping with me yet. I felt bad though because I found it so quick at babies r us! Its adorable. It's yellow and green and has a 'sweet pea' cute bug theme. It's gender neutral but the colors seem more boyish yet it has all this girly stuff like ribbons and cute prints so it works so perfectly for either! It also has a ton of things to fill out! Okay I'm rambling..

Anyways I definitely think pregnancy is finally taking a toll on our bodies. Of course we've been exhausted before and sore and achy but for me I feel tired even after waking up and just thinking about doing basic daily tasks makes me exhausted! I'm glad you've stopped stressing about trying to get Madison here so much just because it's probably just as beneficial to relax! You'll definitely have Madison before I have my baby though since I'm not even dilated yet! (If you read my facebook comment I told you how my doctors appointment went!). But I know you want her here for your family. Maybe she'll come while they're here and they'll be excited they get to be the first few people to see her! So that should mean your step dad is here today which should be exciting! I think what you were trying to say was that your mom won't be able to see your step dad for two weeks because he's traveling but could be longer because she'll be in Vegas with you for a while as well? Is that right? Haha. It will be so nice to have family there with you even if Madison isn't because they can help support you in your last few weeks of pregnancy which could be really helpful and relaxing having people you're comfortable with around!

I know what you mean about wanting a quesidilla! It's cheap but since you don't have the ingredients to make it, it just becomes an extra cost! Except I actually bought quesidillas ingredients on my big shopping trip! But I've been dying for my moms pasta salad and race car cassarole and there are so many extra ingredients in both it would just cost too much just because I want something we don't have! But I was at my moms last night and she had made her race car cassarole (because I had talked about it a couple days before and she then wanted it - she was going to make me some and bring it over but they didn't have enough ingredients for a second batch) so I got to eat some while I was at her house watching TV!

Haha I think our belly button's looked so similar in the belly button pictures! It is so weird that everyone's piercing looked so much the same! Its nice to know though that everyone elses has done the same and that we're not alone! I do love my belly button though. It sticks out just the tiniest bit that when I'm wearing a more form fitting shirt you can see it. It doesn't stick out like an outie like some pregant women get but it does make a small out dent in my shirts and it looks so cute! Hahah

Did Eric buy Madison her cute little newborn picture outfit? Its so adorable I love it so much! Its going to make her have some of the most gorgeous newborn pictures! Are you going to have your friend who did your maternity pictures take her newborn pictures?

My birthing class was really helpful this week! First we split into groups dads and moms and we made lists. Dads wrote down how they could help us during labor and we wrote down how we wanted them to help us. So it was kind of fun just to see what the other groups said to see how they're willing to support us even without us asking as well for them to see what we'd like! They were pretty similar lists though! Then she taught us positions for during labor to help ease pain. My favorite was sitting on a chair backward and leaning on the backrest so that my belly hung over my legs. I also liked one where she had us on all fours but we used the seat on a chair for our arms so that we were at an incline which was a nice position just because you could easily use a heating pad or a cold pack as well as baby was really hung out and we didn't have to support holding the baby up with just our back muscles. She also taught us some short breath breathing techniques but I'm having a hard time getting comfortable with the breathing techniques. I think once I'm in labor though I'll find what works best for me. Then the main part of class we got split into three groups. Narcodics, Epidural, and Natural. We ended up getting put in the natural group which was cool because that's what we want to do. But we're the youngest in our class and when we got to our group someone asked if anyone was eveing going natural because everyone kept saying how they weren't so I quietly raised my hand and this one older woman (with greying hair) made a joke about how I was young and if she was still young she might try natural too but because she's old she just isn't going to have the energy for that. It was really funny. Anyway so it was a pro's and con's list for the three options. And then once the groups finished the lists we talked about them in class to get even more information from the teacher and it was cute because a lot of dads were asking a ton of questions. Travis asked so many! But after that exercise in class it makes me even more determined to go natural! But if I just can't handle it I'll go with an epidural. Travis said if he cared about his opinion at all I wouldn't get the narcodics. We're both really against them since they go through the placenta and the baby gets them too! The teacher was saying how if they give you narcodics too late (like after 8cm) its possible for them not to wear off by the birth of the baby and then the baby comes out high on them! It just sounds terrible! Oh and we watched an old vhs of a lady who had an epidural birth (she had gotten narcodics as well before she got the epidural) but it was more 'graphic' than the first video as we saw the baby actually being born more so. But it was cool to see and the dad got to actually help pull the baby out he was the one to catch the baby and put it on his wifes chest! Our teacher actually said at pur hospital the dad can actually do that if he wants and Travis said he wanted to! The baby in the video was 6lbs 1oz but before they showed us the weight Travis goes 'thats a big baby' then it showed the weight and I told him it was small! He was so shocked! He loves the newborn pictures where the baby is all curled in the dads hands with it's butt up so he said it just looked so big that you wouldn't be able to do that but I told him it was because the babies arms and legs were all spread out and moving around. Then we ended with practicing our positions and breathing techniques which is always so nice because I get a back massage from Travis the whole time! He's going to be such a good birth partner! :)

Okay this was a really long and rambling responce! I'm sorry! EDIT I just posted and saw how long it really was! I'm sorry I got stuck really rambling this time! My terrible habit!
Its totally okay!! Sometimes I will even be on bnb and not respond, it’s a little more difficult to read a long message and then I immediately want to write another long message back haha. I just feel like I have so much to tell you so sometimes I just have to wait until I have time to get it all out! :)

I also had my doctors appointment, and not much had changed :[ I’m almost 2cm and 75% effaced. She also did another sweep, which obviously didn’t work!! Last time she told me that baby was really low, but this time she said, “Baby is still pretty far up there” ummm did she just swim back up or something? Awesome. Pretty discouraging! I honestly wouldn’t care if she came late or not, if it weren’t for my family coming out here! My grandparents are coming from Texas on the 25th, and my dad is coming from Michigan on the 31st. My step dad is here from Washington, but only until Monday! Yes, you understood that confusing bit about him coming correctly lol.
My sweet nana keeps joking that the baby won’t be here when she comes, which is totally stressing me out! She isn’t doing it to stress me out, and she makes sure to say “She will come when she is ready” and things like that… I just feel like if I have her late I will disappoint everyone, which I know is NOT the case. My nana even told me to have sex!!! We were texting and she said:

-Ok this may be embarrassing but they say to get things going, have sex.”
-I know you just screamed didn’t you?

HAHAHA, noooo I actually laughed my ass off!!!! I couldn’t believe my nana said that! Then she was like:

-It won’t hurt the baby
-Male sperm softens the cervix and can stimulate labor.
-Sorry this is the nurse talking.

Omg it was soooo funny hearing that from her :]

I shaved yesterday too! So freaking hard. I brought a mirror in the shower and it immediately got foggy! So I couldn’t see anything, and ended up going by feel instead. I had Eric come look for me, to tell me if I missed any spots. He just laughed!! He pointed out so many different places. Thank God I have him for things like that! Imagine going into labor with freaking patches of hair all over haha.

Eric doesn’t want to work as an EMT-Basic there, because he won’t make very much money. If we move out there, we want to buy a house and with him making less and me not working, it would just be unrealistic. If we did move out there, I would eventually get a part time job. I would want to work nights, because my dad would be off work. He could babysit Madison with the help of my step mom and grandma. My step mom and grandma could watch her too, since my step mom is a stay at home mom and my grandma babysits as her job…. I just don’t trust them as much as I trust my dad! Just knowing that he was there would make me feel so much better. I know that probably sounds horrible saying that I couldn’t trust my own grandma and step mom. I would be able to trust my mom and her mom though or my step dads mom! Just not my grandma lol.

That must be so hard for you, your parents not getting along! I guess by now, you’re probably used to it, but it still sucks. My parents were together when they were young teenagers, like 14! So they will always be really good friends. They have been divorced since I was in first grade though, so for like ever haha. I couldn’t imagine Eric and I getting divorced, but I definitely couldn’t imagine us not talking! He’s such a big part of my life, I would be so lonely if I lost our relationship AND his friendship. I really don’t think I could ever just see him after and not want to hug him or at least talk to him!

I am so fed up with cleaning!!!!!! Eric’s sister doesn’t do ANYTHINGGGGGGG! The other night, they made beef stroganoff, and I don’t like that, so I didn’t eat. They freaking left all their dinner dishes in the sink, pots, pans, bowls. On top of all the other dishes in there. When I finish eating, I rinse off my dish and put it in the freaking dishwasher! If everyone did that, there would never be a sink full of dishes. Anyway, I had to wash all their dishes, and his sister just watched me. Then she puts a freaking bowl there for me to wash?! It had pasta with no sauce, so it didn’t even have to be rinsed out. She couldn’t just put it in the freaking dishwasher?!?!?!?! Then after I’m done she says thank you for doing the dishes. I was just like “yeah, it drives me crazy when there are dishes in the sink” she says “I know, me too” really?! Then freaking wash them!!!!!!! Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. Its been bothering me so much, I literally cried about it earlier. When I brought it up to Eric he said “shes 14” EXACTLY!!!! Old enough to clean a freaking bowl. I am the only one that does anything. His mom will do the dishes like once every two weeks, and that is it! I wish we could just move out, but if we did, I would have to get a job and leave Madison with a babysitter. I don’t want to leave her :(

Yay for getting a belly cast!!!! I still have to paint mine! Make sure it isn’t cold when you do it lol. The paper mache stuff gets cold and your nipples will get hard and you can totally see them on the belly cast!!! My nipples look huge because I was freezing and they have gotten bigger lately lol. I still need to get a baby book too! Maybe I should do that today.

What is race car casserole? I have never heard of that!

I got a bunch of hand-me-downs from Eric’s moms friend and there were sooo many bloomers. I decided that I’m just going to go to Michaels and get a rhinestone crown to put on a pair, and make my own! It will be like $5 rather than paying for someone else to do the exact same thing, AND shipping and handling. I still would like to get the tutu and bow, but I haven’t ordered it yet! Maybe I’ll do that today too!

Your birthing class sounds so cool! We didn’t learn anything cool like that, we got a book of positions, but its hard to do something you just see on paper! Did you learn the “he he he, hooo” breathing technique?

Oh wow, this is really long, I’ll stop here!
Sometimes I go on BnB and do the same. I'm sure you can tell I'm not as active in the forum's in the first place. I don't know why, I guess I'm always finding something else to do! I only ever check the teen pregnancy section and I even find it hard to keep up in there! I think it's crazy soon we'll get to join the mom's in teen parenting! I think that will be a different environment since there will also be a lot of mom's who already have children that are older! But I think that's going to be so helpful for advice!

I think that is too funny when you said 'did she just swim back up there?'. I would be a bit duscouraged too, especially since you are having a lot of family come and support you and hopefully come for Madison's birth! They'll understand though if she decides to come late, that just means she's nice and cozy listening to your heartbeat and cuddling with you!

That is so funny about your Nana! It would be so awkward yet hilarous at the same time! I would just die if someone said that to me! My dad is giving us his old video camera from my graduation since we want one for the baby and he said since technically he still owns it he better get to see lots of grand baby video's but that there better not be any sex tapes! I didn't really know what to say! I just kind of changed the subject! Supposedly it is true about having sex! But I also heard swallowing sperm was suppose to be even more beneficial! Maybe that's just a statistic guys came up with to get women to give them bj's (my soon to be son's initials! Well BJB) haha. I'm sure it does help somewhat though, either way you do it!

I didn't have a mirror but I wanted one! I shave seperately from my shower now so I have this whole set up where I sit on the side of the tub and run bath water to wet my legs and to rinse the razor. My legs actually are easy while I'm sitting (I don't stand to shave anymore because I get to tired and it's hard to balance) but doing my lady parts is much more difficult any way I try! But I get pretty bad razor burn on the edges where my legs bend. So while I've been pregnant I started using nair just on the outside edges around my leg creases and the top part where the hair is kind of tough, this way I dknt have to get razor burn where my underwear rubs! Then I shave closer to my lady parts but I have to sit and lean way back and hold up my bump with one hand just to see. So I can see where the razor goes but not exactly how well I did. But this last time I did a really good job! Travis always checks for me as well:) it does make me laugh when you say you had hair patches because I've definitely done that before! I always try to be nice and shaved before my appointments on Thursdays! Haha

I think it's understandable to want your dad to watch Madison over your step mom or your grandma. Some Grandma's it's a little harder to trust. I would never trust my grandma, she's just too old and falling apart. Travis' grandma I might trust a little more. But Grandparents are also older and do things more old fashioned and didn't have all the same safey things as we do now. I'd feel more comfortable having my parents or Travis' parents watching our little one over almost any other family. I wouldn't even really trust my sister a lot because she gets annoyed and frustrated easily and a baby is a lot different than a toddler.

I'm definitely use to it by now but it makes social events awkward sometimes and they just talk bad about each other a lot. We had my grandpa's funeral today (my dad's dad - step dad but he basically raised them) and my mom came to support us and she knew him too. But there was a reception after and she decided to stay in the car because she felt they wouldn't want her there. Even though my dad asked right away where she went! We took at least another two hours just at the reception and she sat and napped the whole time! Just silly. I think your parents being together young probably helped make a huge difference. My parents were a bit older, I think they dated for a while then got married and a year later had me and then got divorced when I was three. So total they were probably only together no more than 7 years. Travis and I have already been together for 5 years and we're almost a whole decade behind them! I definitely agree. Travis and I have such strong views on divorce in the first place. Now days people get married so quickly because they know how easy it is to get divorced. We have this friend who is 25, he has three kids with his wife. Only one of the kids is his. She had led him on that they were all his at first and he finds out they aren't. But he married her anyway when the first kid was born. Probably around when they were 18. Then she had another kid who wasn't his, and the last kid was his! He adopted the other two boys so in the end they are all his now. Anyway he's always hated the older boy because in his mind it's what basically ruined his life (he doesn't like his wife). Well he's still very sweet to them all but last September or so they broke up and he moved out and asked for a divorce (which was huge for him because he had been unhappy for so many years and just put up with it). He instantly moves in with my old manager from papa murphy's who's Travis' age. They start dating right away of course (and bear in mind I hated her and everyone who worked with her did too even him, she got better once I left!) well on facebook it says they started dating late August and the weekend before Valentines day they get engaged! I was just so shocked because he wssnt even divorced yet for one and he's just jumping right into another marriage?! Anyway that was basically a long story to say how after Travis and I talked about how for us marriage is a much more important even in someone's life. That you should be together and know the person fairly well and want to spend the rest of your life with them. You should only marry one person and you shouldn't just get divorced when things get difficult. I honeslty couldn't imagine us getting divorced but we've been each others BEST friend for 5 years now (even longer technically but its been so strong since we've been dating) that I can't imagine us losing each other in a relationship let alone our friendship as well.

I would be really frustrated about his sister! Travis is pretty terrible about putting his dishes in the dishwasher but since it's just the two of us and I've been staying home I just let the dinner dishes stay over night and I put them away when I wake up. I try to make it easy on him at home since he's working so much and since I have nothing to do all day it helps me not be completely bored. Even if it only takes me five minutes! Anyway though, there is no reason for a 14 year old on summer break can't put her own dishes away! I made the kids I nannied put their dishes by the sink at least (they're a little short to actually wash and put away the dishes), but we're suppose to be teaching our kids responsibility and being 14 doesn't give her any reason to get away without picking up after herself let alone having chores to help out the family! Like you said your parents got together when they were 14 (Travis and I were 15) if you can date (and then fall in love and have children) with someone and be that commited from that age, you can put your dishes away! I would be stressed out having them there and also not even helping. I've been putting off having my mom move in just because I have really high anxiety (before being pregnant even) so I know I get snappy when I'm tired or hungry or even just frustrated. I don't want to put a damper on our relationship. However I do know if she lived here she would help out around the house all the time. She likes being clean. She lives with my sister and her boyfriend in her boyfriends parents basement apartment right now and my mom feels like since she is havijng to basically live off my sisters boyfriends family that she no longer has rule over them (they're 19 anyway!) So she tries to be more of a roommate. But there place is so so gross! (Not the boyfriends parents but the basement apartment - all because of my sister and her bf). Anyway they only drink soda and they each have a night stand and they stack soda cans when they're done with them and make these tall towers because they're too lazy to throw it away. Once Travis and I came over to watch TV and we brough ingredients to make smoothies and my sister/bf previously made a steak dinner with mashed potatoes and corn and such and then they had already left to go to a friends house and left everything sitting out on the counters in their tiny kitchen! It was gross and their was fruit flies so I just felt filthy! Plus there isn't a dishwasher and they let the dishes pile up in the sink and then my sister gets mad when my mom asks her to clean the dishes! My mom works 3 days a week, 11 hour days. But she'll come home from work and my sister will ask her what she's going to make for dinner, or she'll get mad that my mom 'does nothing around the place' if my mom doesn't do the dishes when she gets home! My sister doesn't even have a job and literally sits at home all day and couldn't have been bothered to pick up! Oh! And they leave ALL their laundry on their floor in this huge pile. You can't even tell what's clean or dirty. Once they said they ran out of socks because they couldn't find any clean ones so they bought more and a few days later finally did laundry and then they had too many socks to fit in a drawer! Lol okay sorry for the huge rant! I would just be so frustrated!

Ah! I still haven't done my belly cast! Luckily I think the baby is going to be late but I'm going to make sure it gets done next week! Possibly Monday or Wednesday if Travis takes the day off from his parents. I'll remember to use warm water though! I'm sure i'd have huge nipples on my belly cast if I didn't! My boobs have huge nipples now and the brown part is gigantic! I find it so unattractive but Travis is always so sweet and says I'm beautiful - zebra stripes (what I call my stretchies) and all! Did you get your baby book? I wish I could show you mine! It is so adorable and the oages have so much information to fill out and have a ton of questions. I'm so picky with baby books because I didn't want something that asked one simple question then gave you ten lines to answer it when it would just take one or two lines! This one was so perfect, it had a spot for a letter from mommy and one from daddy. It had a page for each birthday from year 1 -5 it had pages for doctors visits, pages for babies 'firsts' with spots for pictures, it had pages for the first 12 months. It had a ton of stuff! I just love it so much!

My mom got the recipe from a family she nannied for when she first had my brother. It's basically got noodles shaped like wagon wheels, with small cut spam, diced bacon, and then you mix it all together with cream of mushroom soup and bake it then add cheese! It's kind of plain but I eat really plain food and it's basically total comfort food to me!

I think it would be just as easy to make your own bloomers! But the tutu and bow might be a little more difficult just because you'll want them to be absolutely perfect! Did you end up ordering them? I found this cheap website for wholesale baskets so I bought 6 baskets for my changing table and 6 for the bathroom and paid $80 (with shipping) when I was going to get these 3 baskets (with liners) on amazon for $35 and I would have wanted at least 6 just for the changing table so that would be $70 and I wouldn't have any baskets for the bathroom! I have an old dresser that I can use for baby clothes but I'm really trying to avoid using it because it really needs to be sanded and repainted because its stained from sunlight and gross! I haven't yet found something else that i'd like to take place of a dresser. Just because I love the pink target bins you got but I have so many baby blanekts that I would need one or two bins (of three drawers each) just for blankets! Though I'm hoping the six baskets on the changing table will be able to hold some blankets, receiving blankets, bibs, birp cloths, etc. Otherwise I think I have everything I need. But I did realize I still don't have nursing bra's! I figure if I don't get them before the baby I'll be at home mostly anyway and just not wear a bra! :) we'll need clothes once the baby is here but I don't want to buy any until we know the gender so for now we just have a few (hardly any) newborn outfits. Mostly a few onesies! How many receiving blankets, bibs, and birp cloths do you have? I have some and I always assumed i'd want more and get them once the baby is here so I can get the right gender but then I'm thinking what am I going to do with all these receiving blankets? I'm sure once the baby is here I'll learn what I use the most!

I've been loving my classes so far! Especially this last one was so helpful! I could see trying to do a position based off just paper as being difficult! We haven't learned that technique quite yet (we learn a new one each week) but we've learned some other ones but I actually don't like them that much. It's all short quick breaths and it makes me feel dizzy! OH! So there is some relative of mine I don't really know but she told my dad to tell me (this lady has had 6 kids and 13 grandkids) to go to a health food store and get Blue Cocosh and put 8 drops (I assume in water) and do that three times a day and it will help reduce pain during labor! So I might go get some and start drinking it. I don't know what it is or if it works though!

Mine was REALLY long, but I think I'm done rambling FINALLY! :)
I'm going to write back soon once I can get on my computer :)
Sooo I just left my doctors appointment. This one was with an MD, rather than the nurse practitioner that I saw throughout my pregnancy. I am so discouraged :/ At my last appointment, I was told that I was almost 2cm, but after the sweep I'd be at least two and that I was 75% effaced. She also said at my last two that the baby was engaged.... Well today the doctor said I'm only 1 cm, only 50%, and the baby is -2. I look it up and -5 is a floating baby, 0 is engaged, and 5 is crowning. So I'm not engaged like my doctor said the last two times. My next appointment isn't even until the 26th and he explained the process of going overdue, which he seems to think is going to happen. My grandparents will be here Monday, but Madison won't :(

I'm seriously crying. I feel like I'm back-tracking. I hate that the nurse practitioner I have been seeing was wrong and got my hopes up. I hate that I had two PAINFUL sweeps that did absolutely NOTHING. I'm so mad :/

Sorry for the rant. :(
Well, first Happy Birthday! I hope you're enjoying your special day and that you're getting to spend it with family.

I'm so sorry to hear about your doctors appointment! I don't think I'm dilated and I have no clue if I'm effaced or not. I'm frustrated that they don't seem to tell me any of that information well at all. I wish they would be reall specific like you're not dilated, you're this % effaced , this number engaged but I get nothing.. The doctor said last time she could feel the babies head and.. tmi Travis said he could too. But I don't know if that means I'm engaged! I definitely thought we would be seeing precious little Madison sooner than later. My doctor did mention a ton of times that first babies do often tend to come later than their due dates. But I had still expected to see Madison early! You must have been some dilation to do a membrane sweep though because when I went in last week they said I wasn't dilated enough to do a sweep! If I am dilated enough tomorrow I'll get mine then. I remember a lot of girls on BnB saying how they got a ton of irregluar contractions so I'm sure they were probably dilated a little, then it would slow down making the process really long. I've had no symptoms whatsoever! I haven't even lost my mucus plug! I'm sure they'll schedule me for another appointment next week as well. I wish you were at least back at 2cm dilated though because then you would at least feel like you hadn't gone back a few steps! She'll be here someday though, she's just so cozy inside! I would be mad too though if I had two sweeps that had done nothing. My doctor said either it works or it doesn't. I'm surprised both yours didn't! Are you still doing your tricks to get labor to start? I heard pineapple is suppose to help soften the cervix. I've been eating it but just because its yummy!

Its okay to rant! I know I would be. I've got all the house work done and just finishing up my hospital bag and waiting for my wicker baskets to get here to finish organizing the baby room. So I've been really lazy lately. So now I'm just waiting and I feel like what you've probably been feeling where you're just done and ready for Madison to get here! I wish I had something nicer and better to say to make you feel better! Hopefully you got to enjoy your birthday and hopefully Madison will be here sooner than later!
Thank you!!! I had a wonderful, relaxing day. At one point, I actually thought about it, and I was glad to have Madi in my belly and to have a little peace and quiet!

Hahaha please tell me how Travis felt the baby's head! Eric would have freakeddddd out!!! Both doctors said they could feel her head, so I don't think that necessarily means that you're engaged. I really really hope your appointment goes better than mine! I haven't really been doing any tricks. I did just about everything, and nothing worked so I gave up! It would just stress me out... I'd be comfy on the couch, but I'd be like "come on Krystal, bounce on your ball!" and I would feel guilty if I didn't. Now I'm just going with the flow... whatever happens, happens.
Eric is working night shifts Friday & Saturday, and then almost every night next week. With my luck, I will go into labor when he's gone and I'm all alone!
I feel like such a fatass lately! I hadn't gained a whole pound in three weeks. I was 127.2 then 127.4 then 127.6 well the fourth week was Tuesday at the other office and I weighed 134.5 on their scale!!!!! Its a different scale, but still... If I gained 7 pounds in 6 days, that's disgusting. My legs feel soooo big, I can't wait to start working out! I'm so self conscious, even though Eric always compliments me. I just wanna feel good about my body again!

I hope you can get a sweep, but most of all, I hope that it works!!!! I would be so jealous, but sooooooooooooooo happy for you. I just wanna know if you've got a son or daughter!! :)

The other day, I was getting a pedicure and my eyebrows waxed. The lady that did my eyebrows said "are you having a boy?" then when I was getting my pedicure, the man that did it said "you're having a boy". I was in a separate room when she asked, there's no way he heard her and misunderstood or something!! Then the next day I was with Eric getting his new uniforms and the lady was like "you're having a boy, huh?" I was like "No, but why do you ask?" because I wanted to know why people kept thinking that!!! She said I'm carrying really low. So obviously my belly dropped, just not enough :/
OMg I wrote you the longest message and it all got deleted! :( you know how I always write crazy long posts so I'm gonna super some this up since I don't want to rewrite it all!

I'm glad you had a nice peaceful birthday though! Even if Madison couldn't be here to celebrate it. It's probably nice to have had one last calm birthday!

Travis asked me a couple days ago if we could have sex one more time before the baby comes since I won't want to for quite some time after the birth. So I wanted to let him have some fun at least once before little one arrives. Well he was using his hands on me and instantly was like I can feel the baby! Which was a little awkward when you're trying to be in the mood and I was surprised he continued and had sex with me because I know I would have been creeped out if I was him. Sex did feel different and it hurt in a different way than usual! But it was still enjoyable haha even after the awkward baby moment!

I'm glad you've rested on doing labor start tricks because feeling guilty for not doing them is no good! It's probably just as beneficial to relax anyway! We need it and so does baby. Which reminds me I haven't taken a single bath my whole pregnancy (mostly because I have this weird thing where I have to clean the tub each time before I take a bath) and I've been wanting to take one good bubble bath before little one gets here.

I've been feeling pretty fat lately too though I haven't gained a whole bunch these past few weeks. But who knows maybe I'll go in today and they'll say I've gained 6lbs as well! I'm glad you're weighing closer to me though because now I don't have to feel so alone and fat! I'm about 145lbs and was about 10/15lbs more than you pre-pregnancy so we've probably gained a similar amount! My legs have definitely gotten huge, I have stretch marks on my thighs:( My boobs and butt are huge too and we did my belly cast yesterday and I was so worried it would make my boobs look saggy but I think it turned out okay! Also a belly cast is a terrible thing for a pregnant woman. I had to stand and my feet hated me so much, then while we were making the cast I was so itchy and uncomfortable. I'm use to being able to shift my weight or when baby moves holding my bump different and I couldn't do either! It was like having a hormonal whale in a vice! But I think it turned out nice so I guess it was worth the horrible experience of making it!

My appointment is at 4:45 and then I have class after so I'll let you know later tonight or tomorrow how it went and if I was able to get the sweep! I'm so excited Travis convinced me not to find out the gender because I'm able to wrap my head around having a baby and I'm prepared but its crazy to think I have a son or a daughter and so soon I'll find out which!

That is crazy that everyone asked if you were having a boy! Just goes to show you have dropped! But I do find it really weird when people automatically guess the gender. I think its acceptable to ask if you know if you're having a boy/girl but weird when people make their own guess! Maybe Madison will be on time or at least not terribly late. Hopefully you won't have to be induced. Last week my doctor told me she'll probably be able to be at the birth since she'll be on vacation the week we're due and I hav ent seem to have progressed! I will probably end up getting induced. But you never know!

I got my hair done today at 7 Salon Academy and the cut was $15 and the full foil was $20! Of course it is students learning but the girl did such a good job I would totally go back again to her! Especially for such a great price! Then when I got home Travis' mom texted me to see if she could take me to get a pedicure tomorrow which I was wanting to get before the baby gets here! Then my dad texted me and said he's coming by Sunday to mow the lawn since Travis works so much and I feel bad making him work on his time off! So now I'll have a nicely mowed lawn to bring the baby home to and I won't have to worry about it. I also got my wicker baskets to organize under the changing table. I love them! They don't have liners but they still work out so nicely. I got some for the bathroom too, to organize things. I still have my hospital bag to finish but other than that I think I'm done crazy organizing and am ready for the baby to get here! :)
I am so anxious to hear about your appointment and class!!
Omg what did the baby's head feel like?! I would have freaked out!!!
I wish I could get my hair done for cheap like that! What a great deal. I know you really wanted your hair done, so that is amazing! I need to dye my roots soon, they aren't too bad now though. I'd also like to add a little more blonde :]
Yay for getting baskets!! My belly cast took so long, I am so happy I got to sit down the whole time!
I got a baby book today, it is so cute. I'm going to bring it to the hospital to get Madison's footprints :] Tomorrow I'm going to get my breast pump too. Have you got yours yet?
I'm writing on my phone, I wonder if there will be little *'s after each paragraph lol.*
The appointment and class went well! I am 1cm dilated and she said much softer than last time. I'm a little annoyed because they don't tell me specific numbers like how effaced I am or if the baby is engaged or anything! She said she could feel the babies head but that doesn't tell me anything! She was going to try and do a membrane sweep but my cervix is too far back so she couldn't do it. She said it will move closer as I progress so maybe they'll do it next week. She did say she thinks maybe next week we'll have a baby! However I'm still not so sure. She did have me make two appointments, one for next Thursday which will be with a different doctor since she's out of town and then another one the following Monday, August 1st with her! So we'll see how things go!

Class went well we talked about induction, cesareans, and learned new breathing and position techniques. Travis and I were really tired though and I was so uncomfortable I kept shifting around! One of the ladies said 'arent you guys due soon' and we got to tell her just four days, which is now basically three. Even if we're late its still exciting how soon it is!

I don't know what the babies head would feel like! Probably just like there was less room or like something hard pushing back kind of? I would find it to be totally weird!

I just looked on craigslist and saw a few girls from the academy posting the same prices and I knew getting it at an academy couldn't be that bad since they have to check everything with their teacher first. Its still not quite as blonde as I had hoped but it softened the box dye I put on it and definitely lightened it. I like it for now because it looks like a really natural color rather than really bright high lights. Now I'm excited for my pedicure!

I think it took us like 2 hours and I was so horribly uncomfortable! I would have loved to sit but if I did I think it would have looked weird! So I'm glad I stood but it was still not fun during the process but I'm glad I'll now have the belly cast! Yay for the baby book! I love mine too and I'm going to bring mine as well for prints and also so I can write down the day/time born as well as length and weight and all of that!

I did get my breast pump I got the Medela Double Electric On The Go Tote Breast Pump or something like that. It was $219 at BabyDepot at Burlington Coat Factory and came with a free pack of disposable breast bads and a free tube of lanolin cream!

I didn't notice any *'s this time!
I love when people ask when I'm due! Yesterday I was shopping and a worker asked, when I told her Sunday she said "WHAT!? You better be laying down or somethin' " haha it was funny. People are so shocked when they find out how close I am!

I bought a nursing tank top at the Motherhood store, and it was only $21! It looks just like a plain grey tank top, but the front pulls down. I like it a lot!

That's awesome that you're progressing, even if it's just a little. Too bad they couldn't do a sweep! If they don't tell you next time, ask for more specific numbers! That's kind of what I had to do. Gosh I just wanna have Madison TODAY! It's so frustrating lol.

I'm going to go get my breast pump later today. It's not super nice, but I won't need to pump very often, so I don't need the Cadillac of breast pumps! It's only $80, and I have a $35 rewards card from babies r us from using my rewards card whenever I shop. I also have a 20% off coupon, so I'm hardly speding anything!!

I was planning on taking a whole year off, but I'm going to get a part time job in October. Only because I have to start paying back my student loan then. I really wanted to take more time off, buy hopefully I won't work more than 20 hours a week. I think the minimum I can pay on my loan is $70 a month, but I'd like to pay at least double that. Have you heard back from any of the nanny jobs you applied to?

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