Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

Ugh I lost everything I wrote! I hope your computer works soon so I can see your picture! It sounds so aodrable! I love maternity pictures and I can't wait to see newborn pictures! :)

Our boys both work a lot and sure do need a break! Travis is lucky and can say he doesn't want to work on a certain day for his parents but then he doesn't get paid of course. So I think he might take one day off this week. Also the 4th he gets off from both jobs but gets paid!

I noticed that they were pretty expensive! But they're adorable! I agree though I would much rather pay Target price but when we were there the other day we didn't see any boat shoes! :( it would be nice to find us each a pair before the pictures! I think Madison will look really cute in them! You should definitely get her some! Boys with boat shoes and jeans rolled up are just adorable! Sounds like you obviously want a boy someday, do you plan on having more than two kids? Or just one of each?
Usually bnb sends me an email when you reply, but I never got one so didn't know you replied!
We really want to have another baby (hopefully a boy!!), we want to try when Madison is 3-4. Only one more though! What about you?
What are you guys doing for the fourth? Eric has to work until 7, you're so lucky that Travis is off! I can't wait until we have our babies :] we'll get to dress them in red, white, and blue and take them to watch the fireworks!!! It's gonna be so fun.
Yesterday Eric and I went to the lake and I wanted her there sooo bad. It's gonna be so much fun taking them to do things!!!

And yay! We're "full term" tomorrow and the next day! It's gone by soo fast. I can't believe it!
How was your drs appt? Was your uterus measuring okay this time? She actually didn't even tell me what I measured this time, she just said I measured alright. I also didn't get a pelvic exam, did you? Hopefully I get my membranes swept Wednesday!! Then I'll have my sweet baby home :) Ahhh I can't wait till we can share birth stories!

I wanted to show you the nursery now that it is all done! :)
We definitely want another baby, too! We want the opposite of whatever we get this time because we want one of each. But we'd rather have two boys over two girls if we didn't get one of each, but God decides not us! We want our children to be no more than three years apart. I would prefer closer to two years apart. But we don't want them a year apart (like me and my sister) and would prefer a little closer than three years apart (like Travis and his brother).

Well at least Eric will be off in time to celebrate! But it would be nicer if you could enjoy the whole day! We're not even sure what we're doing yet but it would be fun if we both had our babies already! I told Travis that we'll be full term on the 4th so I think that makes a perfect day for the baby to show up. It can come early in the day before the fireworks! I went to Babies R Us the other day to buy some stuff and I passed by all the cute fourth of july clothes! I can't wait to dress our babies up!

I know we say this every day but I still can't believe how soon our little ones really will be here! It feels like the past nine months just completely have flown by! I remember being in first trimester thinking how July sounded forever away and here it is and it's already moving by quickly! I remember being in first and second trimester jealous of people so far along and now we're in our final weeks!

My doctor appointment went well! We had a different doctor today since I changed my appointment around but I had actually seen her once before when my doctor went home sick. Over all I've gained about 30/34lbs during my pregnancy. I measured 35cm this time instead of 36cm and the doctor said it wasn't to worry about could just mean the baby moved down a tiny bit. The heartbeat was 146. They tested for bacteria in the vaginal canal so they can make sure it's safe for the baby to come out, I'll know the results of the test next week. Then she checked my cervix to see if it was dialated yet which it wasn't but she said it was softening. So she said I probably won't have my baby that soon but sometimes things just progress quickly so no one can ever be too sure! Haha so it went really well I thought:)

This Thursday we have maternity pictures, a drs appointment, and our first class! I already love my baby so much! Before it was hard to feel connected but now the baby is so big I feel like its a real newborn sized baby versus a few fishy kicks and such inside! My mom got to feel the baby again the other day but instead of kicks she got to feel it rolling and she was so excited. She also got to feel the foot 'knob' baby puts in my right side! I just can't wait to meet our babies! :) I love telling people just three weeks until my due date!
Madison's room is so cute! My baby room isn't set up yet and it's not decorated since we're waiting until after the baby. I'm jealous of how adorable and lucky Madison is! I can't wait to set up the room this week though. I hope this week at least, I'm going to wash everything and put it all away but I still don't have the babies dresser and I'm still researching what I want for storage things and such.
Hey, today you're full term!!! So exciting :)

I'm so happy that you feel more connected with your baby! It seems like it would be so much harder not being able to call him/her by his/her name! Soon enough though, YOU WILL!
Last night I had a craving for strawberry mochi ice cream. Do you know what that is? They usually have it at sushi restaurants, its like ice cream with dough around it... Anyway, its sooooooo good! I started craving it pretty late, and the only store I know that sells it is trader joes and the markets in china town. It was like 11 pm though so those places were closed! Isn't that the WORST when you're craving something that you just can't have?! We went to the grocery store to check to see if they had it and they didn't :/ we just got regular ice cream, not half as good! When we were checking out the lady was talking to us and I itched my belly lol then she noticed and was like "omg my belly was sooo itchy when I was pregnant, when are you due?!" and when I told her she looked shocked! She was just like "what! thats sooo soon!" ahhh it makes me happy that other people realize its soon too! My nana text me and was like "Happy 4th of July" and when I replied she asked if I had any plans and was like "How about have a baby??" haha. That reminds me, Happy 4th of July!!! Its cloudy and humid here for once! It never really rains, but it sprinkled a little yesterday. If it rains tonight, I think that means no fireworks? :/

Have you heard about drinking red raspberry tea in pregnancy? I guess its really beneficial all throughout pregnancy and even when you aren't pregnant. I'm gonna copy and paste something, because its really interesting to me!

-It increases fertility in both men and women (drink for a few months while trying to conceive).

-Prevents miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage by helping to tone the uterus thus creating a relaxed (atonic) uterus.

-Eases morning sickness

-Reduces pain during labor and after birth: By toning the muscles used during labor and delivery RRL eliminates many of the reasons for a painful delivery and prolonged recovery. It does not, however, counter the pain of pelvic dilation.

-Assists in the production of plentiful breast milk

-Can help make labor faster: RRL works to encourage the uterus to let go and function without tension. It doesn’t strengthen contractions but it does allow the uterus to work more efficiently

-Studies show that women taking RRL have a reduced incidence of artificial rupture of membranes, forceps delivery or cesarean

You're only supposed to drink a cup a day when you're early on, but towards the end you can drink like four cups a day. Some say it naturally induces labor! It supposedly helps tone the muscles in your uterus and makes labor easier and faster. Anyway, it sounds good to me! I haven't read anything negative. So I started drinking it yesterday and started having braxton hicks! Hopefully if I drink it for the next couple of weeks it will make labor easier. :] oh, and its pretty yummy!

I'm glad you like Madison's room! I can't wait to see your baby's room! Maybe you'll start nesting and you can get it done really fast. Thats what it took for me! I would do a little at a time and then one day I just went in ther and knocked it all out! You got so much from your baby shower, it will be fun to find a place for everything! :) I didn't get Madison a dresser, I like that for the most part, its pretty simple. Just her crib, changing table, and my chair. Of course her swing and other toys are in there too, but I'm sure those things will be around the house anyway. I got some bins from Target and put them in her closet, thats where I put all her washed clothes and little things. The clothes that aren't washed are just hung up. I also got some little bins for her socks and wash cloths and stuff, and I put those at the top of her closet. You can see in this picture:


It will all come together for you!
You have a lot going on this week, its gonna fly by! They did that group strep b test when I was 36 weeks, and it came back negative. If it comes back positive you have to have IV drugs during labor! I'm glad it was negative for me! She didn't even do a pap smear or anything when she did it, she just had me lay down and pull my pants to my knees and swabbed me real quick! I thought that was a little strange, but what do I know. I'm pretty sure my membranes are going to be swept Wednesday! Kind of exciting knowing that it could jumpstart labor and my baby could be her so soon! Even if she waits until around my due date, thats still only THREE weeks! Doctors usually don't want you go more than a week over, so we will 100% have babies within the next month. OH MY GOSH :) ahhhhh, sooo excited!
This was probably soooo long haha, sorry!
This girl on here that was due the same day as me had her baby today! Another one was due a few days before us and had hers yesterday. OMG!
I can't believe other girls due around the same time we are, are already having their babies. It's just making it feel that much more real! Maybe once you get your membranes swept tomorrow we'll get to meet Madison really soon! I can't believe we're already full term! It feels like the last 37 weeks have just flown by! Since Monday was a holiday and now I'm not working anymore this week already seems to be going by quickly! I'm hoping to organize and clean out our extra room filled with junk today (which will leave me with a ton of garage sale items) and then depending on how far I get tomorrow I'm washing baby things! Then Thursday is our pictures, doctor appointment, and our first class! This week is going by so fast!

Even though it was more difficult to connect with the baby while being pregnant, I still loved every minute of it. Plus I wouldn't change our decision to not find out the gender! I love knowing I have one extra suprise at the end of all this waiting! I can't believe soon we're going to be mommies! Really, really soon!

I don't think I've ever had Strawberry Mochi Ice Cream but it sounds amazing! I hate when you're craving something really strongly and can't get it. First trimester all I wanted was strawberries but since it was winter none of the stores had any, it was torture! I still love them, I love all fruit, and sweets. So now I just make sure I have fruit and sweets on hand at all times and I seem to rarely have cravings! :)

Almost every time I go to any store now people ask when I'm due! I love it! Instead of saying the end of July I like to say three weeks (or however many I'm at) because it makes it sound just that much sooner! I always take my dogs to the dog park at least once a week. My bigger dog, Roxy, sometimes gets in trouble because she loves to chase but other dogs don't understand she wants them to run and she'll just sit and bark at them. Since she's part pit bull all the other dog owners say she's 'agressive' even though she's the biggest baby ever (our 7lb havanese/maltese is the boss of her!). Anyway since I'm so massively pregnant everyone is much nicer and feels bad for me when I'm chasing my dog around. I don't think I'll be able to go for the next few weeks though because Roxy is strong and can knock me down and its a lot of work taking her and Travis is working.

I hope you had a good fourth of July. The last couple weeks I've really been feeling this pregnancy and the size of the baby. Last week I told Travis that on Monday, the 4th we'll be full term so it's okay for the baby to decide to make an appearance before the fireworks.. no such luck though! I hope you had a good fourth of July! Normally it's always cloudy and rainy here (we still do fireworks though because if we didn't do them because of the rain there would never be any!), but this year it was 78 and Sunny! Which is quite hot for us haha. We went to Gasworks Park and we took my mom and they had a firework show over Lake Union and it was awesome! We hadn't gone to a firework show like that for years because we always watch our own! However we sat for hours in the grass which just killed my back and whenever I sat (instead of laying down) the baby would hang out and cause my belly muscles to suffer! Plus I felt like the baby grew and added weight in just a few short hours because I was so much more uncomfortable than I had ever been! I still am today! How did your 4th of July turn out?

I read about a few ladies in the third trimester forum drinking Red Raspberry Tea but I didn't know it could do all that! It sounds quite amazing! I might need to run out and get some of the tea and a excersize ball and bounce and drink tea! I think soon I'm going to give up my August baby idea and just want the baby here! I want to cuddle and be a mom! No more beached whale! I can't believe after you started drinking it you got braxton hicks though! That's so crazy! I would be so excited and drink another glass right away! Lol

Ugh I've been nesting forever but since I was working it made it difficult to get things done since I'm the type of person in which if I start something I have to finish it and only having a couple hours a night just made the task seem stressful! But now that I'm on maternity leave I have all day! After I finish writing this to you I'm going to attempt the very scary full sized extra room full of stuff and organize it and find garage sale stuff. Then hopefully if I finish I'll wash the baby items tomorrow and start putting things away. But I'm still looking into organizationaly/storage options. I LOVE Madison's target bins! I love them so much I think I might actually get some. Once I wash and start putting everything away I'm going to decide exactly what I want to make the babies room easier and more organized. I think we'll still take the dresser from Travis' parents but the baby has such a big closet I was kind of planning on putting it in their anyway so it won't take up space in the room. That way if I decide I don't want to use it right away I won't have to. Those bins would be nice even just for blankets, binkies, etc. Ah I can't wait to set it up!

I hope my test comes back negative! We'll know Thursday! I don't want any IV drugs! But whatever is safest for my baby I will do! I didn't get a pap smear either! But she had me get undressed from the waist down while she was out of the room and I had to lay on the chair and then she swabbed me. That's also when she checked my cervix as well. I still can't believe you'll be getting your membranes swept tomorrow! That's so soon and so exciting! Hopefully it does jumpstart labor but like you said if not we'll both have babies by August!

No worries my replies are always long! I tend to ramble!
Maybe your baby dropped and thats why you're more uncomfortable! I'm glad you had a good 4th of July besides being uncomfortable! Eric got off work late, he didn't get home until almost 10. I posted a status on facebook saying all I wanted was a slurpee and sparklers. When he finally got home, he had slurpees and sparklers and a couple other little fireworks :] I was bummed out that I was bored and all alone, so I was so happy when he did that! We just went out front and did our couple of fireworks and watched all the others around us. They were everywhere! My dumb neighbors got illegal ones, which is fine, we usually get those too. Ughh, but they were freaking landing in our yard! I live on a coldasack(I have absolutely no idea how to spell that, and neither does my spell check lol) and they live like four houses down at the end of the street. Its a dead end and theres like a huge circular area to turn your car around, so thats where they were. Their fireworks were almost hitting us! It was soooo rude. They didn't even care. Other than that, it turned out to be an okay night!

My dog got this really bad rash on his neck, and he started scratching so then it turned into a really bad big yucky thing. We took him to the vet and they gave us antibiotics, wipes, spray, and shampoo. So for the next two weeks, every 12 hours I have to give him antibiotics, wipe down his neck, and 20 minutes later spray his neck. I also have to bathe him with the special shampoo twice a week! Well his "hot spot" (thats what they called it) hurts him really bad so he FREAKS out when I have to wipe it and spray it. He also freaks out when I try to give him his medicine, since I have to use a syringe and squirt it in his mouth. He hates baths too, so its just a shitty situation! Its not AS bad when Eric helps, but its still really hard! Sometimes I have to do it by myself, and that is probably one of the hardest things to do being 9+ months pregnant! I just had to vent about that a little :[ That sucks that you won't be able to take your dog, but I totally get where you're coming from! Winston is only 14 pounds and its hard enough wrestling with him!

When are you going to have your garage sale? Its so fun selling things you don't need and getting money for them!!! It will be exciting to wash the baby's clothes :) I was going to put a dresser in Madison's closet until I bought the bins, so thats a good idea! Babies clothes are so tiny, they don't need very much space in their closets when they're hanging up lol.

The ladies from my pregnancy appointments/meetings got swept after my last group appointment and went into labor the NEXT day, both of them! So hopefully it works for me too! I just keep getting sooo jealous reading about other people having their babies! I've been drinking that tea, and I put fresh basil leaves in it bc I heard that can make you contract too! I've been bouncing on my ball and going up the stairs sideways haha. I also walked/galloped around my room for a good 15 minutes earlier. I just want to go into labor already!!! I've been getting braxton hicks, but nothing really painful. I do have a back ache though! I just want my baby! I'm looking forward to the moment where I get to say :shock: "It's time!" haha.

My body is sooo achy. Its weird. Even my fingers are achy, and my legs. My feet always feel like I was out all night in stilettos. I hope this all goes away once Madison is here!
Oh yeah, I forgot something! I have to tell you a story. My friend went over to her bf's house, he said he was in the shower, but he came walking around the corner with another girl. She obviously freaked out! They were outside and she slapped him and yelled at him, pretty understandable, I would have been mad if I caught Eric cheating! Anyway, so they went on a break. Two days later, she takes a pregnancy test bc she's on birth control, and she was supposed to start her period and she didn't. The test came out positive. She told her bf and when his parents found out they started being really nasty toward her! They said she planned it to get back at him (which is impossible, you don't get pregnant and two days later get a positive), and they're being hateful and calling her a slut and stuff! They also told her bf or ex-bf whatever, that he isn't allowed to talk to her? He's 19!! Then, they went behind her back and called her dad and told him! Now she doesn't know what to do, she said she's against "a's", but she doesn't want to have to deal with him family being mean and hateful and making her feel like shit. Her mom was really mean to her and always treated her bad, she's been through that for a long time and doesn't want to have to get it from his family now too. He said he will support her either way, but is pressing her to get an a. I feel so bad for her :[ I hope she doesn't just get one because her ex is a poor excuse for a man, and his family is disgusting!! She asked me for advice, and I really couldn't tell her much. I wanted to scream "keep the baby!!!!" of course, but I know its her choice, and her situation. I just feel so bad and I can't tell Eric because no one knows and she told me not to say anything. I just had to get that off my chest. I really really hope she keeps the baby :/
Maybe I have dropped! The doctor mentioned when I measured 35cm at 36 weeks that it could just be because the baby is moving down. I've had really horrible back pain this past week. Last night I started clearing out the extra room and then after I picked Travis up from work at 9:30pm we came home and layed on the couch and watched TV but I literally couldn't move to get up because my back was frozen. To me it feels like the bones in my lower back are about to break! It doesn't feel like muscles that are sore. It's horrible. I got just finished organizing the room though. Basically I have three piles; keep, storage, and garage sale. A lot of the stuff is in the storage pile and sometime this week I'm going to have Travis put it in the attic and I'll feel a lot better. This room is the size of our babies room and it's literally so full of stuff there was only about 2 feet of room in front of the door. We have a pantry that runs along side one wall so basically we just had two feet of space out from one wall and the rest was just stuff from moving. I can't wait until the room is empty! It's the room my mom is suppose to move into, so I kind of want it done soon. But I probably already worked harder than I should and it's hard to get everything done since Travis is always working. I really hope it gets done before the baby is here!

That is so sweet that Eric saw your status and brought you exactly what you wanted! I love it when Travis takes note of the little things like that, it makes me even happier that he pays attention to even the littlest of things. When we were at the park for the 4th of July I had him run back to the car and get the blanket because people were filling in and stealing our space. On his way back he stoped and bought me an ice cream sandwhich (which I love)! It was so sweet! Sounds lame about your neighbors though! They need to be respectful of other peoples space and homes as well! Just think though one bad 4th of July is worth all the one's we'll have with our babies! :)

That definitely sounds much worse than just taking my obnoxious dog to the dog park! Hopefully he'll get use to it after a while, especially when it starts healing, so that it will be easier to handle. Poor puppy though! I feel bad that they have to go through things like that sometimes. Our big dog gets yeast infections in her ears and we have to put drops in them. But now our little one always cleans her ears for her so I think its help keeping the infections from coming back! Our little one got an eye infection once that we had to put drops in her eyes. But both those processes sound so much easier! Its amazing how mucb more difficult things are when you're pregnant, especially this far along. I feel like I can't ever bend forward because the baby always stretches out and keeps my belly hard so there is no give for me to move!

Well I finally finished sorting through the extra stuff in our extra room. Like I said we have a storage, keep, and garage sale pile. Once I have Travis put the storage in the attic we'll probably set a date for the garage sale. I could easily do it this weekend or next since I already have everything set aside I want to put in the sale. I don't think we'll make a lot but normally I would just take it all to the goodwill and get no money! Whatever I don't sell I'll leave out with a free sign and whatever doesn't get taken will go to goodwill.

I might wash baby clothes today and set things up a bit in the babies room. I haven't completely decided on organizational things yet so I don't have a whole lot of places to put things. I think I'm going to buy a bunch of wicker baskets to put under the changing table and on the shelf in the closet for all the little things. In fact I think I'm going to buy a bunch of plastic bins too, for bathroom things, and bottles/accessories, and all of that stuff. Its easier if I have similar things all in one spot. I feel like I have so much to do though. I want to reorganize under the bathroom sink to fit the babies bath stuff. I also want to go through the babies closet because we have some stuff of ours that needs to come out and then a bunch of things for the baby that we don't want in the room. Plus I also want to reorganize the kitchen cabinets to fit baby feeding items, and reorganize the pantry! Basically reoganize the whole house!

Let me know how your sweep goes today! It's crazy to think you could possibly have Madison this week! Especially since we're halfway to 38 weeks anyway! We're so close but you could have her just that much sooner! I think Eric needs to capture a video of you walking/galloping around! It sounds too funny! But I'm sure thosr things help to bring baby down to the birth canal! Who knows my baby might decide to show early since I'm working around the house so hard like crazy! I am definitely finding it crazy that one day (very soon) I'll be having my first real labor contractions and getting to call everyone and say ITS TIME!

My body is achy too! I already told you how horrible my back is but everything aches as well! My legs and arms ache and my bump aches! Depending on which side I am leaning on while sitting or laying I'll go numb! My whole side will, arms, fingers, legs, toes, hips! I feel like a beached whale that flops around like a fish. I literally almost cannot get up at all by myself anymore! If I do try and get up by myself I literally go so slow because of my back and because its hard to just get myself up!

That is such a sad sad story about your friend. At least her ex-boyfriend is being supportive on either decision even if he isn't the happiest about both options. Hopefully she keeps the baby, just because I know children change lives and she'll be so happy when she see's her baby it will be worth all the heartache and pain! I'm very pro-life so I wouldn't have been able to say much to her either! It was like when my friend got pregnant. Her boyfriend hadn't even cheated on her or anything and he told her he would leave her if she kept the baby. His family was against keeping the baby and even her mom didn't want her to but was supportive of either decision. She ended up not keeping the baby and it just upsets me because she hardly even knew for two weeks. She didn't give it enough time to sink into everyone. A lot of people say get an A right away but after time come to terms with the situation. It was too new to her boyfriend he needed time to actually think. I personally feel she rushed into her choice. It's a very hard choice for some people though. I feel so badly for your friend because I would feel sick to my stomach if I found out I was being cheated on and then to find out your pregnant with his baby would be horrible. Hopefully she finds the support she needs. I think she would be upset to lose her boyfriend and on to lose her precious child. But sounds like she is being very pressured which is diffuclt when you're young (or at any age)!
Yay for getting the room sorted!! Did you get a chance to wash any clothes? :]

The dr went good! I measured 37 1/2 cm, baby is head down and engaged-the dr even felt her head!!! I'm at least 50% thinned out and 1cm dilated! She also said she doesn't typically do sweeps until 38 weeks, but she did it anyway! It didn't feel too good, but hopefully it works. I've been trying to walk and stuff, so we'll see how it goes!

I've heard of people going numb in pregnancy, but I have never experienced that! I'm just always achy and swollen. So ready to get this baby out!

When would you like your mom to move in? I'm sure it would be nice having her there once the baby gets here :)
I didn't get a chance to wash any clothes yet. I decided to reorganize the whole house. I literally reorganized everything but our room and the babies room. I reorganized under the bathroom sink, the pantry, the kitchen cabinets, the living room end tables, and on top of all that I did my regular weekly cleaning of everything as well. But I'll probably do the babies room Saturday while Travis is at work.

That is so exciting! Its awesome you're measuring right on track! I was told I was softening last time so I'm excited to see what she says tomorrow! You're already half way thinned and starting to dialte I bet the sweep will really help and you'll get to meet Madison soon! That's awesome that she did the sweep for you even though she doesn't normally do them until 38 weeks! She could have been rude and said no, so I'm glad she did because I know you really wanted to get it done. I'll be surprised if my baby hasn't moved down and engaged because I've been having this really bad pain whenever I stand up right on the bottom of my bump. It feels like to me as though babies shifted all it's weight down. It actually hurts pretty bad almost like I'm bruised!

Ugh I go numb all the time and I'm achy. I'm probably even more achy now just because I've been working around home so much. I cleaned and organized from 8:30 this morning until 9 this evening! I am definitely working more now that I don't have a job! But going numb is horrible, its even worse now that I'm farther along! Today I was laying on my side reading a book and my whole arm went really really numb and it took forever to get the feeling back! I only stopped to read for a short bit too.

I'm not sure when I want my mom to move in. I'm so use to having my own space. I like being naked while I get ready in the morning, or being able to clean in my underwear or feel like I can have a conversation with Travis without her listening. But I really want to help her out because where she's living now just isn't good for her. I just need a lot of alone time and I worry I'll get stressed and snappy at her. We have a really good relationship now since we haven't lived together for over two years. When I lived at home with her we bickered all the time. I'm sure with the baby here though it will be really helpful plus she can help clean and take care of the house while I'm resting. Anyway she had wanted to be out of the place she was at July 1st but she just doesn't have the money for her own place yet. So I'm at least trying to get the room available so maybe soon she can move in. She's not expecting or asking too and I know she'll be really appreciative of us letting her stay here.
Today is your busy day! I hope all is going well, I can't wait to hear all about it!!! :]

Well, I lost my mucus plug today! I had been spotting just a little, (my dr warned me about this after my sweep) but then it was definitely my mucus plug! I had to show Eric and it grossed him out a little, but I was so excited that it didn't even matter haha. Now we're gonna go walk and stuff so fingers crossed! I hope you get good news at the doctor today!

You cleaned for SO LONG! You must have been exhausted! I get sooo tired so fast now.

We're leaving to go to the outdoor mall now!! I'm so brave, it is HOTTTT outside... I'm gonna get another nursing bra (still haven't found mine) and hopefully the walking will do some good!
Our maternity pictures turned out so cute! I wish I had gotten my hair professionally styled because it looks bad, but too late now! Some pictures are still really cute and I love them but I told Travis for the newborn pictures I'll get my hair done and he agreed. Especially since he got his haircut today before the pictures so of course he looked nice! I took a picture of the ones we got printed out on my cell phone so I could show you but we paid extra to get a CD of every single picture we took so I'll put those on facebook when I access a computer.

The doctor's appointment was the same as last time with the other doctor who we don't normally see. I'm at 145lbs now so I've gained 35lbs all together. Travis weigh's 154 thank god he checked while we were there! Anyway I'm still measuring 35cm so she said the baby is probably moving down. When she checked my cervix she said she could get a finger tip in but she didn't say if it was dialated or how far or anything! She said it was thinning again but she didn't say how thin! So I'm hoping next week my regular doctor tells me more.

That's so awesome you lost your mucus plug! I definitely have not so I'm pretty sure you'll have Madison before I have my little one! But it sounds like you might be able to have her soon! I always tell Travis how incomfortable I am because of discharge and such too! But I haven't gotten any mucus plug out yet! Travis was sweet and checked my vagina for me while we were waiting for the doctor because I was concerned about my razor burn and I had just given them a urine sample so he said well the razor burn doesn't look too bad but you have a tiny bit of toilet paper! And he took it off for me! Haha our boys are sweet:)

I was so tired but Travis worked two jobs yesterday while I was cleaning and came home and gave me a back massage! :)

You are brave! The 4th of July was like 80 degrees and it was so hot! I can't imagine how hot it feels outside where you're at! I still haven't gotten a nursing bra yet! I need to though.. but I think I'll have longer before the baby gets here than you so I'll go get one this weekend or next week!

Here is an idea of a few of my favorites of what the maternity pictures look like. I just took a picture of the prints from my cell phone so they kind of curve funny making us in the picture look silly but you get the idea I just want to share because I love them!

Here is my FAVORITE:
Awh the pictures aren't working anymore. I got to see them on my phone, but they were tiny and my dumb safari app on my phone kept on freezing! They are sooooo cute though, and I don't think your hair looks bad at all! I love the one where you two were making a heart on your tummy! Your avatar is adorable, omg :]]] You and Travis are too freaking cute!

I think a fingertip is 1 cm, but I am not sure!! I think I probably lost my mucus plug bc of my sweep. I keep wishing that I would just go into labor and it still hasn't happened. I want another sweep lol. Like all I wanna do is get this baby out! I have tried everything. I even YouTube'd foot reflexology to induce labor haha. I've been walking like crazy, bouncing on my ball, drinking my tea, eating spicy food. Obviously, nothing is working. I do get really crampy in my pelvic area when I walk for a long time though, maybe thats a good thing? Who knows! She'll come when she's ready. I just hope that is SOON. UGHHH and my 'best friend' in Texas texts me at least 2 times a day EVERYDAY saying "Still no Madi?" "Madi yet?"ummm noooo, but thanks for reminding me!

How did your class go?!

Oh & I weighed 127.5 at my last appt, and Eric weighs about 127. Embarrassing!!!!
Yeah I accidentally deleted them off my photobucket because I uploaded all the new ones so my links stopped working on my responces. But I have all the good ones up on facebook! In some of the pictures (ones I didn't put on facebook) my hair turned out bad but I got a few I really liked so that's all that matters:)the photographer had us do a lot of hearts with our hands. It was cute but basically half of the poses had hearts! My most favorite is definitely the picture of Travis kissing my bump it is so cute! Travis' mom said she thought it cost too much to get the pictures and that it was kind of silly for that much money. But it was definitely worth getting pictures taken to us and it was our own earned money. We don't owe them money or have to borrow from anyone so I don't see why people should judge what we do with it. Oh well she still thought they were cute!

That's what I thought too! I kept looking at my finger tip thinking it had to be a centimeter! Maybe you can get another sweep at your next appointment? It seems like it helped move things along at least a little bit because I still haven't lost my mucus plug! I get crampy when I walk too! I definitely think walking helps a lot. My mom was told to walk when she was pregnant with me to help move labor along. She wanted an epidural but had to wait to be more dialated, by the time she walked and got back to the room she was too far dialated to get the epidural! So just keep up with all the silly tricks because it could help at least a little bit! If you stopped maybe she will come late! I would be so annoyed if someone kept asking me everyday if the baby was here. I could see if it was past your due date and she was asking but you obviously want Madi here more than she does!

Our class went well! We were definitely the youngest couple and we were the first due in the class. I'm pretty sure everyone was due in August and September. There was even someone due September 26th which is two months after us! We kept getting looks, not mean or anything, but whenever we looked around the room people constantly kept making eye contact with us! Probably because they know everything we're learning we'll be experiencing really really soon! There were 15 couples (including us) so 30 people in the class all together.

Travis thought he was around 145 so I kept hoping I wouldn't get close to 145lbs because I didn't want to weigh more but he weighed himself on the scale at the doctors and I still have 10lbs so I'm happy! Eric must be skinny! Travis is like skin and bones! Whenever we cuddle he lays on me because his bones always poke me! I've puffed up so much recently! My hands and feet look just a tiny bit fat. When as before I knew I gained weight but didn't actually feel really 'fat' but now I feel puffy like an old person! Haha

I have a job interview tomorrow! For a nanny position that is really close to my house. 4 days a week, Tuesday through Friday 8am to 5pm. I would make about $100 a day (before I made $110 a day so close to the same pay). I'd still be taking a slight pay decrease because I'll be working one less day but I'll get three day weekends! Plus she said I might be able to bring my baby! In fact I didn't even apply to her job position she actually messaged me from seeing my sittercity profile! I applied for unemployment last week and they accepted and I have to file weekly claims and once we get a few claims in I'll start getting benefits which is $256 a week! So that makes me feel like I'm at least contributing! If I get this job I'll get paid under the table (usually I have the family take taxes out) which means I can actually keep filing for unemployment even though I'm working. So I'll be getting the $256 a week plus the $400 a week from actually working. Oh and the job starts in September for two girls ages 5 (starting kindergarten) and almost 2! I hope my interview goes well tomorrow! I'm nervous but excited! :)
I think it is totally worth the money!! Pregnancy is a once in a lifetime experience, it is soo important that you capture it! They came out sooooo beautiful too, so worth it!

I just stuck an evening primrose oil capsule into my vagina haha. Its supposed to soften my cervix? I guess I'm getting desperate!

Good luck at your interview! I hope you get it! That would be so great to get paid for working AND unemployment. Especially if you could bring the baby :) fingers crossed for you! Let me know how it goes :]
I wasn't planning on making a birth plan, mainly because I wasn't sure how to go about it. Someone in teen pregnancy posted hers and she made it at It is seriously SO easy! They do everything for you, you just go through and click on what you want. Anyway, heres mine :]

Regarding Labor and Birth - Krystal Lynn McDermott

Estimated Due Date: 07/24/2011
Scheduled to deliver at Summerlin Hospital

• I would like to be free to walk around during labor.
• I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor.
• I would like the lights in the room to be kept low during my labor.

Anesthesia/Pain Medication
• I realize that many pain medications exist. I'll ask for them if I need them.

• Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Cesarean.
• I would like my fiancé (Eric J. Murphy) present at all times if my baby requires a Cesarean delivery.
• I wish to have an epidural for anesthesia.
• If my baby is not in distress, my baby should be given to my fiancé immediately after birth.

• I would appreciate guidance in when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.
• If possible, I would like to use perineal massage to help avoid the need for an episiotomy.
• I would prefer an episiotomy rather than a tear.

• I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth.
• I would like to have my baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.

Immediately After Delivery
• I would like to have my fiancé cut the cord.
• I would prefer that the umbilical cord stop pulsating before it be cut.
• I would like to hold my baby while I deliver the placenta and any tissue repairs are made.
• I would like to have my baby evaluated and bathed in my presence.
• I plan to keep my baby near me following birth and would appreciate if the evaluation of my baby can be done with my baby on my abdomen, unless there is an unusual situation.
• If my baby must be taken from me to receive medical treatment, my fiancé or mother (Melissa S. Newstrand) will accompany my baby at all times.
• I would prefer to hold my baby rather than have her placed under heat lamps.

• Unless required for health reasons, I do not wish to be separated from my baby.
• I would like to have my baby "room in" and be with me at all times.

• I plan to breastfeed my baby and would like to begin nursing very shortly after birth.
• Unless medically necessary, I do not wish to have any bottles given to my baby (including glucose water or plain water).
• I do not want my baby to be given a pacifier.
• I would like to meet with a lactation consultant.

It's a lot prettier once I formatted it and printed it out, but you get the idea. What do you think?!
I thought it was worth it too! You're only pregnant so many times and only for so long. I absolutely love my pregnancy. I want to be able to rememeber it even when my kids are all grown up! Travis' mom is just like that though. She's not very sentimental. What frustrated me that my mom said about the pictures was she felt weird looking at Travis and I in underwear. She didn't want to put one of the white outfit pictures on her facebook for the same reason. We're wearing just as much as we would be if we were in bathing suits! It wasn't like I was naked then I would understand. I get why she might feel weird putting it on her facebook as well. But the human body is beautiful, especially when a woman is pregnant. We got really big print outs of three of the white outfit and she asked where we were going to put them and one of the options was the bedroom which she said was best because it was too personal. That's probably what we're going to do but I don't see why I can't put them right smack in the living room if I wanted! I guess I just wanted slightly better responces. But I don't really care because I like them. I wish the photographer didn't have us make our hands into hearts so many times though!

You are too funny! I'm surprised you've made it this far since I know you want Madison here so badly! Hopefully she takes the hint and comes soon for you! Let's cross our fingers you're fargher along dialated and such when you go to your appointment Wednesday! I definitely think you'll have Madison before I have my baby though!

The interview seemed to go well. We went to a park and she brought her girls so we were a bit distracted watching them and she didn't seem to ask a lot of questions but she did ask some good ones and she wanted me to email her a list of references when I got home. I think she's nervous about a new nanny because she was saying how her old nanny would always let them watch TV and how she would take them places and not tell her where they went so the mom would get home and worry about her kids! But she said I seemed very open and easy to communicate with which she really liked and I gave her some really good refrences so I hope all goes well!

I'm definitely going to have to go to that website and make my own to bring! But yours honestly sounds exactly like what I want! I'm sure mine will be very similar if not exact. I'm still hoping for a natural birth but I'm being open minded about medicine if I don't think I can handle it. But I think we're both very strong and we want what is best for our babies and we'll be able to do it! We watched a birth in our birth class of a natural birth and the lady didn't even scream or anything once so I definitely think its possible! She did cry but she said she thinks she cried because she was tired and exhausted and of course the contractions were worse and everything was overwhelming. But I think that's to be expected. I'm excited for the process to start happening! I can't believe we have just two weeks until our due dates! :)

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