Hey, today you're full term!!! So exciting
I'm so happy that you feel more connected with your baby! It seems like it would be so much harder not being able to call him/her by his/her name! Soon enough though, YOU WILL!
Last night I had a craving for strawberry mochi ice cream. Do you know what that is? They usually have it at sushi restaurants, its like ice cream with dough around it... Anyway, its sooooooo good! I started craving it pretty late, and the only store I know that sells it is trader joes and the markets in china town. It was like 11 pm though so those places were closed! Isn't that the WORST when you're craving something that you just can't have?! We went to the grocery store to check to see if they had it and they didn't :/ we just got regular ice cream, not half as good! When we were checking out the lady was talking to us and I itched my belly lol then she noticed and was like "omg my belly was sooo itchy when I was pregnant, when are you due?!" and when I told her she looked shocked! She was just like "what! thats sooo soon!" ahhh it makes me happy that other people realize its soon too! My nana text me and was like "Happy 4th of July" and when I replied she asked if I had any plans and was like "How about have a baby??" haha. That reminds me, Happy 4th of July!!! Its cloudy and humid here for once! It never really rains, but it sprinkled a little yesterday. If it rains tonight, I think that means no fireworks? :/
Have you heard about drinking red raspberry tea in pregnancy? I guess its really beneficial all throughout pregnancy and even when you aren't pregnant. I'm gonna copy and paste something, because its really interesting to me!
-It increases fertility in both men and women (drink for a few months while trying to conceive).
-Prevents miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage by helping to tone the uterus thus creating a relaxed (atonic) uterus.
-Eases morning sickness
-Reduces pain during labor and after birth: By toning the muscles used during labor and delivery RRL eliminates many of the reasons for a painful delivery and prolonged recovery. It does not, however, counter the pain of pelvic dilation.
-Assists in the production of plentiful breast milk
-Can help make labor faster: RRL works to encourage the uterus to let go and function without tension. It doesnt strengthen contractions but it does allow the uterus to work more efficiently
-Studies show that women taking RRL have a reduced incidence of artificial rupture of membranes, forceps delivery or cesarean
You're only supposed to drink a cup a day when you're early on, but towards the end you can drink like four cups a day. Some say it naturally induces labor! It supposedly helps tone the muscles in your uterus and makes labor easier and faster. Anyway, it sounds good to me! I haven't read anything negative. So I started drinking it yesterday and started having braxton hicks! Hopefully if I drink it for the next couple of weeks it will make labor easier. :] oh, and its pretty yummy!
I'm glad you like Madison's room! I can't wait to see your baby's room! Maybe you'll start nesting and you can get it done really fast. Thats what it took for me! I would do a little at a time and then one day I just went in ther and knocked it all out! You got so much from your baby shower, it will be fun to find a place for everything!

I didn't get Madison a dresser, I like that for the most part, its pretty simple. Just her crib, changing table, and my chair. Of course her swing and other toys are in there too, but I'm sure those things will be around the house anyway. I got some bins from Target and put them in her closet, thats where I put all her washed clothes and little things. The clothes that aren't washed are just hung up. I also got some little bins for her socks and wash cloths and stuff, and I put those at the top of her closet. You can see in this picture:
It will all come together for you!
You have a lot going on this week, its gonna fly by! They did that group strep b test when I was 36 weeks, and it came back negative. If it comes back positive you have to have IV drugs during labor! I'm glad it was negative for me! She didn't even do a pap smear or anything when she did it, she just had me lay down and pull my pants to my knees and swabbed me real quick! I thought that was a little strange, but what do I know. I'm pretty sure my membranes are going to be swept Wednesday! Kind of exciting knowing that it could jumpstart labor and my baby could be her so soon! Even if she waits until around my due date, thats still only THREE weeks! Doctors usually don't want you go more than a week over, so we will 100% have babies within the next month. OH MY GOSH

ahhhhh, sooo excited!
This was probably soooo long haha, sorry!