Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

I'm glad I'm measuring behind as well! I was watching 16 and pregnant and the girl was 37 weeks and measured 37 inches so I was concerned when I went in at 34 weeks and measured 31 inches! I was really surprised they didn't say anything especially since two weeks before I was only measuring an inch or two off and they had the doctor remeasure and she got a better result. But this time I was 3 inches off an no one acted concerned! I go in on Friday's usually (switched all the rest of our appointments to Thursdays since we have our birthing class that day at the same place). But on Friday's I'm +4 days after whichever week I am on so I'm slightly closer to the next week!

I feel like both of our doctor's are similar. Only you probably notice more because you're in that group class and she tells the other ladies more. If I saw that I would be mad. My doctor literally tells me nothing other than my measurements! Travis said maybe she doesn't tell us much because it's getting more into the generation where people just look things up online, but even if that is the case that isn't a very reliable source of information. But I don't mind my doctor other than that because she's really nice and so far I haven't had any scares during my pregnancy. If I went into labor like you I wo uld be so mad since she didn't do a cervical exam! Especially how far along you were! I can't believe the other ladies in your group appointments never got weekly appointments! Hopefully you'll get them now that you don't have the group ones anymore. I have my appointments scheduled out through July 22nd! I've had them scheduled for a while!

That is so exciting that Eric gets to go to the birthing classes with you! I'm also glad he called so you didn't have to! :) Hopefully it won't be another $45 did you pay for your three weeks upfront for just you or do you pay each time you go in?

I can see us just bouncing and rolling around on our birthing balls eating in front of the TV! I feel bad because Travis and I haven't had sex for quite a while. There was a point in second trimester where we did fairly often but now I just feel huge and uncomfortable. He hasn't been wanting to ever since he got his second job and we don't have as much time and he's more tired. But lately he's been hinting at it and I keep saying no and I feel bad because we probably won't have sex for a while after I give birth. So I want to at least a few times before then so that he isn't completely deprived (even though he's use to it) but I'm also worried it will have me go into labor earlier than I want!

Your girl ferret sounds so sweet. But I think you said the boy was younger so maybe he's just reallyenergetic and mean because he's still a baby? I don't have a lot of experience with ferrets but I'm sure they're just like any pets. At least they seem to do fine while they're in their cage together or other wise I would be worried then! Because you mainly got him so that the girl would have a playmate when she can't get let out as often. We have two turtles we got back in August. They were babies then and were small (the size of a 50 cent piece) and now they're much bigger and need to be transfered out of their 10gallon tank into a larger tank! Both Travis and I kind of regret getting them now because they're just extra work and with the baby it will just be that much more stressful. Plus cleaning the 10 gallon tank wasn't too horrible but if we switch them to a larger tank that will just be even more work! But we feel bad because we adopted them and all and now we don't want them! So I suppose that is similar to your boy ferret? I'm not sure what the best thing would be to do. You can keep him and see if he gets better with age and so the girl has a playmate or you can try selling him on craigslist? We tried selling our turtles once but we asked a lot since we put so much money into them and no one wanted them. If you didn't keep the boy I think the girl would still be okay since you'll still spend some time with her, just not as much. Our dogs are already sad because we don't spend as much time with them and the baby isn't here yet. But with Travis working too jobs and me being pregnant it makes it hard to play with them sometimes. Our little dog actually doesn't even notice she plays with this funny little ball that she has. She never let's the thing go! She's ALWAYS playing with it, but our big dog loves to run and play and seems sad. It's stressful but all of our pets (mine and yours) will eventually get use to it and once we're in a routine we'll have more time for them!
I paid upfront for the classes! It was only $45, but would have been $75 for both of us. So I'm hoping they'll maybe just let us pay the difference and not the whole $45!

Ahhh i just realized what time it is! I have to leave in 6 minutes to go to the doctor! I will write you back when I get home!!!
I hope they only make you pay the difference as well! Mention something if they charge you $45!

You are too funny! Hopefully the doctor's are close! The last few appointments we've been 15 minutes late! This last time we came in (15 minutes late) the receptionist remembered me. So embarassing because she was the one there the other time I was late too. But they never say anything which is nice and we do ask for the latest appointment because of our jobs. I have to get off early as it is just to make the appointment!

Talk to you soon! Haha
My doctors appointment went really good, surprisingly! I was actually 35 cm when she measured me, even though I had been slightly off before! She also said "you know you aren't very far behind the other ladies at all" uh ya think?! It bothered me so much how she acted like that, but she finally realized that I'm about to have my baby too! I also have weekly appointments from now on. She said she would check my cervix whenever I want, but they typically wait until 38 weeks to check. I think I'll ask her to check next time though...and at the appt after that she will do my membrane sweep! I could have my baby in a little over two weeks...that shocks me!
My feet have been so swollen lately!!! I have "cankles" lol. I've been working with my friend every night from 5-9pm and I literally stand the entire time! I hurt so bad when I get home. I can't wear my engagement ring either bc my hands are so swollen :/ are you swollen?
I applied for Medicaid today, I hope I get it so Madison has insurance!
Did you decide what you're going to do as far as going home outfits for your baby? I remember you saying maybe one boy outfit and one girl or just a gender neutral. I couldn't remember if you decided! You could always have your mom or someone run out and get a pink or blue outfit after you have her/him! I just bought newborn socks and hats for her hospital bag :) so excited!
That is so funny that the lady who knew you were late recognized you! Luckily I've had group appts so when I'm late, they don't necessarily have to wait for me. I was right on time yesterday though! Have you done a hospital tour of where you're delivering? I guess that's reccomended, but Eric and I weren't planning on it. I don't know how important it is :shrug:
Good to hear your measurements were on! I'm hoping the next time I go in mine match better or I'm going to say something! It's good she said you weren't far behind the others because it was so rude of her to say that in the first place! It's nice she said she could check your cervix anytime even though usually they wait until 38 weeks. I can't believe you could have your Madison so soon! Hopefully everything goes well with the membrane sweep and you can meet Madison early!

My feet haven't been too sowllen but I'm hardly ever on them, luckily. They're a little swollen but I usually only wear flip flops so I don't notice how swollen they might be. But my hands have gotten swollen and a few weeks ago I had to take my rings off and wear them on a chain. But we sized my ring to fit snug when I first got it so it didn't really have much room for me to grow!

Hopefully Madison will get her insurance! And hopefully you'll know soon if she did or not!

I think I'm just going to go for a gender neutral outfit since I have to wash it before hand and don't want to waste money on getting the wrong gender and not needing it. I'm probably going to go buy basic white onesies, socks, and a hat soon since I can't go out and buy clothes yet and want some new items for when the baby is here. Plus then I can buy little shirts and pants to go over a white onesie.

We haven't done the tour yet. I told Travis' mom we could all go together and I'd ask my mom to go but I forgot. It's much harder will my schedule and Travis having two work schedules. I think my baby classes might provide a tour though, I'm not sure. I don't really know how important it is, its probably just nice for some women who worry a lot. I can't imagine wishing I had gone ahead of time if I end up not. I'm trying to be pretty open minded about the birth since my doctor might not even be in town so I'll have someone I've never met doing the birth.

I watched a 16 and Pregnant today and the pregnant girl had a friend (who was a girl) named Pooh. I assume like Pooh Bear but I wouldn't ever name my baby that!
Oh my gosh, Pooh?! That is awful. Haha which 16 and pregnant was it? I love that show!!! Sometimes I read peoples baby names and I'm like oh wow, poor kid! Theres a thread in teen pregnancy about baby names you hate, and I was so scared someone was going to put Madison or Clover! Someone actually did write Madison, because I guess it means "son of-somthing" I didn't even know it meant that!!! I looked it up, and she was right. I don't care though, I love her name and I'm not changing it!

Where is your baby going to sleep? I got a pack and play with a bassinet on top, and I have it in my room. I don't know if its good to have a baby sleep in there every night or what? I don't want her in her crib until she's at least 6 months though... its not that far, but too far for me! Here's a pic of the pack and play, it also has a changing table and a place for diapers and wipes, I think that will definitely come in handy when I'm up at 2am changing diapers haha.



Also, I did my belly cast yesterday! It was so much fun, but SO MESSY!!! We're going to paint it and hang it up in Madison's room with a pretty ribbon :) Are you going to do one??

My class last night was really great, especially because Eric was there (and they only made us pay $20!!). We watched a natural birth, iv drug medicated birth, and epidural birth! We also learned breathing and relaxation techniques and stuff, it was so cool!!!
I know! It was just her friend though so it was just what came up when she appeared on camera. I don't know if it was a nickname or not but either way! I can't imagine being named that! It was episode 8 I think. I was watching it on FiOs On Demand and it was 308 which means episode 8 I think. The girl was I think 16/17, black, and her mom was a teen mom. Her boyfriend was only 15. The girl wanted adoption but the babies dad really wanted to keep it so they did.

I saw that thread in the teen pregnancy section about the worst baby names. I love reading threads like that. I think Madison means son of something because it ends in son. Like Harrison, Addison, etc. But it's too cute. I've heard a lot of people on other threads say it was too popular or something and that's why they didn't like it but I honestly never hear it that much. I think it's too perfect for you to change! Sometimes names just fit the kid! :)

Well we do have a pack n play. Almost exactly like that, that someone gave us free. I don't know if it has a diaper wipe spot though. I don't know if we'll use that or the crib. I haven't decided if I'll put the baby in our room or not because our rooms are so close its crazy. There is literally only two feet between our bedroom doors. If I leave both bedroom doors open it would be pretty easy just to run in there. So I'll probably just have the baby sleep in the crib in its bedroom, but I can always set up the pack n play if I change my mind.

I kind of thought about a belly cast but only because it was on one of the episodes of 16 and pregnant (the one with the girl who was anorexic) but then didn't think about it anymore. It's a cute idea you'll be getting yours painted and hanging it up in Madison's room. Kind of makes me want to do one now since it can be cute wall art! We'll see if I get to it ever or not though!

I'm glad your class went well and that Eric got to go and that they only made you pay $20! Sounds like the perfect class since Madison could be here sooner than later! :) I wish my classes started sooner! I want to learn everything before the baby gets here and I'm worried I won't get to!

I think it's funny how our due dates are only a day apart but it seems like I'm far behind because I do everything later than you. For example the baby shower, setting up the room/travel system, maternity pictures, washing clothes, the hospital bag, birthing classes, etc. You're always a few weeks ahead! Maybe this means you'll have Madison early and I'll have my baby late! :)

Also I see you have a new cute and adorable avatar. Does this mean you have your maternity pictures up on your computer now?! I was thinking of bringing a yellow bow like that to my pictures! Or maybe yellow baby booties! Ah I'm just so excited to get my pictures done! I had to push them from July 2nd to July 7th so they're forever away. I couldn't get them any sooner because of travis' work schedule, my work schedule, doctor appointments, and now classes! I hope baby stays inside past then so I can get my pictures done!
Haha I think I do everything sooner because I am SO impatient lol! Just like how I could have never waited to find out the sex, I actually found out early! I also want to get swept so I can jumpstart labor! I am definitely the impatient one! It would be so funny if you had your baby first!

Thank you!!!! My friend put all the pictures on my laptop after she took them, then I chose the ones I liked and she starred them so she could edit them at home! So then she edited them, and printed them all off. I still haven't got the edited ones on my computer, but I had the other ones that weren't edited! I guess I could just scan them, but that takes so long and I don't even know where my printer is since we moved rooms lol. She has them on her computer though, so I need to just have her email them to me!

I saw both those 16 and pregnant's! I honestly don't think I've missed any haha, Eric's little sister records them and we watch them the next day!

Ahhhh Eric's sister is 14 and I swear she is soooo innocent. She never even hangs out with friends.... In the teen pregnancy part I always see 14-15 year old girls that are pregnant! I couldn't even imagine...that is sooooo young!!! I don't think I could have done this at that age, it would have been so hard! I also can't imagine his sister even kissing a boy, so it totally shocks me! Just had to get that out lol.
I think its normal to be impatent to want to meet your baby! Almost everyone I talk to says they don't think they could have waited this whole time not knowing the gender. I'm still always surprised how far along we are but it also surprised me that I've come this far growing a little baby and I haven't found out if its my son or my daughter. It really would be funny if I had my baby first! I think it would be weird though just because I've been expecting you to have Madison first!

Oh yeah just getting them emailed will be a lot easier. That's so exciting that they're already done though! I'm sure they're all really cute because your avatar is adorable! I'm just so excited to see them. I love maternity pictures!

I've only seen episodes of 16 and pregnant up to the one with the girl who thought about adoption because I have to wait for it to be On Demand on FiOs (which takes forever) and I can only watch it at the nanny house! So I never see them right away. I haven't seen any past the girl who thought about adoption but otherwise I've seen the others.

I am always shocked that there are girls that young in the teen section who are pregnant. I feel so bad for them because I know it's going to be really hard for me, let alone being that young and still in high school! Its so sweet that she's really innocent though! There are some girls that age that try to act like sluts and I'm just so shocked because they're so young. It's one to be dating and become pregnant but another to act like you want to sleep with the whole school. I started dating Travis when I was 15 and he was 16. We didn't want to have sex that young because we weren't ready and because we knew we could get pregnant. Plus we weren't working or anything yet so getting protection would have been more difficult. We waited almost a whole year from when we first started dating before we had sex. So I was 16 and Travis was 17. I definitely can't imagine being pregnant then, let alone a whole year earlier! I'm glad that we didn't get pregnant until now. It was nice having a couple years out of high school before we became parents. But I give big kudos to the girls who are that young and pregnant or who already have kids because they have to be so strong to be a parent while finishing their childhood!

Someone posted a thread with pampers codes and also mentioned a blog that has tips about saving money. Anyway I saw that Old Navy is having a sale tank tops starting at $2. I haven't tried their tank tops but thought hey cheap tanks might as well look! Thought i'd share the sale with you! Lol
Haha thank you! I love tank tops, I will definitely check that out :) I have soooo many diaper coupons! I get them in the mail, they're in my boxes of diapers, and I even get them when I shop at baby or motherhood stores! I have a lotttt of diapers though, so I don't really want to buy any more yet.

I want to smack my best friend. I am soooo annoyed with her!!!! She lives in texas. Anyway, she always ALWAYS ALWAYSSS spells Madi, M-a-d-d-i-e. She KNOWS how its spelt too so its just rude! I finally corrected her haha. She thinks she's M-A-D-I's godmother, HAH yeah right...she can't even spell her freaking name. So annoyed! Rant over :/

Ahhh I'm nesting!!!!!! I got a sudden burst of energy and I just started cleaning and organizing! My closet has been a mess since we moved rooms and I finally cleaned it! I cleaned our room, organized drawers in my room, organized drawers in my bathroom, cleaned my bathroom. I love it! I am never like this haha. I'm even typing super fast. Off to clean Madison's room and do the rest of mine and Eric's laundry!!!!!
Haha I love tank tops top, I pretty much always have one on but I'm a little picky with how they fit. Some just aren't worth the money. I'm going to head out soon and see if I like these ones because who can beat $2 tanks? I usually get victoria's secret 2 for $22 or something because I like how they fit. I don't have a ton of diapers but I have enough t get me by for the first couple of weeks. I acttually think I have more size 1 diapers than newborn which is good because then I won't have to worry so much once the baby is out of newborn sizes. I also bought a diaper wipe refill pack from costco so we won't need those for at least a month! Okay, seriously every day I get more and more excited! Like I almost can't sit still! I can't believe how soon we'll meet our little ones!

That really would be annoying though! Its not like she hasn't seen it written. Its not even that difficult! I mean sure there's a different spelling but that's not the one you chose! Ugh its always awkward when people choose labels for themselves like godmother. We did tell Travis' best friend Steven that he'll be known as Uncle Steven but if someone else started doing that I would be so frustrated. We had this friend Jessica who we stopped talking too because her and her boyfriend lived in the same apartment complex as us and would show up unannounced at our door constantly even after we told them to stop. So when we found out we were pregnant we only told close friends/family. Well Steven use to date Jessica and he probably mentioned something to her about the pregnancy because even though they're ex's they're still friends and he assumed we were still friends with her. Well she messages me on facebook and says how upset she is we didn't tell her personally. We weren't even in 2nd trimester yet and hadn't told anyone who wasn't close to us. We hadn't even told our extended family yet! Anyways we're happy we're not friends with her but also because she's the type of person who would instantly call herself Auntie Jess. No thank you!

Haha that's too cute! I am constantly cleaning and if something is even slightly out of place ij'll suddenly be in a bad mood and not even know why. I'm waiting until my maternty leave though to go through this small part of our closet and our extra room. The extra room (not the babies room but another) has all this stuff we brought over when we moved but didn't know where to put or didn't want to deal with right away. So I'm really excited to go through it all and I'm going to get rid of most of it and make a garage sale. I figure might as well sell some of it and make money rather than give it to the goodwill! Have fun cleaning! :) Madison (I really don't see why your friend keeps trying to spell it Maddie..) will be so lucky to come home to such a perfect place and awesome parents!
I almost can't sit still either! I've said this 200 times...but we are SO CLOSE!!!!!!!!

I got so many diapers and wipes at the baby shower, mostly size 1 also! I have a big bin that is completely full of wipes and half of Madison's closet is just diapers! We are so lucky that everyone bought us so many!
I think you told me about that girl a long time ago!
I would be so annoyed if someone called themselves Aunt ___ or Uncle ___. Eric's best friend since like 3rd grade is the only one who has said that so far, and I didn't mind it at all coming from him, since he's so close to us. His girlfriend came to the baby shower and gave us a really cute diaper bag full of stuff, including a teddy bear. In the card she wrote something like "Kyle wanted me to tell you to make sure that Madison always knows this bear is from Uncle Kyle" it was so cute. If anyone else said it I would have been kind of annoyed.
Garage sales are so much fun! My step mom had one before they left, and she actually made a lot of money! People buy the weirdest things lol.
Ahhhhhh you're going to know if you have a son or daughter in about a month!!!!!!! How exciting is that?! I can't wait until we just get to hold our babies and cuddle with them :) Its going to be so weird switching from talking about our unborn babies, to our babies once they are here! We are about to be moms...forever! Soooo happppyyyy :]
Haha I know we keep repeating ourselves with how excited we are. But every day is just that much closer which is just that much more exciting. A week from today and you'll be FULL TERM! I can't believe we've come this far, it seems just like yesterday when we found out!

Its definitely sweet when it's someone like that. I think Travis and his best friend met in 3rd grade too! But anyone else and it would just be unreasonable. People need to know their place instead of try to make a place. It will never work if you force it! Its funny how after becoming pregnant you realize who your real friends are, as well as who tries to be your friend just because they know there will be a baby soon.

Haha I think they are fun too! I can just sit out and collect me some money while I watch my junk get taken away! I hope I make a good amount. People always buy weird things and we do have some things that are actually worth a bit. So maybe we can actually make a good chunk of money right before the baby gets here!

I can't believe in exactly four weeks (well okay not exactly but roughly) I'll know if I have a son or daughter or a Benjamin or an Elsie! I can't wait to snuggle either. I know it will be tough but I think I'm going to be so happy I'm not even going to care about waking up multiple times a night or doing multiple loads of laundry a day. As long as my baby wants to snuggle I'll be a happy momma. It is crazy to think we'll be Mom's forever. We're going to be known as Mom more than our actual names! Someone will look up to us and rely on us just like we do with our parents. Plus now we'll officially be family with our OH's! I think it will be weird to not be pregnant anymore though! To no longer have those little movements inside but now we can kiss them and tickle their toes! Travis said it will be weird to see me not pregnant and small again because he says I'm so beautiful pregnant and its going to be weird that one day I am and the next I'm not pregnant!

Okay so I went to Target to get a white bandeau bathing suit top because I had boughten one from Macy's but it wasn't a bathing suit top and it was see through. While I was finding the white swim top I found this super cute dress that is dark navy with anchors. For whatever reason I love anchors and sail boats and navy stuff. So I had to get it! I tried it on because it was a small and I was a little worried even though its all just flowy and isn't tight so it can just lay over my bump and won't even stretch out so that I can wear it after the baby is born too. Anyway I decided I needed a red sweater to go with it because it would just be so perfect and we found the perfect sweater! Somehow after finding this dress and sweater we stumbled across mens swim trunks that were dark navy blue with white anchors on them just like the dress! So now I have a brand new theme for my maternity pictures! One outfit will be my white top/panties and travis in white boxers. Another will be me in my navy/anchor dress with a red sweater and wedges that are navy blue with a blue/white striped bow. Travis will wear light grey jeans rolled up, a grey/white striped slight v-neck shirt, with boat shoes! Then for the third outfit I am going to wear a plain red swimming top with navy blue/medium blue striped shorts with a rope belt and red flip flops. Travis is going to wear the navy blue/anchor swim trunks with a white wife beater and his boat shoes. Plus I got props! I have a giant red/white striped umbrella, a lightblue/dark blue striped anchor beach towel, a small blue bucket with a shovel, and a classic red, blue, white, yellow beach ball! I think it is going to be so adorable! I couldn't wait to tell you I was so excited!

Oh and we were suppose to go to Travis' family reunion this weekend but Travis couldn't get off work and for the last month the kept saying how we just had to go and I was kind of dreading a 2-3 hour car ride there and being so far from home with only 4 weeks before I'm due. But turns out they all really wanted me to go because they were planning a small baby shower to surprise me! So I feel bad I didn't want to go but I would have gone if Travis could get it off. So Travis' parents are bringing the gifts back home and on Wednesday we are going to Skype with everyone while I open gifts! So now I have even more gifts to open! Plus today a lady at my church gave me a high chair her grandkids rarely used. Its really big and from evenflow and its so nice! I mean like top of the line high chair, its almost exactly like my stroller but a high chair. It even has cupholders/key holder on the back like a stroller does! It even has toys attached! Then the family my mom nannies for (who she's only been working for for a few months) bought me a whole newborn set of Dr. Browns bottles! It has 3, 8oz bottles and 2, 4oz bottles with 5 level one nipples and 2 level two nipples. Bottle caps and bottle brushes! I was going to buy that set anyway so it was so nice of them! I'm going to buy another set just so I have extra bottles since the baby won't use 8oz bottles right away and I don't want to be stuck with just 2, 4oz bottles. I know I'm breastfeeding but for Travis to feed and such it will be nice to have extras. So far all I've had to buy for the baby is diapers, a diaper bag, and baby clothes I wanted to get. I know I still have some things to buy be we literally haven't actually gone out shopping for the baby. We've just picked up diapers once while we were out. I did 'go shopping' for the diaper bag (bought it online) but other than that we haven't even gone shopping for the baby! After we open the gifts on Wednesday though then I'm finally allowed to get the rest of what we need. Which is like shampoo, and a breast pump, and a baby book, little things! :)
I didn't even see that you replied!

Oh my gosh, that is the CUTEST idea for your pictures!!!!! They are going to be soooo cute, I love love love the idea! It's so original! Ahhhh I can't wait to see :)

That's so sweet that they wanted to throw you a baby shower! And awesome that you get more gifts lol! We haven't bought much for Madison either, almost everything was given to us. We bought 1 box of nb diapers, nb hats, nb socks, and a swing. Everything else that wr bought was with gift cards, so technically someone else bought it! I don't have a breast pump, I definitely want to look into that. I need a nursing bra too, bc I still haven't found mine!!
I had my massage and facial today and it was so nice and relaxing! Except at one point during my massage, I had to lay on my back. I got real uncomfortable, nauseous, and hot and sweaty!!! It was sooo weird. I thought I was gonna have to ask her to stop! Idk what happened. Don't you think that's weird?!
I wanna have my babyyyyy! Can you lend me some of your patience? Lol
I am so excited! I just love the dress but that's because I have been into anchors and nautical stuff lately I guess which is random. The pictures will look kind of 4th of Julyish since everything is red, white, and blue but it also looks beachy and somewhat nautical and boatish. I think it kind of sums up a good theme for July. I thought having the soft white panty picture will be cute so its not so silly too. I want Travis to take the beach ball in one picture and act like it's his baby bump! I thought that would be funny! :)

I that it was very sweet. I'm not sure what they got but I assume its more fun stuff like blankets and toys and clothes but extras of those will be nice since we don't have a ton of clothes and toys yet. We still have a few things to get like hats and socks and shampoo and such. I want to get a pump even if I don't use it right away just so I'm prepared in case the baby won't latch or I need to pump sooner or something. There was one at Babies R Us that was really nice. It was a medela brand breast pump and I think it was like $380 at Babies R Us. So I put the second nicest on my registry and it was $200 at Babies R Us. But I found the really nice Medela breast pump at Baby Depot from Burlington Coat Factory for only $215! So I think I'll probably get that one! I don't have any nursing bra's yet. I figure if the baby comes early I can get away with not having those right away but I definitely will be getting a couple hopefully soon.

The massage and facial sounds so nice! I would be getting one if it wasn't for the fact that I will be taking a few months off. I need to make Travis give me a back massage but he doesn't get home until after 10pm usually (on the days he works at Costco) and then we still have to eat dinner and go to bed early so we can wake up at 6am again. But he doesn't work at Costco on Wed, Thurs, Fri this week so I might be able to sneak a back massage in there somewhere! I'm sorry you had to lay on your back at one point and ended up getting hot! I think that's why they caution us preggo's to not lay on our back because the weight of the baby lays on something and blocks off blood or I don't know what but makes it so we might get hot and light headed and such. I'm surprised they had you lay flat on your back!

I can share some patience, but I think it's starting to run out! I always feel the baby push out and sometimes it will let me rub the 'knob' that's what I've been calling it when it pushes out and makes a bulge. Anyways it let's me rub it and I want to knwo what part of the baby it is so bad. I'm read to snuggle and relax at home with my baby! This is my last week of work too so then I'll literally just be sitting at home waiting for the baby to come, I think I won't be so patient then! But just imagine if Madison comes early you could have her really soon!

Oh, I got my diaper bag in the mail yesterday! I loove it. It's so adorable. It's the Babymel Amanda in Quilted Black. Inside it has hot pink lining! Which will make it nice to see things since it won't be a big black whole for things to fall into. I have this huge silver purse I normally use and I can get so much stuff in there people always say it's the never ending bag. Well this bag is about the same size, maybe a tiny bit bigger and has outside pockets and more inside pockets for organization so I already love it! I think after this week I'm going to use it as my purse because its so cute and because I spilled candy in my old silver purse when we went to the movies and the milk duds melted and stuck to the lining.

I do have a few things I want to do before the baby gets here like go through all our piles of 'stuff' and have a garage sale. I also need to wash all the baby stuff and set up the bedroom more. Plus I still need to get my hospital bag packed! So maybe that will help once I don't work anymore!
I wish I had things to do! I've done everything. When you go on maternity leave, you'll be busy with baby things so the time won't go by as slow! I stopped working for my friends uncle, so once again I'm just waiting around at home. Yesterday Eric worked 13 hours and the day before, 16!!! I'm getting pretty lonely. He's been only getting 1 day off a week, but tomorrow he only works 4 hours and he's off Thursday AND Friday!!!! I can't even explain how happy I am lol.
O/T but I love boat shoes! There was a deal on Sperry's at this outlet mall and it was buy one at regular price, get TWO pairs free!!! I almost did it, but Eric has been wanting some so I didn't think it would be fair to get myself three pairs and him none. He wasn't with me, or else he could have picked some out. He's too picky, I didn't want to pick his out for him :/ haha anyway!
K this is totally TMI, but for like four days I've had diarrhea. I googled it and it actually came back that it could mean labor is near! I asked about it in third tri, and I guess it's called "clear out" or something gross like that. I hope it means labor is near!!! I haven't been sick or anything, other than nauseous a few times (which is also a sign might I add). I just wanna have Madison! I have an appt tomorrow, hopefully she says my cervix is thinning or something. Fingers crossed. When are you gonna get checked, do you know?
I was thinking about Travis putting the ball like it's his bump! I saw a picture like that when I was looking at maternity pictures for ideas! We also got those baby blocks, and spelled baby on my belly :) gosh I want to show you my pictures! I'm gonna ask her to email them, she's just been kind of weird lately.
Eric and I will probably get a nursing bra thursday after our class. They sell them there! Our class is ironically about breastfeeding that week too!
I wasn't completely flat, they moved the bed so my butt was down and legs and head elevated. I was fine when I got up though so that probably is what it was! I was flat on my back for my facial too, weird! It was only $69 for BOTH! Since
I had a groupon!
Uh oh! Well hopefully the things I want to get done will keep me busy. I hope I don't finish them too quickly or I'll be just sitting at home waiting for the baby! I know its so nice to have our boys home! Travis hsually works M-F for his parents. Then he works both Saturday and Sunday at Costco (usually off by 7pm), plus he works two weekdays at Costco after he gets off at his parents. So he usually has at least two days where he's gone from 6am to 10pm, the some days where he's home when I get off, and then he's gone on the weekend for the whole middle of the day! He never gets any 'real' days off since he works once job at least each day! But he has Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off from Costco which means he'll be home before I get home from work. Except Wednesday we have to go to his parents for dinner and opening gifts and then Thursday we have a doctor's appointment.

Boat shoes are so cute! I don't think I've actually owned any though, now that I think about it! I googled that store you were talking about and their shoes are soo cute! I love them! But I didn't see any deals like you were talking about. Probably just an in store deal. You should go back with Eric on one of his days off and buy some! You can get two and he can get one, you deserve an extra pair for carrying the baby! :)

I was having something similar to diarrhea but not quite. It was a couple weeks ago. It was a little concerning since I am taking iron and my doctor warned me I may get constipated! I was getting the opposite but I read on this paper reasons to call and come in and it said if you had diarrhea that lasted longer than 12 hours. It never lasted that long it would come and go. But now it's gone so I suppose that's good since it was uncomfortable! I didn't know it meant labor might be on its way though! I was nauteous a few weeks ago too but now its gone. I still get heartburn though and almost always when I'm at work when I don't have my tums with me! When you get checked you have to let me know if she says you're anywhere close to starting labor! I don't know when I'll get checked. I'll ask my doctor on Thursday when they usually start doing those kind of checks. I'm sure probably when I'm 37 weeks. Oh I did forget since I changed my appointment schedule that this week and next week I'll see a different doctor since mine was booked already. So she might say something different than mine but I'll ask anyway.

I think Travis' beach ball bump will be cute and I'll touch his beach ball bump with my bump, if it looks cute and doesn't look weird! I was also thinking of the ribbon idea kind of like yours (I would do that in the panty picture) and I also thought about bringing little yellow booties and setting them on my bump. I like the block idea but I had seen most people writing their babies names and since we didn't know which name our baby is we couldn't do it. But just writing baby is cute! I know what you mean about asking for the pictures, especially if she's acting weird lately. I can't wait to see them though, they sound so adorable!

Sounds like a perfect time to get a nursing bra! I don't know when I'll get mine, probably during my maternity leave when I get bored and go shopping! :)

Kind of crazy how the babies do that too our bodies! I always lean on one side or the other when I'm sitting on the couch and after even a short while my whole side will be numb! From my bump down to my toes! They must just sit on nerves while they're in there! That's a really good deal though! I love Groupon! :)
I must be stupid I went back to my google site of Sperry's and I clicked 'Find A Store' and they sell them at both the Nordstroms at the two mall's near my house! I wonder if they have sales on them there!
I'm so frustrated with my laptop!!!! For the last few days it just won't connect to any wifi. It's seriously more of a pain in the ass then my old MacBook that wasn't as new or nice. I wanted to send you one of our unedited pics! It's one of my favorite. It's me laying down and shows just my belly and boobs (I have a bandeau top on in this one) and I have a pair of Madisons shoes on my belly! They're like stacked on eachother really cute!!!! I'm so pissed that my computer isn't working UGHHH!!!!
Travis works so much!!!! Poor guy. Eric just text me saying he's running on E, I bet Travis is too. Our boys need a break!
Sperry's are pretty expensive, I was so shocked when I saw that deal! Maybe you can find a deal too! If not, then you could get different boat shoes. I don't think I'd pay full price for Sperry's! They're just too much! I've seen some for like $150+! I wouldn't pay anywhere near that much lol. I hope you find some cute ones though! I saw cute girl ones at Target! They might have boys too! I would rather pay target price lol. I want to get my boy (already planning haha) some boat shoes when he's bigger and have his little jeans rolled up. I love that look! I guess Madi could wear them with dresses too!
Ugh I lost everything I wrote! I hope your computer works soon so I can see your picture! It sounds so aodrable! I love maternity pictures and I can't wait to see newborn pictures! :)

Our boys both work a lot and sure do need a break! Travis is lucky and can say he doesn't want to work on a certain day for his parents but then he doesn't get paid of course. So I think he might take one day off this week. Also the 4th he gets off from both jobs but gets paid!

I noticed that they were pretty expensive! But they're adorable! I agree though I would much rather pay Target price but when we were there the other day we didn't see any boat shoes! :( it would be nice to find us each a pair before the pictures! I think Madison will look really cute in them! You should definitely get her some! Boys with boat shoes and jeans rolled up are just adorable! Sounds like you obviously want a boy someday, do you plan on having more than two kids? Or just one of each?

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