Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

People have been asking me so much lately when I'm due, I love it! I love telling them how soon and then getting to see the look on their faces! This woman at Costco who was checking me out at the register (when I was almost done unloading my cart) told me not to put everything on the belt that she would have someone else lift it all for me! It was really cute and sweet of her.

That tank top sounds nice! I love tank tops and am pretty much always wearing one so 'm sure i'd like a nursing one as well! I still haven't gotten my nursing bra's yet!

I was so surprised I had progressed at all, I definitely had expected to come in and still be no where! Apparently my cervix is just really far back and at an awkward angle, which I had known before being pregnant, but I guess it will move down as I get closer to labor so she said maybe next week the doctor will be able to reach to give me a membrane sweep. It was kind of awkward her trying really hard to reach inside my cervix! I definitely want to ask for more specific numbers next time. But I'm frustrated they don't just tell me, I feel like I shouldn't have to ask. They probably don't tell specific numbers because older women seem so clueless. My birthing class has all older couples and I swear no one has googled anything! I'm surprised they knew how to make a baby! I wish you had Madison, too! I'll be happy whenever baby comes. It could be tonight or it could be August. I just still can't believe its already time!

It's going to be so nice to have to spend hardly anything on your breast pump! I wanted the best just because I really wanted an electric double breast pump over a single, and I read good reviews about this brand and also has some better suction thing or something. Just the way the machine works or what not. I wanted it to be fast and quick and to get the most milk possible. I want to use it a lot so that I have a bunch saved if I decide I don't want to physically breastfeed but can still provide breast milk! I'd like for the baby to have breast milk for as long as possible (or stopping around 2 years I wouldn't want to provide milk forever).

Well at least you are willing to work so you can pay off the loan! It's good to pay it off sooner than later and hopefully you won't have a ton of hours so finding someone to watch Madison will be easy as well as you won't be away from her as much! I haven't heard any positive answers back from any nanny positions. I haven't been applying like crazy like I use to, but I'm also being picky. I don't want a part time position and I want to be able to bring the baby. However there is this woman who needs someone in October I think for art time and only through December. But she's hoping to go back to school or find a job and then may need full time in January or something like that. I told her no because I wanted a full time position but that if I haven't found anything closer to her start date then I would enjoy working for her. She was also saying how she hadn't gotten much responces so she's looking into basic daycare but that if closer to the date I haven't found anything then to definitely let her know! So that could be a possibility if she still needs someone and doesn't want to continue with daycare.
Haha that's so funny, you don't think they've googled anything. I google EVERYTHING, I don't know how people did it before...

I got my breast pump and baby book :] that finished up, I've got everything I can think of!!! Actually, we still need a cool mist humidifier. A pediatrician came to talk to us the last day of our birthing class and recommended everyone by one. So we still need that, but I don't think it's a necessity!

Tomorrow is my due date!!!!!! Then yours!!!! I totally thought we'd have our babies by now! So so soon though :) We have made it sooooooo far, I'm proud of us! Any day now, literally! I think we're going to be such amazing parents, Travis and Eric too!

Today I was checking out at walgreens and the lady was like "oh you're having a little boy!" I was like nooo, a girl! Then she said "oh, I think it's a boy"
WHAT?! I hope she's a girl!!!!!!!!!!
I definitely have no clue how people did it before! I would have hated it if I didn't have google this whole time. We've used it for everything. I think that's why we've hardly asked our doctor anything.. also probably why I get frustrated that they don't tell me specific numbers (like what I'm measuring and such) since I've educated myself on what all the numbers mean. I do feel bad for the older couples who aren't googling things! It would make them much more less stressed, but then again there are some things online you shouldn't believe so maybe in the end they would get too stressed.

I just have nursing bra's and a humidifier to get! I keep forgetting about the humidifier but I don't think it's something we'll need right away or even a necessity. My mom never used one with us when we were kids. It does feel nice to have everything done before the baby is here! I set up a baby gate today (mostly for the dogs and so that I don't have to use our old one which we had to step over now we have a swing gate one) and I do still need to set up the toybox but other than that I'm done!

I have this widget on the background of my phone that is a countdown until my due date and I love being able to see it everyday! I can't believe you're due tomorrow and then me! It still feels like we have months to go, but I definitely wouldn't want to wait that long! I'm glad it's almost time and I can't wait for the big moment when I get to make the 'ITS TIME!' calls:) I agree, I think we're all going to make such great parents. I am so excited I am hating waiting, especially since I have nothing left to do so I just sit around all day! I can't wait to see how adorable our babies are!

I still haven't figured out why people guess the gender, it makes no sense to me! Especially because you honestly can't tell just by looking at someone and the myth of carrying low or high for a specific gender doesn't apply to everyone! All of us ladies have different shaped bodies and all carry differently. My grandma had four boys and she said she carried differently each time. It's impossible to know unless you've seen it on the ultrasound (which even then can sometimes be wrong). Everyone guesses a boy for me too, well of course we're carrying low our babies are due any minute and they're making their way out! Peole are just crazy. I still hope Madison is a girl, too though! :)

Okay so I am feeling so huge. I literally have no clothes that fit left because they very few items I do have I am putting in my hospital bag to wear during labor. Everything is too tight in my arm pits now (my arms have definitely fattened up!), and my belly has definitely grown the past couple of weeks so that even some of my maternity clothes don't quite fit well over my belly! I've been wearing some of Travis' shirts but I'm trying not to wear the ones he likes the most because he's pretty small and I don't want to stretch out his favorites! Luckily I have quite a few pairs of sweat pants so I'm good in that department, however it's just now getting warm over here and I have only sweat pants to wear and one small pair of shorts I can fit into! I can't wait to get my body back!
Haha I feel huge too! All of my big tee shirts are tight now. I had one on today that used to be pretty big, but the bottom of my belly was showing. It was embarrassing, but I was in a hurry and went into the store like that lol.

It's like an hour until my due date!!! Omg. I hope we deliver on the same day! That would be so cool!!
That's too funny that you went to the store anyway! I hate going places just because I don't have much of anything to wear! Hopefully these babies will come soon so our bellies can shrink at least enough for a couple other clothes! :)

Happy Due Date! I'm sending labor dust your way! It would be pretty awesome if Madison decided to come on her due date. It's so rare, she would be even more special! Hopefully we both won't have to wait to long to meet our little ones though! I can't believe we've come this far and soon we'll be new mommy's!
I was up until 1:30 with contractions, I fell asleep and woke up at 4:15 with more painful frequent contractions. I continued to contract for hours then I realized Madison hadn't moved since I woke up!!! I couldn't even poke her because my belly was so hard. I went to L&D so they could check on her. She kicked the moniter as they strapped it on :dohh: little punk!
They picked up my contractions though. To make a long story short, I'm contracting every 1-5 minutes. I'm still only 1cm. They sent me home because I could talk through my contractions? Well they still freaking hurt :[ I was told to go in when they were every 5-6 minutes for an hour... I've had them since 4am!!!!!! Theyre like right on top of eachother. Ughhhhhhhhh.
Sounds like you had an eventful night! I think Madison thinks its funny not to move and have to get checked and then move as soon as the monitors are on her! She did that before once I think, right? But maybe we'll see Madison really soon if things keep progressing! Just don't get too dissapointed if they don't because I think a few girls had contractions similar for days and didn't go into labor for quite some time! Hopefully this won't happen to you! More labor dust for you to get those contractions more regular! Keep me posted! :)
HAPPY DUE DATE!!! Ahhhhh we're finally here :]

Yes, Madson has done that before. She is a little punk!! My contractions seriously haven't stopped. Like at all!! They aren't super painful, but really uncomfortable. It's just weird because Braxton hicks usually go away, and there's usually not a pattern. Mine were pretty regular before I went to the hospital, then right before I went they were every 4-6 minutes. At the hospital every 1-5, and now I'm not timing them. It's one on top of another though. My doctors office called today and they want to see me at four. Hopefully these contractions are doing something....doubt it!

My mom is here!!! My grandparents will be here today :] I'm so excited. I'm going to le my nana in the room when I deliver too! She's been a nurse for 40 years.... It's nothing she hasn't seen before lol. She makes me really comfortable there, and she'll be able to get my mom to calm down. My mom didn't have a good experience with her labor, seeing as no one besides her and my dad knew she was pregnant until she went into labor. It was pretty traumatizing for everyone. My mom never gets to see my nana and they aren't close anymore. I lived with my nana in 9th until the end of 11th grade, so we're really close. I think this will be a good experience for them :]
Yay! Thank you! Travis was only suppose to work one shift today but switched a girl who needed Monday off and could work Travis' Tuesday shift. So he's working a double today but it was cute because he always asks permission first and I said that was fine we didn't have anything planned or any appointments or anything. When he came home after work yesterday I told him that we didn't get to celebrate our due date though, not that the day is overly significant if the baby isn't here. And he said he had actually thought about it and felt bad because he wanted to semi celebrate too! He said he was really proud of me for making it this full nine months of pregnancy and even if the due date doesn't have a huge significance it still marks the fact that we've come this far! I just think it was sweet of him because most guys I suppose wouldn't care!

I can't believe you're still having contractions! Other than once or twice have I ever even gotten Braxton Hicks contractions, I've never had any contractions at all! Hopefully those contractions start getting more painful (not because I want you in pain, but so that we know labor is progressing!)! Let me know what the doctor has to say when you go in to see them! Seem's weird that you're having them on top of each other and regular but they told you to go home at the hospital. I'm sure they'll get much stronger and so staying at the hospital that early might not have been so much fun since it could take some time before the contractions turn to be stronger and worth a hospital room! When does your family go home?

Maybe they'll get to still be here for when little Madison makes her appearance! That's pretty awesome that you're Nana has been a nurse for so long and she can be in the room with you, I bet she'll be such a huge help in calming you and your mom down! Everyone says that the best thing to get through labor is meditation which is what all of the breathing techniques and positions and rocking back and forth and such is all about! So I think having your Nana there will really help keeping you focused and calming your mom/the room down. That's crazy no one knew your parents were pregnant until she went into labor! How come they didn't tell anyone? I think having them all be apart of the birth will be an amazing experience for them and for you, plus probably quite special for Madison!

I almost feel bad not having my mom in the room. But I also know myself fairly well and I know I would end up getting more stressed out with her there and that would make things worse. If during my labor I decide I really want her there, then of course she'll come. But I am quite a difficult person and I am stubborn and I know what works for me so I think she probably won't be. She would like to be she also isn't pressuring me and she's making sure to keep her space (mostly because she knows me pretty well too and knows I'm stubborn). She's so excited for her grandbaby I know she won't care as long as she gets to be apart of it's life! I cannot wait for the moment when I get to call everyone and say this is it! Or even just to be able to finally tell everyone I have signs of labor. Everyone keeps asking and the only thing that has changed since my other week's of pregnancy is that I now have to pee once in the middle of the night and then right when I wake up. Definitely seem to pee a lot more, and that's just because baby is moving down and really squishing my bladder. Otherwise no baby symptoms at all!
That's so sweet of Travis :)

Just got back from the doctor. I'm 2-3cm dilated, 75% effaced, and -1 station. I got another sweep, way more intense then my other ones. I'm having so many contractions, they're so uncomfortable. I'm getting an ultrasound tomorrow at 2 to check my fluid levels and on the baby. So we'll see!

My mom is here for two weeks, my grandparents until Friday, and my dad from Sunday-Tuesday!!

When is your next appointment?
That's so good to hear! You're definitely progressing! I'm sorry to hear the sweep was ainful as well as the contractions, however at least you know they're working! Hopefully the sweep will help things progress even quicker! I'm sure you'll have Madison here before everyone goes home! Friday is still a ways off and that sounds like when the first family members head back! It will be exciting to get an ultrasound to check to see how Madison is doing! I'm so excited for you!

My next doctor's appointment isn't until Thursday and if my cervix isn't so far back I'll get my sweep then. I'm hoping I can just because I feel like I'll go really over due if things don't start progressing a little bit quicker. I've had no labor signs but I was 1cm dilated last week so at least something is happening!
I had such a bad scare earlier!!! I went to the bathroom and it looked like I started my period. I was bleeding so much, TMI but the toilet water was completely bright red, it was just dripping. I kept wiping and it was RED! I called my doctor and she said if it didn't stop in an hour to go to the hospital. It stopped not too long after and now I'm just spotting. That was sooo scary. I think that means the sweep worked a little?

At least your 1cm, you can progress reallyyyy fast once you start!!! Hopefully you make some progress soon! I don't want either of us to go overdue.
Ah that is scary! I bet it was because of the sweep though. When I went in last week I didn't even get a sweep put she poked her finger in my cervix and said I may get light bleeding because of it. Which I did not bright red or anything though. I would be quite scared but it was good you called the doctor! Hopefully that does mean the sweep worked!

I hope I make progress soon too! I hope I've made some progress when I go in on Thursday and I hope that they're able to do the sweep! My family is getting ridiculously impatient. Travis took today off work since he didn't work at Costco to sleep in and relax and get ready for more work and his mom texted both of us and wrote me on facebook to 'check in' because she thought we wouldn't tell her if we were headed to the hospital! Extended family keep asking me and my mom. My mom texts me everyday to see how I'm feeling. But still no labor signs!

Didn't you have an ultrasound today? How did it go?!
We kind of talked in my thread so I didn't realize I hadnt written back!

I did have an ultrasound. Madison is so big, you couldn't see anything! It was only to check the fluid, I actually have another tomorrow. It's 1:30am, so technically today. I'm being induced Saturday at 8pm. I'm in prodromal labor. I'm having strong regular contractions, but my cervix is stuck! I'm stuck at 3cm. Seriously the most painful week of my life. Once your contractions get bad enough, you can feel them in your chest. It literally takes your breath away. I can't wait to have this baby!!!

How was your appointment? We you progressed any??? I can't wait to hear about it!!!
Definitely sounds like a very painful week! But it will all be worth it in the end! I hope that maybe soon you can start progressing from 3cm so that your contractions are at least doing something and not just hurting you! Apparently I'm really dehydrated and my doctor (actually a different one since mine is out this week) yelled at me for not drinking enough water and says I have to drink more. She told me that if I'm dehydrated I'll dehydrate the uterus which is a muscle so when I do end up getting contractions they will be painful but they won't be getting me anywhere! So maybe if you drink a ton of water it will help your contractions help you progress? I'm sure you've been monitored and aren't dehydrated like me but I'm sure extra water couldn't hurt! I hope things work out more naturally for you before your induction!

My appointment was pointless. I hadn't progressed at all, and I got yelled at for not drinking enough water. Plus we got to the appointment on time but they made us wait for such a long time. Finally the nurse brings us back and wasn't professional at all kept talking to the other nurses and just expected me to weigh myself and get my urine sample without even asking. Then when I got back from getting my urine sample she tells me that they schedule an induction at 41 weeks and usually they don't schedule them later than that, but she might be able to schedule one for Tuesday (41+1) and asked if we had a preference and I said well uh I guess we want the later one. I was thinking when my doctor got back on Monday (when the nurse originally wanted to schedule my induction) that I would talk to her then about scheduling an induction, I also thought I could schedule it slightly closer to 42 weeks to give my baby more of a chance to come naturally. So I'm definitely not too happy and I feel like I got no say in when we scheduled the induction. Someone told me I don't have to go along with it since I am the patient and they can't make me. But he also said that usually an induction is much more dangerous after 42 weeks and that there is a higher risk of a c-section. I didn't want to wait until 42 weeks but I was hoping for more of the following Friday (August 5th) rather than a couple days from now on Tuesday. Especially since at my last ultrasound (around 20 weeks..) the ultrasound technitian said I was measuring another 5 days behind. Which I suppose could technically change my due date to July 30th even though she didn't actually change it. So I feel like being induced Tuesday is almost like being induced at 40+3 rather than 41+1. I mean not exactly 40+3 but I feel like that could have been a possibility since at that time I had been measuring behind. So I feel like my baby isn't getting a chance to start labor naturally be itself at all. Especially since it's due date could have been not even until Saturday so he could technically not even be due yet! So I'm just very frustrated. I do want my baby and it only matters if it's healthy but I feel like being induced Tuesday is just not giving me enough time to feel like I can get the more natural labor start I want. So I might talk to my actual doctor Monday and see if we can push it back at all. I also know they're busy and have lots of babies to birth but I know there will be some doctor available if I go into labor later next week, maybe it won't be MY doctor but its not like they'll just leave me to fend for myself just because I didn't want to be induced. Sorry for my rant, I was very upset. I didn't talk in the car on the way home or when we got home until we left for our birthing classes. Which was funny because we were the first couple over due (and the rest not due quite yet) so everyone felt bad and was talking to us and such!
That doesn't seem fair!
At least they told you when they scheduled it! If I hadn't gone to L&D, I would have never known! I called the office to confirm it, and they were just like oh no one called? Um no. They also said something about eating a light dinner and I don't even know what else, but I was so mad that I wasn't even listening! I definitely won't go into labor naturally. If that were the case, I would have had her on her due date because I've been getting contractions since Sunday. Sometimes this happens to people where they contract like they're supposed to, but their cervix just isn't budging. My induction is tomorrow anyway, so I don't think there's much chance of me going into labor before then!

My grandparents are leaving in a few hours! My mom might actually leave too. We got in a huge fight last night, it was so bad. I ended up screaming at her to "get the f*** out" of my room! I've never said anything like that to her.... She just started an argument though! She was bringing up things literally from years ago! Then to make herself feel better, she started putting my dad down! Saying awful things. She even said "he left his pregnant daughter" WTF. I was so mad, she's never said anything bad about him... They even talk like everyday!! Anyway, our fight got way out of control and she said she's leaving on the 10am flight. I honestly want her to leave after what happened last night :[ It just sucks because I wanted her here for me and I was so excited for her to come. Sorry, I just had to let that out. I'm so unbelievably stressed out right now.

Also, tomorrow is my induction right? Eric told his work, but they scheduled him for a partial night shift tonight AND a shift until noon tomorrow!!!! He's worked all night shifts (4pm-4am) all week, so he's already exhausted! He's gonna be so tired come 8pm tomorrow, and I'm going to be in labor all night!!!! Then, he was supposed to take 1-2 weeks off. He got moved to full time though, so they only gave him 3 days off. Plus, even if my mom stays, she's only here until next Sunday (I think she's leaving, but we haven't talked today). My grandparents won't be here either. So I went from having so much help, to basically having none!!! I'll have less then a week, then I'm completely on my own to figure it out. I'm so bummed out right now. Sorry that I'm complaining so much, I just feel like no one else would even begin to understand. :(
Oh! The doctor I saw told me that inductions make you way more likely for a c-section. Even if you aren't overdue!!! That scares me :/
Well she basically told me I had to pick Monday or Tuesday but she doesn't know what time so I am suppose to call today and find out what time I'm scheduled. But that's a bit frustrating that you wouldn't have known if you didn't go to L&D especially since my doctor says they don't like going past 41 weeks. So they should have let you known a bit ago when you would have been scheduled! I'm sorry you won't go into labor naturally but I know you're excited and ready for Madison to get here! Well I'll still send you natural labor dust since anything can happen but if not at least you'll have Madison soon! I also will send you dust that the induction goes well. If you get a chance you should tell me about it so I can mentally prepare for mine on Tuesday!

I'm sorry your grandparents are probably already gone by now! With your contractions earlier this week I had really thought you would have had her by now and that your whole family could have been there when she was born! It's much past 10am now and I think you mentioned your mom saying she was going to take the 10am flight. Did she end up leaving? I would be really frustrated if my mom was trying to start an argument like that especially so close to you having Madison. Sometimes I'll bicker with my mom but that's usually because I'm hungry or tired or just plain emotional from being pregnant. She usually hasn't done anything and I just get snappy. But if she did something like that I would be upset because it isn't fair to make you stressed out when you're so close to giving birth!

I can't believe Eric's work is doing that! He's going to be so exhausted right before your induction. Which will probably out you into active labor pretty quick and then he'll be up with you for your labor and birth as well! They really should have given him more respect since his first born daughter is almost here! I can't believe they aren't giving him hardly any time off either! Costco is giving Travis one week off and his parents said they would too but that they also will pay him which will make it so I don't have to worry. Our induction is Tuesday but we have a doctor's appointment Monday and I was going to have Travis switch shifts so he could go to the doctors appointment but since our induction is Tuesday he might as well work Monday since he can't very well work after the baby is here if he's wanting to take time off. But he's also not scheduled to work at Costco until the following Friday (August 5th) so I told him to call on Thursday and let Costco know he would be taking his week off starting then (even though the baby will be here before Thursday) because then he can take a week off from Costco starting that Friday until the next Friday, then also get a paid week from his parents (plus they'll probably give him as much as he wants off). So I would be really upset if any of that changed and we didn't get time together! Why won't they give Eric his time off? That's just ridiculous! I would be really bummed too! I know I'm hoping to have the first week just Travis and I and the baby but I would be nervous and stressed if I knew my family wasn't going to be close by! Maybe your mom will stay and help you out even if she'll only be here until Sunday. Hopefully Madison will be an easy baby and you'll enjoy getting to have your alone time with her!

Ugh, I'm just so unhappy about the induction. I was really hoping to go into labor naturally and like I said I feel like my due date could easily be tomorrow so I haven't even had a chance to go into labor. So I have no clue what I want to do. I think its also a bit difficult that I don't know what gender the baby is because I haven't been able to dream about my son or daughter just a baby, so its not as personal so I'm just trying to focus on my birth plan rather than meeting my baby. I think this last week has definitely been the most stressful. I feel huge, ugly, and fat. I'm so emotional and Travis and been so sweet but he also makes me stressed as well even when he's not trying. I get upset if I feel busy and stressed and he asks a question. Ugh I just want to fast forward and have my baby and be relaxed and happy. I know I'll get the baby blues and be sad about not being pregnant anymore. I'll be sore and uncomfortable and stressed that the house isn't spotless. Last night at like 1am we were getting ready for bed and all I could think about was cleaning. I wanted to sweep the pet hair and I wanted to clean the dishes from the day and scrub the counters. I did it all this morning but that's all I could focus on last night. It wasn't even difficult stuff, hardly a mess, and all I could do was stress about it. If I find one little fur ball of hair collected in the corner I stress and want to sweep the whole house. I still haven't taken my one bath I've been wanting to do before the baby and my mom offered/inisted on coming over sometime today to clean the tub (I just can't get in if it hasn't been cleaned right before) so maybe I'll actually get to take my first bubble bath in years. But I just can't get myself to relax! Travis was also really sweet. Groupon had a coupon for a massage place for $140 for this spa package that had a prenatal massage he wanted to get me. I told him it cost too much. I don't think he's bought it because we bought another coupon for baby announcements. I just feel bad spending so much on me.

Our babies need to get here now!
I just wrote that long message to you and in the middle of it your waters break! Let's cross our fingers this will help you progress and go into labor naturally! Congrats!!

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