Usually both my boyfriend and I don't do anything or Valentines day and we've been together for almost 5 years but this year he went all out and got my a vase of a dozen red roses, two big valentines balloons, a new bra (our dog chewed my new one! So he replaced it for me), new panties, a pedicure, dinner, and my favorite - a tempurpedic pillow which he said any new mom deserved!

I didn't want him to spend that much!
Katie I agree about wanting to feel some movement! I keep forgetting come July I'll have a real baby! It just seems like a dream to me so far. I'm still so excited though

I have a little bit of a bump.. can't remember if I posted the pictures on this thread or not. I also gained 6lbs from January 12th to February 11th! My boyfriend missed the 12 week appointment which had the first ultrasound, but made it to the second which had the heartbeat. Is your ultrasound next Tuesday? That will be so exciting for both of you to get to see your little one! Will you get to find the gender out then, too?
That's so sweet that he said everyday is Valentines day! I think it's kind of a silly holiday since you should show you care about each other everyday anyway. But it was nice getting a whole day dedicated to me. But I'm not use to it and didn't do anything for him so I just felt bad in the end. He said well you are carrying my baby for me! That would be funny if your baby came out speaking Japanese! I listen to a lot of country music and thought it would be funny if the baby was born loving it haha. Now we need to start singing lullaby's and talking to our little ones!

I think it's weird that you both don't have everything for your doctors visit in one area. But probably just means that doctors office didn't have room for an ultrasound room, too.
We should change number's. My boyfriend doesn't mind talking about baby stuff but he can't relate at all so then I just feel silly! I'll PM you! Katie, I don't know if I can PM you because you might need to start 5 thread's first.
I haven't seen 'one born every minute' yet because we moved and shut off the cable and haven't decided if we want to get it back yet. We're thinking about getting a laptop and then just getting internet and streaming TV that way, because it will be cheaper than paying for cable and internet. However the family I nanny for has FiOs but OnDemand never updates so I don't think it has any recorded episodes yet

Do you like the show? I've been able to DVR and record Teen Mom 2 each week though!

Ooh maybe I'll see if I can find recordings online for One Born Every Minute tomorrow and watch them?!