Pregnancy & Text Buddy - July 2011 - Seattle, US Area? Between 19 and 25 years

awww that's so girly! i can just picture a baby girl all dressed in pink with legginga and a big ol' bow in her hair haha
brownies sound yummy. actually all of the food you listed has my stomach growling.
i thought about making rice krispie treats today but decided not to. i think root beer floats and rice krispie treats is going a little over board :/
I'm so excited about all of our appointments! I can't wait to hear updates. That's so exciting about a 4D ultrasound, especially since your mom will be there. You'll have to share pictures. I also hope you get to find out the gender!

I haven't thought about the nursery at all! My mom got a couple things for it but nothing so big I can't change. What she got was a blanket my great aunt made that has baby jungle animals. It's so adorable! Since I'm not finding out the gender early I can't decorate until after the baby is born, or decorate neutral. I really want a pink girly room for a girl. I think that idea about pink and zebra print and sparkles sound adorable! If I have a girl I'm going to be the same about dressing her. She's going to end up being my alive doll! I think if it's a boy I'm going to let my boyfriend do a lot of the picking. I'll definitely be there to make sure it's not to manly and cute, too:)

Root bear floats, brownies, banana splits, hot fudge sundaes, rice krispie treats.. my baby bump's gonna turn into a fat bump with all these sweet talks. I love sweets though and with my appetite back it all sounds so delicious. I've been thinking about rice krispie treats all week because I know we have a large box of rice krispies in the car, as well as a unopened bag of marshmallows. I just haven't made them yet! I also have had a huge craving for brownies since I got my appetite back too. I hadn't even thought about banana splits, but once you mentioned it I told my boyfriend I wanted one and he said we don't have any ice cream, but I told him we do have a car! So I might be making a trip to the grocery store later tonight! :)
so girls, i weighed myself today and i have gained 4.5lbs in 3 weeks. lol I probably should cut back on those delicious root beer floats :/ and despite that weight gain i can't help but think about what I am going to eat for dinner. there are so many food options popping into my head and i want them all!
I've gained 3lbs according to my scale since I went to the doctors January 12th. My bump seems to have gotten even bigger since last week! I haven't taken any photos to compare but I can definitely tell a difference. My belly button is slowly starting to flatten out already! Its much wider and more shallow than before. Wonder how long I'll get away with my current navel ring for!

I still never got around to make any sweets. I did bring in the box of rice krispies but now they're just sitting on the counter. Too funny as I type this my boyfriend suggested I make them! He must have known what was on my mind:) Luckily I've been snacking on fruit and veggies! I'm the worst at coming up with any yummy good ideas, however. I use to eat prett plain before and was the type to eat the same thing everyday until I got tired of it and then find something new and repeat the process. Any food suggestions would be great! :)
I'm always hungry, but nothing ever sounds good! Yesterday I cut up mangos, cucumbers, and a fresh pineapple and mixed the chunks up in a bowl. Then put a little lime on it and this mexican fruit seasoning! It was sooooo good, this girl in my class gave me the idea! Oh my gosh, I don't even want to know how much weight I have gained! Luckily I'm pretty tiny, so a little weight won't hurt. I just don't wanna think about hitting the gym once the baby is here, but I'm gonna want my body back asap! I want a root-bear float now by the way! Mmmmmm :) I just sent my boyfriend to get chocolate covered almonds, I guess thats a little more healthy than a whole pan of brownies haha! I was never really in to chocolate before! Its so weird what pregnancy does to you!!
Off subject, but I wish I wasn't going to be nine months pregnant in the middle of summer in Vegas. I'm gonna die! It gets sooooo hot out here :(
oh my gosh! mangos, cucumber and pineapple - that sounds so good. i m going to the store today and i think i am going to buy that. i love fruits and veggies so much! lol
for awhile, about two weeks straight, my boyfriend and i were hooked on steak burritos. we'd buy tortillas, grill some steak, but what got us hooked, i would make a mixture of chopped onion, tomato, jalapeno/serrano peppers, avocado and cilantro - sooooo yummy and a little spicy. i may have to make this for lunch now haha
i totally know what you mean about being massively pregnant in hot weather. the highest it"s gotten here in the past is 113F. it probably gets hotter in Vegas but still i'm so not looking forward to going outside on those hot days.
i hope you girls are having a good weekend :)
Omg, those burritos sound soooo good! Do you guys ever eat at Chipotle? Mmmm they have the yummiest burritos and bowls :) I weighed myself yesterday after I wrote to you guys and I haven't gained a SINGLE POUND! Four weeks of eating like a crazy person and I haven't even gained a pound. How is that even possible??
Oh and yeah, 120 degrees is totally normal here. Can you say m-i-s-e-r-a-b-l-e? :(
I hope your weekends are going good too!
Oh the fruit salad sounds delicious, as well as those steak burritos. I absolutely love fruit and steak! We went to the boyfriends parents for the super bowl and had tables full of amazing food. My favorites were the ribs and chocolate covered strawberries!

I feel so bad for you two. I was thinking about that the other day, how summers in California and Arizona are going to be brutal! Here in Washington summer doesn't even warm up until after the 4th of July and it rarely gets above 90 degrees! Even then I'm worried but it will only be a month worth of heat, I'll eat lots of popscicles and go swimming! Or the mall where its air conditioned!
Hi ladies! The 4D was amazing!! We got about 45 pictures, and a 15 minute video! We also found out that we are having a little girl!!! Madison Clover Murphy, she's beautiful :) I'm on my phone, so I can't upload any pictures just yet! I will probably put them up on Tuesday when my mom goes home. I'm so excited! As soon as we found out, my mom, my bf, his mom, and I went shopping! Then we got home and my dad had gone shopping! It was soooooo cute, he picked out the cutest girliest outfits. My step mom and my grandma also went shopping, so Madi now has more clothes than I do :) it was such a great experience all together! We also registered at Babies R Us since my mom wanted to be a part of it. Ahhhhh so exciting!! Anyway, I hope you two have had a great week! Let me know how your doctors appointments went :)
aww yay for you having a girl! I want a 4D soooo bad! I can't wait to see the pics :) my doctors appointment went good. Unfortunately, it was only a check up and the doctor wasn't going to do a ultrasound BUT because my mom went with me this time he did a quick one. Baby looks so adorable, a lot more defined now. Had the ultrasound been clearer we probably could have known the sex because baby gave us a nice bottom shot with legs wide open. My mom & I are thinking possibly girl because it looks pretty flat in that area. I can't wait until March 9th! That is the day we will find out for sure. Are you girls having more movement? I definitely am. I have felt baby moving all week and I love it!
Hi girls! I am 23 and due on July 20th. 4 days before my birthday! I was really excited to find this post. Our due dates are all so close. I live in TX so not so close, but dang I need friends. We just moved to the middle of no where and I don't know anyone.. Have ya'll found out the sex yet?
hi and welcome! I don't know the sex yet. I was hoping to find out on the 17th but I won't find out until march 19th. It feels like the month's going to go by so slow. Do you know what you're having yet?
Oh by the way, my names Katie. No I find out on March 1st. I know what you mean by the month going by slow. I found a place that does 3d ultrasounds pretty cheap so I am hoping to go and have them tell me what I am having before then. But it all depends on what I make at work this week. The next two weeks are going to be really rough on me bc he has to stay in the barracks for the next ten days. This house gets really small when you are alone.
Congrats on the baby girl and the 4D ultrasound! My appointment was just a check up too. They gave me the results from when they drew blood last time and everything looks great. Heard the heartbeat, which was the first time my boyfriend got too but he didn't get to see an ultrasound. Our next appointment is March 11th I believe. They said we'll get an ultrasound then with a DVD.

Welcome Katie! I hope your pregnancy is going well! How are your symptoms? Hopefully you'll get the 3D ultrasound and find out early! Let us know if you do! You can always chat with us on here during those two weeks to help them go by faster! Or if you need a texting buddy while you're alone you can always PM me and I'll send you my number:)

I haven't felt much movement. If I do it still feels very light and I have so much digestion and gas movement, its hard to tell! I'm hoping this week I'll notice the movement more. I've been getting some growing cramps under my bump that have been somewhat uncomfortable. I'm also coming down with a cold and have a sore throat. All our babies can hear us now! :) My boyfriend said he better stop swearing then! Haha

How were your ladies Valentines day? Did you do anything special? If not did you have a relaxing, stressfree day at least?
Nothing special really for v-day. He brought me home three roses and a card which made me smile, but also the news that he had to move there til he gets out on the 25th. So how was ya'lls? I was really lucky with my pregnancy. No sickness or anything. Just tired a lot in my first trimester. I almost would not have believed I was pregnant had they not had found a baby on the ultrasound. I have not felt any movement yet. Which makes me kinda sad bc I really want to so it will make this more real to me. I don't really have much of a bump either. Just gained some weight. That's really good that your bf at least got to hear the heartbeat!! Mine missed that appointment but will be going to the ultrasound. My doctors office is weird, they schedule you to one place on a day to do bloodwork then another place another day to see the doctor, then another city all together for your ultrasound. It is a real pain. My next doctors appointment is next tues. Does anyone else have to do that? I am about to get ready for work, so hope you all are feeling well!! I do want your number but don't have the pming thing down.. Lol
my vday was okay. The bf & I didn't do anything or really get each other anything. I'm not really into vday in that way but my bf did tell me 'everyday's valentines day for me'. I thought that was really sweet!
I think it's amazing that our babies can hear us now! I was talking to my bf about that last night. We watch a lot of anime so I told him it'd be funny if the baby came out knowing Japenese. Haha impossible, I know, but just the thought of it is funny.
my doctor office is like that. Appointments and ultrasounds are at the office, bloodwork at another office & the really good ultrasounds at the local hospital. I'm use to it being that way but when I told my bf he thought it was weird. I guess that's a small town for you. But you'd think that since it's such a small town everything would be in one place. Whatever! Haha
we should all exchange numbers! Sometimes I just want to chat about pregnancy & don't want to bug my bf or anyone else about it because they just can't relate. Plus sometimes i'm not sure if people are tired of me talking about it :/
oh, have any of you watched 'One Born Every Minute'?
Usually both my boyfriend and I don't do anything or Valentines day and we've been together for almost 5 years but this year he went all out and got my a vase of a dozen red roses, two big valentines balloons, a new bra (our dog chewed my new one! So he replaced it for me), new panties, a pedicure, dinner, and my favorite - a tempurpedic pillow which he said any new mom deserved! :) I didn't want him to spend that much!

Katie I agree about wanting to feel some movement! I keep forgetting come July I'll have a real baby! It just seems like a dream to me so far. I'm still so excited though:) I have a little bit of a bump.. can't remember if I posted the pictures on this thread or not. I also gained 6lbs from January 12th to February 11th! My boyfriend missed the 12 week appointment which had the first ultrasound, but made it to the second which had the heartbeat. Is your ultrasound next Tuesday? That will be so exciting for both of you to get to see your little one! Will you get to find the gender out then, too?

That's so sweet that he said everyday is Valentines day! I think it's kind of a silly holiday since you should show you care about each other everyday anyway. But it was nice getting a whole day dedicated to me. But I'm not use to it and didn't do anything for him so I just felt bad in the end. He said well you are carrying my baby for me! That would be funny if your baby came out speaking Japanese! I listen to a lot of country music and thought it would be funny if the baby was born loving it haha. Now we need to start singing lullaby's and talking to our little ones! :) I think it's weird that you both don't have everything for your doctors visit in one area. But probably just means that doctors office didn't have room for an ultrasound room, too.

We should change number's. My boyfriend doesn't mind talking about baby stuff but he can't relate at all so then I just feel silly! I'll PM you! Katie, I don't know if I can PM you because you might need to start 5 thread's first.

I haven't seen 'one born every minute' yet because we moved and shut off the cable and haven't decided if we want to get it back yet. We're thinking about getting a laptop and then just getting internet and streaming TV that way, because it will be cheaper than paying for cable and internet. However the family I nanny for has FiOs but OnDemand never updates so I don't think it has any recorded episodes yet:( Do you like the show? I've been able to DVR and record Teen Mom 2 each week though! :) Ooh maybe I'll see if I can find recordings online for One Born Every Minute tomorrow and watch them?!
No ultrasound next tuesday. Just a doctors visit. My ultrasound is on March 1st. That's really cool that you guys had a good vday. I will be back on in a bit, I am dead tired.
I'm excited for us to all see our babies in March! :)

I had the worst dream last night! I was giving birth but believe I ended up having a c-section (which I'm slightly more scared about), and I had a beautiful baby boy. Now, since it was a dream I for some reason left him at the hospital and went baby shoping. Someone who I knew called from the hospital saying the baby wasn't doing well and he had to be hooked up to all these tubes and such. I then started freaking out and got even more scared because I couldn't remember how much the baby weighed when I gave birth or anything! So I rushed to the hospital to see him and he had shrunk and looked all skinny and they kept telling me he had some problem. I kept saying he didn't he was born healthy! That they were making him sick. So they did more tests and realized it was something they were doing to him that was making him worse. They had like an information card on his bed and his name was Micah and I had never even told them what name I had picked. I would never have picked Micah because I have a cousin with that name and don't want repeating names! I was so mad that they were taking over him! Then one nurse grabbed his arm and streched it and was like I don't even think it's in his socket. I was so mad they were torturing my baby that I took him from all the tubes and ran away with him and he immediately started getting healthier. I have no clue why but my emotions during the dream were so strong that now I feel like being pregnant is much more real. I was so relieved when I woke up. But I'm happy to know that I'm even more excited for the arrival of my little one!:) I just hope everything goes smoothly and I have a healthy baby!
What an awful dream!!!! I've been having weird ones about Madison too. Oh and I have seen One Born Every Minute, and I watched it online! Just go to the lifetime website :)
Katie, its so funny because I'm due July 24th, but my birthday is July 20th!! Weird! I also used to live in Texas, I lived in East Texas in a little town called Jacksonville. My doctors office is kind of similar, I have to go downstairs to get my blood work, and to a different location for my ultrasounds.
Waaah I feel like I'm bouncing around to a bunch of different things, but I haven't really been on here lately so I have to catch up! Ugh so I have to rant just for a second...I went to school to be a medical assistant, which is basically the person who rooms the patient, takes their vitals, etc. I'm also trained in phlebotomy, injections, EKG's, and a bunch of other things. Anyway, it was basically just something to do to get into the medical field before I start nursing school. Well I finished school a couple of weeks ago, and on Feb 7th I started my externship, which is basically me working 270 hours and not getting paid. Well I got placed at an OB/GYN! I thought that it would be great, seeing as I'm pregnant and all, WRONG. Do you know how hard it is to look at dopplers and ultrasound machines and not be able to play with them and hear/see your baby?!?!? TORTURE! Haha anyway, they were really mean to me there :( They didn't let me do anything, and they kept yelling at me and rolling their eyes at me, jerks. So I quit and now my school is mad at me, wooops. So thats why I'm on babyandbump when normally I would be working 8-5 and driving in rush hour traffic for an hour there and back. If they don't find me a new extern site by Monday I have to go back to school until they do, thats pretty embarrassing, especially since my GPA was a 3.9 and everyone knew how smart I am. I don't even care though bc I would much rather go to school for three hours a day then work for 9! Ughhhhh thats all.. :)

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