hi girls!
oh my gosh, it has been awhile. i had to go through 3 pages of updates!
krys - madi's pictures are SO cute! it really does look like she's hugging you

you have a lot of baby girl items already. i feel like i should be stocking up on stuff.
ariel - your dream is frightening! i hate having those odd/awful dreams and it seems they've gotten more frequent since pregnancy. last night i had a dream or nightmare that i was at my 20 week scan. i saw the baby on the monitor, baby looked fine and was moving around, i was really happy! then the nurse says 'one of the arms is backwards', caught off gaurd, i look closely at both arms and notice the left arm grew inwards. (sorry if i suck at explaining this but it was like if you put both arms down at your sides, the elbow was inwards and the palm of the hand was outwards) i start crying because then the nurse tells me that once the baby is born, baby will be taken away from me that way they can perform surgery to correct the arm. - UGH! i woke up and my heart racing. i think maybe i've been reading too many sad stories about pregnancy and i also watch teen mom 2. i think i need to lay off a little bit.
we received our first baby stuffed animal from my manager the other night. it's a little giraffe, in neutral colors, it slightly moves and plays 'twinkle twinkle little star'. it's really cute and soft but it made being pregnant a little more real.
my mom suggested that we buy a pack of diapers per week from now on, that way we'll be stocked up on them.
i still get sick every morning because i have a empty stomach. baby moves when i am hungry too. i'm still waiting for those hard definite punches/kicks that way my bf can feel the baby. he's been wanting to feel the baby because every time i feel the baby move i get really excited.
i kind of like being pregnant. it is so amazing and it trips me out that i have a person inside of me! a little person that is half of me and half of my bf