Congratulations mommyof5 - glad to hear you got a nice lovely early xmas pressie, I really hope I'm not far behind, xxxx
MonkiePixie thanks for your post- it gave me some hope. I mmc on 11/16 and really having a hard time. I am so impatiently wating for AF. Never thought I would be begging for her but ready to move forward with a normal cycle so I can get back to TTC.
cherrished - so sorry sweetiemy advice, don't wait to try again. They tell you to wait so when you do fall pregnant they can date it correctly but unless you've been told specific reasons not to then I'd just go for it. Not sure what to advise with ovulation, I suffered a loss on 13th dec and not sure when I'll be ovulating but I have been trying to conceive! - I did have 50+ day cycles BUT the cycle I fell pregnant I was on clomid and ov'd around cd19 giving me 30+ day cycles - so god knows when it'll happen for me. I would try and come up with a plan or at least something to distract you from the heartache, which is probably easier said than done.