Thanks for ur reply
sorry to hear about your hole too
but yeh mines pretty bad too as I'm still underinvestigation.. I get chest pains on standing my heart beats upto 200 amin and I'm breathless all the time. I was told going on the pill was not an option for me so as u can see pregnancy was also not one
this is why I'm so worried I have an appointment in a week with my cardiologist and I'm going to discuss everything with him as I'm quite frightened atm for my babys life and for my own during pregnancy and labour thankyou so much for ur reply
how did they come about to find ur hole? Xxxxxx
They found mine because I had been having weird palpatations for a while, and finally one night it was racing for over an hour and then was irregular for another 45 minutes. My mom wanted me to go to the ER, but my husband wasn't home and I didn't want to drive myself, in case something happened, and I didn't think it was serious enough to need an ambulance. But it freaked my husband out enough that he made me go see a doctor. And that doctor did an EKG, showing the right side of my heart was enlarged, so she sent me to get an echocardiogram. And that showed a hole that was about 1/2 an inch across. I went to a specialist to have it closed, and when they did THAT echo (a transesophageal echo, so it was looking from the back of the heart, I guess) it showed that the hole was over an inch across. Pretty much they were amazed that I did as well as I did over my life, physically. But I also had a lot of things going on that I didn't realize weren't normal. Like, I couldn't go swimming without feeling really breathless, like there was a lot of pressure on my chest. And my hands and feet would get tingly when I would run/exercise. And I was usually short of breath, I just didn't know it, because that was my "normal" and I couldn't tell until it was fixed and knew what it was like to be able to breath.
I hope you can get everything figured out and you and your baby are okay! I don't know if you are a religious sort of person, so if this means anything to you, but I'll keep you and your baby in my prayers. It's scary enough when you're not pregnant!