Could i cautiously pop my head in and join you?
I'll be classed as high risk due to my youngest being a pprom baby with IUGR and having 3 recurrent losses since him. The most recent was my daughter miscarried at 19 weeks. I've been infertile for 5 years and have always conceived on clomid but after losing 70 pounds i found out today we conceived naturally and are expecting a total surprise rainbow baby!
Could i cautiously pop my head in and join you?
I'll be classed as high risk due to my youngest being a pprom baby with IUGR and having 3 recurrent losses since him. The most recent was my daughter miscarried at 19 weeks. I've been infertile for 5 years and have always conceived on clomid but after losing 70 pounds i found out today we conceived naturally and are expecting a total surprise rainbow baby!
Congratulations Mama and welcome to the group! Do you have any guess on when you might be due? I want to add you to the list.
Jkel that's great they agreed to the section I didn't think toud have any problems. Did they give you a date?
Hope everyone is ok, sorry not been around much, anxiety is getting the better of me.
It's sad this is deffaintly my last and I'd love to enjoy it. Hope you start feeling better soon although I know it's not easy xxYeah that's kind of how I feel, I unfollowed the other pregnsncy groups I was in. I just feel that my experienced make my journey a lot different to most people and it's hard.
Glad you're getting lots of scans.
My next ones at 28 weeks then 32 and 36 x