Going Bananas "i here that"

Today was a good day, we took a christmas card and put a Picture Of the test all did up like the ones i posted a couple of pages ago.. and gave it to my mothernlaw she is so so happy... Shes now going to have two grandchildren come in the world

Cant wait to tell my family, Allen wanted to go ahead and tell mom with out the rest of the family and it worked alot better...
So Doc appointment yesterday went well the nurse feeled me in on everything i needed to know and did lots of blood work there testing for all kinds of things.. I have highbloodpreasure so i have to go in on Christmas eve and they want to check it again... And if its still high there going to put me on bloodpreassure meds AGAIN there mad cause i stoped taking it last time lol....
Mon will make a OB appointment and Ultrasound at 8weeks

Cant believe im already a month and one week... its weird how they go by your last period at least I had one at a normal time and ov at a normal time if not it prob.. would make my due date a little off...
Symptoms, Super tired all the time, Not much of a appitie but once i make my self eat its pretty easy to continue through the rest of the day... Boobs sore, this morning Nothing then it came back

Also went maternity clothes shoping today, SO cool cause you just grow into everything so went ahead and got it so i can start wareing them, Cant were my bluejeans, Anything tight or a little snug aroung my uterus is uncomfortable anyone else like that lol..
So sorry for all the missed spelled words