Pregnant with#1 I Love my bump buddies :)

Freaking out. Had some mild cramps which is normal but just went to the bathroom and was wiping brown blood. I've had normal white cm since implantation bleeding so this is scaring me. It seems like if its red or with bad cramps then its something to worry about as brown blood is 'old blood'. Just freaking out.
Everyone cross your fingers for everything to be alright!

Try to relax. Have you strained going to the bathroom or had sex within the last day? This could cause it as well.
Now when wiping its red blood. Just spoke to the Ob who has booked me in for a scan on Monday but said unfortunately at this stage it sounds like a mc. I'll keep you posted. This sucks. :(
Had the same thing today freaked me out but havent had anything since then and thats been at least 10 hours ago... FXD its nothing for you... Think positive and try not to worry about it and know that cramping is normal if you havent got the book WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOUR EXPECTING i recomend it... its like the pregnancy bible lol
Oh no i hope not, your in my prayers!
Id put yourself on bedrest until monday
Ok last update from me for a while. The bleeding got really heavy and thick. There was a lot of it. Looks like I'm out this time. At least I know I can get pregnant now, it's just hard to have the thrill disappear in an instant. I have my fingers crossed for all you guys xx
:( bananas, go to the ER and tell them you're bleeding. They should do a scan and let you know for sure. :hugs:
aw. I am so sorry you have to go through this GoingBananas. Try to stay strong! A reminder to us all that this can happen to anyone of us at anytime
:cry: Im sorry bananas I agree about going to the er part they can let you know for sure, but i have to say my sister in law was in and out of the er with this same thing and the baby was just fine, they never found out why it was happening and she is do in 2 weeks...
I'm so sorry Bananas... My thoughts are with you. Let us know if you have that scan hun xxx
Thanks guys :) I have a scan on Monday so will see what's happening then. Honestly, I'm not getting my hopes up as the bleeding and cramping has continued through the night, like a heavy period. I'm feeling better this morning about it all, these things happen to so so many people and if its happened this early, there was clearly something wrong. Just means that when I have a sticky bean down the track, it will be with the right healthy little baby :)
Sorry to hear this bananas. But from what I've heard is that women that it does happen to are a lot more fertile right afterwards. Is this the first time you've been pregnant? When I was 20 was the first time I was pregnant. I lost that one. I didn't try afterwards as it was a new relationship. I eventually fell pregnant again a couple years later when I was more ready and have my wonderful DS! I hear a lot of women lose their first one but most of them don't even know it because it happens when their period comes. But there are also several ladies that have a chronic hematoma by their uterus which causes bleeding as well. It's just a pocket of blood that sits there. :hugs:
Thanks jjsmom! We shall see how things go tomorrow. I've passed several clots now so am pretty sure it's clear now what's happened. On a positive note, I'm enjoying a glass of wine at the beach with my hubby this evening! Will have my scan tomorrow before New Year's Eve and will celebrate as planned a few months ago if the mc is confirmed. After 24 bad hours, I'm now at peace with it all and know that there was something bad enough there to stop the pg continuing.
Looking forward to trying again next month :)
Best of luck to all of you xoxo
Going bananas If its true that its a MC then id like you to join the thread i started when i first started here it helped me out so much while TTC :) I still pop in time to time...:hugs:

Well ladys, Iv had waves of nausea off and on since i woke up, but i managed to eat a pizza so guess thats good news... It just comes and goes and doesnt last but maybe 60 sec but when it hits it comes on strong then goes away real fast... Woke up with a bad head cold and headach ughhh not feeling very hot today... TMI and the itch continues cant wait to see the doc...
hi ladies,

I am sorry I havent posted in awhile, but it was crazy with Christmas. I had my first viability ultrasound on December 21st and everything went great. We measured 6 weeks 1 day I bawled through the entire thing. They confirmed the heart beat as well. So I graduated from the fertility specialist to by regular OB.

On Christmas we told our parents and it was great! I made "we are expecting a baby announcements" with a picture of the ultrasound. I have never heard our moms scream so loud. Best Christmas ever!!!

I called by OB in my home town on Dec 26 to make my first appointment and they got me in same day. So I got to talk to the nurse and doctor and got another ultrasound that is now measuring me at 6 weeks 6 days. And heartbeat was still good. I think that during the first trimester all new moms should have a ultrasound hooked up to them daily. I think it would relieve our stress of mc.

Goingbananas I am sorry to here about what you are going through, my prays are with you.

Have any of you put much consideration into the flu shot? I am having a really hard time with getting one or not. I never have had one and where I dont know how I react to one I am afraid to get one now that I am pregnant. What are your guys opinions?
I get a flu shot every year! I had one back i nSeptember, before I was pregnant, b ut I highly suggest it!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, the holidays were crazy for us! So sorry about your loss goingbananas :hugs:

Not much new for me, still very tired and nauseous 24/7. Actually feeling so sick like I'm hungover every day, no fun! I don't have my first scan until 3 more weeks so I am counting down the days, but it feels like forever!

hope everyone had a great holiday! How is everyone planning to celebrate the new year?
My doc office is trying to convince me to get the flu shot. I couldn't when I went in for my first appt because I had a horrible cold. Still not convinced as I've never had one since I can remember. I agree we should be able to get scans whenever we want! Like once a week would make me happy enough! LOL!

wontgiveup, nausea comes on mostly because of the hormone levels in your blood. Eating something right away makes it go away quickly. My doc suggests having crackers by the bed so as soon as you wake up you eat a couple and then you're able to get up and not be nauseated.

I'm having problems with nausea now and it's driving me crazy! Eating isn't helping :( I don't know why I feel nauseated now. Cant eat meat. Found a great recipe online that I can't wait to try for black bean and corn quesadilla's. LOL! I'm excited to try it either tomorrow or New Years Day.
I hope the lack of Ms doesnt mean a lack of HCG cause i havent heard back from my doc about my blood levels, thinking if i should call monday or not? youd think if something was wrong they would call me, but if they wait till my next app.. to tell me something was wrong with my blood i will raise hell and i mean HELL lol

Bananas if I were you, i think you should go to the er and ask them to do a ultrasound and see if they can here a heart beat... Even tho i no your appointment is in the morning, i realy hope things are ok, Bleeding can be caused by all kinds of things in early pregnancy, im hopeing you still have a sticky bean in there.

Welcome back ladys, glad to here things are going well readyforhope1
Bmama wow id go nuts, i get my first scan at 8wks2days...
And about the flu shot im not sure i mean everyone that i know who has had one ends up getn sick from it... so idk ill do if the doc suggests it i guess...

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