Pregnant with#1 I Love my bump buddies :)

wontgiveup, they should call you if there is a problem. Lack of ms doesn't mean anything. I've only got sick twice so far this pregnancy. It seems I'm sicker now than I was in the first 12 weeks! Some get it later, some don't get it at all. With my DS I only got sick twice as well. I'm truly hoping I don't get sick anymore. I hate when it happens because I pop a ton of blood vessels in my eyes and they look polka dotted with the red dots that appear around my eyes. When I went in for my second appt I had to ask about my blood results as we had my thyroid levels checked and my sugar levels checked. They hadn't said anything so I thought it was my duty to ask them. This new doc I have though told me they put all their results on a website and I have a code to go on it and check it if I dont' want to wait until my next appt.
Wow how cool is that
Well hope the mS doesnt get to bad for you
And maybe itll stay away from me
But if it meant healthy baby id take the ms in a heart beat..
about the flu shot, Dr's usually recommend it as the CDC recommends it for pregnant women. My midwife didn't even mention it to me, and I have made the decision not to get it as last shot a few years ago left me with the WORST flu of my life. My mom says to get it as she is a nurse but if you are otherwise healthy and avoid sick people you should be okay. The reason they want pregnant women to get it is that our immune system is down and we are more susceptible to pneumonia from the flu. You have to make whatever decision you feel comfortable with. For me the small amount of mercury in the flu shot doesn't seem worth it! Do some research online, I found that the amount of mercury in the shot is actually above what they recommend for pregnant women. they have a preservative free one but I don't know if that comes without mercury.
I think it also depends on your job. If you work with the public or lots of people, you're exposing yourself to many germs. I deal withcustomers and money at the bank i work at. Im exposed to a lot of icky germs. Money is dirty stuff.

I'm also a first-timer. I don't want to get too ahead of myself since I have not seen the doc yet but things feel like they are going in the right direction at the moment.
Welcome nela thanks for joining us
Im crampy think its do to constapation EHHHHH GRRRR
I already suffered from IBS befor pregnancy I just dont like cramping at all down there cause it puts me on edge all day... But iv been doing this off and on since i found out so its normal...
No worrys until ya see bleeding then you should worry.. Last night i got worked up and had a slight anxiety attack and when that happens my right arm and hand achs like crazy, after i calmed down i had this pain in my right side were my ovarie is im guessing it took a hour for it to ease up scared me, woke up this morning to no pain Thank goodness!! when stuff like that happens, i was thinking oh no what if i caused something to go wrong when i got up set or what if its a ectompic pregnancy,(spelled wrong lol)
Well ladys other then the the constant uncomfortable pressure down below my belly button i feel fine, fixing to fix me a ham/cheese hot pocket lol and take it easy on the couch...

Oh wait i forgot the best part want to know why i had a anxiety attack last night.. My husband is afraid to touch me he thinks he will hurt the baby, I wasnt mad but i was very sad cause we got all worked up and then he just stops and says i dont want to hurt you.... lol aww but i told him no you wont, i alson said we dont have to have intercoarse to be intimate but by that time he needed to go to bed for work in the morning so short story short i was feeling rather lonely last night... Hes excited about are scan on the 14th if i dont choke up ill ask the doctor about what he thinks about sex
Bananas, did you get any news today?

wontgiveup, You should ask the question about sex! Let me tell won't be the first or even the thousanth time they've heard it! They get that question all the time because men are always scared at first! Even my OH was as well! He wanted it though but I lost my drive so he was the one moping around feeling lonely. Another friend is over halfway through her pregnancy and she even asked the doc in front of him and he refuses to believe it. So she hasn't been touched since she found out she was pregnant. Men are funny sometimes. If it causes bleeding or problems, then the doc will suggest no sex for a certain amount of time. Good luck with your scan!! Not too much longer now!!!!! I go in for my next appt on Wednesday. Then I think/hope that my gender scan will be my next appt!!!
*waves to wontgiveup*

Awww :hugs: I'm 100% that the Mr. will react the exact same way as your hubby. He's already super protective. Lol :haha:
Hi Everyone!

Just got my BFP!!! We are so excited and can't wait to experience this journey with all you ladies!

Wontgiveup, I couldn't get your link to work, but I tracked down your thread, LOL:)

My BBs are hurting like crazy for the last week! I had a feeling this meant something b/c they usually don't hurt like this:) Until the BFP, I was so afraid to believe any of my symptoms. But, I just felt different this time. Can't quite pinpoint it, but so many say they just know when they are preggo and I can kinda see what they mean. Hoping I'm able to sleep tonight despite the excitement!
Hello all! I am still getting used to the idea of finally being pregnant. I am so nervous! I worry constantly that it will not stick!!! I know I need to focus my attention elsewhere. I am feeling alright so far. A lot of sleepiness and sore BBs. Occasional nausea. I am scared to tell even my closest family members because I worry about losing the baby and having to deal with telling everyone about the loss. Am I alone in this? Who else is worried about the possibility of loss? I am super grateful to have made it this far and am working hard to take care of myself during this crucial time!
Oh yes, and a far amount of cramping that comes and goes. This is my first pregnancy, so I dont know how much cramping is normal. As long as I am not curled up in pain and am not bleeding, I am assuming this is normal, as I have been told it is.
Well ladys i had the scare of my life with this Pregnancy last night,
Hubby and i had sex, no penatration, I orgasmed and then after words i had some bleeding.. Id like to add i never had anycramping, just a red stain on the tp the size of your tongue.
After that i didnt have anymore bleeding..
Called doc had to leave a message with nurse i marked is as urgent, hope to here from them soon until then im on bed rest lol just to be on the safe side hubby agrees and wants me to take it easy..

I cried and cried felt like i was loosing a loved one, hubby calmed me down bless his heart hes so good with me... He told me not to worry and then we looked up how common it was to bleed after sex during pregnancy, then i went to bed only to wake up with a awful tummy ach must have been something i ate yesterday cause it sure didnt sit well with me that and the anxiety of thought of mc prob didnt help with the tummy troubles..

Welcome amanda glad you can join im so happy for you girl.
Nurse called she said it was completly normal to pass blood after any kind of sex, cause the cervix is more pronouced and sensitive and filled with blood... something around those lines... She said not to worry about it inless it becomes like my monthly and cramping...

So while researching i found a great great site ladys it answers all kinds of questions here the link.
Sorry about the last part thats just what i happend to be looking at when i copyed and pasted it... Theres a giant list of topics then answers to questions related to...
Wishfulone, I am with you on the nervousness. I keep feeling like af is here and then I go to the bathroom and it's just cm. Anyone have this problem? I think I'm still just so excited and anxious about it all. Hopefully in a week or so, I'll be better. I could hardly sleep last night. I also am having slight cramping, twitches, and weird pulling feelings. But, I'm pretty sure that's all normal. The cramping gets me nervous though.

I keep telling myself, at least now I know I can get preggers. Even if it doesn't work out, which I hope hope hope that it does :)

Wontgiveup, so glad everything is OK!!
Question for you ladies: Do you use your last af date or ovulations date when trying to calculate your estimated due date? What do the Drs usually use?
Question for you ladies: Do you use your last af date or ovulations date when trying to calculate your estimated due date? What do the Drs usually use?

Always the first day of your last period
Wishfulone, I am with you on the nervousness. I keep feeling like af is here and then I go to the bathroom and it's just cm. Anyone have this problem? I think I'm still just so excited and anxious about it all. Hopefully in a week or so, I'll be better. I could hardly sleep last night. I also am having slight cramping, twitches, and weird pulling feelings. But, I'm pretty sure that's all normal. The cramping gets me nervous though.

I keep telling myself, at least now I know I can get preggers. Even if it doesn't work out, which I hope hope hope that it does :)

Wontgiveup, so glad everything is OK!!

I can relate to you and wishfulone because ever since seeing the blood im more on edge then i was befor, every slight cramp twitch or pulling feeling makes me not want to move, and im haveing some slight watery cm today so i feel like the bleeding is back every couple of mins.. GRRR I wish my scan would hurry up and get here... the 14th couldnt get here any sooner... Iv put my self on bed rest...
Amanda yep "the last day of your menstral period... And for women who dont know there last mP then they would do rutine Scan to see how the baby is progressing to guess how far along and when your do day may be... :)
I also get the cm and thin its my period until I go check. The cramps come n go and are soooo similar to af cramps.

Due date goes off first date of last menstrual cycle...that's what my doc does here... I believe that is assumina 40 weeks as term. Good luck!

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