I hope you ladies are having a great day!!! I'm going to attempt to answer a couple of questions several of you had asked.
Yes bleeding is normal unless associated with cramping worse than AF and a lot of bleeding.
Slight cramping, twinges, pulling is very normal as the uterus is getting larger. Trust me I had my scare when I was having round ligament pain.
You will get loads of CM as your body is creating the mucus plug for your pregnancy. Even though I'm 14 weeks I still see CM when I wipe at times.
wontgiveup, I've noticed after I had a massive orgasm with OH that my tummy was very achy due to the fact I don't use those muscles often enough. LOL! But I noticed that it is attributed to those muscles working out.
Going by the ovulation date doesn't give you the exact date at times. I knew exactly when I O'd and based on that, I should be due around my birthday July 9th. But...when they asked me for first day of last menstrual period I told them and they said EDD July 4th. I didn't believe them until I had my scan at what I thought was 8 weeks and it turned out I was 9 weeks! So needless to say, go by the first day of your last.
Had my appt today! Blood pressure was up so they sent me home with a tub and I have to do a 24 hr urine sample. I have to dump all of it in there and keep it in the fridge! UGH!!!! But at least that will be done with on Saturday. LOL! Heard the heartbeat and it has dropped from 170 two weeks ago to 148! I was concerned but the doc said it was normal to drop and everything is fine!

We get to find out what we're having in 5 weeks from today! I'll be exactly 19 weeks! YAY!!