Congratulations everyone! Three babies DUE on April 1st!!! What a lovely way that would be to start April every year (if everyone is born on their due date lol)
How are you all feeling? Emotionally? Symptom-wise?
I'm finding that with my second the symptoms are starting WAY earlier than they did last time. I had a huge emotional outburst (holy disproportionate response, batman) for no reason the day before I found out, and I cleaned out all of the closets and scrubbed the floors lol. I'm a big nester.
I am already feeling mildly nauseated, and I felt round ligament pain yesterday! Crazy!
I also feel a little bit of disbelief. I think with my first I got a chance to really let it sink in, but this time, chasing a busy baby all day, I still get moments of "am I seriously going to have a baby in 8 months?!?!?" It just feels so unreal. DH keeps "forgetting" lol. "Babe, do you want a beer?" ...."!"
I'm also trying to hydrate like crazy, and find that I have to keep eating little snacks all day to keep from getting nauseous. I'm still breastfeeding dd, so I have to make sure I'm getting enough. Eating for three! lol
I had an amazing dream last night that I gave birth to another baby girl.
Hi this is my first im due april 1st!
Can someone tell me how to add the baby timeline to the bottem of my feed please 😊
Try clicking on someone's "ticker" that you like, and it should take you to a webpage where you can make your own. After you enter your information (ie due date) it should give you a window of text that you can copy (highlight, control+c) and then paste (control+v) into your signature.
To find where you edit your signature, you click on quick links on the bar above ^^ and in the drop down menu select "Edit Signature"
Let me know if you need more help
Try this for starters:
My birthday is in April so I think it would be cool to have an April baby.
My Birthday is in April too! (The 24th!) It's the perfect time to have a baby. When my first was born in June last year, it was so nice to be able to get out walking with her right away. We have SUCH harsh winters here, it would be hard to be cooped up all day with a newborn.