Preparing Your Body

Junebug....All done! :haha: legs are up the wall as we type....:haha:.... It has been probably been 35 minutes by now....

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :thumbup:
Awesome + OPKs!!! That eggie is coming out tomorrow or day after, so another 2 days of :sex: OK? :dust:
Hi Suki,

sorry I was incommunicado most of the day... I was on the medications for slightly elevated blood pressure. My cholesterol has always been good [between 3.5 and 4].

I am not on the meds any longer - at the time, some of them were prophylactic, and some were preventative...but I have been doing much better not on anything. Aldomet is an old medication, and has known side effects of inducing hepatitis....but has been used in pregnancy, and thus was deemed 'safe' by my doc - so that my blood pressure could remain lower and we could TTC. I don't have hyperlipidemia [elevated lipids] but was Rx'ed the statins as a preventative measure. I concur with Junebug and have to second what she that elevated cholesterols or lipids are independent of body mass index, and the condition itself can be very hazardous, which is why doctors treat it agressively and as early as possible.

After getting jaundice and very yellow eyes, I have been become ultra conservative with what I take - and like Junebug, I work in medicine, more specifically cardiology [electrophysiology] research. I usually look to scientific evidence [papers] when making decision/choices...but it's very different when you are the patient, and not caring for others.

I will definitely look to charting more's a bit sobering to realize that the body you used to know, is not the body you have 'now'....and I am a real type A personality, so I like to be in control lol :).

I like this thread too, thanks Suki :)

I was on a wack of meds back in February, and had medication-induced hepatitis....Doc took me off of everything [I was on Aldomet, Lipitor, Asprin 81mg, plus a multivitamin and 5mg of Folic Acid.]

After 4 months of NOTHING in my system... I have resumed:

-5mg Folic Acid
-Daily Materna vitamin

I drink 8oz of coffee a day, and that is it. My BP has been marginal but manageable...I lost 10 kilos in the past 6 months which greatly helped the BP as well....

I plan to include DHEA and Co Q10 to my tablet regime....after we meet with the RE to go over our results of the testing...I am also considering charting...and reading up on that now. We walk daily at night, and I might add Aquafit to my weekly regime.

Lordy, Rashaa, that's a lot of meds!! The hepatitis must have been pretty scary! :hugs: Do you mind me asking why you are on them? I presume the lipitor and aldomet were for BP/cholesterol problems?

Have you been advised by your GP that you definitely NEED to be on those drugs? I ask because one of my colleagues, a really fit, slim, healthy girl in her late twenties, has high cholesterol and took statins for a while. She stopped taking them because of the side effects and basically has decided that her cholesterol is naturally higher than "usual" and that she's ok with that. She has regular checks to make sure it's not getting out of control, but other than that she just exercises as normal and keeps an eye on her diet.

For the record, I'm thin (BMI around 20) and my last cholesterol test was 5.3 which is on the upper end of normal. I put it down to my fondness for cheese :blush:, but I'd be interested to know what your score was. Obviously these drugs can have some scary side effects.

BTW, charting is brilliant. After doing it for a full cycle, I am fully aware that timing is everything!! You will also learn so much about your body - it's like a snapshot of your monthly hormonal fluctuations. I thought I was fairly self-aware about my fertility before doing it - turns out I ovulate MUCH later than I thought - CD19. A couple of cycles ago I thought there was a possiblity I could conceive from BD on day 7 :dohh: Now I know there was ZERO chance of that.
Rashaa, omg, jaundice would have totally freaked me out. I would have assumed there was something gravely wrong with my liver/pancreas... or that I'd overindulged once too often in the pinot noir, lol.

Tell me about the Type A, lol :haha::haha: The most difficult thing about this is the lack of control. We can take all the supplements we like, be really virtuous, and yet it doesn't guarantee anything in the end. There's a life-lesson there, if only I felt like learning it... :-k
Cool thread...I'll add my 2 cents :flower:

I'm on cycle #4 TTC #1....this month trying a few new things....

-Taking Mucinex (guaifesnin) (already noticing a diff in my cm!!)
-Taking Fertilaid for Women; and DH is taking Fertilaid for Men
-2 teaspoons of Royal Jelly/Bee Pollen Daily, in honey
-Not taking temps, but doing OPKs and charting symptoms, cm etc
-Stopped caffeine about 3 weeks ago
-Reduced alcohol intake to very minimal (1 drink per week)
-Adding in additional exercise to reduce my BMI

I'm really hoping that this month is our month (FXed!!).

Hi Mbababy! Question: when you take the Mucinex, how many days before ovulation? Then do you stop until the next cycle - if needed of course :winkwink:

What is Fertilaid? Sorry, just haven't heard that before. I could go look it up, I suppose. :blush: Any side effects?

The only thing I will have trouble doing is cutting my once in a while glass of wine out. I do like going to wine tastings, ah shucks. I don't drink much coffee, if I do it's like a 1/2 cup a day. A diet coke once in a while.

I heard that eating carrots and the core of a pineapple during fertile days is suppose to up our chances. I don't know but I'll try it. :shrug:

ANYONE hear of what's good for the men?

I took guaifenesin for about 8 days prior to my ov last cycle - so that would be from CD 11 to CD 18 inclusive. I'll be taking it again this cycle to see if it was a once-off or whether I still notice a difference.

I have difficulty quitting the odd glass of wine too! Actually I think one here or there is relatively harmless when ttc, but it will be definitively off the menu for me should I ever be fortunate enough to get a BFP. :nope:
Thanks Suki - interesting thread! I'm new to this game but know I have to start looking after myself, and this has given me a bit of inspiration. Watching the 'Tour de France' unfortunately doesn't qualify as exercise...

I've got a stressful job too (number-cruncher also) and it is hard not to get stressed out at work because there are always deadlines and millions of things going on at once that I have to juggle. I reckon that the stress is the worst - as many people have said here, there are plenty of people who get pregnant with less than ideal lifestyles.

So, this is what I'm doing:

Taking 400mg Folic acid per day
Taking a multivitamin for women (may change to the 'pregnancy' one - but I HATE anything labelled as such, as I'm afraid of anyone seeing the packet and knowing what I'm up to!)
Trying to cut down drinking (difficult as is a real crutch to deal with the stress unfortunately)
Stopping smoking - I only smoke a few a day but it needs to GO
Drinking loads of water
Cutting out coffee (I don't even LIKE it but it's become such a habit)
Trying to eat more fruit and veg (not into junk food at all)
Exercising more regularly
Plus I'm taking my temp daily and may get some ovulation kits to start tracking my cycle and getting a clue of what's going on in this body of mine!
Good luck everyone and let's all take care of our bodies.

Hi Elodie:hi:

I read what you said on your other thread about your work environment and colleagues being into going out and getting drunk still. Lol - I know all about that. I've worked in a hard-working, hard-drinking job for a while now. Lots of coffee and lots of booze after working hours.

It can be hard to back away a bit from that.

Lol, I wish preconception vitamins were more discreetly labeled too. My box has a big egg and sperm on it and a smug-looking woman stroking her enormous belly :wacko:

The temping and opk's give you a real insight into your body. Timing is EVERYTHING :dust: Good luck!

Hi Suki

Yes, the packets of vitamins are labelled outrageously! So I came up with a trick - I took the ones from the hideous 'pregnancy' packet and put them in the normal packet! And I just CRINGED when I saw the 'couples' pre-pregnancy packet (just awful) - I can imagine trying to give the pill to your OH and the mere SIGHT of it would put him off ever wanting to try! Ugh, when will manufacturers learn that fertility is not a theme-park for all and sundry to know about?!

Cool thread...I'll add my 2 cents :flower:

I'm on cycle #4 TTC #1....this month trying a few new things....

-Taking Mucinex (guaifesnin) (already noticing a diff in my cm!!)
-Taking Fertilaid for Women; and DH is taking Fertilaid for Men
-2 teaspoons of Royal Jelly/Bee Pollen Daily, in honey
-Not taking temps, but doing OPKs and charting symptoms, cm etc
-Stopped caffeine about 3 weeks ago
-Reduced alcohol intake to very minimal (1 drink per week)
-Adding in additional exercise to reduce my BMI

I'm really hoping that this month is our month (FXed!!).

Hi Mbababy! Question: when you take the Mucinex, how many days before ovulation? Then do you stop until the next cycle - if needed of course :winkwink:

What is Fertilaid? Sorry, just haven't heard that before. I could go look it up, I suppose. :blush: Any side effects?

The only thing I will have trouble doing is cutting my once in a while glass of wine out. I do like going to wine tastings, ah shucks. I don't drink much coffee, if I do it's like a 1/2 cup a day. A diet coke once in a while.

I heard that eating carrots and the core of a pineapple during fertile days is suppose to up our chances. I don't know but I'll try it. :shrug:

ANYONE hear of what's good for the men?

Hi TTC! Sorry...I'm just seeing your message now. I started taking the Mucinex 5 days before my expected O date. This is my first month taking it, so I'm still in the middle of things, but I'll take it through 1 day post O, then I'll stop. I have noticed a slight increase in cm, but not tons yet. I am not taking the maximum amount (2x/day), and only taking it 1x/day, so maybe that's an issue.

As for the Fertilaid, it is a fertility supplement (you can read all about it online). I started taking it a week ago...and I haven't had any side effects from it. I did come across some bad reviews of it today though, and it is freaking me out a bit (some women claiming it made their very regular cycle irregular). It actually freaked me out enough that I may stop taking it today, because I've always been very regular and I don't want to mess it up!! :nope:

On the flipside, my DH is on the Fertilaid for Men, and I've read a lot of positive reviews about how it has increased the sperm quality for quite a few men, so hopefully that is the case! He has had no side effects from it either. :thumbup:
As for the Fertilaid, it is a fertility supplement (you can read all about it online). I started taking it a week ago...and I haven't had any side effects from it. I did come across some bad reviews of it today though, and it is freaking me out a bit (some women claiming it made their very regular cycle irregular). It actually freaked me out enough that I may stop taking it today, because I've always been very regular and I don't want to mess it up!! :nope:

Hi Mbababy! Question: when you take the Mucinex, how many days before ovulation? Then do you stop until the next cycle - if needed of course :winkwink:

What is Fertilaid? Sorry, just haven't heard that before. I could go look it up, I suppose. :blush: Any side effects?

The only thing I will have trouble doing is cutting my once in a while glass of wine out. I do like going to wine tastings, ah shucks. I don't drink much coffee, if I do it's like a 1/2 cup a day. A diet coke once in a while.

I heard that eating carrots and the core of a pineapple during fertile days is suppose to up our chances. I don't know but I'll try it. :shrug:

ANYONE hear of what's good for the men?

Hi Ladies-

I'm on FertilAid and in Cycle #2 of it (or a least I'm saying Cycle #2). Because of the fact I normally have a 28-29 day cycle, I opted to just do 2pills and day vs. the 3 pills a day. Honestly, I feel great on it. AND I already see the benefits of using it (like I could for the first time REALLY feel when I ovulated and my OPKs were VERY succinct/clean readings).

I'll reserve complete judgement until I get my :bfp: , but I know it's helped the issues I had before (too little CM, ovulation delayed/in question, lining health improved to keep a sticky beanie). I did ovulate a little earlier than usual, but I started the supplement mid-cycle. If you have a choice, start at the beginning of your follicular cycle.

The cost is the same as a really good pre-natal. But to top it all off, it's a prenatal, too! So you get the herbal help and pre-natal in an easy-to-swallow pill. Worth the $20-30/monthly investment (depending on how many pills you use a day). The FertilAid men's product looks awesome, but I already know my DH's swimmers are just fine; I have had 2 chemical mc's since Dec, 2010, but I wasn't keep the beanie. I did pass the word on to my friend who's DH is taking the Men's FertilAid now. I know his swimmers had issues. I'll have to post back when his results come in.

Also, for mucus increase, the FertilAid Women CM seems to really help with that (another friend is doing that one), but if not then either using the listed supplements or doing the correct cough syrup should help.
Cool thread...I'll add my 2 cents :flower:

I'm on cycle #4 TTC #1....this month trying a few new things....

-Taking Mucinex (guaifesnin) (already noticing a diff in my cm!!)
-Taking Fertilaid for Women; and DH is taking Fertilaid for Men
-2 teaspoons of Royal Jelly/Bee Pollen Daily, in honey
-Not taking temps, but doing OPKs and charting symptoms, cm etc
-Stopped caffeine about 3 weeks ago
-Reduced alcohol intake to very minimal (1 drink per week)
-Adding in additional exercise to reduce my BMI

I'm really hoping that this month is our month (FXed!!).

Hi Mbababy! Question: when you take the Mucinex, how many days before ovulation? Then do you stop until the next cycle - if needed of course :winkwink:

What is Fertilaid? Sorry, just haven't heard that before. I could go look it up, I suppose. :blush: Any side effects?

The only thing I will have trouble doing is cutting my once in a while glass of wine out. I do like going to wine tastings, ah shucks. I don't drink much coffee, if I do it's like a 1/2 cup a day. A diet coke once in a while.

I heard that eating carrots and the core of a pineapple during fertile days is suppose to up our chances. I don't know but I'll try it. :shrug:

ANYONE hear of what's good for the men?

Hi TTC! Sorry...I'm just seeing your message now. I started taking the Mucinex 5 days before my expected O date. This is my first month taking it, so I'm still in the middle of things, but I'll take it through 1 day post O, then I'll stop. I have noticed a slight increase in cm, but not tons yet. I am not taking the maximum amount (2x/day), and only taking it 1x/day, so maybe that's an issue.

As for the Fertilaid, it is a fertility supplement (you can read all about it online). I started taking it a week ago...and I haven't had any side effects from it. I did come across some bad reviews of it today though, and it is freaking me out a bit (some women claiming it made their very regular cycle irregular). It actually freaked me out enough that I may stop taking it today, because I've always been very regular and I don't want to mess it up!! :nope:

On the flipside, my DH is on the Fertilaid for Men, and I've read a lot of positive reviews about how it has increased the sperm quality for quite a few men, so hopefully that is the case! He has had no side effects from it either. :thumbup:

Thank you! :hugs: I read those reviews about the Fertilaid for woman, too, and got a bit nervous. I don't want to mess up my pretty reg cycle either. It's tough, though, to read all this stuff online. It's don't do this, then another site says do it, etc. :shrug: I think I'll buy some for my DH. Why not!
Any thoughts on EPO?
Cool thread...I'll add my 2 cents :flower:

I'm on cycle #4 TTC #1....this month trying a few new things....

-Taking Mucinex (guaifesnin) (already noticing a diff in my cm!!)
-Taking Fertilaid for Women; and DH is taking Fertilaid for Men
-2 teaspoons of Royal Jelly/Bee Pollen Daily, in honey
-Not taking temps, but doing OPKs and charting symptoms, cm etc
-Stopped caffeine about 3 weeks ago
-Reduced alcohol intake to very minimal (1 drink per week)
-Adding in additional exercise to reduce my BMI

I'm really hoping that this month is our month (FXed!!).

Hi Mbababy! Question: when you take the Mucinex, how many days before ovulation? Then do you stop until the next cycle - if needed of course :winkwink:

What is Fertilaid? Sorry, just haven't heard that before. I could go look it up, I suppose. :blush: Any side effects?

The only thing I will have trouble doing is cutting my once in a while glass of wine out. I do like going to wine tastings, ah shucks. I don't drink much coffee, if I do it's like a 1/2 cup a day. A diet coke once in a while.

I heard that eating carrots and the core of a pineapple during fertile days is suppose to up our chances. I don't know but I'll try it. :shrug:

ANYONE hear of what's good for the men?

Hi TTC! Sorry...I'm just seeing your message now. I started taking the Mucinex 5 days before my expected O date. This is my first month taking it, so I'm still in the middle of things, but I'll take it through 1 day post O, then I'll stop. I have noticed a slight increase in cm, but not tons yet. I am not taking the maximum amount (2x/day), and only taking it 1x/day, so maybe that's an issue.

As for the Fertilaid, it is a fertility supplement (you can read all about it online). I started taking it a week ago...and I haven't had any side effects from it. I did come across some bad reviews of it today though, and it is freaking me out a bit (some women claiming it made their very regular cycle irregular). It actually freaked me out enough that I may stop taking it today, because I've always been very regular and I don't want to mess it up!! :nope:

On the flipside, my DH is on the Fertilaid for Men, and I've read a lot of positive reviews about how it has increased the sperm quality for quite a few men, so hopefully that is the case! He has had no side effects from it either. :thumbup:

Thank you! :hugs: I read those reviews about the Fertilaid for woman, too, and got a bit nervous. I don't want to mess up my pretty reg cycle either. It's tough, though, to read all this stuff online. It's don't do this, then another site says do it, etc. :shrug: I think I'll buy some for my DH. Why not!
Any thoughts on EPO?

We posted 1 minute apart. LOL. Did you see my reply to you?
Cool thread...I'll add my 2 cents :flower:

I'm on cycle #4 TTC #1....this month trying a few new things....

-Taking Mucinex (guaifesnin) (already noticing a diff in my cm!!)
-Taking Fertilaid for Women; and DH is taking Fertilaid for Men
-2 teaspoons of Royal Jelly/Bee Pollen Daily, in honey
-Not taking temps, but doing OPKs and charting symptoms, cm etc
-Stopped caffeine about 3 weeks ago
-Reduced alcohol intake to very minimal (1 drink per week)
-Adding in additional exercise to reduce my BMI

I'm really hoping that this month is our month (FXed!!).

Hi Mbababy! Question: when you take the Mucinex, how many days before ovulation? Then do you stop until the next cycle - if needed of course :winkwink:

What is Fertilaid? Sorry, just haven't heard that before. I could go look it up, I suppose. :blush: Any side effects?

The only thing I will have trouble doing is cutting my once in a while glass of wine out. I do like going to wine tastings, ah shucks. I don't drink much coffee, if I do it's like a 1/2 cup a day. A diet coke once in a while.

I heard that eating carrots and the core of a pineapple during fertile days is suppose to up our chances. I don't know but I'll try it. :shrug:

ANYONE hear of what's good for the men?

Hi TTC! Sorry...I'm just seeing your message now. I started taking the Mucinex 5 days before my expected O date. This is my first month taking it, so I'm still in the middle of things, but I'll take it through 1 day post O, then I'll stop. I have noticed a slight increase in cm, but not tons yet. I am not taking the maximum amount (2x/day), and only taking it 1x/day, so maybe that's an issue.

As for the Fertilaid, it is a fertility supplement (you can read all about it online). I started taking it a week ago...and I haven't had any side effects from it. I did come across some bad reviews of it today though, and it is freaking me out a bit (some women claiming it made their very regular cycle irregular). It actually freaked me out enough that I may stop taking it today, because I've always been very regular and I don't want to mess it up!! :nope:

On the flipside, my DH is on the Fertilaid for Men, and I've read a lot of positive reviews about how it has increased the sperm quality for quite a few men, so hopefully that is the case! He has had no side effects from it either. :thumbup:

Thank you! :hugs: I read those reviews about the Fertilaid for woman, too, and got a bit nervous. I don't want to mess up my pretty reg cycle either. It's tough, though, to read all this stuff online. It's don't do this, then another site says do it, etc. :shrug: I think I'll buy some for my DH. Why not!
Any thoughts on EPO?

There is a whole thread dedicated to EPO in this section....funny that you asked because I just barely got around to reading it and it sounds like the OP's experience was that it caused her to O much later then she normally did, and at the same time, didn't increase her cycle length :nope: It was enough for me to want to stay away from it as well.

One other thing I'm trying is Royal Jelly w/ bee pollen in honey. It is all natural, and unless you're allergic to bees, it is supposed to be without negative side effects. I started it because I ran across this very convincing thread online...and I couldn't believe the number of women on the thread who started it and then got BFPs! :shock: It is a LONG thread, but a very interesting is the link: https://forums.fertilitycommunity.c...-ivf/276953-has-anyone-taken-royal-jelly.html Here is the link to the RJ/BP they discuss (and the one I bought) in the thread:

Warning...I think the taste is "ok", but the consistency can trigger your gag reflex....
As for the Fertilaid, it is a fertility supplement (you can read all about it online). I started taking it a week ago...and I haven't had any side effects from it. I did come across some bad reviews of it today though, and it is freaking me out a bit (some women claiming it made their very regular cycle irregular). It actually freaked me out enough that I may stop taking it today, because I've always been very regular and I don't want to mess it up!! :nope:

Hi Mbababy! Question: when you take the Mucinex, how many days before ovulation? Then do you stop until the next cycle - if needed of course :winkwink:

What is Fertilaid? Sorry, just haven't heard that before. I could go look it up, I suppose. :blush: Any side effects?

The only thing I will have trouble doing is cutting my once in a while glass of wine out. I do like going to wine tastings, ah shucks. I don't drink much coffee, if I do it's like a 1/2 cup a day. A diet coke once in a while.

I heard that eating carrots and the core of a pineapple during fertile days is suppose to up our chances. I don't know but I'll try it. :shrug:

ANYONE hear of what's good for the men?

Hi Ladies-

I'm on FertilAid and in Cycle #2 of it (or a least I'm saying Cycle #2). Because of the fact I normally have a 28-29 day cycle, I opted to just do 2pills and day vs. the 3 pills a day. Honestly, I feel great on it. AND I already see the benefits of using it (like I could for the first time REALLY feel when I ovulated and my OPKs were VERY succinct/clean readings).

I'll reserve complete judgement until I get my :bfp: , but I know it's helped the issues I had before (too little CM, ovulation delayed/in question, lining health improved to keep a sticky beanie). I did ovulate a little earlier than usual, but I started the supplement mid-cycle. If you have a choice, start at the beginning of your follicular cycle.

The cost is the same as a really good pre-natal. But to top it all off, it's a prenatal, too! So you get the herbal help and pre-natal in an easy-to-swallow pill. Worth the $20-30/monthly investment (depending on how many pills you use a day). The FertilAid men's product looks awesome, but I already know my DH's swimmers are just fine; I have had 2 chemical mc's since Dec, 2010, but I wasn't keep the beanie. I did pass the word on to my friend who's DH is taking the Men's FertilAid now. I know his swimmers had issues. I'll have to post back when his results come in.

Also, for mucus increase, the FertilAid Women CM seems to really help with that (another friend is doing that one), but if not then either using the listed supplements or doing the correct cough syrup should help.

Ok, this eases my mind a bit....thanks! Women were reporting not having their periods for months after trying this, and it was freaking me out to be honest. I also know their are a lot of women who said it helped them get their BFPs too. Maybe I'll decrease to 2 pills since I am regular, and see how this month goes. Why does this have to be so complicated?? :dohh:
Ok, this eases my mind a bit....thanks! Women were reporting not having their periods for months after trying this, and it was freaking me out to be honest. I also know their are a lot of women who said it helped them get their BFPs too. Maybe I'll decrease to 2 pills since I am regular, and see how this month goes. Why does this have to be so complicated?? :dohh:

I know! Some people just don't get a simple life, but that doesn't mean we don't deserve a break! I think between the FW and RJ you'll be :bfp: soon using Dr. J's timing for :sex: suggested in this thread-

It really depends on the woman! I BBT so I know I usually ovulate 1-2 days AFTER a long LH surge (I have 2 nights of positive OPKs). So if I start on the day of the first + OPK and :sex: for 4 consecutive nights, I know I will have covered 2 days before O and the day of O which are the "big" hitters for TTC'ing! This is how we successfully conceived our daughter Sept 2009. This time around we're not "officially" TTC'ing until August, so we just BD'ed the 2 nights of my + OPK. If I don't have a :bfp: this month, back to our trick which worked so well the first time around! Best of luck :hugs:

I think your approach removes the guessing. Since it takes 24hrs for the swimmer supply to recuperate, you're good for every day WITH insurance. My LH surge is long also (first time around using OPK's and all). I presume you typically just see one temperature drop? I had two...along with ovary pains (which I never really noticed before, but I'm supplementing with FertilAid until the pills run out). Fraternal twins make sense to me now....

:dust: to us all
Ok, this eases my mind a bit....thanks! Women were reporting not having their periods for months after trying this, and it was freaking me out to be honest. I also know their are a lot of women who said it helped them get their BFPs too. Maybe I'll decrease to 2 pills since I am regular, and see how this month goes. Why does this have to be so complicated?? :dohh:

I know! Some people just don't get a simple life, but that doesn't mean we don't deserve a break! I think between the FW and RJ you'll be :bfp: soon using Dr. J's timing for :sex: suggested in this thread-

It really depends on the woman! I BBT so I know I usually ovulate 1-2 days AFTER a long LH surge (I have 2 nights of positive OPKs). So if I start on the day of the first + OPK and :sex: for 4 consecutive nights, I know I will have covered 2 days before O and the day of O which are the "big" hitters for TTC'ing! This is how we successfully conceived our daughter Sept 2009. This time around we're not "officially" TTC'ing until August, so we just BD'ed the 2 nights of my + OPK. If I don't have a :bfp: this month, back to our trick which worked so well the first time around! Best of luck :hugs:

I think your approach removes the guessing. Since it takes 24hrs for the swimmer supply to recuperate, you're good for every day WITH insurance. My LH surge is long also (first time around using OPK's and all). I presume you typically just see one temperature drop? I had two...along with ovary pains (which I never really noticed before, but I'm supplementing with FertilAid until the pills run out). Fraternal twins make sense to me now....

:dust: to us all

I hope so! I was trying SMEP this month, which is a lot like J's plan. I'm just hoping many of us testing in August get to celebrate with a BFP :happydance: Wouldn't that be great?? More :dust: to everyone!
Well, I have well and truly fallen off the healthy living wagon over the past few days - just as well I'm still just WTT, lol. Massively stressful couple of weeks in work (I have been finishing up my current job before moving to the countryside to live a more sedate life :)) My colleagues took me out for a last massive blow out the other night and you know how it is when other people are buying you drinks - it seems churlish to refuse :) TBH that kind of lifestyle goes with the job so it's just as well I'm leaving it behind me. Great fun but NOT healthy.

My charting has been er, haphazard too; I missed a couple of days here and there. And inevitably I have been back on the bean. :( And I had been so good about caffeine reduction. :coffee:

On the plus side, I have managed to reduce my seroxat drastically over the past few weeks without any terrifying side effects. I have been tearing up at the drop of a hat but it's nice to have some emotionalism back at the same time. Down to 10 mg every other day now and have dealt with the worst of the 'electric shocks' and digestive problems, I hope. Would like to be drug-free in a couple of weeks.

Oh well, onwards and upwards - hope all of you other ladies on here have been more healthy and virtuous than I've been :):dust::dust::dust::dust:
Well, I have well and truly fallen off the healthy living wagon over the past few days - just as well I'm still just WTT, lol. Massively stressful couple of weeks in work (I have been finishing up my current job before moving to the countryside to live a more sedate life :)) My colleagues took me out for a last massive blow out the other night and you know how it is when other people are buying you drinks - it seems churlish to refuse :) TBH that kind of lifestyle goes with the job so it's just as well I'm leaving it behind me. Great fun but NOT healthy.

My charting has been er, haphazard too; I missed a couple of days here and there. And inevitably I have been back on the bean. :( And I had been so good about caffeine reduction. :coffee:

On the plus side, I have managed to reduce my seroxat drastically over the past few weeks without any terrifying side effects. I have been tearing up at the drop of a hat but it's nice to have some emotionalism back at the same time. Down to 10 mg every other day now and have dealt with the worst of the 'electric shocks' and digestive problems, I hope. Would like to be drug-free in a couple of weeks.

Oh well, onwards and upwards - hope all of you other ladies on here have been more healthy and virtuous than I've been :):dust::dust::dust::dust:

Who me? No way. I've been back to 2 mugs of coffee a day and doing high impact workouts at the gym, I'm going back to my normal lifestyle as this TTC body is a temple crap was really getting me down.

Plus I really hate low impact exercise like swimming it stuffs up my hair:shrug:

The only TTC thing I'm doing now is folic acid and extra meat/milk
I haven't been too good either so we are all in the same boat guys ,:hugs::hugs::hugs:I have been drinking loads of water and walking but I have started drinking coffee again and have had the odd chocolate bar ,I am struggling ATM but a good blow out now and then is ok,go easy on yourself ladies,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:::hugs:
You are so right Despie, 9 months is plenty long enough to deprive yourself of fun stuff once you get PG.

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