PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

Londongirl, I know you have already had many replies, but I had to voice mine too. Pretty much the same thing happened to me. DH comes home from a bad day and is tired. I say it's time to go and he isn't into it. I beg, he says ok and we had terrible sex! At least yours turned out good. We decided that that could never happen again. Trying to keep it light and fun........trying.

I am going in for a Mayan massage on monday. Anyone ever heard of it? It is a fertility massage that actually focuses on the positioning of your reproductive organs (from the outside) It is supposed to help a lot. I thought I would try it. Has anyone here tried it? I will let you know how it goes. We're on month 8. Month 3 of preseed. Willing to try it all before I need to take further steps with the docs. Good luck to everyone who is about to test and ovulate :)

Thanks for sharing your bad experience so I don't feel so alone...

The Mayan massage sounds really interesting!! I looove massages. And
If they have fertility benefits, all the better!!!

Let us know how it goes!!
Congrats to all the BFPs, i get extra excited when i see someone post about their positives. To the other ladies: Pray and keep your head, everything happens for a reason.:hugs:
HI all, haven't checked in for a while. Was good to hear that I'm not the only one that finds TTC sex hard work sometimes.

Onto 3rd cycle using pre-seed. Good luck to all.
Leikela- thanks sweets!! I know its not gaurrennteeed but i hear so much good stuff about it i was feeling very + about it this month... I Have already went to OBGYN when we decided to TTC.. And they ran all my blood work everything came back good.. she told me to temp and do my opks and bd .. So thats what im doing.. In April if we havent conceived yet she will request a SA and if that is all normal then we will prolly get on Clomid..

I have a ?
Okay this past cycle i O on Dec 27th and we bd for 10 days before the 27 and we stopped when i got a temp rise and a - OPK.. everymonth we always stop r miss the day after O..

DO yall think maybe thats y i havent got preggo yet bc we dont dtd the day after O?
Like when FF gives u CH we never do it the day after the CH.. Just a thought?
Hi Londongirl,

This is my first month TTC#1 with pre seed and only the second month trying.
I decided to start using pre seed right from the second month because i never seem to get that much EWCM before ovulation...only after i ovulate i get it for two days:(...strange uh...
Now I am at 12DPO...nd hoping to get my BFP soon....

Please add me to ur list....:)
Ur thread seems very motivating and gives me lots of encouragement...

Hi to all lovely gals here....
Lots of baby dust to everyone...and congrats to those who ve got their BFPs so far...:happydance:
I was using pre seed but switched to conceive plus (it's cheaper). Can I join? :)

If you think about it, you only need to BD 2 days before ovulation and every other day after that. I would also BD the day after, as the egg can live from 24 to 48 hours after being released. Maybe you are BD'ing too much? Men need a day between ejacuates to get back to a healthy sperm count and quality. Of course there is always the exception and people do get pregnant from BD'ing every day but for some men it may make a difference. Just a thought!

I am out this month. AF showed up this morning! Here is to a February BFP!! =)
leikela i thought that it was ok to bd everyday if the man had good sperm? just wondering (sorry tmi) as my DH and i bd everyday for about 8 days straight and then skip a day and then again but we have been doing this since we got together about three years ago should we only do it every other day ?
leikela i thought that it was ok to bd everyday if the man had good sperm? just wondering (sorry tmi) as my DH and i bd everyday for about 8 days straight and then skip a day and then again but we have been doing this since we got together about three years ago should we only do it every other day ?

If the sperm count is normal, then yes it is ok to BD every day. Has your hubby been tested? If not, you may want to try this method:
leikela i thought that it was ok to bd everyday if the man had good sperm? just wondering (sorry tmi) as my DH and i bd everyday for about 8 days straight and then skip a day and then again but we have been doing this since we got together about three years ago should we only do it every other day ?

If the sperm count is normal, then yes it is ok to BD every day. Has your hubby been tested? If not, you may want to try this method:

wow thanks for that article very informative i just told DH about no sex for three days it was hilarious the face he made. i dont think that he can go more than 24 hours with out getting some unless am really tires,sick or af is around so i guess i am just going to have to keep fx that all is good and that i get a bfp soon (side note) he is very healthy and takes good care of himself has never smoked or drank alcohol and doesn't now either but i guess if i dont get that bfp this month i think that am going to look into changing his mind about dtd every day which to be honest am still amazed that it's been like that for this long :shrug: fykwim
Well, I guess I'm now in TWW. Never got a positive on OPK, just feint lines this week. We DTD every day using preseed. I'll let you know if it worked
I had the same thing happen this time around... That is unless i'm still going to ovulate (very late)... Not sure if it happened really early or if the faint lines were the surge :( Either whicha way... we've definitely dtd AT LEAST every other day... So i know we've got the bases covered!

God bless you and your active sex life!! :) Hubby and I have been together for 9 years and married for a little over 5. Our sex life has definitely decreased! We only usually BD when it is "time". I wish we were everyday'ers but sadly with age that has changed with us. LOL
I just read on another thread about a woman choosing between preseed and conceive plus. A comment was made that preseed has been associated with miscarriages and chemicals. I personally havent read this or formed an opinion in this direction. It just scared me a bit. Have any of you heard anything like this? Could it be just the typical risk (with ANY way of conception) that pregnancies end in m/c or chems that these ladies are noticing? my brain wondered to how (sadly and respectfullly) it seems as though first pregnancies are more vulnerable to being lost and i thought-- well preseed does seem to give lots of ladies their first so maybe this is correlation but not causation.

For those of you lost after reading that.... back to my original question:
Have any of you heard of preseed being related to m/c and chemicals?

lol thanks for the blessing tbh i don't know whether it runs in the family but according to DH his grandpa fathered a child at 60 had two women (that were sisters both knowing about each other) and was able to keep them both satisfied so who knows. oh hey my hubby drinks tons of warm milk he says that that helps get him in the mood give that a try oh and we did agree that we would allow 24 hours to pass before we dtd again, lets see how long that lasts
For those of you lost after reading that.... back to my original question:
Have any of you heard of preseed being related to m/c and chemicals?


I have never heard this and I remember when someone mentioned this, but they were speaking from pure speculation. (Which if you ask me, was irresponsible on their part because it causes this type of panic.) If you think logically about it, how would Preseed be able to cause miscarriages? It is water based and the ingredients in it are all non-toxic and mostly natural. By the time pregnancy occurs, the Preseed has already absorbed into your body and been expelled so it is not possible to affect a pregnancy. Plus, it doesn't even go up into your uterus.

Here is what I found on their website, which makes sense:
"25% of all couples using Pre~Seed had undiagnosed infertility, 26% had diagnosed male factor issues, and 34% had diagnosed female factor issues. Further, 25% were taking Clomid and 16% other fertility medications. For couples that became pregnant, this was 15% undiagnosed, 19% male factor, 23% female factor, with 21% on Clomid and 21% on other fertility medications. 45% mentioned no infertility diagnosis."

So in essence, couples that use Preseed are more inclined to already have fertility issues, hence, using Preseed.

Their site also lists these statistics:
The pregnancies reported resulted in:
17% a boy
19% a girl
35% reported no gender
29% had a lost pregnancy (miscarriage), including early “chemical” losses. The miscarriage rate is very consistent with pregnancy losses reported in other studies (31% - Wilcox et al., NEJM, 1988; 33% - Wang et al., Fertil Steril, 2003).

Again, basically the number of miscarriages from using Preseed are the same as if you didn't use Preseed. So any notion that Preseed causes miscarriages is truly unfounded. Do not worry. :)

lol thanks for the blessing tbh i don't know whether it runs in the family but according to DH his grandpa fathered a child at 60 had two women (that were sisters both knowing about each other) and was able to keep them both satisfied so who knows. oh hey my hubby drinks tons of warm milk he says that that helps get him in the mood give that a try oh and we did agree that we would allow 24 hours to pass before we dtd again, lets see how long that lasts

Wow, that family is a bunch of studs! :) You are one lucky lady. Hee hee... We will try the warm milk idea! Thanks! And I hope your hubby is able to hold out. :) :dust:

I cannot begin to express just how much i appreciate your response... Like you mentioned, the comment sent me into a bit of panic!.... Thank you so much for the quotes, statistics and reason. You don't know how much you helped my state of mind...

I will, undoubtedly, continue to use preseed. Thank you so much for the time you spent helping me :flower: What a blessing your response was. Forever appreciative, JHarts :hug:

My pleasure and you are very welcome! I am glad your mind is at ease. Loads and loads of baby dust to you!! :) :dust:

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