Jchic- we have both been TTC for the same exact amount of time. Makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one still BFP-less after 7 months. Hoping ours are just aroun the corner!
Hi There! UGH, I know....it seems like eternity, doesnt it? I will be going into Cycle 7 come Feb 1 if AF shows her dumb face
I am hopeful we will ALL get our BFPS soon! God is good, for sure
What cycle day are you on now?
Babydust to you!
Definitely seems like an eternity and every month more without a BFP seems like an eternity x2.
I'm on CD#4 as of today. Starting OPKs tomorrow and temping. I only temped last month and don't think I was sleeping enough hours in a row to get a good baseline, so have no idea when I ovulated...hoping for more accurately timed love making this month.