PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

Girls..can I ask a question. How do u all think ull feel once u get ur BFP? I have so much faith in Pre Seed but Its just I'm Soooo excited to test next week and think "what if its really gonna be BFP" I'm gonna be so scared to do anything or even breathe!! Losing two babes has kinda made me a nut case! How do u think we get over that ? I'm like MUST go to gyni and have him test EVERYTHING and all HORMONES and whatever isn't there of enough of must be given!!
Oh i'm with you there hun, half of me is excited but half of me is quite anxious hoping that everything will be ok. Whatever happens at least i know we're all here to hold each others hands. :hugs:
Good morning ladies! I managed to do my temp this morning! I'm excited to start charting so I know exactly where I'm at.
Londongirl- I've been there haha OH says all the time I only want him for his sperm. Which is so untrue, I do still enjoy BD even if its not that fertile window! He is joking but its still annoying. Makes me feel like I'm a maniac around my fertile time.
SA jenny penny- I'm with you there too! I think about it all the time! I'm so nervous I'll do something wrong and knock the little bubba off. I know that's probably noot possible as its tucked nice away in there. But seeing all the loses women on here have gone through, even at full term, is so scary! I guess once you become a mother the worry never stops forever!

I also have a confession to make. I find myself in the pregnancy areas from time to time and can't help be seriously jealous looking at all the girls bumps. I want one. I want it to be my turn. I have to remind myself I'm doing everything I can and its all in Gods hands! But it still stinks. :(
I also have a confession to make. I find myself in the pregnancy areas from time to time and can't help be seriously jealous looking at all the girls bumps. I want one. I want it to be my turn. I have to remind myself I'm doing everything I can and its all in Gods hands! But it still stinks. :(

Aww hugs hun, it'll happen we know it will, you'll get your bump one day, then people will look at you with a bit of jealousy.

I have a confession too! I like digging up old threads and looking at all the people that have posted in the TTC section that now have 'mum' or 'expecting' on their profile.
Hello ladies! Haven't been on in a while but congrats to all the BFP's!! Sooo exciting!

I have a random question - this is my 2nd month charting and first month using OPK's. Last month I o'd on cd 20 (and I thought that was late because I was out of the country and then I got sick). This month, I have gotten medium-dark OPK's starting cd 14 and watery cm, but haven't ovulated yet (no temp rise) and it is now cd 22. I have been extremely stressed at work last week and with trying to close on an apartment. I've heard that stress can prevent ovulation. Has this happened to anyone and if so, did you not ovulate at all or was it just very delayed? Thanks for your help!
Awwww I'm so glad I'm not alone!!! Crikey I think iv lost the plot sometimes!! I am ALWAYS walking in the baby sections..picking the tiniest little babygrow and imagining a little sprout growing in my tummy to fill it up! I'm always smiling at peoples babies and saying "cute" then all the mothers give a look of "what are u looking at freak" aww man..I feel like saying..u have no idea how lucky u R!!
Hello ladies! Haven't been on in a while but congrats to all the BFP's!! Sooo exciting!

I have a random question - this is my 2nd month charting and first month using OPK's. Last month I o'd on cd 20 (and I thought that was late because I was out of the country and then I got sick). This month, I have gotten medium-dark OPK's starting cd 14 and watery cm, but haven't ovulated yet (no temp rise) and it is now cd 22. I have been extremely stressed at work last week and with trying to close on an apartment. I've heard that stress can prevent ovulation. Has this happened to anyone and if so, did you not ovulate at all or was it just very delayed? Thanks for your help!

I have heard stress can certainly effect O'ing. I can't say I'm a pro on info for this but am sure there's some ladies who can shed a light on this! Good luck hun...cuppa tea and RELAX! Xx
I wish I could reply to everyone but am on blackberry so not as easy.
First off, boys are dumb -- even the smart ones. :p just gotta go with it because we women are not the easiest to deal with at times either! :D

Second, I peruse the pregnancy areas too and look at bumps with a touch of envy. One day girls, one day.

AFM, last night was first with pre-seed during fertile time! The romantic I am, I said to DH "So, not to mess with spontaneity or anything, but do you want to do the slip and slide tonight?" Haha. It's not like I could hide the application of it.
We tried the full at 3g and DH was happy enough with it -- didn't complain about it being too slippery.

Fingers super crossed!
Hi girls
WOW I can relate - I also look 'ahead' at the pregnancy pages with jealousy/sadness (happy for them, worried for me!), and look 'back' at the earlier TTC pages and get so happy when i see how many of those women are now pregnant.
And SAJennyPenny - I SOOOO get you about your fear about the BFP. I'm not worried about not being able to get a BFP - I have had 2 already. I'm worried about a chemical or miscarriage. i'm terrified by it...

Hi ladies, so sorry I haven't been on here all day!
I have been soooo busy I have only now managed to check B&B:cry:
You guys are like my second family at the moment!!!!:hugs:

I have caught up on the last two pages, and noted how emotional and mentally draining this ttc journey is for us all. Its no wonder we are so sensitive to the things people say, even if it is not intended!

I for one am a little over sensitive at the moment and I think we see and hear things differently.We all want the one thing we have waited for all our lives to happen!

Glad we have all got each other to talk to!! xxx:hugs:
Hiyaaa everyone

Im new today to b&b and obv im TTC :happydance: , my first post was basicaly saying hello to everyone and introducing myself ( just to warn u all i cant spell), im new to all of this as of now so speak soon :D xxxxxx
Hi all - DH is in the dog house!!

So last night DH and I BDd. I'm jot even remotely fertile. We jus felt like BDing (esp him). Bit of background. He's a doctor taking his exams to become a consultant so under lots of stress and very busy etc. So we don't get to BD as much as many other couples. This is prob a massive factor why we don't have BFP yet. Anyway, he took a while but he's now completely on board with having a bubba. In fact he talks about it more than I do.

So anyway last night I'm not remotely fertile & he initiates BD. As we're getting into it he says "you're not just using me for my sperm are you?" WTF?! I Said that - wtf are you talkin about. He said he was just joking but it pissed me off because I'm not even fertile & he initiated. And yes I do need his sperm but it's what we both want n

Grrr or maybe I'm just too sensitive. I forgave him and we had good BD but still poor form I reckon!!

I can relate. My DH tries to guilt me into :sex: all the time. Men can be SO needy!

The other night as we laid in bed talking about what our lives could be like when we bring a bundle of joy into it he confessed that he does not want me to nurse. I was taken aback. Asked him why. He told me that he fears our baby would bond only with me. That he/she would associate me with food and cry when being held by him. I had no idea he felt that way. Before then I envied men - we're the ones that have to put our careers on hold, lose our shapes, endure aches/pains from pregnancy & childbirth. Who would've thought...

I gave him a big hug and told him I understood and that as a compromise I would pump so that he can play a part in the feeding too.

Sometimes men just need reassurance that they are just as important every step of the way, not just for their "deposits" (admittedly, I've used that word too =).
Girls..can I ask a question. How do u all think ull feel once u get ur BFP? I have so much faith in Pre Seed but Its just I'm Soooo excited to test next week and think "what if its really gonna be BFP" I'm gonna be so scared to do anything or even breathe!! Losing two babes has kinda made me a nut case! How do u think we get over that ? I'm like MUST go to gyni and have him test EVERYTHING and all HORMONES and whatever isn't there of enough of must be given!!

I think it'll be a whirlwind of emotions. First extremely overjoyed, followed by fear of m/c, followed by trying to calm myself & telling myself that everything will be alright, then I'll start to think about names, all while envisioning that 8 months from then will be the happiest day of my life :)

Try to be positive and good luck next week :hugs:
Hello ladies! Haven't been on in a while but congrats to all the BFP's!! Sooo exciting!

I have a random question - this is my 2nd month charting and first month using OPK's. Last month I o'd on cd 20 (and I thought that was late because I was out of the country and then I got sick). This month, I have gotten medium-dark OPK's starting cd 14 and watery cm, but haven't ovulated yet (no temp rise) and it is now cd 22. I have been extremely stressed at work last week and with trying to close on an apartment. I've heard that stress can prevent ovulation. Has this happened to anyone and if so, did you not ovulate at all or was it just very delayed? Thanks for your help!

I had this happen earlier this year . . and i didn't even know i was stressed!
Basically i had a few cycles of 40+ days, some i could pinpoint a late OV some i couldnt even see when i should have OV'd, went to my doctor and he said that the slightest bit of stress can stop your body OVing.
I was getting married but enjoying the planning so didnt think that had anything to do with it. Got married early September and my last two cycles have been back on track, and this cycles looking to be the same too.
hiya sorry everyone am a bit confused with all the short term ahaha god ya can tell am new xxxx
Sometimes men just need reassurance that they are just as important every step of the way, not just for their "deposits" (admittedly, I've used that word too =).

Joeliza - thank you so much - I found this statement really, really helpful. DH wasn't trying to have a go at me - he was just expressing an insecurity - that makes me feel way better
thank you :flower:

i love this forum
hiya sorry everyone am a bit confused with all the short term ahaha god ya can tell am new xxxx

try here hun
this should help with the lingo

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