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PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

hiya sorry everyone am a bit confused with all the short term ahaha god ya can tell am new xxxx

Oooh well here's a quick lesson:
Bfp- big fat positive
Bfn- big fat negative
Opk- ovulation predictor kit
Ttc- trying to conceive
Tmi- too much info
Bd- baby dance (intercourse!)
Dh- darling hubby
Oh- other half
Poas- pee on a stick
Af- aunt flo (monthly period) we don't like her!!!
Ov- ovulation

There are heaps more but I just read them like normal vocabulary now!!
Can't think!!

I just got a smiley face on the CBFM. but when i took the test out the dye was all smeared. is this a positive still?! OH is going to get preseed NOW! lol so we can BD. just in case. but is this a positive?
how perfect its our 3 year anniversary today!
Sometimes men just need reassurance that they are just as important every step of the way, not just for their "deposits" (admittedly, I've used that word too =).

Joeliza - thank you so much - I found this statement really, really helpful. DH wasn't trying to have a go at me - he was just expressing an insecurity - that makes me feel way better
thank you :flower:

i love this forum

Welcome sara!

Waitingmybfp- I'm not totally sure if its still positive, I'm sure the other girls could be more helpful. But I do think its a good idea to BD just in case! Couldn't hurt! Baby dust to you!
EmilyKate - I just realised - we haven't heard if you tested again today? can we have an update? any twinges or other positive symptoms?
EmilyKate - I just realised - we haven't heard if you tested again today? can we have an update? any twinges or other positive symptoms?

Sorry not to update u, but I didn't want to ruin the thread with neg vibes!
Especially after ttc1's recent Bfp.

I'm 11 dpo today and still testing bfn :( not even a faint line!
I'll test again tomorrow and if still bfn I won't test until after Friday when af is due.

I've been under pressure at work as I'm in a stressful new role, and I'm wondering if stress could be the reason this month?

Ive still got everything crossed, but trying to be honest with myself at tad same time! Sorry to be so negative but I guess I just really thought I may have been lucky this month! Especially after the marathon bd sessions!! He he!!! Xx
Emilykate- be negative if you want! That's what we're all here for! :) you're still not out if AF hasn't arrived! But I know what you mean about being realistic. Hugs!
Emilykate- be negative if you want! That's what we're all here for! :) you're still not out if AF hasn't arrived! But I know what you mean about being realistic. Hugs!

Ahhh thanks!! I really don't mean to be neg. I'm just fed up of months passing by without a Bfp!!!

Preseed will work for me next time! The 6 positives on this thread give me great hope!

That said this month isn't over yet! Xxx
EmilyKate, I couldn't agree more with mommytobe. Pls never feel you can't be negative or real in here. I'm already dreading how broken I'll feel if/when AF comes next month. We have to be realistic for our own sanity. If we're too over-positive it becomes delusional! So pls offload whenever you want or need. Heaven knows I'll be doing that in a few weeks when I start testing xxxxxxxxx
EmilyKate, I couldn't agree more with mommytobe. Pls never feel you can't be negative or real in here. I'm already dreading how broken I'll feel if/when AF comes next month. We have to be realistic for our own sanity. If we're too over-positive it becomes delusional! So pls offload whenever you want or need. Heaven knows I'll be doing that in a few weeks when I start testing xxxxxxxxx
Just been catching up. Love all you girls. :hugs:

Emily kate, I was trying to force myself to think positively right up until yesterday. There IS still hope for you!

Hey ladies! I am back from Italy and what a NEEDED relaxing trip! WOOHOO! Back to the daily grind now though, BLAH!
Congrats to all the BFPS! WOOHOO ttcbw1 and Kitty - so so sooooo happy for you girls! YEAH!
I am on CD13 today and havent temped or used my monitor this cycle since I got AF as I was boarding the plane to Italy and didnt want to be distracted with the time change, etc. Just taking the relaxed approach this month! Hope everyone is well and excited to see even more BFPS this month!
Jchic ,welcome back,hope u had a good time in Italy( or Italia !)
Good luck for the next few days,x
Emilykate,dont give up just yet,still early days,x

ttcbabyw1,dont wanna sound sad or nosey but did u tell ur DH about ur Bfp? Just curious??!! x
Just been catching up. Love all you girls. :hugs:

Emily kate, I was trying to force myself to think positively right up until yesterday. There IS still hope for you!


Hey! Yes ttcbabyw1, when are u presenting the little 'I love daddy sleepsuit'??
So cute! X
Hey ladies! I am back from Italy and what a NEEDED relaxing trip! WOOHOO! Back to the daily grind now though, BLAH!
Congrats to all the BFPS! WOOHOO ttcbw1 and Kitty - so so sooooo happy for you girls! YEAH!
I am on CD13 today and havent temped or used my monitor this cycle since I got AF as I was boarding the plane to Italy and didnt want to be distracted with the time change, etc. Just taking the relaxed approach this month! Hope everyone is well and excited to see even more BFPS this month!

Welcome back hunny! Hope you're feeling relaxed and refreshed!
We honeymooned in Italy- such a beautiful country x x
Welcome back Jchic....Hope you had an awesome time in Italy. I love it there, have family there.

Londongirl ~ men are idiots sometimes. My DH jokes with me around my fertile time too that all i want him for is his deposit. Tells me that if i don't cater to his every need then he won't supply...of course he's joking with me, but i'm sure it's his way of teasing me to make the week a little less stressful. We also may forget that every month that goes by without our BFP, and we are very stressed, we might forget that DH is also stressed thinking that he can't provide a sticky bean and they start to think that the problem might be them :dohh:....and by the way londongirl, it took me a long time to get DH on board too and now he's really into it. :thumbup:

Emilykate ~ you can be negative all you want, whenever you want. We all go through it...that's what we're here for! :hugs:

AFM ~ waiting to OV...usually around CD16...right now i'm on CD11 so i'm entering my fertile week i believe...started SMEP already, going well, hope it continues with the same enthusiasm into the weekend. :happydance:
Hi there! I can't remember if I was on this thread before but started using PreSeed 2 cycles ago. First cycle without applicators and last cycle with the applicators. No luck yet, but am definitely going to use it again this cycle. Anyone have an opinion about using the applicators??
Hi there! I can't remember if I was on this thread before but started using PreSeed 2 cycles ago. First cycle without applicators and last cycle with the applicators. No luck yet, but am definitely going to use it again this cycle. Anyone have an opinion about using the applicators??

hey!! personally, i like to use the applicators. gives me more peace of mind that the little :spermy: have more to swim in :winkwink: but thats just me. we do also use it externally though.
last cycle we didn't use the applicators, just put it externally on DH....and this cycle i am using the applicator, just not 3g like it says, i feel that's way too much, so i've been using 1.5-2g...it actually seems to hold the little :spermy: in better with less leakage....it's only been 2 times so far..so i'll keep you posted.

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