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PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

I'm loosing the plot too, big time. Only 4dpo and have convinced myself that I have 'symptoms'...dull cramping to be precise. :dohh: :hugs:

Ditto.....I also have so much gas the past 2 days...sry if tmi

Me too!! Argh what's with that!! I have pressure in my lower belly and ANY gas build up really hurts!

Stand back ladies...hot air baloon incoming lol

Lol omg me too!!! Sorry if it's tmi but I kept feeling crampy like I have to go to the bathroom but every time I try nothing comes out!

This is hilarious!!!

:rofl: How weird that all of us a gassy, crampy, constipated and mad (very sexy..:haha:)!

Londongirl, I feel for you! If my cousin (7yrs younger) was preggo I couldn't help but feel a bit pants. How you feeling about it? xx

Absolute shit!!! I hate being a jealous person!!! Sigh! Can't wait til we all have our bumps xxx
Awww babe, I completely understand, whenever someone gets preggo I can't help but get a bit jealous! It feels like 'why them and not meeeee?!?!?!' :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Maybe you aren't yet so that we can all be bump buddies! :hugs::hugs:
I'm loosing the plot too, big time. Only 4dpo and have convinced myself that I have 'symptoms'...dull cramping to be precise. :dohh: :hugs:

Ditto.....I also have so much gas the past 2 days...sry if tmi

Me too!! Argh what's with that!! I have pressure in my lower belly and ANY gas build up really hurts!

Stand back ladies...hot air baloon incoming lol

Lol omg me too!!! Sorry if it's tmi but I kept feeling crampy like I have to go to the bathroom but every time I try nothing comes out!

This is hilarious!!!

:rofl: How weird that all of us a gassy, crampy, constipated and mad (very sexy..:haha:)!

Londongirl, I feel for you! If my cousin (7yrs younger) was preggo I couldn't help but feel a bit pants. How you feeling about it? xx

Yes clearly a classy bunch lol.

Popcorn-last month my brothers gf....they are both 20(I'm 26) had a baby. I love the little man now but I was bitter for a very long time when I found out. Here they made a mistake (which neither of them were happy about) and this is something I wanted so desperately. Hardly seemed fair to me
I'm loosing the plot too, big time. Only 4dpo and have convinced myself that I have 'symptoms'...dull cramping to be precise. :dohh: :hugs:

Ditto.....I also have so much gas the past 2 days...sry if tmi

Me too!! Argh what's with that!! I have pressure in my lower belly and ANY gas build up really hurts!

Stand back ladies...hot air baloon incoming lol

Lol omg me too!!! Sorry if it's tmi but I kept feeling crampy like I have to go to the bathroom but every time I try nothing comes out!

This is hilarious!!!

:rofl: How weird that all of us a gassy, crampy, constipated and mad (very sexy..:haha:)!

Londongirl, I feel for you! If my cousin (7yrs younger) was preggo I couldn't help but feel a bit pants. How you feeling about it? xx

Yes clearly a classy bunch lol.

Popcorn-last month my brothers gf....they are both 20(I'm 26) had a baby. I love the little man now but I was bitter for a very long time when I found out. Here they made a mistake (which neither of them were happy about) and this is something I wanted so desperately. Hardly seemed fair to me

That's was supposed to be for londongirl....sorry!!
I never used to be jealous about pregnant women, or women with kids in general! But now that we're trying I find it hard to be happy for some people. Especially one of my friends that, although they were NTNP, hasn't seemed happy about this pregnancy at all! She's constantly complaining about her unborn daughter CONSTANTLY. Its really hard for me to read her posts now. And what really upsets me is when women that don't want kids yet have twins! I have none, why do they get two?!

Ok enough ranting. I feel horrible saying those things because ALL babies are blessings, whether they're wanted or not. Just me being jealous.
I'm loosing the plot too, big time. Only 4dpo and have convinced myself that I have 'symptoms'...dull cramping to be precise. :dohh: :hugs:

Ditto.....I also have so much gas the past 2 days...sry if tmi

Me too!! Argh what's with that!! I have pressure in my lower belly and ANY gas build up really hurts!

Stand back ladies...hot air baloon incoming lol

Lol omg me too!!! Sorry if it's tmi but I kept feeling crampy like I have to go to the bathroom but every time I try nothing comes out!

omg. i am having the same symptoms. soo gassy i felt headachy and nauseaous today....... and towards the end of my shift at work i was dry heaving at the scent of a coworkers cologne ? ( I am a nurse and one of my coworkers immediately said OMG are you pregnant? ) I have never heard of nausea this early , probably a bug???
I'm loosing the plot too, big time. Only 4dpo and have convinced myself that I have 'symptoms'...dull cramping to be precise. :dohh: :hugs:

Ditto.....I also have so much gas the past 2 days...sry if tmi

Me too!! Argh what's with that!! I have pressure in my lower belly and ANY gas build up really hurts!

Stand back ladies...hot air baloon incoming lol

Lol omg me too!!! Sorry if it's tmi but I kept feeling crampy like I have to go to the bathroom but every time I try nothing comes out!

omg. i am having the same symptoms. soo gassy i felt headachy and nauseaous today....... and towards the end of my shift at work i was dry heaving at the scent of a coworkers cologne ? ( I am a nurse and one of my coworkers immediately said OMG are you pregnant? ) I have never heard of nausea this early , probably a bug???

IDK could go either way!! fingers crossed!!
i just signed up for ff but not sure i understand it. i recorded all the days we BD'd and the 2 positive opk's. . I guess i'm just freaking out cos of my pcos. this is only our first month ttc and i'mscared cos i read all this stuff about how i'll never get pregnant. and no i don't have any other temps to go off of.

Don't freak out hun...look iv had PCOS for bout 7 years and I did get pregnant twice,even tho they didn't work out due to possible gene abnormalities..I STILL got PG when everyone said I wouldn't. FF is very daunting when u just start out but be patient with urself and take time when u can to read thru their info areas. Any questions,please ask us or like I always use "Mrs Google" :)

BabyDust to u hun xx
i just signed up for ff but not sure i understand it. i recorded all the days we BD'd and the 2 positive opk's. . I guess i'm just freaking out cos of my pcos. this is only our first month ttc and i'mscared cos i read all this stuff about how i'll never get pregnant. and no i don't have any other temps to go off of.

Don't freak out hun...look iv had PCOS for bout 7 years and I did get pregnant twice,even tho they didn't work out due to possible gene abnormalities..I STILL got PG when everyone said I wouldn't. FF is very daunting when u just start out but be patient with urself and take time when u can to read thru their info areas. Any questions,please ask us or like I always use "Mrs Google" :)

BabyDust to u hun xx

What she said!

I have one ovary, and possibly a few little cysts around the existing one. I'd resigned myself to the fact i'd never have kids which i was kin of ok with till i met my DH a couple of years ago and the thought just devastated me more and more. Since TTC i've read so much and heard so many success stories that i now realise nothing is impossible. With a little bit of love and a lot of patience . . (oh and a bit of :sex:) it will happen for us all:dust:
Hi everyone. Just reading the above posts about PCOS. I really admire you keeping so positive about things. So easy to feel sorry for oneself, so I really admire you xx
CD12 & finally bought a pack of 10 superdrug OPKs. My DH is studying really hard for his big exam that let's him be a consultant. He's been a hermit since June and the exam is in 10 days (exactly when I'm meant to O). But... He's taken 3 week of leave to study from home so I thought we could do lots of BDing to increase our chances. He agreed last week.
But then last night I thought we'd get down with it. Even tho I'm not fertile, I just fancied it. But he said he was too stressed. Fair enough. But I still had a hissy fit & said we'd never get preggos. And i said it was unfair cos I'd put so much effort into vein healthy to make a happy eggy :/
So we agreed that instead of just BDing frequently this cycle, when I get a pos OPK we'll do it. Ironically, now he's the one making me treat him like a sperm bank when that's not what I wanted.
But happy ending! Flippin heck this is hard work!
Morning all! Londongirl, BD on the fertile days is all you really need to get duffaged :thumbup: but yeah, it's bloody hard work staying positive cycle to cycle. I want to be pregnant already!! :hugs:

To all the gassy/crampy/constipated/mad ladies, how you feeling today?

5dpo (sigh) :coffee: xxx
Morning ladies,
Aww, sucks about that londongirl, i know how frustrating it is when you put so much into TTCing and you only ask DH for ONE thing.

Well i'm 7DPO and doing well, my mania seems to be dissipating and i've been researching saliva microscopes this morning, think i might buy one if this cycle isn't successful.
Morning ladies,
Aww, sucks about that londongirl, i know how frustrating it is when you put so much into TTCing and you only ask DH for ONE thing.

Well i'm 7DPO and doing well, my mania seems to be dissipating and i've been researching saliva microscopes this morning, think i might buy one if this cycle isn't successful.

JocieB is that for progesterone testing? Sorry If I have jumped the gun!

Only I have been wondering what my levels are after having a chemical and numerous months of bfn's. Just incase lack of progesterone is is my problem!
I've heard they can use saliva tests to see?
Morning ladies,
Aww, sucks about that londongirl, i know how frustrating it is when you put so much into TTCing and you only ask DH for ONE thing.

Well i'm 7DPO and doing well, my mania seems to be dissipating and i've been researching saliva microscopes this morning, think i might buy one if this cycle isn't successful.

JocieB is that for progesterone testing? Sorry If I have jumped the gun!

Only I have been wondering what my levels are after having a chemical and numerous months of bfn's. Just incase lack of progesterone is is my problem!
I've heard they can use saliva tests to see?

Not sure excactly what principle it works on but the saliva microscope is another way of detecting ovulation.
I found out my progesterone levels by getting a blood test through the doctor.
Emilykate (yes i'm guilty - chart stalking again!!). Your temps still haven't dipped... just saying :/
Girls im after getting a stupid UTI :cry::cry::cry:and its one of most fertile days feck sake cud only happen to me. its because i havent been peeing till much later after :sex:trying to hold it all in. grrrr! do ye think over the counter uti meds like cystopurin would have any affect on me o'ing? im worried now it wont happen because i had THE MOST stressful week ever
Emilykate (yes i'm guilty - chart stalking again!!). Your temps still haven't dipped... just saying :/

I know! I noticed that too... I would normally be down at least 36.7 by now!

Interestingly though, I have noticed that each month (over the 6 we have been trying) my temps are getting higher and likewise my cover line.

I was wondering if this was to do with progesterone levels increasing each month??? They say to sustain pregnancy your progesterone levels need to be high enough, and on the basis that I was on the bcp pill since I was 16, I have been supressing my hormones for 15 years. I wonder if it takes time for your body to adjust and get the levels back up naturally again???

Maybe no matter what I do to increase my chances, my body simply isn't ready yet to sustain a pregnancy?

Is that how it works??:wacko:
Girls im after getting a stupid UTI :cry::cry::cry:and its one of most fertile days feck sake cud only happen to me. its because i havent been peeing till much later after :sex:trying to hold it all in. grrrr! do ye think over the counter uti meds like cystopurin would have any affect on me o'ing? im worried now it wont happen because i had THE MOST stressful week ever

Oh crap! Some things have such rubbish timing!
Cystopurin is really good- but check with the pharmacist (although it should be clear on the packet if harmful if trying for a baby). I doubt it will be!

That should clear up quickly, and you may just get rid with enough time to catch the egg!

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