PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

Londongirl I hope so too!! I know af has similar symptoms but what made me think was the little drops of blood and my bb never hurt when I get af.

Mommytobe11 thanks!!
Congrats AUNIE!!:happydance::happydance:

EmilyKate - still have fx for you. good luck.

JennyPenny~ i think it's a great sign your temps are still up!! :happydance:

Bornfree ~ so sorry for your loss. :hugs::hugs: stay positive and keep trying.

Everyone else...everything crossed that this will be a positive month!

AFM ~ i'm a little frustrated! I still haven't gotten a +opk yet. the last 3 months i have gotten a + on cd15 (today), but it was negative this am. Might do a second test later this evening. Not sure whats going on...hope i'm going to O this month as OH and I have been BD'ing everyday for the past week so far!

mammawannabe-thanks for your support :hugs:
Hi girls...had a yuk nights sleep! I'm subconciously not sleeping on my stomach and boobs cos they hurt so I keep waking up when I roll over..argh! Then MR BUTTONS naughty minx kitten was chewing on me rest of night! Thanx girls for ur encouragement to wobble on...means a lot to me....I took time yesterday to do gel tips on my nails and painted my how was that for telepathy ?
Morning Ladies,

Haj - It's sounding promising, if it IS Implantation Bleeding that means you should be releasing HCG into your body now which could show up on a test (even maybe a faint line) in a couple of days. Your AF isn't due for about another week right? If you can't hold out till then maybe test in a couple of days, something might show up. FX'd.

Londongirl - oooh, the reading sounds like fun. I'm absoloutly terrified of readings, i think it might have something to do with growing up with a gypsy background and having a lot of faith in them, i don't want to know my future i want it all to be a suprise.

Bornfree - that is so sad to hear, but i'm sure if you can pick yourself up and carry on (with us by your side) this goes for you too SA JennyPenny, your next H&H BFP will be round the corner. Chin up huns x
We're in this together, and i for one am grateful that when i'm having a bad day, or i'm confused, or just generally in a chatty mood. I've got some really good people on here to talk to.

EmilyKate - have you tested again? Is it darker? also did you have any 'smptoms' or signs this cycle. People keep telling me that when the first got pregnant they never knew, but i alwasy thought that seeing as i'm TTCing and charting so really looking i'd be able to tell. But i've had at least one person on here tell me they had no signs whatsoever before their BFP.

AFM - Well 9DPO and nothing seems to be going on, no twinges (except for a few cramps on Saturday but i always get that a week before AF) no out of the ordinary doowatsits, so am resigning myself to yet another cycle gone. Shall be keeping a beady eye on my chart for the next couple of days though as even though AF isn't due till saturday, my luteal phase is usually 11 days, so if i get to wednesday and AF doesn't show up, that means the VitB worked and my luteal phase has lenghtened!
I've also started knitting baby stuff, not for me just yet, my brother and sister-in-law started trying a couple of months ago so i thought it would give me a lovely excuse to brush up on my skills. When i got my knitting needle bag out of the cupboard it amazed me how strongly it still smelt of my grandma (she died 6 years ago) and it made me smile because she used to be the one knitting for all the family and i thought, well they are her old needles, so she's still involved in a small way.
ok ladies ~ so sorry to haven't been on in a while but I live in New England in the States and we just got slammed with a huge snowstorm. in OCT! most of the new england states are without power, including myself, going on 3 days now. I'm sneaking on while at work to say hi to my fav ladies!!

EmilyKate ~ I def. see a line!!! Whoop Whoop. Can't wait for you to test again!

Haj ~ those symptoms look promising, and it very well could be implantation if you aren't normally a spotter. Keeping fx for you!

AFM~ still no +opk, getting very frustrated, or worried. SO it's either i missed my window b/c i didn't test exactly at the same time everyday, or I haven't Ov yet, or I'm not going to...ugh. Still bd'ing just in case, except cut back to every other day...DH feels like a milk cow. LOL. Still gonna test with smiley OPK's for a while to see if i can catch it. Also starting to feel slight twinges but who knows.

Morning ladies!
Firstly haj624 that defo sounds like an implantation bleed-fingers crossed!

Secondly - Thanks for all your support with my faint line!

Thirdly I'm 17dpo today, af 3 days late and temps still high. I took a clearblue easy this morning and wham bam BFP!!!! So thrilled!

I will post a pic but may have to do at work as I cant see the option to attach using my iPhone.

It just goes to show that you're not out until af arrives! I had sooooo written off any chance of a Bfp this month. Just because you dont test positive at 10,11,12,13,14 dpo doesn't mean you're out!
Mine only showed at 17 dpo!

5 months if trying and first proper use of Preseed!

IT WORKS!!! Yay!!!!

Joycieb, you are right about symptoms- I have had hardly anything! More on months where I haven't been preg! Maybe the odd spell of ouchy boobs or nausea but hardly anything! Had already bought next months opk!!

I can't wait for u all to get your Bfp too!!! Xxxxxx
Boornfree - so sorry for your loss. :hugs:

SAJenny Penny awww:hugs: Thurs is just around the corner , try to stay positive. sorry to hear abt DH deployment , hope u will be peggo by then and have a part of him growing in you ..fxd for u for this cycle.

Hja64 - hope that was IB. sounds good. fxd for u girl!

mammawannabe - hope u get a +opk soon, or u caught the eggy! lots of baby dust!!!

AFM- just waiting :coffee:, curious to find out what's going on with me since am not temping, might cave in and test on Sat -12 dpo...will see.
Emily Kate - :happydance::happydance::happydance:Congrats girl!!! a H&H 9 months !!!
Ttcbaby1 how cool, yes we would be close!!
I'm feeling nervous about the next few weeks but if all goes well then due date is 6 July.

EK congrats!!!!!!!!! Wonderful wonderful news!!! Soooo excited for your news!! I just knew it was positive yesterday so I already added you as our number 9!!
Do you mind giving us all a run down of your TTC journey? Eg what you did differently this cycle, any difficulties you ha previously etc?
Best news to start a dreary Monday morning!
Emilykate - DOInG ThE DaNcE!!!! I CRIED reading ur msg! How wonderful,we just knew it! That gives me SO much hope now to keep testing from today till 17DPO...I was feeling very "deflated" this morning.

Ladies,to everyone waiting to O,best of luck...those in TWW..let's soldier forward girls! Its not long til we are ALL wobbling around with glorious pregnant bellies! CAN'T WAIT!

Thanks for support for hubbi going to Iraq ladies. I can see it now...I teased hubbi this morning and said gee thanx ill probably be in labour and ull be catching ur flight out to Iraq! Quite an emotional two days with the reality hitting home..BUT with u ladies.. I WILL SURVIVE!!

Love to all xxx
How's everyone in the TWW? At 8DPO I can't help but feel less hopeful for some reason. Anyone else get that? I also need to stop staring at my chart for has none!! xxx
Emilykate - DOInG ThE DaNcE!!!! I CRIED reading ur msg! How wonderful,we just knew it! That gives me SO much hope now to keep testing from today till 17DPO...I was feeling very "deflated" this morning.

Ladies,to everyone waiting to O,best of luck...those in TWW..let's soldier forward girls! Its not long til we are ALL wobbling around with glorious pregnant bellies! CAN'T WAIT!

Thanks for support for hubbi going to Iraq ladies. I can see it now...I teased hubbi this morning and said gee thanx ill probably be in labour and ull be catching ur flight out to Iraq! Quite an emotional two days with the reality hitting home..BUT with u ladies.. I WILL SURVIVE!!

Love to all xxx

Thanks so much!

I really thought I was out before the weekend. There is so much pressure and emphasis on 10 dpo etc. Like I said, I had already bought my opk for next month!!

I have sooooo much faith in preseed- I just KNOW that you are all going to get your BFP's sooo quickly!!

How's everyone in the TWW? At 8DPO I can't help but feel less hopeful for some reason. Anyone else get that? I also need to stop staring at my chart for has none!! xxx

Me toooooo! Its insane!! I'm staring @ chart too! Send me ur link if u like and ill stare @ it for u too lol..and ill send my link for u too...

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