PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

How's everyone in the TWW? At 8DPO I can't help but feel less hopeful for some reason. Anyone else get that? I also need to stop staring at my chart for has none!! xxx

Me toooooo! Its insane!! I'm staring @ chart too! Send me ur link if u like and ill stare @ it for u too lol..and ill send my link for u too...

Hun, my link is in my signature under my ticker. Yeah, what's yours? would be good to stare at a different chart! :hugs: xx
Popcorn - I'm on my Blackberry so I haven't got ur ticker here..will check on computer later for it :)

Here's mine:
EK congrats!!!!!!!!! Wonderful wonderful news!!! Soooo excited for your news!! I just knew it was positive yesterday so I already added you as our number 9!!
Do you mind giving us all a run down of your TTC journey? Eg what you did differently this cycle, any difficulties you ha previously etc?
Best news to start a dreary Monday morning!

Well as promised here is my pic!

A little run down: I was on the BCP for 15 years and after getting married last Sept my DH and I decided we would come off the pill when my stocks ran out. So basically I came off the pill in June this year.

As soon as we started trying I was on Centrum mulit-vits and Pregnacare plus tablets (containing folic acid).

I started charting in June and my first cycle was 32 days.
In July my cycle was 30 days, but only a 12 day leuteal phase. This particular month I tested positive and the same day I had a chemical at 10dpo.

August was 28 days and leuteal 15 days and likewise September- on these days we BD'd every other day ish over the fertile days.

This month we had a marathon BD session, doing it every day using Preseed, and I also took Robutussin medicine but don't think the Robitussin did anything. It was def the Preseed!

I would always use 2g using the applicator around 10-15 mins before BDing and (sorry tmi) after we had BD'd I would lie in bed with a pillow under my bottom!

If we did the deed of an evening I would not get up until the morning.
The swimmers stayed in all night quite happily and did not leak!
(Eeewww The things we go too hey!!!!)

Like I said in my earlier post, I seriously had minimal symptoms- this has really been an AMAZING surprise. I had no IB spotting or anything.

Fingers crossed all ok, and will be confirmed at the docs on Fri am :o)

I hope this helps


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Popcorn - I'm on my Blackberry so I haven't got ur ticker here..will check on computer later for it :)

Here's mine:

Ok, cool :hugs: Nice steady temps there hun! It's looking good so far! They are very nice and high too! How long have you been temping? Do you normally have such steady temps in the TWW? 'Cos if could be good news! xxx
How's everyone in the TWW? At 8DPO I can't help but feel less hopeful for some reason. Anyone else get that? I also need to stop staring at my chart for has none!! xxx

Me toooooo! Its insane!! I'm staring @ chart too! Send me ur link if u like and ill stare @ it for u too lol..and ill send my link for u too...

Me three! I keep staring at mine thinking did i really OV on day 14? what if i didn't!! I've even played with the chart taking out my CD14 temp or changing it to a higher one, FF still says that's my day.
Am going a little loopy, both your charts look good. Nice solid line for you there too Popcorn

My Ovulation Chart

EmilyKate so so so so so happy for you!!!
Girls, just had a thought - what are we going to call our new thread on the pregnancy page? 'the pregnant preseeders' of 'the pretty preseed pregger pals'
ok i'm losing the plot!
either way,t hough, can't wait til we're all in emilykate and ttcbabyw1's club :)
Thanks for having a peak Joycie :hugs: Your temps are looking fine so far too. :coffee: gosh, this waiting is a killer...I wish I could just sleep and wake up a few more days so that I have something more to stare at on my chart :haha: xxx How you feeling? Any symptoms? xxx
Girls, just had a thought - what are we going to call our new thread on the pregnancy page? 'the pregnant preseeders' of 'the pretty preseed pregger pals'
ok i'm losing the plot!
either way,t hough, can't wait til we're all in emilykate and ttcbabyw1's club :)

I like 'the pretty preseed pregger pals' xxx
Girls, just had a thought - what are we going to call our new thread on the pregnancy page? 'the pregnant preseeders' of 'the pretty preseed pregger pals'
ok i'm losing the plot!
either way,t hough, can't wait til we're all in emilykate and ttcbabyw1's club :)

I refuse to move to another thread until all the members on here get a BFP!
I aint movin ya'hear me!!! he he!! x
Thanks for having a peak Joycie :hugs: Your temps are looking fine so far too. :coffee: gosh, this waiting is a killer...I wish I could just sleep and wake up a few more days so that I have something more to stare at on my chart :haha: xxx How you feeling? Any symptoms? xxx

No not yet, which is making me a little blue. But i'm taking heart from what EmilyKate said about not getting any symptoms, and not even getting a BFP till after AF was due
Popcorn - I'm on my Blackberry so I haven't got ur ticker here..will check on computer later for it :)

Here's mine:

Ok, cool :hugs: Nice steady temps there hun! It's looking good so far! They are very nice and high too! How long have you been temping? Do you normally have such steady temps in the TWW? 'Cos if could be good news! xxx

Thanx chic! Well my other months weren't as stable after O,like a real shocker to me. Most stable ever! After my m/c I lost the plot and "formatted" everything on FF and started new from last month and this month..

Hey ur charts looking good...did I see an implant dip there?

Lol I like the pretty preseed I'm running names in my head...ok time for a laugh... "Knocked up by Preseed" ... "Who dunnit,pre seed dunnit" ok and piest eristance "Pregnant and Pre seed proud"

Joycie gonna have a squizzi @ ur chart now :)
How's everyone in the TWW? At 8DPO I can't help but feel less hopeful for some reason. Anyone else get that? I also need to stop staring at my chart for has none!! xxx

Me toooooo! Its insane!! I'm staring @ chart too! Send me ur link if u like and ill stare @ it for u too lol..and ill send my link for u too...

Me three! I keep staring at mine thinking did i really OV on day 14? what if i didn't!! I've even played with the chart taking out my CD14 temp or changing it to a higher one, FF still says that's my day.
Am going a little loopy, both your charts look good. Nice solid line for you there too Popcorn

My Ovulation Chart

EmilyKate so so so so so happy for you!!!

Ur chart looks fine hun. Nice stable now :) I'm doing a good luck fertility dance here for u! Don't worry, this stage of the game we all lose the plot and try tweaking our charts in hopes of something showing that we didn't see before..

Thanks hun, i think the main thing sending me crazy is that i have a standard chart every month, this month i've OV'd on CD14 which is 2-4 days earlier than usual, and my temp jump is higher than usual, which i think is what's making me question it all.
Then again i did start taking VitB this month so technically if it's raising my progesterone levels like it should be doing that could explain the iffyness of this cycle.
Well it's only 5 days till saturday, i suppose i can stay sane till then. FX'd for us all x x
Thanks hun, i think the main thing sending me crazy is that i have a standard chart every month, this month i've OV'd on CD14 which is 2-4 days earlier than usual, and my temp jump is higher than usual, which i think is what's making me question it all.
Then again i did start taking VitB this month so technically if it's raising my progesterone levels like it should be doing that could explain the iffyness of this cycle.
Well it's only 5 days till saturday, i suppose i can stay sane till then. FX'd for us all x x

Sane!? That we won't be by the weekend lol .. Holding thumbs hun, its looking good with the temps!
Just been catching up,not had time earlier-

Emilykate-Congratulations!! So pleased for u!:happydance: wishing u a H&H 9 months! i had a feeling it had to be a good sign that ur temps were real high. with each Bfp we have more hope,x.

AFM-didnt get a + opk yesterday(cd12) which i normally do,then i'd have o'd today....instead i get my + opk today(cd 13) !!strange?!so maybe o'ing tomorrow. So just shows our bodies do change every month.
had my appointment at my new GP,she was real nice & has arranged blood tests for me & a SA for DH,she said there's no point in sending me to a FS,as i conceived on clomid last time .i was so relieved,i was nearly in tears :-(-i wont have to wait so long after all.My last GP said i should wait longer , that i should count myself lucky that i have a DS & that there are childless ladies who would be angry at me wanting treatment after 2 yrs ttc because i already have a child!-made me feel guilty :( asking for help. sorry for the long post.
Good luck to all the girls in their tww & those who are o'ing,x .
.i was so relieved,i was nearly in tears :-(-i wont have to wait so long after all.My last GP said i should wait longer , that i should count myself lucky that i have a DS & that there are childless ladies who would be angry at me wanting treatment after 2 yrs ttc because i already have a child!-made me feel guilty :( asking for help. sorry for the long post.
Good luck to all the girls in their tww & those who are o'ing,x .

Ooooh, sosososo angry at your last GP :grr:
So glad you're finally getting the help you're after.
Just been catching up,not had time earlier-

Emilykate-Congratulations!! So pleased for u!:happydance: wishing u a H&H 9 months! i had a feeling it had to be a good sign that ur temps were real high. with each Bfp we have more hope,x.

AFM-didnt get a + opk yesterday(cd12) which i normally do,then i'd have o'd today....instead i get my + opk today(cd 13) !!strange?!so maybe o'ing tomorrow. So just shows our bodies do change every month.
had my appointment at my new GP,she was real nice & has arranged blood tests for me & a SA for DH,she said there's no point in sending me to a FS,as i conceived on clomid last time .i was so relieved,i was nearly in tears :-(-i wont have to wait so long after all.My last GP said i should wait longer , that i should count myself lucky that i have a DS & that there are childless ladies who would be angry at me wanting treatment after 2 yrs ttc because i already have a child!-made me feel guilty :( asking for help. sorry for the long post.
Good luck to all the girls in their tww & those who are o'ing,x .

Good luck Shayzee. So glad that you have found a new Dr that understands.
I think sometimes that is half the battle, even without considering the physiological elements that are causing you distress. And as for your old Doc making you feel guilty for getting upset, on the basis you have a child already, is just plain awful.

I really hope your new GP gives you faith and hope with your blood results and that your BFP isn't as far away as you may fear xxx :hugs:
Good morning ladies!

Just spent the first hour of my "work" day catching up. I'm glad to see that we're at 9 BFPs :)

london: I'm with you, if I don't get a BFP this cycle I'm taking a relaxed approach in Dec.

mommytobe: how did the engagement chicken turn out?

EmilyK, I'm SOOOO happy for you!!! Congratulations dear. Here's to a h&h 9 months!

haj624: could be IB - fx for you hun!
Hey ladies,
I've just been flicking through some of my past charts and i think i may have come up with a theory. I've noticed that on two of my recent cycles that i've had very light spotting one morning then absoloutly nothing until AF showed up later the next day. I also noticed that these same cycles had a 'dip' on the day of spotting, which i didn't really think anything of because well my temps always go down once AF turns up or the day before, but on a closer look these drops were bigger than they were on other cycles.
What i was wondering, could it be possible that these were actually implantation dips/bleeding, that didn't have chance to come to anything because of AF showing up the next day?
I know I wasn't supposed to test till tomorrow.. but since I had never made it to 10dpo before let alone 11dpo (today) i figured why not. There is a faint second line!!!!!! Im in shock.. not going to fully believe it till the line gets darker!!

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