Oh I do know something exciting though - I bought my Christmas party dress a few weeks ago - I love it. here it is:
that will be the only con of being preg (if i actually show in that short time) is that it wouldn't fit cos it's quite tight fit. i bought it as a consolation when AF showed up for the last cycle... anyone else have any christmas party plans?
Ooh the dress is lovely!!
Its funny I have been really cautious recently about buying clothes...just incase!!
Hopefully I will still be able to get away with party dresses that I already have....fingers crossed!!
Thats another thing though, we have all these work functions leading up to December (and i'm even having dinner with some girlfriends on Saturday night) I'm going to have to find a quick reason not to be drinking!!!!
I have only told one person, and that's my brother! We are really close, and he is sworn not to tell his wife. Reason being, is that she would mention it to my mum....
I would really love to tell my mum, but she would tell her Partner, and I wouldn't want her Partner knowing before my dad.....!!!
SO just to be safe we are keeping quiet until Christmas- which will be a really nice surprise then anyway!
I was reading ttcbaby1's preg journal and she has this fab idea! Basically getting a family photo shot at Christmas on timer, and then instead of shouting 'cheeeese' her Partner is gonna prompt them to shout shout 'were having baby' hahah!! Then the timer takes the shot capturing everyone's faces!! GOLD!!!
I have a doc appt on Monday at 8.15am - I wanted to get one this week, but it would appear getting an appointment in London is a nightmare!
We already plan to move to Winchester shortly after the baby is born, and things like that will be easier hopefully!
Still testing positive every day. So feeling a lot more reassured!
After the doc appt i'm just gonna test once a week until 12 weeks. Is that mad??
Still no symtoms really other than my boobs feeling a bit swollen, but not sore, sometimes pulse a little bit!
Was a bit nauseas earlier on in the week, but not sure if that is just excitement!
My energy levels are still ok- we are visiting our family in Cornwall this weekend, and I managed to get home from work, make dinner, pack my bag, and do a little housework before getting in the shower and going to bed. Haven't felt tired yet.... maybe early days!!!
Have BD'd with the DH this week- I felt a bit weird like it may hurt???? DH was scared he may hurt the baby!
But all was fine! You can't help but think though...