PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

hi ladies! Sorry we haven't checked in in a while, but i have some news! I took a wondfo strip on sunday afternoon (9 dpo) and it didn't look like anything after the 5 minute wait. Did another yesterday and dh called me after about 8 minutes and there was a faint second pink line! I dug out the one from sunday from the trash and it just barely had a shadow of pink too. So this morning i did another (11 dpo) and a slightly darker second line showed up in only 3 minutes (test says to read after five minutes)!

So i guess that's a bfp for me!!!! This was our first cycle using conceive plus....but i o'd late, had a weird period before, and never had an opk give me a smiley even testing twice a day. Even with all that, it still seems to have worked this time! Just hope it sticks!!!

Ahhh. I need a little vent to you ladies. So every year my friends and I take a road trip and stay in a cabin in north carolina for a few days. This year they're going in december, which really isn't convienient for me because december is the busiest time at work and when I make the most money. And one of the girls I work with goes on this trip also. So, not only will my boss be mad at us for going during the busy time, I'll be missing out on a few hundred $$$. I can deal with that, it'll suck but not a huge deal.
BUT I did the calculations and if I don't get my bfp this month, the trip is right in the middle of O time! I reeeally want to go but I don't want to say yes just yet in case I get a bfn!

No advice needed really, just annoyed i can't make a definete decision for like another 2 weeks. I'll probably just say no to make me not stress and to make my boss happy. Hmph.
Thanks for reading! :)
Hi Mommytobe. I know youre not looking for advice but I will say - I can see how that's a tough decision and the timing SUX!?!

AECSDH - congratulations!!!! That is fabulous news!!!! And so lovely to see your DH is so involved and supportive :)

you're our lucky 12!!!!

Who will be number 13.......
Hi Mommytobe. I know youre not looking for advice but I will say - I can see how that's a tough decision and the timing SUX!?!

AECSDH - congratulations!!!! That is fabulous news!!!! And so lovely to see your DH is so involved and supportive :)

you're our lucky 12!!!!

Who will be number 13.......

Hopefully me! I'm 6 DPO extremely tired, I went to sleep at 7:30 last night and slept through the night! And today I'm having sore boobs! And my nipples look swollen! I've also been having little headaches off and on! And super hungry! I could eat all day!
Yay number 12!! I'm really hoping we go OVER 50 by christmas eve!

And yeah londongirl, the timing sucks a lot! I was just so annoyed I have to base vacations and things around my cycle. I feel better now though :)
I'm going into 4dpo and as much as I said I wasnt going to symptom spot - well who am I kidding! For my last 2 BFPs - both chemicals :( - I did start having symptoms at about 4dpo. It was the same for both cycles. A lot of creamy CM (yuck!!) and the other thing was waking up to striking pains in my pelvic region. So they weren't dull, but quite sharp and a bit sore. I had them both times I got a BFP. In fact the second cycle I got them I knew I'd get a BFP so I'll be interested to see if that happens again...

That's all from me at the boring 3dpo!!!
I hope you're number 13 ash! When do you plan on testing?

Uhm, I'm actually going to test at like ... almost a week late. You know, I've always tested the day after my missed period and it's always a disappointment and I just really want to wait and see. I mean if my temp. has dropped then I know I'm probably not pregnant! Buuuut it's still going strong so, thank god!

So I'm due for AF on the 15th .... I'll probably test around the 20th. Maybe sooner if I can't hold out.

If my temperatures are still looking good by the 15th then I will test on the 15th, if not, I will wait...=\

How long have you been trying for your first?
I'm due for AF on the 19th so we'll be around the same time! I'd like to hold out too but doubt I'll be able too, especially since I just got my ICs in the mail the other day. They're tempting me already, sadly.

We were NTNP for 4 months then I had a chemical in september which made me obsessed with TTC. So this is our second cycle actively trying. It hasn't been long but I wasn't blessed with patience unfortunatly.
I'm due for AF on the 19th so we'll be around the same time! I'd like to hold out too but doubt I'll be able too, especially since I just got my ICs in the mail the other day. They're tempting me already, sadly.

We were NTNP for 4 months then I had a chemical in september which made me obsessed with TTC. So this is our second cycle actively trying. It hasn't been long but I wasn't blessed with patience unfortunatly.

You literally took the words out of my mouth!!
Hi Mommytobe. I know youre not looking for advice but I will say - I can see how that's a tough decision and the timing SUX!?!

AECSDH - congratulations!!!! That is fabulous news!!!! And so lovely to see your DH is so involved and supportive :)

you're our lucky 12!!!!

Who will be number 13.......

Hopefully me! I'm 6 DPO extremely tired, I went to sleep at 7:30 last night and slept through the night! And today I'm having sore boobs! And my nipples look swollen! I've also been having little headaches off and on! And super hungry! I could eat all day!

Wow!! Your chart looks awesome!!!!
Hi Mommytobe. I know youre not looking for advice but I will say - I can see how that's a tough decision and the timing SUX!?!

AECSDH - congratulations!!!! That is fabulous news!!!! And so lovely to see your DH is so involved and supportive :)

you're our lucky 12!!!!

Who will be number 13.......

Hopefully me! I'm 6 DPO extremely tired, I went to sleep at 7:30 last night and slept through the night! And today I'm having sore boobs! And my nipples look swollen! I've also been having little headaches off and on! And super hungry! I could eat all day!

Wow!! Your chart looks awesome!!!!

I'm new at charting so can I ask you why it looks awesome? I mean I know the temperature rising is a good thing but is there anything else. I've been told that by a couple of people and I'm just not sure why it's good ... ?

And can't it get not good after like one dip in temperature?
Ahhh. I need a little vent to you ladies. So every year my friends and I take a road trip and stay in a cabin in north carolina for a few days. This year they're going in december, which really isn't convienient for me because december is the busiest time at work and when I make the most money. And one of the girls I work with goes on this trip also. So, not only will my boss be mad at us for going during the busy time, I'll be missing out on a few hundred $$$. I can deal with that, it'll suck but not a huge deal.
BUT I did the calculations and if I don't get my bfp this month, the trip is right in the middle of O time! I reeeally want to go but I don't want to say yes just yet in case I get a bfn!

No advice needed really, just annoyed i can't make a definete decision for like another 2 weeks. I'll probably just say no to make me not stress and to make my boss happy. Hmph.
Thanks for reading! :)

OMG, I'm going through a similar dilemma! DH and I lived in London the last 3 years and only recently moved back to the States. We absolutely loved being out there - traveled all over Europe and met some truly amazing people, some of which will be lifetime friends - but we knew it was time to move back home and start a family. Our friends back in the UK (around 15 of them) are going to Bulgaria in March for a ski trip. Last year we all went to Zakopane, Poland for a friend's 30th and had SOOO much fun - LOTS of Vodka/laughter and some skiing :). Anyway, our friends really want us to go and DH does too. I'm not really sure what to do either :( I miss our friends and really want to see them and the trip is bound to be a blast like last time, but (assuming I'm preggers by then) a ski trip and preggo don't really go together.
Ahhh. I need a little vent to you ladies. So every year my friends and I take a road trip and stay in a cabin in north carolina for a few days. This year they're going in december, which really isn't convienient for me because december is the busiest time at work and when I make the most money. And one of the girls I work with goes on this trip also. So, not only will my boss be mad at us for going during the busy time, I'll be missing out on a few hundred $$$. I can deal with that, it'll suck but not a huge deal.
BUT I did the calculations and if I don't get my bfp this month, the trip is right in the middle of O time! I reeeally want to go but I don't want to say yes just yet in case I get a bfn!

No advice needed really, just annoyed i can't make a definete decision for like another 2 weeks. I'll probably just say no to make me not stress and to make my boss happy. Hmph.
Thanks for reading! :)

OMG, I'm going through a similar dilemma! DH and I lived in London the last 3 years and only recently moved back to the States. We absolutely loved being out there - traveled all over Europe and met some truly amazing people, some of which will be lifetime friends - but we knew it was time to move back home and start a family. Our friends back in the UK (around 15 of them) are going to Bulgaria in March for a ski trip. Last year we all went to Zakopane, Poland for a friend's 30th and had SOOO much fun - LOTS of Vodka/laughter and some skiing :). Anyway, our friends really want us to go and DH does too. I'm not really sure what to do either :( I miss our friends and really want to see them and the trip is bound to be a blast like last time, but (assuming I'm preggers by then) a ski trip and preggo don't really go together.

:( I'm sorry your going through the same thing! You could still possibly go and just not ski or drink. But what fun is that when you're the only one not doing it?? Haha
I'd LOVE to still go on my north carolina trip and if I was preggo I wouldn't think twice. But its the uncertainty of not knowing whether I will or won't be for 2 weeks and a weeks notice for work isn't acceptable. And OH isn't coming on the trip so its not like we could sneak BD in around O time. Blah.
Ahhh. I need a little vent to you ladies. So every year my friends and I take a road trip and stay in a cabin in north carolina for a few days. This year they're going in december, which really isn't convienient for me because december is the busiest time at work and when I make the most money. And one of the girls I work with goes on this trip also. So, not only will my boss be mad at us for going during the busy time, I'll be missing out on a few hundred $$$. I can deal with that, it'll suck but not a huge deal.
BUT I did the calculations and if I don't get my bfp this month, the trip is right in the middle of O time! I reeeally want to go but I don't want to say yes just yet in case I get a bfn!

No advice needed really, just annoyed i can't make a definete decision for like another 2 weeks. I'll probably just say no to make me not stress and to make my boss happy. Hmph.
Thanks for reading! :)

OMG, I'm going through a similar dilemma! DH and I lived in London the last 3 years and only recently moved back to the States. We absolutely loved being out there - traveled all over Europe and met some truly amazing people, some of which will be lifetime friends - but we knew it was time to move back home and start a family. Our friends back in the UK (around 15 of them) are going to Bulgaria in March for a ski trip. Last year we all went to Zakopane, Poland for a friend's 30th and had SOOO much fun - LOTS of Vodka/laughter and some skiing :). Anyway, our friends really want us to go and DH does too. I'm not really sure what to do either :( I miss our friends and really want to see them and the trip is bound to be a blast like last time, but (assuming I'm preggers by then) a ski trip and preggo don't really go together.

:( I'm sorry your going through the same thing! You could still possibly go and just not ski or drink. But what fun is that when you're the only one not doing it?? Haha
I'd LOVE to still go on my north carolina trip and if I was preggo I wouldn't think twice. But its the uncertainty of not knowing whether I will or won't be for 2 weeks and a weeks notice for work isn't acceptable. And OH isn't coming on the trip so its not like we could sneak BD in around O time. Blah.

Thanks hun :hugs:. About not drinking/skiing - that's what I fun in that at'tall! lol

Maybe you'll get your BFP this month :)
Ahhh. I need a little vent to you ladies. So every year my friends and I take a road trip and stay in a cabin in north carolina for a few days. This year they're going in december, which really isn't convienient for me because december is the busiest time at work and when I make the most money. And one of the girls I work with goes on this trip also. So, not only will my boss be mad at us for going during the busy time, I'll be missing out on a few hundred $$$. I can deal with that, it'll suck but not a huge deal.
BUT I did the calculations and if I don't get my bfp this month, the trip is right in the middle of O time! I reeeally want to go but I don't want to say yes just yet in case I get a bfn!

No advice needed really, just annoyed i can't make a definete decision for like another 2 weeks. I'll probably just say no to make me not stress and to make my boss happy. Hmph.
Thanks for reading! :)

OMG, I'm going through a similar dilemma! DH and I lived in London the last 3 years and only recently moved back to the States. We absolutely loved being out there - traveled all over Europe and met some truly amazing people, some of which will be lifetime friends - but we knew it was time to move back home and start a family. Our friends back in the UK (around 15 of them) are going to Bulgaria in March for a ski trip. Last year we all went to Zakopane, Poland for a friend's 30th and had SOOO much fun - LOTS of Vodka/laughter and some skiing :). Anyway, our friends really want us to go and DH does too. I'm not really sure what to do either :( I miss our friends and really want to see them and the trip is bound to be a blast like last time, but (assuming I'm preggers by then) a ski trip and preggo don't really go together.

Joeliza - I amended my due date for BFP/AF because I o'd earlier than expected. Now I'm the same date as you. When are you going to actually test? Before or after AF is due?
Hi Mommytobe. I know youre not looking for advice but I will say - I can see how that's a tough decision and the timing SUX!?!

AECSDH - congratulations!!!! That is fabulous news!!!! And so lovely to see your DH is so involved and supportive :)

you're our lucky 12!!!!

Who will be number 13.......

Hopefully me! I'm 6 DPO extremely tired, I went to sleep at 7:30 last night and slept through the night! And today I'm having sore boobs! And my nipples look swollen! I've also been having little headaches off and on! And super hungry! I could eat all day!

Wow!! Your chart looks awesome!!!!

I'm new at charting so can I ask you why it looks awesome? I mean I know the temperature rising is a good thing but is there anything else. I've been told that by a couple of people and I'm just not sure why it's good ... ?

And can't it get not good after like one dip in temperature?

It DOES look good. Remember that you have to look at the trend and not get too involved with individual temps. As long as you're consistently above coverline, all is well!

And thanks for all the well wishes everyone. We're over the moon with excitement!

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