PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

Hey girls sorry havnt been on. another early AF :( was a bit miserable but im back to normal again :) best of luck to everybody still waiting on their :bfp: xxx

Sorry Vichy :(
does that mean your luteal phase has been a bit short? i think there are natural things you can take (e.g. vitamins) to lengthen the luteal phase, that could help?
good morning ladies

haj ~fingers crossed for aren't out just yet!!

Vichy ~ sorry your af was miserable, i'm gearing up for a miserable af myself. so dissapointed...but on to next cycle...Still have one more cycle before xmas!

Londongirl ~I'm praying for you everyday that you get a sticky bean this time! Can't wait till you test.

AFM~ starting to have some bad af cramps..still spotting. Really bumming...OH expressed his dissapointment also, which made me sad, but also happy b/c i feel like he wants this just as bad as i do.

I heart you ladies!
So ladies the :witch: was supposed to come yesterday and hasnt yet, so I'm officially 1 day late. I feel like shes coming though:cry: i have the cramps and the feeling that im wet or having a "flow". I tested this morning and I got :bfn::nope: How was late has it taken anyone to get a BFP after AF was due?

Don't stress too much - EmilyKate only got her BFP (and it was only faint) 2-3 days after AF was due!!
I have a question, does preseed really work? I noticed its really expensive at the store, but if it works then I'll most likely be buying myself some. I guess mostly I just want to know what the odds of getting pregnant using preseed is.
So ladies the :witch: was supposed to come yesterday and hasnt yet, so I'm officially 1 day late. I feel like shes coming though:cry: i have the cramps and the feeling that im wet or having a "flow". I tested this morning and I got :bfn::nope: How was late has it taken anyone to get a BFP after AF was due?

Don't stress too much - EmilyKate only got her BFP (and it was only faint) 2-3 days after AF was due!!

What tests are you testing with? I was testing with the internet cheap strips initially and they were so faint, yet I tested with a clearblue Easy and it was dark positive straight away. Also as LG says, I didn't get my bfp until 17dpo which was 2 days after af was due!

I have a question, does preseed really work? I noticed its really expensive at the store, but if it works then I'll most likely be buying myself some. I guess mostly I just want to know what the odds of getting pregnant using preseed is.

from my understanding it isn't some miraculous cure all for fertility, or else the doctor would be prescribing it! it helps with one aspect of TTC - for peopel who don't generate enough fertile EWCM, it acts as a substitute, so helps sperm travel to teh right place where they can wait to stalk the egg! other lubs are actually even harmful for the sperm, not even neutral. however, if you are having difficulties with getting pregnant for a DIFFERENT reason, such as a luteal phase defect or low production of progesterone, it wont fix those issues. I myself don't always produce enough EWCM, and the first cycle i used preseed (conceive plus in the UK), i got a BFP. that said, i had a chemical, but i still managed to get to the first step of a BFP.

hope that answer helps :)
I don't want to........ But realistically think I will at 10dpo. I have no self control :/

Hey lovely, what dpo are u and joeliza?
I was looking for your charts so I can stalk your tww!!!

Hope it's all going well xx

Hi EmKate :)
Despite numerous attempts, I can't work out how to embed my chat into my 'signature'. I'm now 4dpo and strangely enough my temp has stuck at 36.5• everyday (my coverline is 36.3). So all looking stable. I've actually decided to stop temping after today because it starts dominating my thoughts too much and when I do it in the morning it's my first thought of the day.
I really feel the strong desire to chill out this cycle. Anyway, AF is due on 18th so think I'll test on that day...
How are you going? Have you had an increase of symtpoms? Any nausea? Is it starting to sink in now?

WELL! Going into my 7th week tomorrow, but still no symptoms.
I had the bfp confirmed by my doctor on Monday and she said that this is quite normal. I may be lucky and get none, or they may just arrive later! I don't care though- happy to take on any tiredness and sickness as I feel so blessed!

I have my first midwife appt on the 21st and she will book us in for our first scan before Christmas- its all going sooo fast! Doesn't feel real yet, but i'm sure it will then.

Still feel a bit nervous and fearing the worst, but once past 12 weeks I hope to feel more confident!

I need some bump buddies girlies...looking forward to you joining me soon! xx
I don't want to........ But realistically think I will at 10dpo. I have no self control :/

Hey lovely, what dpo are u and joeliza?
I was looking for your charts so I can stalk your tww!!!

Hope it's all going well xx

Hi EmKate :)
Despite numerous attempts, I can't work out how to embed my chat into my 'signature'. I'm now 4dpo and strangely enough my temp has stuck at 36.5• everyday (my coverline is 36.3). So all looking stable. I've actually decided to stop temping after today because it starts dominating my thoughts too much and when I do it in the morning it's my first thought of the day.
I really feel the strong desire to chill out this cycle. Anyway, AF is due on 18th so think I'll test on that day...
How are you going? Have you had an increase of symtpoms? Any nausea? Is it starting to sink in now?

WELL! Going into my 7th week tomorrow, but still no symptoms.
I had the bfp confirmed by my doctor on Monday and she said that this is quite normal. I may be lucky and get none, or they may just arrive later! I don't care though- happy to take on any tiredness and sickness as I feel so blessed!

I have my first midwife appt on the 21st and she will book us in for our first scan before Christmas- its all going sooo fast! Doesn't feel real yet, but i'm sure it will then.

Still feel a bit nervous and fearing the worst, but once past 12 weeks I hope to feel more confident!

I need some bump buddies girlies...looking forward to you joining me soon! xx


What were your symptoms? Did you have any? I am 1 day late today and am SO scared to test! I tested on Sunday, at like 3 pm, which obviously was not FMU and it was negative - although since my LP is only 11-12 days, that may have been too early. I dont want to test until Friday or Saturday....possibly even Sunday if she doesnt come.
I usually spot 2 days (every single time) before my period and nothing so far. I am campy though - but it comes and goes, not full on.

Are you excited for your scan??!! WOOHOOO! :flower:
from my understanding it isn't some miraculous cure all for fertility, or else the doctor would be prescribing it! it helps with one aspect of TTC - for peopel who don't generate enough fertile EWCM, it acts as a substitute, so helps sperm travel to teh right place where they can wait to stalk the egg! other lubs are actually even harmful for the sperm, not even neutral. however, if you are having difficulties with getting pregnant for a DIFFERENT reason, such as a luteal phase defect or low production of progesterone, it wont fix those issues. I myself don't always produce enough EWCM, and the first cycle i used preseed (conceive plus in the UK), i got a BFP. that said, i had a chemical, but i still managed to get to the first step of a BFP.

hope that answer helps :)

Thanks!! :) I may just hafta try it then!
Emily - Congrats on your :bfp:! You're pretty lucky for not having any symptoms! I hope that when I get my bfp I don't have any symptoms either!

AFM - my temp dropped a little bit but I guess I'm kinda happy it did because if it went any higher I would have had a temperature and I'm not sick or anything! Still hoping for a bfp! I had sore boobs yesterday, they're kind of sore today and today I'm having a bit of cramping ... AF isn't due for a little bit still .. I think a week so I shouldn't be cramping yet. Yesterday I was also feeling this little stabbing feeling in my lower abdomen ... maybe my uterus! Just keeping my FX'd!

Good luck ladies, I hope everyone is doing well!
JChic - I feel for you. I know I would have caved in and tested - I find not knowing harder than knowing. But, whatever you decide, hope you're feeling relaxed and not too stressed about it
JChic - I feel for you. I know I would have caved in and tested - I find not knowing harder than knowing. But, whatever you decide, hope you're feeling relaxed and not too stressed about it

Thanks babe!
What CD are you on now? Yes, just trying to take the attitude that if she shows up, well she shows up. If she doesnt, than great. Just gotta wait it out, LOL:dohh:
So you'll test on the weekend then? i'm only CD4!!!!!! i'm honestly not thinking about it much. i have lots of stuff coming up - work is busy and also lots of fun pre-Christmas stuff (parties and shopping etc), so i'm just focusing on that. it helps cos other 2WWs have driven me bonkers!
I don't want to........ But realistically think I will at 10dpo. I have no self control :/

Hey lovely, what dpo are u and joeliza?
I was looking for your charts so I can stalk your tww!!!

Hope it's all going well xx

Hi EmKate :)
Despite numerous attempts, I can't work out how to embed my chat into my 'signature'. I'm now 4dpo and strangely enough my temp has stuck at 36.5• everyday (my coverline is 36.3). So all looking stable. I've actually decided to stop temping after today because it starts dominating my thoughts too much and when I do it in the morning it's my first thought of the day.
I really feel the strong desire to chill out this cycle. Anyway, AF is due on 18th so think I'll test on that day...
How are you going? Have you had an increase of symtpoms? Any nausea? Is it starting to sink in now?

WELL! Going into my 7th week tomorrow, but still no symptoms.
I had the bfp confirmed by my doctor on Monday and she said that this is quite normal. I may be lucky and get none, or they may just arrive later! I don't care though- happy to take on any tiredness and sickness as I feel so blessed!

I have my first midwife appt on the 21st and she will book us in for our first scan before Christmas- its all going sooo fast! Doesn't feel real yet, but i'm sure it will then.

Still feel a bit nervous and fearing the worst, but once past 12 weeks I hope to feel more confident!

I need some bump buddies girlies...looking forward to you joining me soon! xx


What were your symptoms? Did you have any? I am 1 day late today and am SO scared to test! I tested on Sunday, at like 3 pm, which obviously was not FMU and it was negative - although since my LP is only 11-12 days, that may have been too early. I dont want to test until Friday or Saturday....possibly even Sunday if she doesnt come.
I usually spot 2 days (every single time) before my period and nothing so far. I am campy though - but it comes and goes, not full on.

Are you excited for your scan??!! WOOHOOO! :flower:

You're late?? Eeekk!!! :o) How can you be so chilled!!!
I didn't have any symptoms really - I had even bought my next months opk!!
Was a complete surprise!

Test! Test! xx
So you'll test on the weekend then? i'm only CD4!!!!!! i'm honestly not thinking about it much. i have lots of stuff coming up - work is busy and also lots of fun pre-Christmas stuff (parties and shopping etc), so i'm just focusing on that. it helps cos other 2WWs have driven me bonkers!

The holidays are SUCH a good distraction! DH and I host Thanksgiving so my mind is all about the menu right now and the layout of the spread. HAHAHA!
I don't want to........ But realistically think I will at 10dpo. I have no self control :/

Hey lovely, what dpo are u and joeliza?
I was looking for your charts so I can stalk your tww!!!

Hope it's all going well xx

Hi EmKate :)
Despite numerous attempts, I can't work out how to embed my chat into my 'signature'. I'm now 4dpo and strangely enough my temp has stuck at 36.5• everyday (my coverline is 36.3). So all looking stable. I've actually decided to stop temping after today because it starts dominating my thoughts too much and when I do it in the morning it's my first thought of the day.
I really feel the strong desire to chill out this cycle. Anyway, AF is due on 18th so think I'll test on that day...
How are you going? Have you had an increase of symtpoms? Any nausea? Is it starting to sink in now?

WELL! Going into my 7th week tomorrow, but still no symptoms.
I had the bfp confirmed by my doctor on Monday and she said that this is quite normal. I may be lucky and get none, or they may just arrive later! I don't care though- happy to take on any tiredness and sickness as I feel so blessed!

I have my first midwife appt on the 21st and she will book us in for our first scan before Christmas- its all going sooo fast! Doesn't feel real yet, but i'm sure it will then.

Still feel a bit nervous and fearing the worst, but once past 12 weeks I hope to feel more confident!

I need some bump buddies girlies...looking forward to you joining me soon! xx


What were your symptoms? Did you have any? I am 1 day late today and am SO scared to test! I tested on Sunday, at like 3 pm, which obviously was not FMU and it was negative - although since my LP is only 11-12 days, that may have been too early. I dont want to test until Friday or Saturday....possibly even Sunday if she doesnt come.
I usually spot 2 days (every single time) before my period and nothing so far. I am campy though - but it comes and goes, not full on.

Are you excited for your scan??!! WOOHOOO! :flower:

You're late?? Eeekk!!! :o) How can you be so chilled!!!
I didn't have any symptoms really - I had even bought my next months opk!!
Was a complete surprise!

Test! Test! xx

LOL. yes, I am going to test Friday or Saturday, just in case....I am crampy though, so it may mean AF!
Mommawannabe-I know. Everything's crossed!!

Londongirl-I'm trying not to stress but it's hard lol

Emilykate-I'm using frer so I thought it would have been accurate already.:dohh:
Hi there girls! It took me a bit to catch up on all the talk. Congrats to the new :bfp: H&H 9 months!
EK- Glad to hear that everything is going well and you are feeling well!
Joycie - that did seem like a pretty good dr. visit and that you have some answers and a referral to the fertility clinic. My doc won't test or refer me unless I'm not preggars by December. Due to my age I had to TTC for 6 months.
haj - any news??
ash - any news??
:dust: to everyone and :hug: to everyone who is on to their next cycle.

AFM: I think I am 2dpo but haven't gotten my crosshairs yet. My temps are so much lower this cycle, probably due to the weather change. (Sorry to complain about Cali weather... I know I am spoiled :haha: ). I feel a little different this time though. Last cycle my bb's hurt the day after O, but they don't bother me yet. I have also been VERY tired the last two days but that could be because of the time change. We had a different BD schedule this cycle so I am hoping that my OH's sense that "this felt like it" is right on. We used PreSeed for all sessions but not the applicator last night as it was probably after O. We just tried to enjoy each other. I'm looking forward to going away for Thanksgiving and actually I think the holidays will help the TWW go a little faster. I know I will want to POAS early, but don't want my family to freak out seeing sticks in their garbage. I share a bathroom with my nephew when I visit! :haha:
good luck to all the "late" girls and those of us in the 2ww.

OH and i had our last "baby making" session last night. i'm quite relieved and i know he is too. its so different when you know you're trying to make a baby. now we can move on to the fun :sex: haha

FF still hasnt givin me crosshairs yet so i guess i'm going by my ticker for now as 3dpo. we did all we can do, now its just a waiting game.

also, i'm watching the show "i didnt know i was pregnant" blows my mind that women dont know they're pregnant, but i've never known what it feels like to be pregnant. so who knows, if i wasnt trying, maybe i could have been one of them! eek!
I don't get that show either, but I work in maternal/child health and have taken care of girls that say they didn't know. We also had a girl in the NICU who claimed that she couldn't be pregnant because they didn't have intercourse. Well there was a baby and it came out of her so I don't know how that can be. We just thought maybe he was on the smaller side and she didn't notice?? :haha: The baby was fine, she got prenatal care, but she stuck to her story of no sex. It cracks me up... if it was only that easy!

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