PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

Big congrats rnttc!! Yayyy!

And yyyayyy for london!!! I'm sending sticky vibes your way!!

All the bfps seem to come in groups! So exciting! I hope I can be next! My temp went UP .2 this morning. AF is due today. Is that a good sign? Be honest!

Yessssss!!! It's a wonderful sign!!!! Ohhh fingers crossed for you. When did yoiu last test?

I've stopped charting now I'm officially 'late' cos it stresses me too much. And I am just gonna chill & see what happens xx
Phew! I tested this morning and bfn :( I'm still pretty positive though. OH said he didn't like me temping because I was sulking pretty much all day yesterday because my temp went down. But now it gave me some hope! We'll seeeeee!
Wow!!! Congrats everyone on their BFP's!

I just started taking my medciation last night and thank god I didn't have any side effects ... :happydance:

That made me very happy because I was very nervous about feeling horrible becuase of the medication ... but I was fine, so all of that stress for nothing.

Hoping that since this will get my prolactin levels under control I will be getting preggo within then next month or two. A christmas baby would be amazing!
Congrats London! I'm still nervous about it all. What happens with a chemical? Do you get AF on time after the positives?? I'm cramping off and on and am worried about it. Never had even a faint line before.
A chemical is when you conceive but it doesnt stick properly. With both my chemical pregnancies, I got a strong second line at 10dpo but then negatives thereafter. My period came 1 day late for the first one and 5 days late for my second. I woke up to agonising cramps for both and then bleeding started straight away. But I knew they were coming cos I got strong BFP then bfn for a few days. So don't worry yourself. Dull cramps r normal for preg I've read
Thanks! I think my OH is making me more nervous. He's happy but doesn't want to celebrate till I go to the docs. Plus the cramps feel like AF is on her way. Never thought cramping = growing embryo.:dohh:

Did you test again this morning??
Sooo the temp rise meant nothing. AF came right on time. Maybe I shouldn't have kept my hopes up. I'm going to have a big pity party for myself this week then get back to business. Too bad I don't drink or I'd be doing that too. :cry:
Sooo the temp rise meant nothing. AF came right on time. Maybe I shouldn't have kept my hopes up. I'm going to have a big pity party for myself this week then get back to business. Too bad I don't drink or I'd be doing that too. :cry:
:hugs::hugs::hugs: awww babe, sorry stupid AF showed up! Make sure you do something nice for yourself today, I know it feels really crap every month. Try to think of it as one month closer to your BFP! xxx
Hi popcorn - good plan!!!!

Well I tested again this morning. I didn't have a test so missed my FMU. I got a superdrug test cos they were the ones I was using before when I got stark White at 10 and 11dpo. My pee was a bit diluted... But all the same, I got a faint BFP within the time limit. A bit darker than last night's on the tesco test. But still faint. Still no sign of AF. I'm happy but not excited cos after 2 chemicals, I refuse to get my hopes up. I'm only gonna add my name to the list if I can hold it til I see the doc. But hey, preseed worked its magic again. I just need my womb to behave now ;)

Oh London how exciting, please keep me posted on how things progress, I dont get my results from docs until tuesday and its going to seem like forever.

A lot of my pain has subsided but still there just no where near as bad, my bbs feel completely normal today and the nausea isnt as bad either, I'm a bit worried that this is not a good sign! Why is it you spend the whole 2ww praying for a bfp and soon as you get it they worrying and panicking over every little thing goes through the roof!

How you feeling any symptoms?
Mommytobe... I'm sooooo sorry :(
Bloody temps muck with your head. We're all here for you, and yes you are all the more closer to your BFP xxx
I had a bit of spotting yesterday and today then it goes. No cramps. Looked it up on the Internet and there was lots saying it's normal. But I've decided enough is enough in terms of obsessing. I'm gonna clean our flat!
How's everyone else today?
Hi Girls!
Is insomnia part of this... been up since 3 am (it's 7am now)! :haha: Supposed to meet up with my exercise group to do a 2-4 mile run/walk at 7:45am but not sure I should :shrug:. Here are two more pics which make me feel better. The CVS one was at the 3am pee and the digi is at 6am. I totally did the :happydance: when I saw the digi! I think 3 days of positives make me feel a little better and so I finally changed my siggy.

London: did you test this morning again?? And cleaning is something on my list today too. My dad flies in from Germany today and will visit today and tomorrow so want to make a good impression. He hasn't seen my condo before.

Sorry AF showed her ugly self Mommytobe, but I agree that it will be one more cycle closer to your :bfp:. We used PreSeed for two cycles before my bfp. Plus, I started Vit E this cycle which I think helped too! :hugs:


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SO SO SO happy for you RNTTC!! Seeing the word "pregnant" is such a beautiful thing! :)

I should really clean as well. My side of our bedroom is starting to look like I'm hoarding clothes :haha: the rest of the condo isn't so bad, we pretty much keep up with that. I'm lucky to have an OH that's a clean freak!
OH is probably still sleeping (I'm at work) so I havnt been able to tell him AF came. He's going to be so disappointed. I'm kind of worried though I shouldn't be, but my mom got pregnant on her first try! And OH is on medication that could cause low sperm count. But this was only our second REAL month trying so I'll give it a few more months before I start really freaking out.
I told myself if I didn't get a BFP this month I'd start a journal so maybe I'll start that today.

Ok I'm rambling! Have a great saturday everyone!
Wow - congratulations to all :bfp:

Your thread inspired me to buy some preeseed!!! Using OPKs (think I'm on CD9 so still a bit until OV)

Looking forward to giving it a go!:blush:

:dust: Fairy dust to all.
Mommytobe: I wish my OH was a clean freak. We pretty much keep things picked up and he makes the bed, etc... but the bathrooms are another story! :haha: Also, the 60pound Rottweiler makes her own mess. Which reminds me I really need to scoop...:dohh: I was trying to figure out how long we have really been trying and it's about 4-6 months. I think 6 and OH thinks 4. But the last two were 2g of PreSeed which I think was very helpful, and the other thing I did was the vitamin E, which helps with circulation and building up your endometrium. We got this cookbook to conceive but most of the foods were what we already eat so the recipes were good. I also bought the 3 month plan to conception which I didn't get very far in, but might still read cuz it is pretty interesting. I really hope it happens for you next cycle and you will get your sticky bean for xmas! :hugs: and lots of :dust:
RNTTC - Oh that's so awesome!! Congrats Congrats!!!! I agree with londongirl. A bit of cramping is normal for a lot of pregnant ladies from what I've read. And how fun to see the word pregnant pop up on a test!! YAY!

Popcorn - sounds like a good plan. Fingers crossed for you!!

Londongirl - I'm praying for a sticky bean for you! I'm so excited for you that a 2nd test gave same results but a bit darker! YAY!

Mommytobe - Awww... I'm sorry that AF came on time after such a positive sign. I know how you feel about temping. I've been kinda obsessing about them too. >.< It's hard not to I think. lol

Michelle - FX'd that you get great results from the docs! I'm glad your pain has lessened a bunch and I hope it's a good sign and not a bad one.
Woweeeeeee! 3 Bfp's in 2 days!!!!
Worth waiting for!!!!

Praying for sticky beans all round!

London- so excited for u! Think its only right u get your Bfp now as you're always
so supportive to everyone else and as starter of the thread!!

Girls please stick around on the thread as would love to know how it all goes!
Wish we all lived close as would be fab getting together! You all feel like friends now!!

I'm aiming for a valentines Bfp as mh body should be ready to try again in 6 weeks!

This is so exciting....every time I pop over here there are more BFP announcements! Congrats to RNTTC and London!!!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you both. And London, it WILL be 9 months this time....I can FEEL it!!! Hope this it the 2nd best Xmas of your lives (2nd to the one next year when you get to help your LO open presents for the first time!).

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